[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using a Naim Power Amp Without a PreAmp

2007-01-20 Thread ModelCitizen

Does Fifer do the same as me... or are you getting mixed up?
I bought my NAIM-like cables from the Soundstable eBay shop
(http://stores.ebay.co.uk/SoundStable). Top quality cables and
unbelievably good value. Highly recommended. Make sure you specify
exactly the correct cable though (for my NAP250: dual phono to 240
degree 4 pin din with locking nut)!


Now what?

Transporter  Naim NAP 250  PMC OB1s.
Music catalog: http://modelcitizen.mine.nu/music.txt

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Bel Canto No Risk Purchase Plan

2007-01-20 Thread totoro

95bcwh;171813 Wrote: 
 No..I detest such ads.. but it's all over the place, what can you do
 about it?  Just turn on your TV:
 Cable phone, call anywhere for $29.99 only yeah right, then you have
 to pay another $15 tax.
 Came in for a brake service for $99! Yeah right, you end up paying
 Buy a sleep number bed, starting $599 Yeah right, the moment you
 enter the store, the price goes up to $2000!

There is only one thing we can do about it: refuse to do business with
such people. It's relatively hard in domains where we feel a need to
own a product and there is an oligopoly (cellphones). But audio
equipment seems to me a relatively easy venue for expressing this kind
of disgust.


squeezebox 3 - mccormack dna .5 - audio physic tempo 4

totoro's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5935
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Apple to allow music with Fairplay DRM to be streamed?

2007-01-20 Thread geraint smith

www.tech.co.uk (and MacRumors is carrying it) is reporting that Apple is
to announce in the coming week that it is 1. licensing Fairplay DRM to
the company's Made for iPod licence and 2. Allowing streaming of
Fairplay protected music via USB (whatever that means).

Maybe we'll get to play that iTunes music store crud through a
Squeezebox soon (or waste a Transporter on it.)



geraint smith

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread mmg_fan

Thinking of getting the Jolida 1501 hybrid amp as a good match for my
Magnepan MMG's over the NAD 272.

Similar price...but from what I've read elsewhere, the Jolida is a
better match.

Anyone own Jolida amps?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter on the cover of Stereophile, Feb 2007 issue

2007-01-20 Thread Pale Blue Ego

wshields;172137 Wrote: 
 The only slight negative was he said his reference Ayre C-5xe provided
 higher resolution than the Transporter but only slightly noticeably.

I guess he pretty much HAD to say that.  Stereophile's ad revenue would
take a sharp tumble if they had dared to indicate that the Transporter
was equal to or better than the more expensive audiophile-approved
front ends.

Pale Blue Ego

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New WIKI - Connecting SB3/Transporter directly to an Amplifier w/o Preamp

2007-01-20 Thread cliveb

Eric Carroll;171975 Wrote: 
 Its a Wiki! Edit away!
 The only question I have is if it belongs inline in the page I wrote or
 if you should create two new pages for the topics and link them in on a
 phrase. I am thinking the latter as its a long page already.
OK, thanks. I sort of understand the community authoring philosophy
of wikis, but I still feel uneasy about editing someone else's work.

So, I've created two new pages: DIYPassiveAttenuation
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?DIYPassiveAttenuation) and
(http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BalancedPowerAmps), and have
added links to them on your ConnectToPowerAmp page.

Comments and corrections gratefully received.


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

cliveb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=348
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Q:Best BUDGET power or integrated AMP (under$1000)

2007-01-20 Thread slimkid

So another good thread goes down the drains thanks to hijackers ... :(


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Q:Best BUDGET power or integrated AMP (under$1000)

2007-01-20 Thread alZmtbr

How about used Bryston 2B-LP? Can be had for around $500 (and up!), very
versatile and rugged. Some may say the sound is too cold and analytical,
but then again, some may like that.

I'm running a pair (Bi-Amped, Bi-Wired) for my frontend, and one for my
rear channels.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Q:Best BUDGET power or integrated AMP (under$1000)

2007-01-20 Thread totoro

The bryston would be a good bet. Looking at used amps, I'd look at
bryston, mccormack, and older classe amps. All good quality and built
like tanks.


squeezebox 3 - mccormack dna .5 - audio physic tempo 4

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread Skunk

The 102b has given me MANY hours of enjoyment, and there was never a
time I regretted buying it. Kudos to jolida for pricing things inside
the stratosphere. It looks like it got all 5/5 ratings, around 25 of
them, on audioreview.com. There was also an audiogon thread where
someone mentioned using this with his MMG's.

I saw that Galen Carol still has them, and he used to have trial
period/guarantee, which I would take advantage of in case it doesn't
mate well with the MMG. 

