Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Hi guysReally dont have too much time to make an intro for what Im about to bring here, so Ill just do what I can.Ive cleaned up a recording from last nights flight about as clean as it gets aside all the noise, and its ready for your listening.This recording is a microphone strapped to the underside of the quadcopter.Also, the last 30 or so seconds of the recording was the light on the recording unit pulsing to let me know that the memory was running low, since it can only record about an hour of content.Enjoy! … 112014.mp3


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Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Hi, :d1: Do you know what flanging is? The quicker the flange, the lower to the ground the aircraft is, not just for quadcopters either.If you ever hear a mainstream aircraft such as a commercial airliner or otherwise, you will notice some flange to the aircrafts sound.This is what I use to judge altitude, however it is not full proof.For direction you just use the standard panning listening skills you know and love in audio games.2: Outside the scope of the recording, but I usually have someone with me. If it is new area such as a new flying field, I am told what is around me, and what to look for when flying at certain altitudes.I usually practice in a soccer field or some such large open field where I may experiment.I dont know if I specified, but the machine I am flying is a blade 350qx version II.It has a great deal of technology built into the craft.The difference between a normal copter and a quadcopter?<br /
 >As you know, a conventional helicopter usually uses two rotary spinning propellers. One for the tail, and one larger main propeller.There are what are called coaxial helicopters which move much slower and are recommended for beginners to the hobby.The design is still much the same, however, there are two instead of one main propeller. I believe both spin in opposing directions.Tricopters are as you guessed it, powered by 3 propellers.And quadcopters are 4, hexicopters are 6, up to I believe even 10 bladed copters?The nice thing is above 6 bladed copters, you have redundancy, if one propeller has a mishap IE stops spinning or breaks, you are not exactly a rock falling out of the sky.Also, to add to some confusion, yes, for example, my particular quadcopter has a return to home switch or trigger depending on what you want to call it.It depends on the controller or often called tx you use. And the quadcopter as well. If they both support it, y
 ou can assign a channel to perform return to home.Some quadcopters do in fact have a take off trigger you can program with your remote, but I find that to be cheating.Also, the propellers are 8.125 inch proprietary hard plastic, spun by 1100 kv out runner brushless motors.This quadcopter can really move if I ask it to, but Im not quite ready for that yet, lol.Ive also done something interesting, I went ahead and clipped a microphone to the underside of the thing, and flew it. Right now Im in the process of cleaning it up.


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Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Hi.[[wow]]. I have just heard a bit of the recording, which opened up some questions:1: How do you know if the altitude is decreasing or increasing? And how do you know when youre flying strait2: How do you avoid flying into buildings and trees?Im interested to hear more about the sensors youre using. Is this a home build copter? Whats the differences between a normal copter and a quad copter? Here in Denmark, people are going crazy with different types of quad copters. Some of the reviews says some of the quad copters are very easy to fly, and some of them does even have a take off and a landing button on the controller.I have only looked at the indoor copters, because I live in a town where out door copters are no go. The wind will just blow them up on the roofs and theyll get stuck.It doesnt sounds like the quad copter is flying very fast, which makes me ask if the rotors are very big?And 
 last question: How do you callibrade the thing on your own?Well, sorry for all those questions, but I hope youll take the time to answer those. 


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Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

FYI I dont believe militaries tend to use armed quadcopters.That said Im glad youre managing to fly it so well and are enjoying doing it. Itd be interesting if you could keep us informed with how youre doing.


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Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Omar, well, I hope you have fun flying your copters and I guess we will see you round here and there sometime. In the mean time it has been nice knowing you, and best of luck wherever life takes you from here.


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Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Hi guys,Today as of writing this message, I went out and flew twice.The first recording was total crap I really didnt like the way I did that round anyway, so I went ahead and recorded myself the second time and uploaded it to dropbox.Its about 24 minutes long, so there is a little bit of fun in there, a bit of pre flight checks, calibration, and practice.We start off inside my house disconnecting the battery from the charger, and I talk my way through most things I end up doing.Btw sorry about my really crappy sound quality. My good recording gear I gave to a friend who is a local musician, he had a show that night so I was stuck with a crappy recorder. Thankfully I get it back tomorrow morning.That aside, here is the recording. … 032014.mp3I really enjoyed that flight, :dHope you guys like it!


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moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


