Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ulisesmonge39 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

Hi, i will buy this game but..., I can talk to you in private because this sounds good, and i want to take this game to spanish for more community, translate this game can be a good thin


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

@Harrielst, that wasn't the scene of using your contacts, it was a  general knolidge question, Valory mason is a poet I believe. As far as I could gather the only use of your actual information was your location inserted into the text and requiring you to name your best friend and character, which as I said above I didn't personally rate, although I did like the story over all.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

a few things:1. for some reason it didn't access my contacts. It gave me vallery mason, tim laton and names like that when I got to that scene. I don't know why.2. I know you stress accessibility, but there seems to be a minor oversight... as far as I can figure out (being blind), the commentary is not accessible to deaf people, nor to the deafblind.  If you are stressing accessibility ffor all, it's just something I thought i'd point out.But overall, a wonderful game, and I look forward to the next one.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

Well I've finally given this one a try and finished the game, sinse I'm generally a gamebook fan. Firstly I do like the system, particularly with how your stat increases were held over between deaths so that you could survive stat checks, the access fixes worked extremely well too, although there were some occasions when I found that when there was just the one choice the magic tap then double tap didn't function for some reason, sinse the double tap wouldn't register, (It didn't seem to occur at any points in particular, accept having a chance at some pages with single choices). Actually the game would've been a tad annoying to flick through choices without the magic tap system, so cudos on that one. As to the game itself, I did enjoy the story with the surreal landscapes and plot, and the various choices given to you, the writing had the atmosphere to make things appear stranger as time went on and I liked the way you were encour
 aged to explore by being given a max stats run through, indeed the stat increases insured that the death traps weren't too irritating. Beware! here come then the spoilers of horrible spoilage! All who doth want their games unspoilt must avaunt!My only problem is that firstly i agree with Orin, the end was a little too much a cliff hanger for my liking, so unless a sequel is planned I do feel rather dissatisfied. Secondly, I'm afraid the use of localization settings to customize the game didn't work for me for several reasons.The less important reason is that the character and setting in the game is blatantly American and I am not, so talking of "hiking ini the collerado mountains" or "California style beds" (I'm not even sure what that means), just didn't work if the character in the game was supposed to be me. I certainly don't mind playing an American character, but the immertian failed for this reason, s
 inse the idea of "cops in durham" or of me having "A basement" just felt completely out. The second and more major reason was to do with the ending. Sinse it ends on a cliffhanger and I have no idea who this character is or what his "holyy mission" is supposed to be, there was no way in heck  I could convince myself that this character was me, sinse to be brutally honest the idea of me stabbing my friend when he shops me to the police or me killing people or what not is just so completely ludicrous it took me out of the story. I actually think the localization attempt was over all a bit of a mistake, sinse it is obvious that this story is about a character of some sort with distinct motives and history, and trying to force the player's real world self into that roll just reduces the suspention of disbelief, particularly sinse the player doesn't actually know what this murderous characters' motives are or what is actuall
 y going on outside of the dreamscape. I'm  going to be interested to see what the commentary has to say about the ending scenes for this reason. so, a nice game over all, but I would suggest that perhaps if a localization and an attempt to involve the real rl player and his/her best friend is tried, such blatantly specific character motvies should probably be left for a character with his/her own history whom the player takes on, --- sinse I'd have found the ending much more convincing if I was playing American psycho cid looking for his best friend, rather than actually playing as myself. Sorry  if this sounds harsh, as I said there was a lot I liked, I just  found myself rather let down with the "it's all a dream" ending and hints of some other story that just seemed to peter out, sinse answering one question with another question which remains unanswered isn't a technique in fiction I'm a fan of. of cou
 rse, if there is a sequel planned which will answer the questions, then I'll gladly eat my words and I look forward to trying it.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : allocate via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

Quasi-spoiler ahead:Thanks Orin. Incidentally the whole finding your friend thing is one of those instances where I took a stance against making the player believe they had to have the maximum stats to find out the most. And there's quite a bit of that littered throughout the story.Your friend, for instance, you don't find unless you're not good at something (purposefully vague). If you're really interested I'm pretty sure it's either hinted at or mentioned directly (as is a lot of the stuff going on you might not know about yet) within the developer's commentary you've now unlocked.Cheers!


