Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

lol... was that supposed to be relevant or just an observation on your part? The most amusing yet random post I've seen in a while. hahaha.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

The good ol' cash/charisma/conscientiousness triad.If one person plans to do everything on their own, they'd better have all the conscientiousness.If they plan to get help, they'd better have cash or charisma to attract potential allies.Let's go ahead and add creativity and culture, since they start with a c, too. Replace it when we come up with a c-word to fit the idea of "what is this project supposed to accomplish?" (I'm not trying to open Word or Open Writer or a thesaurus site, because all of these things have gotten clunkier and slower and more annoying over the past 10 years.)... Hey, wait. My name starts with a C. I wonder if I can get some sympathetic magic out of that, or something. CAErisma? Eh? Eh? ... OK, fine, back to trying to motivate a sighted person to be my Crowdfunding manager. ... Crowdfunding starts with a C, too!(You know what else starts with a C? Chaos!
  Come on; can't this community create cooler crap for computers?)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

The good ol' cash/charisma/conscientiousness triad.If one person plans to do everything on their own, they'd better have all the conscientiousness.If they plan to get help, they'd better have cash or charisma to attract potential allies.Let's go ahead and add culture, since it starts with a c, too. Replace it when we come up with a c-word to fit the idea of "what is this project supposed to accomplish?" (I'm not trying to open Word or Open Writer or a thesaurus site, because all of these things have gotten clunkier and slower and more annoying over the past 10 years.)... Hey, wait. My name starts with a C. I wonder if I can get some sympathetic magic out of that, or something. CAErisma? Eh? Eh? ... OK, fine, back to trying to motivate a sighted person to be my Crowdfunding manager. ... Crowdfunding starts with a C, too!(You know what else starts with a C? Chaos! Come o
 n; can't this community create cooler crap for computers?)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

The good ol' cash/charisma/conscientiousness triad.If one person plans to do everything on their own, they'd better have all the conscientiousness.If they plan to get help, they'd better have cash or charisma to attract potential allies.Let's go ahead and add culture, since it starts with a c, too. Replace it when we come up with a c-word to fit the idea of "what is this project supposed to accomplish?" (I'm not trying to open Word or Open Writer or a thesaurus site, because all of these things have gotten clunkier and slower and more annoying over the past 10 years.)... Hey, wait. My name starts with a C. I wonder if I can get some sympathetic magic out of that, or something. CAErisma? Eh? Eh? ... OK, fine, back to trying to motivate a sighted person to be my Crowdfunding manager. ... Crowdfunding starts with a C, too!(You know what else starts with a C? Chaos! Come on; can't this 
 community create cooler crap for computers?)