moving onto a new stage of life

Greetings,Over the passed few years Ive been on this forum, Ive taken part in quite a few threads and discussions dealing with various topics.For those of you who might not know my legal name is exactly as shown as my user name.I am now 21 years old and was born and raised in a small town in Florida, the old school parenthood method.I participated in numerous activities as a small child including choir in school, as well as some of the churches I attended from time to timeThen in grade through middle school I participated in the small division bands in our local area. We even got to compete in a few competitions and thus the competitive side of me was born.During the last year of middle school I went under a major change. As we competed more, I grew less tolerant of loss.My freshman year of high school everything changed. I had joined the marching band. I was normally used to wind ensemble, which was usually indoors.Not o
 nly was this a new environment, I also had to cope with the high demands of marching band.Boy did I faint and sweat a lot. It was just the change in me.I also began to tolerate loss and defeat quite a bit more than usual. I was too tired to fight it after the first week of band camp was over.The competitions grew more demanding. It was an adventure I would never forget. We scored a good that year on FDA, for those who know what that is.My sophomore year was also quite the adventure and where I experienced the crush of my life that I never got the chance at.My junior year was well .. ok, it was in an interesting year, most of it was too much of a blur to remember due to life and family issues, some of you may remember a few topics I published.And a few of you have wanted to know where the online alias unstoppable came from. It actually, depending on how you want to look at it, came from 2 sources.Since I knew for a fact it was my last year at
  high school, I kinda lived it in a sort of weird fashion, like I was dying.We had quite the graduating class with me, including the marching band.The show name, quite fittingly, was called unstoppable. And yes, for those of you who may ask, it was based on the movie.It was probably one of the most epic shows I had ever done with the marching band. And I still have dreams of it to this day, gliding like a hockey puck down the field playing away.I remember the last show clear as day. For some weird, unknown reason, I had no feeling. No emotion, I was, blank. Couldnt really speak, I couldnt process the fact that what I loved was about to end right there, right then, on that field I competed on all those 4 years.A few days after graduation is when it really started to hit me, I had also missed the majority of my senior year due to injuries. So most of it was also marching band and or jazz band right after as well as wind ensemble.After gr
 aduation, I tried, and failed, to audition for drum corps international (DCI).I went to college and played around with a few classes more of the same thing I went through in high school all over again more math, more English, more homework, no difference.So there I sat. No job, no college education wasnt willing to go through that all over again just for a stupid paper to be certified IT person.My uncle and aunt had come down the first week of May, also finals, and the last day for them was a Sunday, I believe.I talked with him a while. He brought with him a self built quadcopter. I had heard of quad copters before but hadnt really given them any thought, I just thought they were government tools used to shoot down enemy.When I saw him with one, it gave quadcopter a completely new meaning to me. I never knew a quadcopter could be used by a civilian!So he brought it out and let me see what it was like. The frame was quite sturdy a
 nd decorated with all sorts of sensors, gyros, wiring, a gps unit etc.He took him and his wife outside and began to fly it. The thing sounded amazing!I believe it had brushless kv 2200 motors, but I didnt know any bit of that at the time.So then, out of pure curiosity, I asked, I wonder how hard it would be for me to fly one?My uncle in particular if you ask or question possibilities is the type to prove that it is usually possible, and will fight it, all the way through to the end.Little did I know, two weeks later, I would get a toy grade quad copter.No gps units, much heavier frame etc.And that is where I started. The adventurer in me began to explore this new dimension (literally).Recently I got a hobby grade quadcopter as a gift and have been playing with it.It includes several sensors to prevent me from crash landing either into myself, or an object by slowing down response time.And that is where I am now. Ever 
 since I began picking up quadcopters, Ive been slowly losing interest in everything blindness related items.Ive come to the point where games seem too easy, Im easily bored with them, have no motivation to play.I believe it is time

Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Hello.Good luck with your life and Im glad youve found something that makes you smile.Keep flying! 


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Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Well Omar, the quad copter thing does sound like a lot of fun, though I dont really see what this has to do with games. So you have a new passion in life and games seem boring beside it. Fare enough, when Im at music school or working on my passion for on stage performance I dont do games either. Where as bladestorm however had a reason to abandon games because theyd become addictive to him, ie, interfered with too much else in his life in a negative way, it just sounds like your interests have changed for the moment. This is fine, and all part of life and change, sinse after all there are a lot of other worth while things in the world to do besides games, however not a reason to start the goodbye, I will be leaving forever and you will never see me again because this part of my life is over sort of resolution. After all it is conceivable you might fancy gaming again in the future, and theres no point backing yourself into a corner 
 with promises if you do. Equally you might not, and thats okay as well.So, Ill wish you luck with the quad copters, that does sound fun, but Id rather say so long than goodbye, you shal never see me again and I would perhaps suggest that unless you have another reason for stopping gaming, such a cutoff probably isnt a good idea, after all you dont want to start feeling youve let yourself down or that your going backwards to a part of your life that should be over just because you might feel like picking up a game in the future.


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Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

agreed.When I was young, I loved gaming. I lived for audiogames, and that was my life. Muds, audiogames,, text games, the bit.When I got to college last year, that seemed to taper off. I had a new life. But I knew I didnt want to close the chapter of my life.Now Im in my second year. I seem to have picked up gaming again. Not as much as when I was young (maybe half hour a day), but it gives me something to do. Its a fun thing for me to do: escape into my apartment bedroom and just play some games to let off steam. I play some of the new ones, but love my old favourites as well that I played as a child.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: moving onto a new stage of life

2014-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving onto a new stage of life

Greetings,Thank you for the kind replies.At this moment my knowledge is still young, so I do not know where my talent will take me.Who knows it could just crash land like I did the hundreds of times.Im performing this coming Saturday in front of some bigshots and Ive been practicing quite a lot.When it is created, I will inform you of the dedicated adventures of shuteye-pilot twitter handle. I would like to make sure this is going to go somewhere though, before I do times yes, I do game still, but only when I am absolutely bored.Which doesnt usually happen since I have a small quadcopter to practice things in scale. To give you an idea of how small it is, you can hold it quite comfortably in the palm of your hand.Oh and today I bent a propeller backwards during an emergency landing, yay.


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