Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

@Raygrote, Vlc isn't bad, but what it's main use is is for playing dvds and more recently blue rays.It's great for this, particularly because there are menu shortcuts to skip to specific titles or chapters or change audiotracks, which is a wonderful way of avoiding messing about with graphical dvd menus.For audio I was less keen, since while as Flacus said it does have a psacebar play/pause option, it also seemed to have slightly quirkier keys and an interface with lots of buttons etc when trying to look at music, I'm also not sure how many formats it does, though I didn't experiment too much with this.@flacus, the auto resume in sm player sounds nice, though I will say with winamp finding the c key for pause is something I've got used to. I remember when  had a really bad case of the flue and I bumpon marked my laptop's c key so that I could just reach over from my bed and find the controls.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

I still use VLC as my default player because it's such a simple interface for just playing, fast-forwarding, etc, and it plays most file types. SM is just great for audiobooks. And I love any player that plays and pauses by just bashing the space bar, VLC and SM both do this. Can't be doing with two-handed key commands for such a basic task. When the phone goes, you don't want to be feelling around for your keyboard then positioning your hands to find ctrl p, you want to just bang the spacebar and go.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : csm120 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

Flackers thanks for recommending the sm player. I will check it out.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

Also a long time Winamp user here. Though I have Foobar and XM Play on hand, and am considering getting VLC too just to try it. Some people seem to like it a lot, so I wonder what they like about it. And am always open to mess with other players that people like.Dark, I think that in regard to rsn files, those files are just rar files with spc files inside. SO if your player can play spc files, and if it can decompress and play files from rar archives, it should? be able to play rsn files as painlessly as Winamp's input plug-in does. In fact I think that is exactly how that plug-in is working. Don't quote me on it, there may be more to it. But if you do ever decide to try other players, I'd be curious to know if it's that simple.While I love Winamp, I'm thinking about switching to Foobar because Winamp has been doing this odd thing where plug-in settings won't save if UAC is turned on or something like that. I don't know if it was the plug-ins I was using or if it's a Winamp thing, but I either had to copy and paste the ini configs to another location, edit them, move them back to their proper place and deal with the UAC and insufficient admin rights prompts, or just turn the damn thing off. I don't like UAC so turning it off was something I would've done anyway, but if I have more weird issues with Winamp, or if someone comes to me in a total fed-up-with-Winamp state, I'll just recommend a portable Foobar and be done with it.I also don't mess with playlists or libraries or anything like that, and I also get pedantic with manually navigating to my files and playing them that way. I wouldn't, however, refuse or lose interest in a player because things I'm not interested in are visible though. IMHO that's like a blind man dismissing a laptop because it comes with a built-in monitor. I am still trying to get my head around playlist management in Foobar, and admittedly everywhere else, as I have 2 blank ones in Foobar for some reason that I never consciously created. But here's the thing, if you don't care about such things, you don't have to worry about that. I've been using this copy of Foobar on and off for about a year and just now noticed this. Sometimes hotkeys won't execute if you have arrow keys assigned to something and you're in a tree view or something. So in that case, just tab a couple times until you're on a tab or a button and the arrow keys will work. It's not quite as touch and go as Winamp is in this way, and since I turned UAC off Winamp has been behaving itself so I still prefer it, but I haven't explored Foobar thoroughly enough to know what exactly can be customized, so I'm not going to knock it.Right now I have Foobar and XM play around for mainly experimenting really. I have both of them set up with basic Winamp-like hotkeys. With Foobar, I enjoy the wide variety of synths the midi plug-in allows you to use. It also supports several playback libraries for various chiptunes, which is handy for testing things. I wrote a chiptune once and a friend of mine told me it sounded scratchy and broken, so I think that's actually what inspired me to get Foobar, because it was the only Windows player that used the libraries his Mac player was using. I eventually found the problem and was able to fix it. Also I have a plug-in I think called vgmstream which allows you to play a fair number of audio filetypes from more modern games. I couldn't get the Winamp version to work. With Foobar the installation was much simpler and I had it up and running in less than 5 minutes.Also I use XM Play because the midi plug-in is updated more frequently than the Bassmidi driver which uses the same library. So the way I see it, the XM Play plug-in sort of gives previews of what Bassmidi would have when they update it. XM play can do true offline rendering so the timings of things are sample accurate, or at least they seem to be even when put under vigorous tests. A lot of things that use Bassmidi for rendedring aren't this accurate, though Foobar might be (haven't tested). There are a fair number of options in XM play's ini file too which can be changed to lye outside the limits of the UI, so messing with those is fun for extreme cases and sometimes useful. Since I prefer the Bassmidi libraries for general sound font use, I keep xM play around mainly for those above reasons.It also comes with some pretty good tracker module support which is at least better than what Winamp has, though I've heard there are even better libraries out by now and there are no doubt better plug-ins for Winamp too that I haven't gotten around to playing with. But, I doubt most people will care about midi and modules and obscure formats as I do. I'm just a weird person .SO at the end of it all, I'd say stick with Winamp if you prefer it. I'd be a hypocrite if I told you to do otherwise. There's nothing definitively wrong with it in my book other than the UAC thing, and that's a minor annoyance as I've

Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

@Hrvoje, yep, I've got the extended ~Winamp addon and I like it, it gives Nvda the same functionality with Winamp which Supernova had, eg setting shuffle etc, thanks for that. I probably ought to try foobar2000 just out of curiosity, and I'd be interested to  about any things it can do that winamp can't from people who have tried both programs, especially if I'm going to have to customise hotkeys etc for it.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Hrvoje via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

My player of choice is currently Foobar2000 because I can customize keyboard shortcuts and also playlist editing is easy. I liked Winamp when it was actively developed, I've even created Extended Winamp addon for NVDA that you can get on the official NVDA addons site, if you wish of course. That will add some useful options, such as audio panning and alternate jumps through the track, reviewing the end of the track, etc.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

@Mftd: yes, the dark side demands winamp! . Actually I hope we'll see redevelopment of it and some updates soon, I do keep checking the news on the winamp site and things are planned but I don't think anything has materialised as yet, though since their news post is a long rambling forum topic which has gone on for three years and has about 1 posts in it it's hard to tell. I have heard of something called wacup, that is winamp community update, but when I tried their site the accessibility was very very terrible, so what is going on with winamp I do not know. Still, it works and it does what I want, albeit I do sort of wish it was getting updates to make it  with some newer elements such as chrome.@Pitermach, With foobar, I'm afraid you lost me at the word "playlists" . The only time I ever constructed a playlist in my life was when putting together a bunch of random music for tabletop rp sessions, since that's about the only time I wouldn't have something specific to play in mind, or want my hole music collection on random. usually I play music either by finding what I want in windows explorer (me being a bit of a demon for organisation), or by opening winamp and just browsing to it directly, so no playlists required :d.It's one of the things I really like in Winamp, that you can hide all the bits of the interface you don't want, which for me pretty much mean   everything accept the now playing window.If you can strip foobar down to something like this I might consider giving it a go, provided hotkeys etc can be setup, since the one thing you did say there that caught my interest was about the cd ripper, since I'd prefer a better alternative for that than windows media player, and sadly Winamp pro with the cd ripping capability isn't available anymore. I did try an audio cd ripper at one stage called audio grabber, but it didn't retrieve any track info off the net. I also wonder with Foobar and the game music plugin if it can handle the rsn file archives from In winamp with the correct plugin you can just open these like normal files, but I'm not sure about other programs.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

@Mftd: yes, the dark side demands winamp! . Actually I hope we'll see redevelopment of it and some updates soon, I do keep checking the news on the winamp site and things are planned but I don't think anything has materialised as yet.With foobar, I'm afraid you lost me at the word "playlists" . The only time I ever constructed a playlist in my life was when putting together a bunch of random music for tabletop rp sessions, since that's about the only time I wouldn't have something specific to play in mind, or want my hole music collection on random. usually I play music either by finding what I want in windows explorer (me being a bit of a demon for organisation), or by opening winamp and just browsing to it directly, so no playlists required :d.It's one of the things I really like in Winamp, that you can hide all the bits of the interface you don't want, which for me pretty much mean   everything accept the now playing window.If you can strip foobar down to something like this I might consider giving it a go, provided hotkeys etc can be setup, since the one thing you did say there that caught my interest was about the cd ripper, since I'd prefer a better alternative for that than windows media player, and sadly Winamp pro with the cd ripping capability isn't available anymore. I did try an audio cd ripper at one stage called audio grabber, but it didn't retrieve any track info off the net. I also wonder with Foobar and the game music plugin if it can handle the rsn file archives from In winamp with the correct plugin you can just open these like normal files, but I'm not sure about other programs.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