OTOH there is a used 1501RC (remote control) on ebay at 'buy it now'
$480. While you're there get some NOS 12ax7's (you may want to double
check what it uses), but don't spend a fortune. Just get a variety. I
got a 12ax7 Groove Tubes tube from a pro audio shop the other day which
was a bad decision. I believe the current production 12ax7 people like
in these is the EI gold pin elite. 

Sometimes the tube fiddling gets old, at which time I plug in the super
t-amp. It's always good to have a switch hitter.


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread Pat Farrell

Skunk wrote:

 While you're there get some NOS 12ax7's (you may want to double
check what it uses), but don't spend a fortune. Just get a variety. I
got a 12ax7 Groove Tubes tube from a pro audio shop the other day which
was a bad decision. 

Groove Tubes tubes are very good tubes, but they are designed and 
selected for a totally different usage. They are for guitar amps, where 
you want 'good distortion' There is a very informative article with the 
Groove Tubes' founder in a recent Tape-Op where he talks about how they 
differ from reproduction tubes. Guitar amps are supposed to distort.
And the frequency response of a guitar amp is nothing like what 
audiophiles want.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread rajacat

95bcwh;172095 Wrote: 
 Why does it matter what his opinion is

I thought that a forum is a place for an exchange of views. If opinions
don't matter, why bother to join a forum? IMO tomjtx didn't just refine
his opinion but almost totally flip flopped so I was just curious about
the reversal.


rajacat's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4156
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Transporter on the cover of Stereophile, Feb 2007 issue

2007-01-20 Thread Pat Farrell

Pale Blue Ego wrote:

I guess he pretty much HAD to say that.  Stereophile's ad revenue would
take a sharp tumble if they had dared to indicate that the Transporter
was equal to or better than the more expensive audiophile-approved
front ends.

What a cynic.

Most good buff books have a decent Chinese wall between the advertising 
and editorial sides of the business, and I think Stereophile is better 
at being honest than some of its competition. Look at the praise that 
they have placed in the past on non-audiophile stuff, like the 
SqueezeBox 3 or the Benchmark DAC-1.

More importantly, buff books are not Consumer's Reports.
Price and sonic perfection are not the sole drivers of audiohile vendors 
or purchasers. Sometimes it is better because it costs more, or has 
tubes. Look at all the folks that think that CD transports sound 
different. Let alone all the theological discussions of cables and 

Part of being an audiophile is being willing to spend more money on 
stereo that rational people think is wise.

Car and Driver, and Road  Track review far more Ferraris than their 
readers will ever buy. Sometimes lust is good.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread Skunk

Pat Farrell;172319 Wrote: 
  There is a very informative article with the 
 Groove Tubes' founder in a recent Tape-Op where he talks about how they
 differ from reproduction tubes. Guitar amps are supposed to distort.

I had a feeling that statement would pique your interest Pat. Thanks
for pointing out the article. The tubes are described as 'warm' and
'fat' toned in guitar amps, but I found them anemic in playback.


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using a Naim Power Amp Without a PreAmp

2007-01-20 Thread coop250

There's just 2 boxes in my system, running into Shahinian Arcs:

Transporter - NAP250. Nothing else, no preamp, no Hicap or any other
power supply. Very minimalist and sounds great.

Although I do wonder whether not using a good Naim preamp (82, 52 or
higher) is reducing the sound quality of the power amp. I have read
many times and it's also stated in their own manuals that Naim power
amps shouldn't be used without their preamps, but if you've only got
one source and that source also has attenuation control and a volume
control, then why not.

I would love to hear from anyone who has 82, 52 or higher preamp and
has done the above comparison.

By the way TurnipMan you would need a 2x phono to XLR cable if you had
the NAP250 - Chord company can make them for you and can probably make
any other connection you may need if you tell them what amp you end up

Hope this helps,


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread tomjtx

rajacat;172317 Wrote: 
 I thought that a forum is a place for an exchange of views. If opinions
 don't matter, why bother to join a forum? IMO tomjtx didn't just refine
 his opinion but almost totally flip flopped so I was just curious about
 the reversal.
 In interest of full disclosure, I'm now breaking in a Bolder SB with
 full mods but, who knows, I'm always open to possibilities for better
 sound and a Transporter could be a future acquisition. Perhaps a modded
 TP, hah! Audionervosa eh?
 IMO this forum needs the smilies like over on the AC.