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

A little late to the fun here, but I will say that I agree with the people who say the concern is mostly due to time and effort.There's a reason video games have been around so long. Interactive story telling through animation, voicework, music, audio and gameplay are all crucial, and those take development teams. But the one thing mainstream game developing companies have that we don't is dedicated writers and programmers who have assigned tasks. Even independently mainstream games, which is what our market is closest to, have teams of four or five that come together to code, design and write together on the same project. Having said that, there is a reason that some of the most well known games, well known for their story, come out of Japan. Western games are usually big, tripple A budget titles with some on par with hollywood movies. But a complaint a lot of people have is that they tend to be shallow affairs with not a lot of substance. Not always the case, ob
 viously, especially in the current generation where things are more equal between western and eastern markets, but JRPGs still have more premise to the stories most of the time than American ones do, which usually tend to boil down to some reason to run around killing enemies wherever possible. why is this? I can think of at least 4 or 5 well known rpg series that have been made over the last 20 or so years from Japanese developers that have been of critical aclaim, but not as many coming form the west which has a vastly different taste in games with focus on fast action and pretty flashing lights.Not to get into the topic too much since this is sort of off-topic, but I believe that a lot of it is cultural. In Japanese culture, there is an emphasis on seeing something through to the best final scenario possible. this caries through in everyday life, and for gamers shows itself very, very prominently. Japanese culture places substance over flash in many cases, not so much in po
 pular culture such as fashion and media, but in other areas, gaming included. Japanese developers, when they pick up a project, tend to consider priority in the substance of it eg the gameplay, story, etc. Tripple A production quality is achieved when possible, but even if the cost is at sounds or graphics, many Japanese games have the most fantastic stories because of the attention to detail and the dedication to one project rather than many at once.I'm not criticizing western culture, by any means, just pointing out what I see as a glaring difference as someone who works with a lot of Japanese people and sees that side of the culture. Back on topic, this is why I believe so many audio games have trouble finding the balance between good story, production and mechanics that mainstream games do. So many games, as Joseph said, tend to be rushed either because the developer is under pressure, or simply because they just want to get a project over with, and move on to the nex
 t one. As a result we get what seems to be many rehashed games that use similar mechanics, and stories that, while may contain plenty of characters and great presentation, just don't deliver in terms of emotion and actual plot content.A lot of people haven't mentioned the Japanese games because as has been said, not many of the forum members are bilingual enough to appreciate the quality of the stories put into the games, so I won't touch on that... but I will say that the same consistancies show in this market as the mainstream one. Shadow Line was originally released in 2010, and the fully voiced remake in 2012, which received updates all the way til last year. And that game, for all intense and purposes, highlights exactly what I'm talking about. the sounds are average. They're not the hard hitting slashes and punchy explosion and magic sounds that people would want. but for a JRPG whose main focus is story, they do the job... and lend well to the a
 tmosphere. The true quality, however ,is in the music. Probably at least 20 or 30 tracks, each with completely different styles and feels according to the emotional mood they're supposed to be reflecting. the main theme, one that resonates with a feeling of hope, is re-arranged into a slow piano balad for sad scenes, or scenes where hope seems far away. And the characters show emotion, either in the text or in the voice acting.Bokurano Daibouken 3 is another example. Ross said that developers try to write a story for the wrong type of game... such as griff because it's a side scroller and noone looks for a story in that type of game. I disagree... and to put BD 3 in the same situation and say that it's the wrong type of game because noone who doesn't speak Japanese cares about the story doesn't make sense to me. While that may be true, I don't think it's because it's the wrong type of game, but due to the l

Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Ross, I think you're oversimplifying. You said audio game debs either aren't good storytellers, or try to tell the wrong type of story for the game, and you seem to suggest this is the only reason that audio games don't have great stories, whereas mainstream games do. I'll point again to the enormity of the task of creating a game that is both fulfilling from a gameplay perspective (good sounds, good mechanics, good balance, etc.) and also has a good story. Mainstream developers have resources, time, creative teams, and funds that most audio game debs couldn't even dream of. I'd say that goes a long way, too. The truth is that many independently developed audio games don't stay in the development stage as long as they would need to to reach the level of quality you're talking about. This may be because the debs just want to get a game done quickly, or because they are under a lot of pressure from the community to crank games out quickly. It&
 #039;s not necessarily anybody's fault. But if you're going to compare mainstream games to audio games, you have to realize that the infrastructure for building those games is radically different - which means to come anywhere close to the quality of a mainstream game, an audio game's development is going to take a whole lot longer.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I tried Paladin of the Sky, while it may have had a good story and good game mechanics, it had terrible sounds. A person was a boop, a desk was a swish, a door was a whoo, and so on, not one single sound effect sounded anything at all like what it represented. I felt like I was in a pin ball machine. I think it lasted at most ten minutes before I uninstalled it and deleted the installer.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Well, look at games like Chrono Trigger, or Final Fantasy 6. Those games ran on 16 bit hardware, had to deal with less-than-realistic music sequencing, had little ability to hold sounds in memory, but still managed to captivate people to this day with their stories and mechanics. We need games like that.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Actually @post13, their is despite what is initially visible a lot of story telling going on in the dead space games themselves, granted it is getting from point A to point B but when doing that, their's plenty of text around to show you at least the basics that happened up until the game. The text logs on the ishimura for instants were one such item as was the text logs in dead space 2, I can't speak for dead space 3 since they toned down the story a bit in that game. However its a rather different kind of story telling from having a conversation and selecting your choices with answers, since if you pay attention to both games and the backstorys that detail them, you'll find that the games do get in enough of the storyline for you to know at least the basic jist of what is actually happening and why. The backstory stuff like the comics which I have yet to read, and the novels, as well as the film, meerly serve as prequels for though's who are vastly intrested 
 into detailed explonations as to what happened before each game.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I feel you're looking at it the wrong way. If the quality of the game was lost of coding and sounds, that doesn't explain mainstream games. I know you said you weren't talking about mainstream games, but I feel it applies. Those games are able to have amazing quality and a great story line without a doubt. The problem with audio games is that the devs who make these games either simple aren't good story tellers or try to make a story for the wrong kind of game. An example of this would be that new grif game. You can tell that there was effort into making the story, but cmon, it's a side scroller; most people don't look for a story in that type of game. Another example is BK3; amazing game, but noone who doesn't speak Japanese really cares about the story. An example of an audio game with a good story is Paliden of the Sky. New mechanics that aren't typically in an audio game, great sounds, and has a great story. So what it all comes down to 
 is just the majority of devs don't have the creative bone as far as story telling goes.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Well, about soundpacks, some people just can't process text into imagery fast enough to, for example, react to battling, like in Alteraeon. I'm one of those, plus its easier if I can keep up with the health via sound that finding it at 3% in the middle of a fight, then find that the next command I issue can't be done because I'm dead.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