I switched to Foobar from Winap a few years ago and like it. Not saying you should switch now that you got your winamp problem fixed. That being said if you ever decide to try it out it can do everything you want. For playing game music, you have the fooGEP plugin, which does work with RSN files as well as VGZ, NSF and all the other common chipTune formats, plus a few other plugins to complement it like the DUM module decoder (That's D U M) for Amiga/other tracker modules, fooSid for C64, and there's also one for gameboy advance and Nintendo DS.The UI is super simple. If you don't have any folders configured for the library, the only thing you'll see in the window is a tab switcher to switch playlists (each playlist is a tab like in a web browser), a list with file information for the currently playing file, and another list which contains your playlist. That being said, if you decide to add a library the itnerface for that also simple, adding just 3 more things to the window, a combo box to set how the library is sorted (including an option just to show the folders), a search box, and a tree which actually contains the library sorted by whatever you picked. It also has a CD wripper feature which can pull information from Online databases for track information and a file converter.The one drawback to foobar is that it takes a while to customize. A common source of frustration is the hotkeys. Because by default, there aren't any set up, so you need to manually go and add some yourself. So you can totally make it feel like Winamp if you like.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

Those, who come from the darker side, use Winamp - hihihi!Yes, we can try other alternatives, but in the end still stick to what we are used to.So yeah, I'm happy, that good old Winamp is still running on Windows 10, as I simply won't replace it with any other player. It's nice to use, can be extended with plugins and all the bells and whistles can be safely thrown away without damaging the main functionality. It works well with screen readers and where needed, there are addons or scripts to make it better in terms of accessibility.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

@Alex thanks for that, though I  it's easier to find through the speakers volume in the task bar. I always have to use the speakers a lot on my laptop because it doesn't have an external volume  control, so directly altering the speaker volume is the only way to do it on the fly. It might have a couple of those really  infra  unusable buttons somewhere, but they are  well unusable (I ended up turning my  wireless internet off for quite a while before I realized not to hit the space above the six key). @Afrim, my dislike of libraries and genre organisations and that crap started! with windows mediaplayer. As I said the only thing I do with it these days is rip cds, and even then it's a bugger if you have to rip the same cd more than once  the stupid library won't let you. Glad it works for you  that would be low down on my possible player choice list.@Silvermoon, yep, as I said to Alex windows 10 is the same in terms of where the speakers are, they're in the taskbar and you can get to the volume mixer by using the applications key on them. @Flacus, that actually does sound useful in terms of remembering file position, though I would still miss my game music.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

just wanted to give a shout out to the SMPlayer. It's free, accessible, and remembers the last playback position of large files like audiobooks.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

hello all,Yeah, I actually still use winamp myself.I don't know if this stands true on a windows 10 machine, but on my windows 7 machine, the volume mixer is in the system tray. It ways something like "speakers: 36 percent" or whatever you have your speakers set at.I don't know if that stands true on your machine though.also, what might help just in the future, is the shortcut key control alt / This raises your winamp volume, the program itself, nothing in the mixer to a hundred percent.Hope this helps.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

@Dark, post 2 would be my ultimate response since I've faced this problem before.I don't use Winamp anymore, except for playing some big collections of songs organised in folders. Winamp is second to none for playing large collections of songs.On the other hand, I use Windows Media Player on a daily basis; it's really a good player if you are willing to customise it. There is an option to change the window to a mini-player-like style which takes away many features such as the organisation of music in different genres. It also focuses the cursor to the track position field, so that when you press up/down, or left/right arrow, it forwards the track or sets it backwards. Also, there is a possibility, still on the track position to move the track by different increments, so that when you press shift+right arrow, it forwards the track by one second, or when you press Ctrl+right arrow it moves the track by a couple of seconds, depending on the length of the track.In addition, it has many shortcuts which stand for different functions of Windows Media player so that you do not need to press tab several times to go to stop, go to mute, or go to the volume field.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

It's "sndvol", not "smvol". But close @Dark: I had a feeling it might have been that, so good to see you got it solved. The volume mixer thing is pretty handy if you have to adjust the volume of things. I like putting Winamp at 20% and lowest volume within the program itself for background music. I find it doesn't interfeer much with anything at that point but is still loud enough that I can enjoy it properly.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

I'm afraid Smvol doesn't seem to do it there Socheat, but it's easy enough to find the mixer once you know where it is, the problem is I didn't know where it was, or rather I knew about it but didn't think that was the reason for the Winamp problem with Winamp being an old program etc.