How do you like your BSB?
I asume you did the digital+analog mods?
If I remember correctly you didn't do the 750.00 PSU but the elpac or
something similar in price.
To my ears the Ultimate PSU is the least bang for buck of all his mods.


tomjtx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7449
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using a Naim Power Amp Without a PreAmp

2007-01-20 Thread Patrick Dixon

coop250;172340 Wrote: 
 I would love to hear from anyone who has 82, 52 or higher preamp and
 has done the above comparison.
 I had an 82 with 2 Hicaps, and trying it into a non-naim amp (I'd
already sold my 135s), I slightly preferred things without.  That was
with an SB+ though, you might not be able to hear any difference at all
with a standard SB ;-)

( or Transporter)

Patrick Dixon


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using a Naim Power Amp Without a PreAmp

2007-01-20 Thread cliveb

coop250;172340 Wrote: 
 Although I do wonder whether not using a good Naim preamp (82, 52 or
 higher) is reducing the sound quality of the power amp. I have read
 many times and it's also stated in their own manuals that Naim power
 amps shouldn't be used without their preamps, but if you've only got
 one source and that source also has attenuation control and a volume
 control, then why not.
The reason why you need to use a Naim preamp with their power amps is
because Naim power amps rely on being fed a bandwidth limited signal.
Lots of high frequency (ultrasonic) energy can drive them into
instability. Naim preamps ensure that no nasty ultrasonics get

I'd have thought that, assuming the Transporter has proper anti-imaging
filters after the DAC, it won't be putting out any ultrasonics anyway,
so you're probably safe.


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

cliveb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=348
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread Pat Farrell

Skunk wrote:
  I had a feeling that statement would pique your interest Pat. Thanks

for pointing out the article. The tubes are described as 'warm' and
'fat' toned in guitar amps, but I found them anemic in playback.

Well, did you turn it up into distortion?
Guitar amp tone doesn't happen until you get into the non-linear parts.

You want to drive the tubes into overload, and drive the output 
transformers into overload, and sometimes drive it so hard that the 
rectifier circuit sags. You want the speaker cones to be moving so 
radically that they don't couple well with the air.

If that is too loud, then you are supposed to move. or at least
get something like a Sholtz Power Shot, which is nothing more than a 
huge array of resistors to attenuate the signal.

If the amp isn't at 11, its not going to sound fat.

Which is not what an audiophile amp is about at all.

An electric guitar amp's sound is part of the instrument, it is not just 
a Statocaster, or Les Paul, etc. it is the combination of the guitar, 
amp, speaker, playing style, etc. Nearly everything changes the sound, 
simple things like having a long lead (the wire between the guitar and 
amp) has huge impact.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread Skunk

Pat Farrell;172372 Wrote: 
 You want to drive the tubes into overload, and drive the output 
 transformers into overload, and sometimes drive it so hard that the 
 rectifier circuit sags. You want the speaker cones to be moving so 
 radically that they don't couple well with the air.
 If that is too loud, then you are supposed to move. or at least
 get something like a Sholtz Power Shot, which is nothing more than a 
 huge array of resistors to attenuate the signal.
 If the amp isn't at 11, its not going to sound fat.

Well you're more than welcome to have the tube if you have a suitable
amp. OTOH if you know of an easy circuit it would be fun to build an
amp that goes to 11. 

This poor guy can't have an on-topic thread to save his life :-)


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread Pat Farrell

Skunk wrote:

Well you're more than welcome to have the tube if you have a suitable
amp. OTOH if you know of an easy circuit it would be fun to build an
amp that goes to 11. 

Sure, my Fender tube amp can use the 12ax7 in its preamp circuit, altho 
they last a long time, its the big 6L6 or 33 tubes that go, and of 
course, they are far more expensive than a 12ax7

All of the tube amp circuits are all based on work done by RCA in the 
20s and 30s. And all are pretty basic, especially if you cheat and use a 
solid state rectifier for the DC power supply. Just be careful, the A 
voltages in any tube amp can kill you, they are at least 70 volts AC, 
often more, and have more than enough current to do serious damage.

check out http://www.diyaudio.com/

search for 12ax7 and you'll find lots


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Jolida 1501 hybrid

2007-01-20 Thread Skunk

Pat Farrell;172386 Wrote: 
 Sure, my Fender tube amp can use the 12ax7 in its preamp circuit, 

I sent you a private message if you can log in to the interface.


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;172350 Wrote: 
 How do you like your BSB?
 I asume you did the digital+analog mods?
 If I remember correctly you didn't do the 750.00 PSU but the elpac or
 something similar in price.
 To my ears the Ultimate PSU is the least bang for buck of all his mods.

