Like most folks, I've taken on faith the accuracy with which Exact Audio Copy rips CDs and have ripped a large number of CDs using it over the past few years. Recently, I picked up a Plextor Plexwriter Premium CD-RW drive primarily to get a much faster ripping speed without (hopefully) loss of accuracy. To my surprise however, I found that the vast majority of rips using the Plextor were bit-wise different from those CDs I had previously ripped with EAC (I used the Foobar 'Bit Compare Tracks' feature to determine this). I was understandably concerned since I was led to believe that Plextools with the Plextor drive was capable of producing extremely accurate results.

In reading some forum posts, I ran across references to AccurateRip ( that provides a software plug in for EAC that will compare the rips (CRCs?) to an online database of collected results and report the correlation. I installed this and re-ripped several CDs with EAC, and AccurateRip indicated that the rips were not accurate (confidence value of 1). On the forth of fifth CD it asked if I wanted to use that CD to set the read offsets for the drive (why it didn't do this with the first few CDs is a mystery to me). I did this and found that it had changed the read offset settings in EAC for the drive from 0 to +30. I ripped the CD and lo and behold I received an indication that the rip was accurate (confidence = 9). I re-ripped the previous few CDs and the results from them were also listed as accurate. I compared these files with those from the Plextor drive and sure enough, the decoded audio data in all of them were identical.

I took a peek at the Drive Options -> Offset/Speed page in EAC and there is a button on the page that will presumably detect the read sample offset for the drive, but unfortunately it states that the drive is not in its database and it does nothing. This result was the same with the other 3 drives I have, and their offsets remained at 0 as well.

So it appears that EAC is NOT entirely accurate unless the read offsets are correctly set, and this is not being done by default. Without AccurateRip, I would not have known this, and I would definitely not know what the proper offsets should be.


- Ken

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