Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zargonbr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

sorry guys, more BK II, BK III together with q9, super liam, and Tarzan Junior are the best in this style.  the rest are all online games in this style, with only stolen codes, and hog items that fuck all gameplay


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@18Let me be clear and say I don't expect people to settle for rubbish, or for stuff they don't enjoy. I think it's more about the disparaging language used.And of course nobody buys the chair or the peripherals simply for coding, but it's all part of the package. If I didn't code, I'd be using a Chromebook right now, rather than saving up for a £2000 PC. Much of the code that I write with it will end up in the hands of this community. Eventually I'll make something, and people will go "My god that's shit, I can't believe this even got released", because you can't please everyone. That sort of stuff will happen more if I charge, which is part of the reason I don't charge.And from what you're saying, it sounds like the first game that requires tons of effort should cost a lot, and then the next one should be cheaper, up until the developer has got such good libraries and so many assets they can chuck together a good game in a couple of days. The 500th game should be free right? I mean, it only took 24 hours of work to create, rather than 2400 hours like the first one.Also, Mac OS X is now free to everyone. Does that mean Windows should become free too? The Amazon Echo is sold basically at cost from what I read, because it's more important to have it in people's homes, rather than make money off them. Does that mean the Home Pod and Google Homes should be priced the same?I very much doubt Aaron (whoever he is) has the resources of anything except communities like this one behind him. As there's less people in it, that means less sales, surely that means higher price tag? That's simple economics, surely? Unless you're saying that he'll never get enough to survive from audio game sales, therefore he's got a day job, benefits, whatever, and should be giving stuff away for free. I'm sorry, that is simply a self entitled argument to my mind.@19Absolutely not saying reviews shouldn't be given, you're right of course. It's the lack of consideration in those reviews that bothers me, particularly because of the lack of content that you mention. Going back to what @18 wrote, I do feel a certain level of gratitude is owed, because there are so few people doing it. Is politeness such a small concession to make?@21That is exactly the kind of constructive criticism I'd like to see more of.@22Here here. Your post is officially the first one I've ever thumbed up, for stating your case like a champ.I'm wondering if maybe the overall problem is that we're spoiled by underpriced games? I mean, GMA Tank Commander is $35. Can't remember when that was released, but I'm thinking with inflation being what it is, a comparable game now would cost at least twice that much. A Hero's Call is only $19.99, yet I feel is worth far more.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Hi.@15, The endless mode isn't really endless. Once you hit a certain point, so I've been told, you get a BGT runtime error and the game crashes. The best actors were the vampires, The Gray Lady, and Hades. I'll also say that the tutorial was very well done.And a little side note, had I been Aaron, one small thing I would've done is make obstacles apply to enemies, similar to what Phillip did with Q9. If it were me, enemies would be able to fall into pits, enemies would be hurt by falling rocks, and slime would take health if it hit them. I'd also probably even make the healing spring heal enemies. That would both make sense and in the case of the healing spring give you a challenge. How is it that these enemies can just walk around right over a pit and don't fall in? And how is it that when enemies step into water with healing properties they aren't healed?


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

The Grey Lady is not about luck. Hades ... can be, the way the pits work, but TBH it was nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be when I actually got there (I just got my ass kicked because I got too jumpy to make good decisions when something changed. After getting over that, behold: fight won.)Idk, maybe I just have "could just see well enough to play 90s games" privilege or something. You want bullcrap artificial difficulty, look up Adamantium Rage, or the first DragonBall game (Dragon Power in the US). The Grey Lady and Hades were downright refreshing as audio game bosses, because it actually felt like I was playing a video game again. Some of the enemies and traps (the rocks feel pretty random tbh, but I have no problems with ghosts) could use work, the levels get bland and repetitive and have a dire need for decoration, and $30 is indeed too much for what we got (pity what we got was still expensive to produce). But hard bosses and NES-style ghosts? Those are selling points, imo.[edit]This got me to replay the Grey Lady fight. I think I had the difficulty too low, because that was way easier than I remember.  [/edit]


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

The Grey Lady is not about luck. Hades ... can be, the way the pits work, but TBH it was nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be when I actually got there (I just got my ass kicked because I got too jumpy to make good decisions when something changed. After getting over that, behold: fight won.)Idk, maybe I just have "could just see well enough to play 90s games" privilege or something. You want bullcrap artificial difficulty, look up Adamantium Rage, or the first DragonBall game (Dragon Power in the US). The Grey Lady and Hades were downright refreshing as audio game bosses, because it actually felt like I was playing a video game again. Some of the enemies and traps (the rocks feel pretty random tbh, but I have no problems with ghosts) could use work, the levels get bland and repetitive and have a dire need for decoration, and $30 is indeed too much for what we got (pity what we got was still expensive to produce). But hard bosses and NES-style ghosts? Those are selling points, imo.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zuckuss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

The first boss and Hades in this game are absolutely ridiculous. Hades has the stupid pits that pop out of nowhere, plus you can get a double dose of some stupid ailment. the ghost lady involves trying to constantly jump and stay in the air while shooting at her. Like Jade says, it's purely about luck.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale



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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Mainstream games are underpriced compared to the cost of production. Hence, microtransactions out the wazoo. Yes, AAA games crush the so-called quality of commercial audio games like the superficial crunchberries they are, but AAA games also have a guaranteed audience that outnumbers every person who has ever heard of audio games by an order of magnitude or two. Maybe three. And that audience actually has money and buys things.So we either get more Kickstarters, overpriced games, Microtransactions, or we just wait for another miracle.And to have microtransactions, you have to have a bucket of content worth the microtransactions. Like, if there were special Manamon you could only unlock by paying for the DLC, that might make sense. How in the world would reasonable DLC for The Gate or Psycho Strike work?And microtransactions are kinda ... terrible, in general. They tend to devolve to pay-to-win crap, or cheating on in-game currency, or something like that. Sometimes they can be flashy but mostly useless perks that primarily matter for MMOs, or showing off to friends, or something. And really, who wants to pay for the game, only to have to pay again, and again, and again, or be taunted by content too small to be worth a whole game on its own? And yet, without that, AAA games would cost, like, $100 on launch.(Oh, hey, I guess the BK3 English dictionary counts as DLC, kinda. Welcome to the future. There are cookies, but they will give you diabetes. There is internet, but it will give you politicitis. There are games, but they have paid downloadable content. Bwahahahaha!)


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@JayJayAHC had thousands of dollars to work with thanks to their Kickstarter that's why they were able to keep the price that low.And STW used tons of illegally downloaded sounds and music, which he then mostly fixed later, but only after he got tons of money from the paid accounts.SBYW almost certainly uses tons of illegal sounds as well, since Mason never got much money from his short lived paid projects, and most of the sounds come from a kit that costs several hundred dollars.And I know for certain that Redspot used almost exclusively illegal sounds, but some did come from libraries he bought mainly for StW using the account profits.Many of these also don't have much music, or any professional voice acting, so really  it's not a good comparison.  Sure you can talk just about quality, but as soon as price enters into it, things get muddy.Plus I'd rather compare sidescrollers to sidescrollers...


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@JayJayAHC had thousands of dollars to work with thanks to their Kickstarter that's why they were able to keep the price that low.And STW used tons of illegally downloaded sounds and music, which he then tried mostly fixed later, but only after he got tons of money from the paid accounts.SBYW almost certainly uses tons of illegal sounds as well, since Mason never got much money from his short lived paid projects, and most of the sounds come from a kit that costs several hundred dollars.And I know for certain that Redspot used almost exclusively illegal sounds, but some did come from libraries he bought mainly for StW using the account profits.Many of these also don't have much music, or any professional voice acting, so really  it's not a good comparison.  Sure you can talk just about quality, but as soon as price enters into it, things get muddy.Plus I'd rather compare sidescrollers to sidescrollers...


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Also not to mention STW which, althouggh is a different categor, still offers a llot of game for the money. There's also SBYW, and other FPS's, which also come in for free, which, also, have a perpetual cost associated with them.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

IDK but I feel like all his games aside from Manamon1 and AAc suffer from the same problem. Good games, but terrible pricing. Look at AHC. It had 3d audio, much, much, more voice acting. The mic quality was questionable, but still quite decent. Its 3d, the devs, actually, ya know, had to make libs in a language that's at least 2 times more difficult than BGT, it had more interesting and realistic ambinces, tiles, music, etc, probably better tory line, and it comes in 9 dollars below the Gate. Manamon needs no introduction, and its like 11 dollars more. BK# is 25 flipping dollars less, than, this, so, if other devs can keep low prices, with arguably more content why should we allow this to go off teh hook?


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Very well said, Cae. I back you up on that, just saying.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

I'm still amazed at how people refuse to accept that making good games is both difficult and costly. And we're a tiny market with next to no purchasing power. There are what, 100k people in the world who might be in a position to care about audio games? And how many of those can afford such luxuries? Never mind how many of those have the numerous skills, talents, resources, etc necessary to actually create a quality product?Yukio Nozawa is an outlier, the top percentile of a percent of a niche group, itself a percent of a percent of a generally impoverished or charity-fueled minority. This doesn't make the likes of VGStorm exceptionally bad; it makes Nyanchan Games extraordinarily amazing. The next Nyanchan probably won't be so capable at just the right point in their life, or quite so interested in game development or accessibility, and will probably just turn all of those abilities and resources toward getting a job that actually pays.What do game developers get from developing games? The amount of satisfaction and enjoyment one gets from a game needs to outweigh the less pleasant and more costly parts of creating it in the first place. How often does that happen? Well, mainstream devs get paid more in two months than I make in a year, so clearly, even for them, it only goes so far. If I'm lucky, I get something that I can play at some point. It being worth playing more than once, or sharing, that is the rare exception. I doubt $10k/month will change this, so don't scramble to get me a patrion or anything (not that anyone had any reason to do that in the first place), but the point is: why and how are games to be made? For the fun of it?We were given one Nyanchan. Ten years have passed. There has not been another. It's like expecting every random Flash cartoon to be Homestar Runner, or expecting every Youtube parody to be Team Four Star (both of whom eventually had to monetize to keep up with demand).A Hero's Call is what game development normally looks like. You throw thousands of dollars at a skilled team, and hopefully something good results. Don't have thousands of dollars? Don't get good game. It's like winning the lottery once, and complaining about how everyone else should just win the lottery more.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Yeah, definitely not trying to suggest that this game should be free. There are assets, and it did take time, so a freebie is not what I'm talking about. Just...I dunno, a price drop, I'm hoping this recent one is permanent.The only thing that makes me wonder re: Aaron's pricing model is that he seems to be the only one creating games and charging thirty plus dollars for each one. I paid I think twenty-five for Paladin, and while that game did not age well at all, I got happily lost in it for awhile and you could argue that it was maybe worth its price. In the end it comes down to how much I'll get out of it. If it was another smallish RPG for thirty bucks, then maybe I buy it. But a side-scroller for thirty bucks when IMO there are better/cheaper/more balanced options out there? Game over.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Agreed with 18 here.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@JuliantheaudiogamerYou can always use JGT, and it's not too bad, especially when combined with the BK3 guide.@NidzaMost of the voice acting wasn't great I agree, but you're even now still ignoring the sounds and music.  If you want any chance of making enough money to justify the time you spent on the project within the audiogames community, let alone just breaking even for your dev costs, you need to have a pretty high price for each copy.  It's unfortunate, but without seeing his financial info, I really can't say for sure what kind of margins he had.Either way like I said, I wish he would have lowered the price after the first few months at least.And yeah I agree that most traps are more reaction and speed based than strategy based, but when you get lots of different enemies on both sides or in a big line, or in certain combinations, you need to think fast about what to prioritize, where you want to land, where the next healing pool is, how to save your arrows ETC.But I wouldn't argue for a second that it comes even close to BK3.  However comparing the two based on price is impossible since Yukio chose to make his product free and had low to no dev costs, plus he was a teen at that time and wouldn't have been able to make money at a job with that time he spent on coding the game anyway, where as Aaron may have.Yukio did show us just how far audio gaming could go though, where as games like The Gate are definitely stuck in the past.@chrisnorman7You bring up a good point, but a community which can't give personal reviews about the projects produced within it will only get sub par products.  Sure he could be more considerate, but at the same time, how else do you expect things to improve if criticism is so light as to be essentially pointless?They sell for allot less because they offer allot less than even mainstream indi games made by solo/partner dev teams, and even then, they would charge a fraction of the amount for what we have to offer, because people wouldn't pay otherwise.  But since we're a niche market, that pricing model just isn't sustainable here...So all we can realistically use as a bar would be other games in our own market, and given that we have so few to compare in each genre that are near the same pricepoint, the value is really in the eye of the beholder.Meaning that there is really no right or wrong opinion about price VS quality, even if all the factors should be taken into account.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@JuliantheaudiogamerYou can always use JGT, and it's not too bad, especially when combined with the BK3 guide.@NidzaMost of the voice acting wasn't great I agree, but you're even now still ignoring the sounds and music.  If you want any chance of making enough money to justify the time you spent on the project within the audiogames community, let alone just breaking even for your dev costs, you need to have a pretty high price for each copy.  It's unfortunate, but without seeing his financial info, I really can't say for sure what kind of margins he had.Either way like I said, I wish he would have lowered the price after the first few months at least.And yeah I agree that most traps are more reaction and speed based than strategy based, but when you get lots of different enemies on both sides or in a big line, or in certain combinations, you need to think fast about what to prioritize, where you want to land, where the next healing pool is, how to save your arrows ETC.But I wouldn't argue for a second that it comes even close to BK3.  However comparing the two based on price is impossible since Yukio chose to make his product free and had low to no dev costs, plus he was a teen at that time and wouldn't have been able to make money at a job with that time he spent on coding the game anyway, where as Aaron may have.Yukio did show us just how far audio gaming could go though, where as games like The Gate are definitely stuck in the past.@chrisnorman7You bring up a good point, but a community which can't give personal reviews about the projects produced within it will only get sub par products.  Sure he could be more considerate, but at the same time, how else do you expect things to improve if criticism is so light as to be essentially pointless?They sell for allot less because they offer allot less than even mainstream indi games made by solo/partner dev teams, and even then, they would charge a fraction of the amount for what we have to offer, because people wouldn't pay otherwise.  But because we're a niche market, that pricing model just isn't sustainable here...So all we can realistically use as a bar would be other games in our own market, and given that we have so few to compare in each genre that are near the same pricepoint, the value is really in the eye of the beholder.Meaning that there is really no right or wrong opinion about price VS quality, even if all the factors should be taken into account.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Sorry, but I don't care. Clearly, if 5 developers can do it, some for free, some for 5 to 15 dollars, it is possible. I want games like BK3 to be the standard, not games where you jump away and press space, complete 10 levels and you are done. They aren't buying keyboards, mice, headphones primarily for audio games. Aaron would buy that regardless of if he was or wasn't a developer, so if you can say that I don't understand one thing, then yes, I don't understand how that counts towards the costs of The gate. Oh yeah, those chairs and desks, man, he would not be buying that if he wasn't working on The gate.He didn't buy a PC just to create a game. The gate does not support any kind of game controllers, it's made in BGT so there's very little you have to do in terms of creating custom libraries, and keep in mind I didn't say that it's easy or simple to create. However, he had 2 sidescrollers before this, AAC and Psycho strike, both of which were games The gate heavily borrows from, both in terms of code and functionality.That being said, since I say multiple times that I completed the game, I obviously bought it and supported Aaron, because Manamon is still probably one of the best games I have played. That doesn't mean I have no right to feel that The gate doesn't even come close to his best games, and it's almost as expensive as they are.So as you nicely conclude from my posts, ""I can't be arsed to shell out money for a product", even though I completed the game which is obviously first purchased before it can be completed. I'm not ungrateful, I am expressing my honest opinion of the product I have purchased. We're still apparently living in times where you should just say thank you so so so much for this toy you gave to me, even though it isn't exactly worth 30 dollars, I have to be grateful. We are also living in times where if you cannot create a game yourself, you should just shut up and not complain. But if the majority is fine with games of not more than 5 hours of playtime and the same combat over and over, I hope you will continue to have fun and spend 100 dollars next time.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@15Can I infer from your posts that you've never spent significant time and energy creating something?Non-audio games are far more expensive, and they sell to such a wide audience that they can afford to drop the cost.In audio game land, as far as I can tell, most people spend significant time not only creating the games they they either give away, or sell for very little money, but also create the libraries those games rely upon to work in the first place. They rely on freebees for testing, and acting, and sound design, and pretty much anything else. Please don't forget that those people also have to buy the gear they use for creating these games: Computers, keyboards, mice, game controls, headphones, chairs, desks, whatever. In addition to all of this, they have to live, eat, breathe, sleep, have a little time off, maybe buy themselves some entertainment for the time they're not coding for the enjoyment of this oh-so-grateful community.If this comes over as harsh, I feel like I read far too many posts which condense down to "I can't be arsed to shell out money for a product I couldn't create myself, so I'll bash the quality, or the creator of said product".


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

I played BK3 before the dictionary was done, the first time. The only really difficult levels were the Skyracer levels, which I confess I've never much liked.But even if you want to argue that the dictionary isn't free, this means you pay a grand total of five dollars to have a game that absolutely crushes The Gate. More complex bosses, a much longer story, literally hundreds of unlockables, dozens of sound and music assets...need I go on? And of course, the payment of five dollars is not absolutely essential to play the game; it simply makes playing the game much, much nicer if you're an English player.So yeah, I'd call it free, or just about free. And when you're much better than The Gate, and you're a sixth of the normal price? I'd say that's match.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Ok so, a game is primarily that, a game. I don't know about you, but 30 dollars isn't worth paying for good voice acting alone. Not to mention that this great and amazing acting, as I already said you will hear in 5 cutscenes at most. I'm glad that Jayde mentions Super Liam, because even that game from 2004 didn't use any proffessional acting and had more cutscenes than the gate. The gameplay of The gate quite sucks, here's why: You get all these different enemies, sure, but the strategy is always the same. Jump away, press space to kill, jump away, repeat. If not that, use a bow. If you don't do this, either you get instakilled or lose more than half of your health. That's not what I call hard. What I call hard is AAC, and for that I felt an achievement after it's completion. I won't even mention what I felt after completing BK3, because that game is in a completely different league. I know that when I beat the gate, the feeling was really, that's it? No more? Then I tried nightmare just for fun and realized it does nothing other than make it unreasonably hard in stupid ways. I also think that if you bought it and enjoyed it, good for you. My opinion is that I didn't. It didn't ever motivate me to replay it again, because there was nothing new I could discover. Sure, there's this endless mode, but I can always run my AAC and create a random stage. There, that's your the gate with endless random levels.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Hopefully this Price becomes permanent, would be more reasonable.@Jayde: BK3 is free? How is that? Last I heard, you had to pay to get an english Translation or something like that.About the game itself, the dialogue and voice acting was cringy. I agree About ghosts, they could just Pop up Right next to you and no matter hopw fast you were, they'd instakill you. The Grey Lady took me a lot of time (and nerves) to complete.A Question out of interest: Has anybody ever beaten this game on the Nightmare mode?