From what I've played of BK3, it seems to have a story, and I think more will come of that when the translation is more complete.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Yes. I think the reason text based games tend to present a higher level of creativity, is that most of them are produced by writers, --- it takes a lot less programming and a lot more story writing to make those, at least off line text adventures, I'll not comment on MOO or Mud coding since I have no experience with them.  On the other hand, while some MUDS and MOOS are spin-offs, built from premade code bases and built in commands, story based audio games are usually built from the ground up. BGT is basically the closest thing audio game developers have to a "code base" so to speak, and even then, that only goes so far. There may not be very many story driven audio games that are worth while to play, but the developers of the ones that are, have put time, effort, and commitment into their work, so are probably more likely to produce a well made, worth while game. This is not a bashing on MOO or MUD or Text Adventure developers, but again. There are so m
 any code bases, there is inform 7 where you're just writing a story in imperfect English.  Another reason I find audio games to be more fun than text adventures is this: I find it much more engaging and capturing to walk through a room, hearing the environment and my character's steps, and interacting with objects and characters, than to type "walk" or "get" or "talk to" into a console window, to have the end result read to me on screen.  All of the above was based on experience, be it something I've experienced myself or have heard others recount to me.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Omar - my answer to your question would be that it has to do with the amount of effort involved. From someone who's been going through the process of writing his first game, and is now working on laying the pipeline for the second, I can tell you from experience that it takes a lot more work to create a dynamic, responsive game world that tells a story interactively through gameplay, as opposed to simply providing those things in text. I'll admit that the game we're finishing right now doesn't have nearly the depth of story as something heavily cinematic like Mass Effect, and even so, building it so that story plays a significant role, and so that your actions and choices can influence the world around you, requires a lot of time, effort, and creativity. So I think the reason we don't see a lot of that in the audio games genre is just that it takes a lot of time and effort to pull it off - and even more to pull it off well. Like I said, that's part of
  what led to us starting Out of Sight Games, and I hope we can create some projects in the future that really push these boundaries - but there are big challenges for developers making story-driven games, especially if you don't want them to be completely linear.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Danny, Yes, Dead Space had a good story, but it was pretty much told entirely outside the games. The games were just getting from point A to point B while killing all the enemies that are trying to kill you. There's really not a lot of room for story telling within the game.On the other hand Mass Effect had a story outside the games as well as in them. In Mass Effect you made decisions based on what other game characters told you during conversations, and those conversations depended on how you handled them. The games had to be scripted so the story they contained could be told without being too badly scrambled. But there was enough flexibility that the story could progress in a number of ways while ending up in pretty much the same place at the end of the game.Given a choice I much preferred Mass Effect to Dead Space for a good story, but preferred Dead Space if all I wantred to do was lay waste to all the enemies.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I honestly like where this is going. Really. I really do.And I know this might contradict the entire reason of the topic. But is there any real reason why audio games lack the similar story content text based games seem to pull off rather well?I'm not speaking of swamp, since swamp doesn't exactly have a story, per say. What we have done is created fan fiction, not exactly a story.I'd love to count shadow line, but the main problem here is not very many of us here on the forums speak fluent Japanese.yes, we have translation services, but the main issue with those is you don't get the true meaning of what is being said. You only get a vague semblance of what is actually being conveyed.Computers themselves are too unintelligent to attempt to decipher the true meaning of what is being sent to them. That is especially true when one adds in the factor of language translation.Back to the topic on hand.I feel as if the blind c
 ommunity has very limited audio game selections with actual well defined story, balanced quality over quantity, well defined game mechanics, they may be a bit short, but to be honest, that's ok with me.Kinda wish some of the developers would take a rest from creating fast paced action games, and try and code an audio game with great storyline, not care so much about sound effects (we've heard a bunch of the same ones reused 1000 times), think about mechanics in relation to the story, and deliver it as it is. Try not to hype it up, if its good enough, players will come naturally to you the developer, without too much work needed from you, if the quality is there.Just an opinion of someone who has played audio games since late 2007 onward.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

