Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter into poweramp?

2022-11-27 Thread Deaf Cat

Thank you for your reply :-)

sgmlaw wrote: 
> As to the reduced volume output on the TP, check the internal
> attenuation jumpers.  I know on our TP, I have to attenuate down quite a
> bit to accommodate a vintage preamp, and that would certainly cause some
> volume range issues with more modern gear.

Had a quick look and L & R are both on Zero attenuation, just realised
the Beringer is a piece of pro sound equipment so is used to the higher
voltage of balanced signals, not the 'low' 2Vrms of domestic gear, this
explains the max volume being low, I think!

sgmlaw wrote: 
> Also be aware that using digital volume attenuation in the SB will lose
> you some resolution compared to a 100% output with downstream analog
> attenuation.  If maximum resolution is your objective, you may be better
> served with a preamp.

Hmmm very good point thank you for mentioning this, I don't want to plug
the TP in again directly to the power amp, without having it
professionally tested, as I think the blast of electrical buss/humm has
aged my speaker by about 40 years or so as they now sound really quite
bad :-(   It is not going in my main system at all until its got the all
clear from a professional, or I'll send it back.
But yes thanks for the advice, once I have a correctly working TP I
shall try it with a pre and without, to see if I can hear the difference

sgmlaw wrote: 
> For the hum, I would check your cables for a ground loop.  If your
> cables are directional as to shield, try flipping them.  Also make sure
> that your input/output impedances for both instruments are within design
> limits.  Again, placing a preamp between the TP and the amp may also
> alleviate that situation.  I would also open up the TP to make sure it
> is still stock, and has not suffered any poor repairs or mods.

The cables are normal RCA single ended cables, so shielding should be
connected both ends as far as I know.  My SB Touch and my SB2 both work
fine straight into the power amp... This is why I am confused!?
The output impedance of the TP is 100 Ohm and the input impedance of the
amp is 100,000 Ohms, as I understand it 10* 100 Ohms is the minimum for
the two to work okay together, the higher the input impedance the
better, so we should be fine.  But obviously not :-o
All looks like new inside, nothing out of place, no iffy soldering, so
guessing all original.

sgmlaw wrote: 
> FWIW, I ran a TP direct to amp for about a week while awaiting some
> equipment to install.  It sounded ok, with none of your hum issues.  But
> the SB, even at the TP level, is really a front end device, and benefits
> greatly from further pre-amplification.  They simply don’t have the
> analog chomps to drive higher end amps all by themselves without some
> help.
> I don’t care what all the TP fanboys and scopeheads say, looking under
> the hood, the TP’s analog output stage is unimpressive.  And compared to
> higher strata DACs, sounds unimpressive.  I wound up using the TP as a
> digital head end into a separate DAC in the $3-5,000 range.  And that
> DAC makes the TP by itself sound like a 1979 Walkman by comparison,
> primarily due to a vastly superior analog output stage, very robust
> power supplies throughout, and extensive overbuild in the conversion
> stage.  You get what you pay for, and premium build analog stages are
> unavoidably expensive.  The TP was never more than a $1,000 instrument
> inside, and was somewhat overpriced when new due to its market position
> at that time.
> However, unless you are prepared to move up to that level, the TP is
> still reasonably competitive with todays sub-$1,500 DAC offerings, but
> with a good following preamp.

Thank you for these points, much appreciated :-)
I don't fancy testing the TP in different set ups until I know its not
going to harm anything else.   But yes I will at some point try it
directly into a power amp, then into the TAG as an analogue input, and
then as a digital input, just to see what I prefer the sound of :-)   I
bought the TAG about 12 years ago, boy time flys! bought from an audio
repair guy, I did not have it long and was soon on the phone to him,
asking if he could make it more musical, its attention to detail was
amazing IMO, that is why I bought it, but I missed the involving
musicality side of things, the guy said he could try a few things and it
came back sounding much nicer, about 4 years after that I pitted it
against 2 dacs around the 2 -2.5k range, I came back thinking the repair
guy did a fab job!  But yes I can imagine 4-5k dacs would improve once
again, but ummm yes cash needs to go else where ;-) 
I had not thought of analogue pre amp after the TP :-) good call :-) I
shall try it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter into poweramp?

2022-11-26 Thread sgmlaw

Deaf Cat wrote: 
> Yes re-erecting a nice old thread :-)
> Not long purchased what looks like a nice example of a Transporter :-)
> However  -Plugged it in for a quick test,   Transporter unbalanced
> outputs -> Behringer X-air (basically a pre amp with eq)  ->  Mackie
> powered speakers
> All sounds good, Transporter needs to be turned up max to get a normal
> input signal to the X-air and works nicely.
> BUT   -   I would like the transporter to replace my Squeezebox touch
> and TAG pre amp / dac, so the Transporter will go straight in to my
> Adcom power amp (unbalanced).
> Even when the TP is not playing and muted I get a loud electrical
> buz/hu and have to switch power amp off Fast!   Yeah it seems if
> the TP volume is say half way the buzz is deafening!!
> Only tried it twice with a re-plug in to the x-air in between...  x-air
> / mackie output musical and fine.
> TP straight in to the AdcomNOISE...   ???
> I have tried my touch and SB2 straight in to the Adcom and works as it
> should, same leads but with the TP in place, bad buzzzhmmm ??
> I am confused any thoughts / pointers much appreciated
> Cheers
> :-)

As to the reduced volume output on the TP, check the internal
attenuation jumpers.  I know on our TP, I have to attenuate down quite a
bit to accommodate a vintage preamp, and that would certainly cause some
volume range issues with more modern gear.

Also be aware that using digital volume attenuation in the SB will lose
you some resolution compared to a 100% output with downstream analog
attenuation.  If maximum resolution is your objective, you may be better
served with a preamp.

For the hum, I would check your cables for a ground loop.  If your
cables are directional as to shield, try flipping them.  Also make sure
that your input/output impedances for both instruments are within design
limits.  Again, placing a preamp between the TP and the amp may also
alleviate that situation.  I would also open up the TP to make sure it
is still stock, and has not suffered any poor repairs or mods.

FWIW, I ran a TP direct to amp for about a week while awaiting some
equipment to install.  It sounded ok, with none of your hum issues.  But
the SB, even at the TP level, is really a front end device, and benefits
greatly from further pre-amplification.  They simply don’t have the
analog chomps to drive higher end amps all by themselves without some

I don’t care what all the TP fanboys and scopeheads say, looking under
the hood, the TP’s analog output stage is unimpressive.  And compared to
higher strata DACs, sounds unimpressive.  I wound up using the TP as a
digital head end into a separate DAC in the $3-5,000 range.  And that
DAC makes the TP by itself sound like a 1979 Walkman by comparison,
primarily due to a vastly superior analog output stage, very robust
power supplies throughout, and extensive overbuild in the conversion
stage.  You get what you pay for, and premium build analog stages are
unavoidably expensive.  The TP was never more than a $1,000 instrument
inside, and was somewhat overpriced when new due to its market position
at that time.

However, unless you are prepared to move up to that level, the TP is
still reasonably competitive with todays sub-$1,500 DAC offerings, but
with a good following preamp.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter into poweramp?

2022-11-24 Thread Deaf Cat

Yes re-erecting a nice old thread :-)

Not long purchased what looks like a nice example of a Transporter :-)

However  -Plugged it in for a quick test,   Transporter unbalanced
outputs -> Behringer X-air (basically a pre amp with eq)  ->  Mackie
powered speakers
All sounds good, