Trying to mod. Anyone know how to open Vipgamezones >VGZ sound files?

Hey All

So I was thinking of modding the Galaxy Ranger sound effects and voices, to make the game viable again, even if it's just for my self, because, unlike allot of older games, all this one really needs is some TLC, since it has a good platform with decent commands, ideas, and mechanics that still runs well on systems up to Windows 7.

Unfortunately of course, Vipgamezone uses their own custom filetype for all game sounds, so without being able to import and export to it, my hands are pretty much tied in this area.

I was really hoping that in all this time, at least one person has figured out the correct settings for importing these files in their raw form, then exporting them back to that same raw form but with a .VGZ extension.

Hopefully someone has at least some kind of answer for me, otherwise, I don't think I'm going to be able to stand the overly loud distorted audio and atrocious Sapi4 voices for long.

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