And this is what confuses me. MUDs, in my opinion, are a great medium for interactive story telling. Now, I won't argue that some people prefer a single player experience, because that's just personal preference, however, what I find strange is the use and prevalence of sound packs in MUDs. To me, text is a great medium, yet people insist on ruining that with sound packs. What I see happening is that when you use a sound pack, you are giving up the choice to set the stage in your mind and allowing the pack to do that. This does two things, first, it conveys the creator of the pack's feelings about how things should be handled, and second, it takes that away from the developer of the MUD. Now, in certain games, I will use them, so I'm not hating on them. But I must admit it confuses me. I think the mind has 100% more potential to create imagery and sounds and whatever else you need to supplement the story than an artificially created pack.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

This is definitely an interesting topic. In fact, this was one of the driving factors that lead Ian and I to start Out of Sight Games. The truth is that video games - the ones that are well done - are one of the most powerful storytelling media on the planet, because it's interactive storytelling. And we both cut our teeth on games that did this extremely well. So we're convinced that audio games can be used as a compelling vehicle for storytelling, just as graphical games can - but just as with graphical games, attention has to be given to how the game is being used as a storytelling medium. You tell a story differently with a game than with text. I don't think it means one is superior to the other - but the nature of something interactive like a video or audio game means that effective storytelling in this medium is different than in text. So maybe it's more difficult to pull off, just because we're used to telling stories in static text, and not in inte
 ractive events. But I'm convinced it can be done, and with very powerful results. I got to listen to my wife play through the Mass Effect series, and if there's ever been proof that games are the perfect medium for interactive storytelling, that's a series that comes to mind.So in short - I think that the effort involved in telling a compelling story using an interactive, real-time audio game is significantly higher than it would be to tell an interactive story using text...but I think the potential payoff may be higher, too, in terms of the immersiveness and emotional impact of the story. But that's just my opinion - other people may relate more powerfully to text-based storytelling, and there's nothing wrong with that.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I agree that interactive fiction games do the best job of conveying a story to the player, though some RPGs do a pretty good job of it too.Due to popular demand, game designers are putting more emphasis on the stories behind the games, , but so far, except for a very few games, the stories have mostly been rather shallow and still do more to set the stage than to provide a story for the game to tell as it is being played. I believe that this is because a lot of peeps think that great graphics make a great game. Unfortunately I find a similar sentiment in the audio games market, but it's been changed to great sound effects make a great game, and again, the story suffers for it.I still enjoy a good shoot 'em up, especially as a stress reliever, but for real game playing for entertainment, I prefer games that have a good story to tell so I gravitate towards interactive fiction, and some RPGs.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Hello folks! I can assure you guys, that even mainstream games this days have a poor, superficial and not well writen history. A part, the biggest one, of the players are more interested on showing how fast, strong, quick, bad, etc... They are when it comes to meanningless killing lots of enemies.Not all programmers have the sense of putting together a good plot, it is a fact. By the other hand, it is also fact that a writer most of times wont have the necessary skills to program their ideas on games alone other than text based ones. And even a text based game can be limited when it comes to mechanisms, and how the situation could be solved with another metod.The most obvious solution for this would be to have programmers and writers working together to generate what we seek.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Hello folks! I can assure you guys, that even mainstream games this days have a poor, superficial and not well writen history. A part, the biggest one, of the players are more interested on showing how fast, strong, quick, bad, etc... They are when it comes to meanningless killing lots of enemies.Not all programmers have the sense of putting together a good plot, it is a fact. By the other hand, it is also fact that a writer most of times wont have the necessary skills to program their ideas on a games alone other than text based ones. And even a text based game can be limited when it comes to mechanisms, and how the situation could be solved with another metod.The most obvious solution for this would be to have programmers and writers working together to generate what we seek.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I've been trying to fix this since 2001 :'(


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

This is an interesting debbate, and as someone who enjoys the atmosphere and story of a game as much as it's mechanics a subject that does fascinate me. One problem however, is that I don't think it's exactly possible to easily separate "audio games" from "text games" quite so easily and say "one has a story" and one does not. Audiogames, like graphical games are by their nature mostly real time and use a lot of sound to convey atmosphere, rather than just the text. This has the potential to create games with very immersive environments and mechanics in those environments with which people can interact in very different ways from taking choices within a story.Take Swamp for example. You hear the zombies coming for you, you get to physically wander around, shoot and explore. Choice of zombies is a fantastically written story driven game, but there are options for interaction with those zombies that one gets in 
 Swamp simply by virtue of it being real time and fps that you don't get in choice of zombies. Similarly, there are factors involved in choice of zombies that give the writer far more amunition to play with the sorts of situations, characters, and ongoing plot they include that you could not use in swamp. They are just two different methods of interaction  and information, which test a player's skills in different ways and engage different skills. Myself, I can enjoy both. That being said, I will agree that even in games who's primary focus is action, there is no reason not! to have a story, even if that story must be conveyed by a sapi reading of the text. It often unfortunately strikes me that where as generally speaking those people who program text based games (well the good ones with stories), are also writers, the same is often not true for people who create graphical games. However the solution for this is pretty obvious, and I am
  pleased to say that at least some developers are going that way precisely because! of the desire for audiogames with better stories and atmosphere, look at valiant galaxy associates or some of Aprone's games. So yes, story good, although I'd not be prepared to separate out easily how a story is created in two very different game mediums with different challenges.I do however agree completely with Omar about more serious rpg type games with good story and atmosphere being something we definitely need, though myself I'd prefer to see these single player than multiplayer browser based, which is of course why games like King of Dragon pass, silver sword and kerkerkruip are so very welcome, not to mention the currently in development sequel to battle arena.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Its not just audio games that are prone to the hole storyline ishue, this exact ishue is one of the menny reasons the dead space series is one of my favorites, and its why it inspired me to try to make project alpha and create a storyline for it.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I agree that text-based games convey story better. Even with games that aren't serious such as KoL, convey more story than most browser games.Sryth I think, seems to stil be the best story driven game in the browser. There's always interactive and Choice based IF, but I really want to see more games like KoL, Sryth and Metroplexity. I particularly want to see more done with Metroplexity's main story, considering that that game actually has a serious, dark storyline whereas Twilight Heroes, Kingdom of loathing, Improbable island, Forumwarz are all comedy.Sryth and Metroplexity are realy the only ones that try to be serious. If I'm missing one, let me know. Well, there's the inaccessible browser games like Magic Duel.But yeah. I prefer a more open-ended story driven game where Comedy is not the main focus. As for Audio Games, Shadow Rine, what I've played of it, is the most serious storyline we've got as far as audio games go, sor
 ry to say, but there's really no English game with a storyline. Airik the Cleric, perhaps, Three-D Velocity, Angelgift, but that's about it.The BK games are filled with comedy, including lots of Breaking the Fourth Wall. This is not a bad thing, as it explains the weird bosses and such. I can't wait until the full story is translated. Perhaps Yukio should talk with MM about working on a Shadow Rine  translation project. Full voice version might not be able to be translated, but I don't mind playing just the text.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I agree that text-based games convey story better. Even with games that aren't serious such as KoL, convey more story than most browser games.Sryth I think, seems to stil be the best story driven game in the browser. There's always interactive and Choice based IF, but I really want to see more games like KoL, Sryth and Metroplexity. I particularly want to see more done with Metroplexity's main story, considering that that game actually has a serious, dark storyline whereas Twilight Heroes, Kingdom of loathing, Improbable island, Forumwarz are all comedy.Sryth and Metroplexity are realy the only ones that try to be serious. If I'm missing one, let me know. Well, there's the inaccessible browser games like Magic Duel.But yeah. I prefer a more open-ended story driven game where Comedy is not the main focus.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

