Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

With all the topics about the choiceofgames, I thought it might be fun to have one about the gamebooks Here on ffproject the site now tracks endings, an will tell you when you reach the optimal one, so  how many have people done?  Over the years I have finishe Trial of Alabar's tomb, Rebels of the ark chasms, Bad moon rising, Impudent peasant, The Black lobster, The cold heart of Chaos, Isle of the cyclopse, Hunger of the wolf, Guarden of bones, Tomb of the ancients, A strange  week for king Melchian the dispicable, Nye's song, Escape newberg keep, and just last night sharkbate's revenge. I've also nearly finished (as in got to the very end but failed), soul tracker, the ravages of fate and  in the footsteps of a  hero, but I need to complete those properly. Liekwise, I keep trying with wrong way go back because I want to try the rest of the series, but end up in severe trouble each
  time, which is why I haven't played other books. There are of course lots more I've had a go at and done less well, such as diamond key and a flame in the north, not to mention the nastiness of hellfire, but I don't think that is too bad going.So how have other people done?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210759#p210759

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

in the footsteps of a  hero, begger of the sand or something like that I can't remember the name. Those are what I've been through. I love the ending of the first one a lot. It's awesome.Hellfire is buggy, when you come to the light cave or something like that. My webpage failed and I coldn't continue, had to restart again.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210774#p210774

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

The  begger's one you mean is I presume "beggers of blacksand" which I've been a ways through. Footsteps of a hero is one I need to try again, however it always brings back nasty memories of me sitting up with my mum playing it  while she had a really nasty eye injury, still I ought to give it another propper going through. I never remember hellfire being buggy, just hard as well, hell, indeed I've heard something about having to restart to complete it or something like that but I always end up coming to a grusome end somewhere along the line, and grusome is the word given that Hellfire is one of the few gamebooks ever to genuinely scare me with a description of some of it's actions. I'm not sure what my favourite was, I enjoyed impudent peasant and black lobster for being old school fantasy, and Bad moon rising for being a little commical. I was most proud of finishing Alabar's tomb sinse that one is quite the monste

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210792#p210792

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

Hellfire is yeah, hell, hard like hell, scarry lik hell. I love tha game, but couldn't finish it. I wanna try something about..um, something about the doc, oh bdy in the dock! That game is very had for me.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210794#p210794

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

I've only briefly tried boddies in the dock, it struck me as fun, but I think all of Simon Osborn's books are pretty tough, his additional boss fights for the lone wolf books over on Project Aon certainly are, good but tough, albeit not as rock hard as hell fire.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210845#p210845

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the_ruler_of_dark_forces via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

If I remember correctly, I've completed Outsider, Bodies In The Docks, The Black Lobster and  Hunger Of The Wolf.I was having problems with Wrong Way as well. Hellfire is difficult indeed, so I haven't completed it either. The descriptions are really quite gruesome, but many of them made me chuckle. I guess one of my favourits is: "Not wishing to engage an unknown enemy in almost total darkness you decide on a tactical withdrawal as you intend to keep your internal organs from becoming external organs."Thanks Dark for reminding me this websight, I'm quite sure I'm going to try some old games again and also their new stuff. :

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210847#p210847

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

Well Ruler congrats on finishing outsider. That is one I've tried on a couple of occasions but ended up in trouble, on one occasion I finished up with a riddle I couldn't complete and died because I couldn't guess the answer. Hellfire is certainly one of the most well written, I just wish it wasn't quite as impossible as it undoubtedly is.Ffproject is a site I always keep a watch on as they add new books  occasionally but steadily (they have had I believe  three new ones already this year), they also now have updated their guestbook  facility with a comments section for each  title so you can ask if your stuck or give people your thoughts on the game when you've finished which is a nice addition, as well as the ability to now see if you have actually reached the optimum ending or not.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210853#p210853

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

Well Ruler congrats on finishing outsider. That is one I've tried on a couple of occasions but ended up in trouble, on one occasion I finished up with a riddle I couldn't complete and died because I couldn't guess the answer. Hellfire is certainly one of the most well written, I just wish it wasn't quite as impossible as it undoubtedly is.Ffproject is a site I always keep a watch on as they add new books  occasionally but steadily (they have had I believe  three new ones already this year), they also now have updated their guestbook  facility with a comments section for each  title so you can ask if your stuck or give people your thoughts on the game when you've finished which is a nice addition, as well as the ability to now see if you have actually reached the optimum ending or not.The only thing is that it isn't always clear from the main page how long or difficult each book is. Newberg keep for example is r
 eally short at 30 sections and (despite some rather over inflated descriptions of torture), surprisingly easy, where as something like Diamond key is 500 sections long and a regular monster. I did once suggest a difficulty note, but part of the problem which the site's main developer did point out to me is that "difficulty" is a variable feast, for example curse of the yetti has large mazes but no combat, where as something like Nye's song or sharkbate's revenge has some fairly hard tests of attributes but a relatively streight forward layout, and while something like Alaba's tomb is a large and relatively complex adventure, it does sign post it's deaths where as something like house of horror doesn't (apparently the original ff series House of Hell by Ian livingston and steve Jackson which house of Horror is based on didn't either).Actually, I really wish there were accessible versions of the original ff gamebooks, although
  annoyingly the Ios ports are not vo friendly and though I have tried to male the publishers about getting their republished books done in an accessible form they ignored me.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210853#p210853

