Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread TheOctavist

magiccarpetride wrote: 
 Yeah, sort of like the racist south.

awesome. ignorant regional discrimination.  it might actually funny if
you weren't known for being a troll.  the north(and everywhere else in
the world) is rife with racism too, they just try and cover it up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread darrenyeats

What about the possibility that the listeners are stressed because it's
very hard to tell the difference when relying purely on their ears?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread bluegaspode

But didn't report all TT3 lovers dramatic increases in their listening
experiences. If these exist, why would it be stressful to also detect
them under blind conditions? 

I'd let the stress argument count if someone reported I can hear
subtle improvements, but please go back to the very first posts on the
TT2 and 3 threads and read those enthusiastic descriptions of
magiccarpetride and others. 
Why would it be stressful to detect the same huge differences reliably
under blind conditions? Should be dead easy if are to be trusted the
reported improvements?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread darrenyeats

On a slightly different note, I think discussion is about exaggeration
of differences. I do think DACs can and do sound different. The better
they get, supposing they have been designed to be transparent, the
harder it is to hear a difference. But audibly, I believe the difference
will be subtle indeed between GOOD front ends. On this point note even
resident pro TheOctavist has Forsell and Mytek DACs which cost (in my
country) more than his speakers! No-one is saying it makes NO
difference. We have MEASUREMENTS which tell us there are differences!

In this context, I agree that by far the most significant differences
will be those of the recording quality, room acoustics and loudspeakers.
On the last point, well designed active speakers have several technical
advantages. So I am a front end last sort of person, but not a front
end doesn't matter person.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread Soulkeeper

rgro wrote: 
 Aw, c'mon why so serious?
Because the rational answer (and how to reach it) matters. Even when the
question is trivial.

rgro wrote: 
 And, back to the original point I took issue with: were everyone that
 has contributed to aeronautics imbued with your philosophy that If you
 don't expect a tweak to make a change, you're not very likely to apply
 the tweak, I don't believe we'd have had anywhere near the progress (in
 aeronautics, electronics, or anything else, for that matter) that we

Okay, then please explain me this: If the first flying machine builders
didn't expect their tweaks to make a change, then -why did they do

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode plugin with M-DAC

2012-04-19 Thread tank121

Does the USB isolator though just perform a familiar job to a mains
filter? If you've got clean mains you don't really need one?

I'm still to do extensive listening via USB compared to coaxial?

Anyone else got the same setup?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode plugin with M-DAC

2012-04-19 Thread Mnyb

main filter does not isolate the interface Touch to DAC not the same
thing, nb I have no idea if USB needs isolation or not , if these
products are used for non audio application to then they might have a
real purpose (not just fleecing audiophiles ).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread mlsstl

darrenyeats wrote: 
 On a slightly different note, I think the discussion is about
 exaggeration of differences 
Correct. If you read my comments carefully, I don't state there are no
audible differences in many situations, only that they often shrink
dramatically in size when non-audio cues are taken out of the equation.

Unfortunately, many audiophiles take any challenge to their personal
perception as an insult and will go to great lengths to discredit the
offending test. Hence, the stress card that is so grossly overplayed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode plugin with M-DAC

2012-04-19 Thread eiffel

USB isolators are not the same as mains filters. 

As far as I understand it, isolators remove the electrical connection
(grounds) which exists otherwise, and prevent the introduction of noise
into the DAC and its digital and analog circuitry (some of which can be
quite sensitive to such pollution). I think that PSU noise is more a
factor here than Mains noise.

One could achieve the same results with a USB-optical-USB connection,
but this costs more than the £20-30 of an isolator.

Isolators should not alter the signal and don't have any negative effect
(besides cost and throughput limits which are above what is needed for
USB 1.0 Audio)... as can easly be demonstrated with the MDAC and its bit
perfect test.