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

Dark, I believe you can also hit Windows key plus "R", and type "smvol" into the run dialogue box to open the volume mixer as well if I remember correctly. Don't quote me on this, because I haven't using Windows for a while, so sometimes my head could messed up too. 


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Re: winamp woes, please help

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: winamp woes, please help

Okay hold everything my skull she be numb! I just googled the problem, and the first thing I found was something on the winamp forums explaining how to fix it. For some weird reason in windows 10 the relative volume mix of Winamp as opposed to other applications is set at nine percent. ~All I needed to do was open winamp, go to the speakers bit in the task bar, use the application menu to open the volume mixer and crank winamp's volume up to regular . Apparently lots of versions of windows have this problem. Also interesting to know where the  volume mixer is for future things, eg, making sure my screen reader vs various audio games play nicely together.So scratch the above post, I'm continuing with Winamp .


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winamp woes, please help

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


winamp woes, please help

I've been a winamp fan  for about thirteen years now. i love the slimline interface, none of that library/album/playlist crap unless you want it, you just play files and folders or copy the url of anything of the net you want to play, and I love the way it plays so many different file formats and has such handy shortcut keys. I'm also a big fan of the chipamp plugin for all my game music stuff such as my rsn files from as well as quite a few others in diverse formats. Winamp does work on windows 10, the only problem is that the playing volume of winamp is so low as compared to pretty much every other audio thing I have on my computer. I've tried playing around with winamp's settings  nothing solves the problem, and I'm guessing this  something to do with Winamp not currently being maintained.So, is there a way to fix winamp? and if not is there an alternative that has similar advantages? I do use vlc mediaplayer for playing dvds already (one reason why I could recognize this problem in winamp, since the sounds of a folder in vlc and one in winamp are so different in volume), however I am less keen on the interface for basic audio playback,  plus of course last I checked vlc doesn't do game music stuff such as the rsn archives. Windows media player is definitely a no go from what I've seen, (though I do use it for cd ripping I do not like the interface at all, and I doubt it'll do game music formats).I've heard good reports off Foobar 2000 and am willing to give it a go, (i believe there is an Nvda addon for it), but how should I configure the thing? and will it do game music formats, a quick google did suggest it would with a plugin or similar but I'd appreciate some advice about setup if that is the case. So, any audio freaks want to help? I admit my audio habits are a bit eccentric, me prefering to go by my own folder and file structure in explorer, having a major dislike for playlists or libraries or other complications, and of course really! disliking paid for streams or similar (one reason why i hate Itunes with a passion), so if anyone can assist that would be great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

winamp woes, please help

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


winamp woes, please help

I've been a winamp fan  for about thirteen years now. i love the slimline interface, none of that library/album/playlist crap unless you want it, you just play files and folders or copy the url of anything of the net you want to play, and I love the way it plays so many different file formats and has handy keys (I'm a big fan of chipamp for all my game music stuff such as my rsn files from as well as quite a few others in diverse formats). Winamp does work on windows 10, the only problem is that the playing volume of winamp is so low as compared to pretty much every other audio thing I have on my computer. I've tried playing around with winamp's settings  nothing solves the problem, and I'm guessing this  something to do with Winamp not currently being maintained.So, is there a way to fix winamp? and if not is there an alternative that has similar advantages? I do use vlc mediaplayer for playing dvds already (one reason why I could recognize this problem in winamp, since the sounds of a folder in vlc and one in winamp are so different in volume), however I am less keen on the interface for basic audio playback,  plus of course last I checked vlc doesn't do game music stuff such as the rsn archives. I've heard good reports off Foobar 2000 and am willing to give it a go, (i believe there is an Nvda addon for it), but how should I configure the thing? and will it do game music formats, a quick google did suggest it would with a plugin or similar but I'd appreciate some advice about setup if that is the case. So, any audio freaks want to help? I admit my audio habits are a bit eccentric, me prefering to go by my own folder and file structure in explorer, having a major dislike for playlists or star ratings or other complications, and of course really! disliking paid for streams or similar (one reason why i hate Itunes with a passion), so if anyone can assist that would be great.


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