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

Well Ruler congrats on finishing outsider. That is one I've tried on a couple of occasions but ended up in trouble, on one occasion I finished up with a riddle I couldn't complete and died because I couldn't guess the answer. Hellfire is certainly one of the most well written, I just wish it wasn't quite as impossible as it undoubtedly is.Ffproject is a site I always keep a watch on as they add new books  occasionally but steadily (they have had I believe  three new ones already this year), they also now have updated their guestbook  facility with a comments section for each  title so you can ask if your stuck or give people your thoughts on the game when you've finished which is a nice addition, as well as the ability to now see if you have actually reached the optimum ending or not.The only thing is that it isn't always clear from the main page how long or difficult each book is. Newberg keep for example is r
 eally short at 30 sections and (despite some rather over inflated descriptions of torture), surprisingly easy, where as something like Diamond key is 500 sections long and a regular monster. I did once suggest a difficulty note, but part of the problem which the site's main developer did point out to me is that "difficulty" is a variable feast, for example curse of the yetti has large mazes but no combat, where as something like Nye's song or sharkbate's revenge has some fairly hard tests of attributes but a relatively streight forward layout, and while something like Alaba's tomb is a large and relatively complex adventure, it does sign post it's deaths where as something like house of horror doesn't (apparently the original ff series House of Hell by Ian livingston and steve Jackson which house of Horror is based on didn't either).Actually, I really wish there were accessible versions of the original ff gamebooks, although
  annoyingly the Ios ports are not vo friendly and though I have tried to male the publishers about getting their republished books done in an accessible form they ignored me.Then again at least all the original lw books are available on Project Aon and are very playable provided you use a dice program to roll a D10 and write out your own character sheet with items etc.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210853#p210853

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

I've never tried lone wolf, might give it a look some day.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210860#p210860

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Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

Just to be clear, the "lone wolf gamebooks" aren't anything to do with the lone wolf submarine audio game from Gma games. They are a series of gamebooks by Jo Dever originally published in the 80's, but having gone out of print were made into html versions and can be Played here on the project aon site The main Lone Wolf series are a set of adventures that tell the story of Lone Wolf, last of the Kai,  who are a set of warrior monks a bit like the Jedi in a fantasy kingdom called Sommerlund. They're really good fun, particularly the way that you  can play the books in order, gaining items and abilities along the way, and though they have some hard moments are generally not too tough, and also sinse you can choose different abilities are fairly replayable and possible to complete in different ways. The only things you need as I said is a program to write your own charsheet,
  a copy of the combat table to roll on (there is a copy on the project aon site), and some way of randomly getting a number between 0 and 9 such as the Gma dice program. Actually I always find playing the lw books cheers me up no end, albeit I've only ever played as far as The Darke crusade, and haven't finished the grand master books, much less the World of lone wolf series that follows or the greystar the wizard spinoff.All the original books however are now available on the project aon site, some even with some vi specific changes, so i really ought to finish the hole series.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210863#p210863

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which of the ffproject books have you completed?

Just to be clear, the "lone wolf gamebooks" aren't anything to do with the lone wolf submarine audio game from Gma games. They are a series of gamebooks by Jo Dever originally published in the 80's, but having gone out of print were made into html versions and can be Played here on the project aon site The main Lone Wolf series are a set of adventures that tell the story of Lone Wolf, last of the Kai,  who are a set of warrior monks a bit like the Jedi in a fantasy kingdom called Sommerlund. They're really good fun, particularly the way that you  can play the books in order, gaining items and abilities along the way, and though they have some hard moments are generally not too tough (particularly sinse you get the ultimate sword of godly doom in the second book which you keep throughout the series), and also sinse you can choose different abilities are very replayable and possibl
 e to complete in different ways. The only things you need as I said is a program to write your own charsheet, a copy of the combat table to roll on (there is a copy on the project aon site), and some way of randomly getting a number between 0 and 9 such as the Gma dice program. Actually I always find playing the lw books cheers me up no end, albeit I've only ever played as far as The Darke crusade, and haven't finished the grand master books, much less the World of lone wolf series that follows or the greystar the wizard spinoff.All the original books however are now available on the project aon site, some even with some vi specific changes, so i really ought to finish the hole series.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210863#p210863

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