I can't give you an opinion yet on the BSB because the 400+ hours of
break-in is at about the 300 hour point. I did do the digital+analog
mod because the dig mod wasn't that expensive and maybe a hot new dac
might appear such as the Altman which will cause the dig mod option the
be the best.I opted for the Platinum upgrade but gave the Bybees a pass.
The platinum Sonicap is suppose to be  not at its' optimum until 1000
hours pass. I didn't go for the 750  buck power supply but I did
acquire a Power One psu ($4.00) and had Wayne mod it for about $100. If
I get the urge I might attempt to built a ps using top end components. I
feel that $750 would be better spent elsewhere in my modest system.

I'm now testing/break-in a refurbished Scott LK -48 tube integrated amp
which is confusing the evaluation of the BSB.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread tomjtx

rajacat;172393 Wrote: 
 I can't give you an opinion yet on the BSB because the 400+ hours of
 break-in is at about the 300 hour point. I did do the digital+analog
 mod because the dig mod wasn't that expensive and maybe a hot new dac
 might appear such as the Altman which will cause the dig mod option the
 be the best.I opted for the Platinum upgrade but gave the Bybees a pass.
 The platinum Sonicap is suppose to be  not at its' optimum until 1000
 hours pass. I didn't go for the 750  buck power supply but I did
 acquire a Power One psu ($4.00) and had Wayne mod it for about $100. If
 I get the urge I might attempt to built a ps using top end components. I
 feel that $750 would be better spent elsewhere in my modest system.
 I'm now testing/break-in a refurbished Scott LK -48 tube integrated amp
 which is confusing the evaluation of the BSB.

I'd wouldn't be surprised if the power one sounds just as good as the
The Ultimate just didn't sound better than my elpac  my stock SB3.

BTW I have an old Macintosh tube tuner that sounds great. Vintage tube
gear is a lot of fun, enjoy.


tomjtx's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7449
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: To DAC or not to DAC

2007-01-20 Thread rajacat

tomjtx;172404 Wrote: 
 I'd wouldn't be surprised if the power one sounds just as good as the
 The Ultimate just didn't sound better than my elpac  my stock SB3.
 BTW I have an old Macintosh tube tuner that sounds great. Vintage tube
 gear is a lot of fun, enjoy.

I think the  the old Scott will be excellent with my system. It has
some serious iron and is, I think, a good match for my high efficiency
speakers. I'm listening Alison Krauss Lonely Runs Both Ways and she
sounds as if she is in the room singing to just me. 



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Phono noise when Squeezebox plugged in

2007-01-20 Thread upstateaudio

I have noise that was previously not in my phono section before I
installed my Squeezebox in my main system.  Will a linear power supply
minimize this( I have a Welborne on order)?

Relevant components as follows:

Simaudio I5
Dynavector 10X5 cart
Cambridge 640P
Lat International IC100D interconnect ( I originally had Nordost Blue
Heavens, I took them out and these LATs quieted things down a bit)
Squeezebox w AudioArt IC3s
Blue Heaven Speaker Cable
Totem Hawks
Thanks in advance.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Phono noise when Squeezebox plugged in

2007-01-20 Thread upstateaudio

I forgot to mention Squeezebox is on network wirelessly.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Phono noise when Squeezebox plugged in

2007-01-20 Thread snarlydwarf

Depends where the noise is getting into your system.

Most likely via the power lines.  Changing power supplies may alleviate
some of that, as would adding an isolator like mentioned in
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31734 or maybe ferrite
beads around cables.


snarlydwarf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1179
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using a Naim Power Amp Without a PreAmp

2007-01-20 Thread magnanimous

ModelCitizen;172225 Wrote: 
 Does Fifer do the same as me... or are you getting mixed up?

Think I'm getting mixed up :-(


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Using a Naim Power Amp Without a PreAmp

2007-01-20 Thread sonofcolin

cliveb;172365 Wrote: 
 The reason why you need to use a Naim preamp with their power amps is
 because Naim power amps rely on being fed a bandwidth limited signal.
 Lots of high frequency (ultrasonic) energy can drive them into
 instability. Naim preamps ensure that no nasty ultrasonics get through.

I use 82/SC/250. Sounds pretty good with SB3/Bolder mods.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Phono noise when Squeezebox plugged in

2007-01-20 Thread upstateaudio

I just put some ferrite cores onto the powers supply.  The noise is
gone.   Thanks for the tip.


upstateaudio's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9577
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Grado sr60, sr80 or something else

2007-01-20 Thread Nostromo

I already had Sennheiser PX-100's for my iPod. I highly recommend them.
Unfortunately, the cable is too short for indoor purposes. So I
recently bought Grado SR 80's. Not sure yet if they sound that much
better than the PX-100's, but I'm still in the process of breaking them


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