They do provide some added protection to the DAC (and are commonly used
with USB experimentation boards and other testing equipment, for this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread rgro

Soulkeeper wrote: 
 Because the rational answer (and how to reach it) matters. Even when the
 question is trivial.
 Okay, then please explain me this: If the first flying machine builders
 didn't expect their tweaks to make a change, then -why did they do

Since you asked:  It's NOT rational in the sense that you seem to want
it to be (why would any sane person try something if they expect it to
fail?)It's because they are/were insatiably curious---a trait shared
by the most brilliant researchers and creatives. They neither believe in
their own pre-conceptions nor anyone else's.  The only way they can be
truly convinced that something doesn't work is to actually try it.  To
their way of thinking, the cases (either expecting it will or it won't)
are much more equal than the way in which most of us would think. 
Expecting that something won't work is, in these individuals' minds,
vastly different from proving it won'tfor them it's the same process
as proving that something will [work].  They're just driven to find

Furthermore, sometimes during that process of finding out the tweak,
indeed, doesn't work, a new insight is gained or new information
uncovered. Pure researchers have an intuitive understanding of this and
follow lots of these, supposedly, silly paths for no other reason than
to simply find out where the possible tangents may lead, irrespective of
the final result.  

It takes a rather unique and different personality to think and do
this way--some would call it irrational and/or eccentric.  And, while
this leads to long stretches of going down dead-ends, blind alleys (and
plane crashes) and, what others might call time-wasting, it's often the
way to arrive at true genius. It's an interesting trait, since many of
the most brilliant innovators have rather large and rough-edged egos. 
But, one of the more charming inconsistencies in all that is that they
seem to lack the arrogance to believe in their own assumptions and
pre-conceptions without self-proof.

On a more mundane level, how many of us might have spouses who are less
than mechanically inclined? And who amongst us hasn't had the
experience, when some gadget goes on the fritz, of said person---who in,
our VERY humble opinion is ignorant---saying why don't you try it this
way?  Know-it-all spouse says, it'll never work.  But, because we
love and indulge, we say,alright, I'll give it a try, but it won't
work, I can guaranty you that.   And, then, it works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread rgro

TheOctavist wrote: 
 awesome. ignorant regional discrimination.  it might actually funny if
 you weren't known for being a troll.  the north(and everywhere else in
 the world) is rife with racism too, they just try and cover it up.  Ive
 been a southern boy all my life, and race relations simply aren't as bad
 as people think(mostly northerners or people that have never been to the
 south but want to paint us all as backwards thinking hillbillies. )
 heres a southerner some folks may be familar with.

And, coming from someone who posts this nonsense:

oddly enough my forum language settings have changed to french. 
now when I go to post, or confront someone in the forum, the page runs
away and surrenders.'

How much credence are we really supposed to give your statements above? 
But then, we stray very, very far off topic and I will stop before the
mods give me the chop.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread Soulkeeper

rgro wrote: 
 They neither believe in their own pre-conceptions nor anyone else's. 
 The only way they can be truly convinced that something doesn't work is
 to actually try it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread magiccarpetride

mlsstl wrote: 
 Guess we'll just have to disagree. In your case, any situation where a
 listener is deprived of the opportunity to confirm their conscious or
 unconscious sighted bias, results can be discarded due to stress. I'm
 of the opinion that blind testing often illustrates that those
 enormous differences aren't quite as big as originally thought.

Where I disagree with you is in your tacit assumption that anyone who
gets subjected to a listening test is automatically in the position of
defending their own pet theory (such as that power cables can make a
difference, or not, or that digital transports can make a difference, or
not, and so on). That's rarely the case. Many listening tests have been
conducted with test subjects who have no personal agendas, nor do they
care one way or the other. They're just humouring the testing crew, or
are looking to earn a quick buck.

I would have no objection against listening tests if after the test I
could pee in a cup, and then they send that cup to the lab, and the next
day test results clearly show whether I was able to hear the differences
or not.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread rgro

Soulkeeper wrote:

That's brilliant.  You ask me for my explanation, I take the time to do
that, and the best response you can come up with is to point to, of all
things, a Wikipedia page that essentially says that my belief that human
nature does not adhere to the same laws and parameters as, say,
chemistry means that my explanation is nothing more than a flight in
magic and fallacy? Really..! 

There are 154,000 membersa number of them Ph.d's---in the American
Psychological Assocation (the U.S. psychololgists' professional
organization) who, in addition to me, would take great issue with you. 
Now, perhaps you believe that the study and science of psychology and
human nature is a bunch of nonsense because, amongst other things, the
science says that human behavior is *sometimes* unpredictable,
inexplicable, non-logical, and irrational-in a word, unscientific. 
And by all means you are certainly entitled to that belief.   But, at
this point, I really cannot imagine that we could have anything more to
discuss on this subjectyou know Mars vs. Venus and all that..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread mlsstl

magiccarpetride wrote: 
 I would have no objection against listening tests if after the test I
 could pee in a cup, and then they send that cup to the lab, and the next
 day test results clearly show whether I was able to hear the differences
 or not.