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

I just played this story, going through various paths and... Spoiler alert:The story is entirely a dream while you're in a coma. While I found the woods interesting, the most interesting part of the game is the part you don't get to play: Making the country a better place after you awaken.I'm curious if there's more to follow with this game. A lot of it seems to lead to death traps and it all ends at the village. The Hotel was an interesting death, but the Hospital is where the game ends. Wel, it ended for me at least. I'm more interested in that plot than finding my friend. I guess I'll have to explore more, because it also seems to be something akin to Inception. Because you're dreaming in some coma, I wonder how finding your friend in a dream state is possible, but that's the mystery with this game.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : allocate via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

@aaron, I wish there were a straight-forward way to do that. I wrote the code in Swift for a lot of different reasons and making it available for iOS 7 would require a complete recode. @sneak, appreciate your feedback. There actually is a status button I did a terrible job at calling out when accessibility features are enabled. Here's the text for the changes to accessibility descriptions for the next update:For the main screen:"Covering most of the screen is text. Starting at the top of the screen and swiping down with two fingers will read the entire scene to you. You may cycle through what you'd like to do by using Magic Tap (double tapping with two fingers). When you find the option you want to perform, double tapping with one finger will confirm your choice. Alternatively, there is a segmented button on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. You can use that to select a choice. It changes the text of the label to its immediate left. Cl
 icking the label will select that choice. Double tapping on the story text will raise and lower a tab bar where you can access your stats and the options screen. Have fun!"That explains how to get to the stats page. Once you "beat the game," not only is the developer's commentary enabled (about 2 hours worth) but you gain the ability to change your stats at every scene. Here's the new accessibility prompt from the stats screen where you can find out how many scenes you've seen:"On this screen your statistics are displayed. You have not yet beaten the game so they are neither editable nor viewable. On the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you can check your progress. Return to the game using the button in the upper left."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : allocate via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

@aaron, I wish there were a straight-forward way to do that. I wrote the code in Swift for a lot of different reasons and making it available for iOS 7 would require a complete recode. @sneak, appreciate your feedback. There actually is a status button I did a terrible job at calling out when accessibility features are enabled. Here's the text for the changes to accessibility warnings for the next update:For the main screen:"Covering most of the screen is text. Starting at the top of the screen and swiping down with two fingers will read the entire scene to you. You may cycle through what you'd like to do by using Magic Tap (double tapping with two fingers). When you find the option you want to perform, double tapping with one finger will confirm your choice. Alternatively, there is a segmented button on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. You can use that to select a choice. It changes the text of the label to its immediate left. Clicki
 ng the label will select that choice. Double tapping on the story text will raise and lower a tab bar where you can access your stats and the options screen. Have fun!"That explains how to get to the stats page. Once you "beat the game," not only is the developer's commentary enabled (about 2 hours worth) but you gain the ability to change your stats at every scene. Here's the new accessibility prompt from the stats screen where you can find out how many scenes you've seen:"On this screen your statistics are displayed. You have not yet beaten the game so they are neither editable nor viewable. On the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you can check your progress. Return to the game using the button in the upper left."


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

I went ahead and bought the game. I've been playing for about 45 minutes and I've gone through and explored as much as possible given my starting stats. I sort of may have gone through and tried to find as many ways to die as possible, and tried to find as many hidden places, but it's really hard to tell how much content is left to find. Could there maybe be some kind of scoring system added in? Like you visited 26 out of 40 scenes or something of that nature. I like the rerolling thing at the beginning now, but could it be possible to manually set the stats.? I was also a little sad at the end, as I thought there would be more of the story to explore, but I suppose that's for a next game.Over all I liked it, but I think there needs to be more puzzly things for your next project. It just felt like I was trying to branch off to see whatever I hadn't seen before, which is nice, but not very stimulating. Felt like I was being guided more than I wa
 s choosing my own path.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

Hello,I might be in the very minority here, but Is there any chance you might be able to get this game working with iOS 7? I've got no interest in iOS 8, I don't find the update very innovative.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

Hello,Is there any chance you might be able to get this game working with iOS 7? I've got no interest in iOS 8, I think iOS 9 is a much more worthy step forward and that's not coming for a little while.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

Hello,This sounds interesting. Do you have to connect it to Facebook first to senable the friend features? That's OK, I'll happily do that, but I'm just curious to know how it's personalized.


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