I think your on the right point there with game mechanics adapting to the story. I think the other thing to remember too, is that if your primary purpose is to convey a story, then the game should be at least playable. Meaning that it shouldn't be so difficult to the point of quitting in frustration. I'm not at all saying that games should never be challenging, but at the end of the day your driving home a story. It goes the other way too though. A game like Shadow Line which is primarily a story driven game that has an awesome exploration system, a good story with multiple endings, lacks in strategy when it comes to battles. We need to get passed this idea that adding tons of defense and HP equates to a good boss. In fact in the sighted community especially, that's considered extremely cheap, unless there's some room for strategy.


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Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : audiogames . net fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

Hi,I agree. I think text gives me more freedom to play out the scene in my head. Branching off from games for a bit, this is one of the reasons why I spend so much time reading fanfiction. I especially like how in games such as the CoG games, you can choose your gender while in some games at, for example, it is ambiguous, so you can fill all of that in yourself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

2015-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Something I'm noticing with games and storyline

What I am about to say could possibly get a bit of a flame war started, though these are just my observations and are not to be taken to heart.Notice. I am not speaking of or including mainstream games, or arcade games that include a story.Furthermore, to keep things simple, I am keeping this within the English market of audio games, since I do not speak fluent Japanese, or much of any other language, besides English, and some SpanishThat said, I'd like to go on a bit of a rant/discussion, if you don't mind. Feel free to join in with your own opinion.I love a great game. I especially love a great game with a great story line. Give me those two requirements, and you will have me hooked for hours. It helps that I also sometimes like to read on my spare time. Yes, actually read, via digital braille or physical embossed books. though back on track, I would like to discuss why I feel text based games convey a better storyline than an audio game.<
 br />Text based games, for the most part, don't require any audio output, unless the author for some reason, wants it as part of the game.Furthermore, as the player reads the story, the player sets up the voice actors in his/her head, or just accepts the text in its raw form, and does nothing in particular with it.That then allows the player to set the mood of a particular scene of the game, which I feel enhances it's overall story.As an amateur writer, I honestly have to say, text based games convey a story, considerably better than audio games.I've noticed, when one tries to put a story to an audio game, 1 or both of these can and often do happen.Scenario 1. Lost in translation.The jump from a written story to written code is often a challenge, particularly for the developer.The developer of the audio game really needs to know what the game mechanics translate to, in terms of the story.Thus, all of this added up, can t
 ranslate into a game that does not match the story, or the story is modified severely to fit the game mechanics.Scenario 2. With the stress of dealing with the story, the developer also needs to find or create sounds to fit the game.This, I feel, is where most developers lose track of the story, and focus purely on the sounds.When everything is said and done, one ends up with either, a game with great storyline and not so great sounds, or a game with great sounds and poor storyline.And there is an additional scenario I find can happen.Quantity over quality, vs quality over quantity.Honestly, I would much rather a game with well thought out mechanics, whatever sounds the developer finds or none at all, and great storyline.If it is short and sweet? perfect! If it is just tedious and boring, to give players more content? Sorry, but I'll take the first option.Text based games are not excluded from this third scenario. However, I feel 
 my opinion still stands.Text based games, convey a story considerably better than audio games.Your opinions are welcome, though please keep the discussion civil.


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