That issue was previously addressed and then conveniently ignored by
you. You're obviously welcome to all of the enormous differences you can

See you around. I've got no urge to become repetitive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread magiccarpetride

mlsstl wrote: 
 That issue was previously addressed and then conveniently ignored by
 you. You're obviously welcome to all of the enormous differences you can
 See you around. I've got no urge to become repetitive.

Urine sample was previously addressed in this thread. When?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread darrenyeats

In my opinion certain people have a deep need for a framework explaining
everything in the world and the desire to educate others about it.

In the past these people ended up as religious types but these days a
lot of them are hard core reductionist scientific types. A lot of them
tend to be binary right and wrong techies. I think of them as
fundamentalists...and it matters not a jot whether they are promoting
Allah or string theory to explain EVERYTHING...fundies are fundies to

It is possible we don't understand very much about the true nature of
those things we feel are most meaningful as humans. Yes even though
science reveals we are stuck in a tiny corner of the universe in a
sliver of history, which certainly suggests human affairs are of little
lasting import, I like to feel there is something going on no scientist
has found out. Maybe there is more to it than vibrating strings. Greater
minds than I have argued both sides. Does this make me a moron? I hope

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread rgro

darrenyeats wrote: 
 In my opinion certain people have a deep need for a framework explaining
 everything in the world and the desire to educate others about it.
 In the past these people ended up as religious types but these days a
 lot of them are hard core reductionist scientific types. A lot of them
 tend to be binary right and wrong techies. I think of them as
 fundamentalists...and it matters not a jot whether they are promoting
 Allah or string theory to explain EVERYTHING...fundies are fundies to
 It is possible we don't understand very much about the true nature of
 those things we feel are most meaningful as humans. Yes even though
 science reveals we are stuck in a tiny corner of the universe in a
 sliver of history, which certainly suggests human affairs are of little
 lasting import, I like to feel there is something going on no scientist
 has found out. Maybe there is more to it than vibrating strings. Greater
 minds than I have argued both sides. Does all this make me a moron? I
 hope not.
 Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

Lovely, Darren.  Personally, I find it not at all inconsistent that the
quantum physicist believes in God or the biochemist writes poetry. 
Sometimes the most rational among us have the greatest insight regarding
the inexplicable. 

I'm probably a moron for even having been baited (perhaps even
trolled???) into the argument.  But, damn, those fundies tick me off!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread darrenyeats

Does taking the p*ss count? He-he.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-04-19 Thread magiccarpetride

darrenyeats wrote: 
 Does taking the p*ss count? He-he.
 Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using Tapatalk 2

Gotcha, it's a pissing contest.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] There is life after the Soundcheck TT mods..

2012-04-19 Thread magiccarpetride

darrenyeats wrote: 
 In my opinion certain people have a deep need for a framework explaining
 everything in the world and the desire to educate others about it.
 In the past these people ended up as religious types but these days a
 lot of them are hard core reductionist scientific types. A lot of them
 tend to be binary right and wrong techies. I think of them as
 fundamentalists...and it matters not a jot whether they are promoting
 Allah or string theory to explain EVERYTHING...fundies are fundies to

You may think I'm nitpicking here, but I disagree that they are
fundamentalists. I call them extremists.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode plugin with M-DAC

2012-04-19 Thread tank121

I must add that using the Mdac via usb is sounding sweet.Can I be
bothered switching back to coaxial? I've never purchased a 192k track.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Perception

2012-04-19 Thread TheOctavist

nice article originally posted in 'TAPE OP' ( (btw, you
should subscribe to this print is FREE and awesome.

and the reply from Wayne Baynham(a recording engineer)

and a nice thing about A-Bing(by Allan Farmelo...a recording engineer)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Do ignore lists work on this forum?

2012-04-19 Thread CaptBeyond

magiccarpetride wrote: 
 Ever considered changing your moniker to Captain Obvious?

Obviously not.

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