Replacememt "InguzDSP.exe.config" for LMS 7.9.2 (Sox 14.4)

When Inguz is used for DRC, if the sampling rate of the previously
selected impulse filter doesn't match the sampling rate of what is being
played - Inguz uses Sox to resample the impulse filter. For example, if
the impulse filter is 44.1kHz and one plays a 96kHz file, Inguz will
resample the impulse filter to 96kHz.

To do this Inguz uses, by default, the Sox "polyphase" parameter. This
is no longer supported by Sox 14.4 (installed by LMS 7.9.2). As a
result, when using LMS 7.9.2/Sox 14.4, the resampling will fail and DRC
will drop out.

The original -InguzDSP.exe- can be used with an amended
-InguzDSP.exe.config- file which includes a new "soxFmt" entry:

    <add key="soxFmt" value='"{0}" "{2}" rate -v -I {1}' />

-(I did a test build of -InguzDSP.exe- which used an updated the Sox
command line. _That_is_no_longer_needed._)-

First save the existing "InguzDSP.exe.config" file to a safe place, as a

Copy the unzipped file to:

Windows 7
C:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\


For Ubuntu, set the file as executable by:

    sudo chmod +x \usr\sbin\InguzDSP.exe.config

*** Please note: the above Ubuntu file location is that specified in the
original Inguz installation guide. NOT that suggested by W0153R in an
earlier post in this thread. If you have used W0153R's installation
guide you will need to modify the above accordingly.

*** There was a bug in the Sox originally included in the Windows
version of LMS 7.9.2. This was corrected in the December 10, 2018
(1544453860) nightly. This bug only affected Windows installations and
would have prevented any resampling at all by Sox. So, if you are on
Windows LMS 7.9.2 prior to December 10, 2018 (1544453860) it  might be a
good idea to install the current nightly.

I have also updated the "InguzDSP.exe.config" secion in the Inguz
Documentation pdf file that I posted in an earlier thread.

The updated Inguz Documentation and all the other files I have recently
posted here can be downloaded from:


Touch, Meridian G92, Bryston B4 SST2, PMC OB1i speakers, HP Proliant
Microserver/Ubuntu, PC/Windows 7, iPad 4, iPeng, Squeezepad.
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