Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Using torrent clients with NVDA.

Hi all.Currently I'm using QBitTorrent. I'm using it because it works and somebody said it was accessible. I think they lied. It's accessible with a web interface, but I'd like something that's actually accessible. So, a couple of questions.1. Anybody know how to get to the actual torrents you've got downloading or seeding or whatever in QBT and manipulate them? Suppose for instance that I want to delete one of them? I don't see a way to do this and I've poked around with object navigation. But I could just be missing something.2. If not, anybody know a torrent client where this is possible? Multiple recommendations would be good since some sites restrict clients, e.g. UTorrent or whatever it is used to be pretty popular, but nowadays from what I can tell it gets restricted a lot because it has, or had anyway, security issues.I'd be fine with using QBT if you can, it seems to be decent enough, just not particularly accessible, e.g. I can't even find a way to switch option groups so I can change the save directory. I know I've tried a couple of other clients, can't remember which unfortunately as it was quite a while ago, and they didn't seem particularly accessible either. I know one of them would let you move through the list of torrents, but it wouldn't actually read you the torrent name or any of the info associated with it. So if you have a lot, you had to guess or count. I'd like something that just works, if it's out there. BTW it should be obvious since I mentioned NVDA, but this is under Windows, naturally. Windows 10 64-bit, in case it really matters.


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Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

if your problem is to access the downloading files, then here is a solution. i too use qbt.first, you go to inside the qbt window and scrole to the next navigater object through object navigation. then in the first treeview, go inside it and keep going to next object. you will figure out in that treeview


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

if your problem is to access the downloading files, then here is a solution. i too use qbt.first, you go to inside the qbt window and scrole to the next navigater object through object navigation. then in the first treeview, go inside it and keep going to next object. you will figure out in that treeviewand, to delete or do what ever, focus on the torrent file using object navigation and move the mousepointer to the navigater object. for laptop layout the ot key is nvda+shift+m. after that, press right click button on keyboard. that is numpad multiply without numlockonn. and use up and down arrows to select an action.i think i assumed you don't know much about these mouse pointer and navigater thing,, sorry if i do, but i felt i should guide you like this. but i suggest you to experiment things


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Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

Doesn't it show a heightened sense of entitlement to assume that you will always get one-hundred-percent correct accessibility statements? Also, people are going to define "accessible" differently.


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Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

I myself prefer to use the Torrent client from, as it's available for Windows Mac and Linux for one, and adding, deleting, and downloading torrents is a breeze!NB. Don't like the web site look above? Use the Source Forge Mirror instead.To add a Torrent, copy it's link and paste it into the window with CTRL+V. To remove a torrent, find it in the list and right=click on it and choose the appropriate option. You'll hear sounds for each action ya do.


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Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

@4. That just leads to an error 404 page.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

@thetechguy Please, please actually examine what you're clicking on. There's a comma that I assume @queenslight didn't want to be part of the link, but tacked itself on to the end anyway. To prevent this, I'd suggest using "text" from the BBCode.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

@thetechguy Please, please actually examine what you're clicking on. There's a comma that I assume @queenslight didn't want to be part of the link, but tacked itself on to the end anyway. To prevent this, I'd suggest using:left bracket, url equals url right bracket, text left bracket slash url right bracketas BBCode.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

@thetechguy, Please, please actually examine what you're clicking on. There's a comma that I assume @queenslight didn't want to be part of the link, but tacked itself on to the end anyway. To prevent this, I'd suggest using:left bracket, url equals url right bracket, text left bracket slash url right bracketas BBCode.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

ok so I haven't seen any accessible clients other than an old version of Utorrent. I think a 3.2 version is one of the most accessible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

I myself prefer to use the Torrent client from, as it's available for Windows Mac and Linux for one, and adding, deleting, and downloading torrents is a breeze!NB. Don't like the web site look above? Use the Source Forge Mirror instead.To add a Torrent, copy it's link and paste it into the window with CTRL+V. To remove a torrent, find it in the list and right=click on it and choose the appropriate option. You'll hear sounds for each action ya do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

@DJEPICThanks for the catch! Link in post 4 now fixed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

I'm not trying to be entitled at all. Somebody on the NVDA list said it was an accessible client.#2:Could you be a bit more specific? When I get inside the window and past the menus, I get a lot of things that just say "group" or "unknown", and the only way I get to a point where I can use "next object" is to go inside a few of them. Then I get to some trees and such, but going into them doesn't seem to get me to the list of torrents. I'll try taking a better look after I'm done with lunch.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

@khomus, What I mean is, that you hold people to their word to 100%, that any deviation is considered lying, intentional or not. And you may have even meant unintentionally, but I'd personally choose a lighter word in that case.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

DJ:  Ah I see. Look, the way I see it is this. If you can't get at some of the very basic functionality, it's not accessible. I may be mistaken, which is why I said *I think* they lied. Maybe for them they have a way to do it, or they just leave everything they've ever torrented seeding and so getting at torrents to remove them or start or stop them or whatever isn't a concern. It works perfectly fine as a torrent downloader, after all. Maybe they really access it under Jaws and it's awesome there. But I assume that if I ask you a question on a list devoted to NVDA and you tell me something's accessible, that means it's reasonably accessible, i.e. I can get at the basic functionality.It has nothing to do with holding somebody "100% to their word" or whatever. It has to do with being able to use the thing. So for instance, let us suppose that what they meant was something like, "it's accessible if you use the web interface". That's something you should mention, because the average user, or even some advanced users, won't really think to enable the web interface right out of the gate, or possibly at all. That's why I say that if you just say X is accessible, I'd assume it to  mean that you can readily get at all of the basic functionality in a fairly straightforward manner.Unless there's something I'm missing, per #2's post, that's not the case. I actually am fairly familiar with object navigation but have no problem with them mentioning all the commands, maybe I forgot something and it's helpful to other people anyway. But I'm still missing something, because I can't get to a list of torrents. Maybe i need to click on one of the things that say "group" or "unknown", or on one of the trees you eventually get to, or on something in side a tree. If that works, yep, then it's more accessible. But right now, there are chunks of basic functionality of any torrent program that quite simply aren't things I can get to, even using more advanced features of my screen reader. Hence, as far as I'm concerned, it's inaccessible. I'm quite happy to be proven wrong.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

The thing is, different people have varying definitions of being accessible. Anyway, I tried this program back in last year, and did at least manage to get into the list of torrentrs by using object nav on the first or second tree view I came across from the root window. I also clicked around a bit with a mouse. I think I clicked on the middle left side which also worked? That being said, I'll download it again, since its accessibility could have changed a lot, and I just use Web Torrent now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

2020-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DJEPIC via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using torrent clients with NVDA.

The thing is, different people have varying definitions of being accessible. Anyway, I tried this program back in last year, and did at least manage to get into the list of torrentrs by using object nav on the first or second tree view I came across from the root window. I also clicked around a bit with a mouse. I think I clicked on the middle left side which also worked? That being said, I'll download it again, since its accessibility could have changed a lot, and I just use Web Torrent now.Just to note, I believe the latest version of uTorrent is fully, or mostly accessible, if you can be bothered to disable ads.


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