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

wow awesome, i'll think about buying it


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

All that would have had to have been done is that on easy and normal, the Grey Lady takes 30% of your health when she bumps into you instead of killing you outright. Ditto ghosts, since they can literally pop out of nowhere right next to you. That's not strategy. It's luck.Yes, I'll concede there are good bits to this game. Some of the sound design is actually pretty good, and I did think Hades was well done. It's not terrible, but the asking price and the cringe bits and the randomness/weird balance issues even on easy mode definitely put me off in a big way.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Yeah, the game is quite unforgiving, and could definitely do with allot less pointless walking and a bit more consistency in theme.I guess I just enjoy the fast paced tactical thinking required for some of those traps (cheap or not) and the item management is a challenge too.  I totally agree about Morgana's scream by the way, it's just, the worst.  LOLI have to say that the actor for Hades was good though, and the one for Camilla wasn't half bad either.I like the gray lady as a boss and a character, though I know that many don't.  She's a bit intense for a first boss though I will concede, though if you've played AAC it isn't a big leap from that.I wish he had priced it at 20 dollars from the start as well, or at least lowered it after the initial burst of sales.  I will say though that beating The Gate on hard was still one of my proudest achievements in audio gaming, especially considering that my reactions aren't as fast as they were when I was a kid.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Admittedly, a good portion of the voice acting in this game is provided by Aaron himself...and it's cringe. There's also one female voice actress who overplays the living snot out of...what's her name? Mrgana? The person with the cauldron, I've only watched one playthrough of the game, but her shrill pain scream is like drill-bits in my ears. It's one of the reasons I'm not interested in shelling out for the game, honestly, apart from the aforementioned cheesy ways to die and bad level setup where you can be put in a position where you need arrows/poison cure items and don't have them. On the easy difficulty. Add to that the whole Grey Lady being a first boss, and being as mean as she is? Nah, not a lot of balance work went into this game, so I choose not to buy it. Others have obviously felt differently, though, and that's fine.I paid something like twenty bucks for Super Liam, and this game has a bit more going on as far as difficulty and complexity. That said, while SuperLiam is pretty easy (read: very easy) by comparison, it also made me laugh a couple of times, had good sound design, no bugs, no weird item detection issues. If this game's asking price had been twenty bucks right from day 1, then for me at least, that's a bit more reasonable, if only because the audio gaming community has had over ten years between SL and the Gate to make side-scrollers better.Also? BK3. It's crazy, and in some places murderously difficult, but it' I think BK3 kind of spoiled me for other side-scrollers, personally. If I'm only lukewarm on a side-scroller, I'm extremely unlikely to buy or recommend it.


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Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@Nidza07: Royalties are royalties. #moreThanJustAVoicePlus, the voice acting and sounds actually aren't half bad. True, there are far too many cheap ways to die - the rocks are a pain in the ass if you are on a virtual machine, but overall it's a decent game at $30, and it's a no-brainer at $15.And you do realize that just a one hour recording/voiceover session gets you up into the hundreds of dollars, right? I'm quite sure VGStorm did not go for someone charging industry-standard rates, but give these a look. Then maybe you won't be so quick to judge when a game with quality voice acting has a higher price tag - should it have been more advanced? Sure! But it is what it is as far as Aaron is concerned.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@nidzaJust because you don't want it doesn't mean others won't appreciate it...  You pay for the product as is or you don't buy it.You are also skipping over the sounds and music aspect.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

I mean sure, but I'm not buying a movie, I'm buying a game. If the excuse is oh voice acting, then I don't want it. Moreover, there are like 5 cutscenes in the game, so if it's so expensive is it worth it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

@NidzaIt also used free sounds, music, and voice acting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Yeah. Maybe, just maybe if that was it's price... But damn, 30 dollars for a sidescroller? Even his free one, AAC, is more involved. Sure, it's not for everybody, but the fact is that it has more playtime.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Well hell. The game has been out long now? Six years or so? Would be kinda cool if the new sale price became its normal sale price. Ditto Paladin of the Sky and Manamon 1 getting a price drop. It's usually what happens to older games, after all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

I literally bought it a week ago.i should have waited.aww


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The gate is on sale

Nice!  Thanks for letting me know!I actually quite like the gate over all.  I know allot of people don't, but as a game I find the challenge fun, and it's allot easier to justify buying it at this price.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The gate is on sale

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


The gate is on sale

I whent to order manamon 2 and i saw thisHalloween SaleUntil November 1, purchase the halloween themed game "The Gate" for only $14.95, nearly half off the sale price of $29.95.So if anyone want to get it they can now for a cheeper price


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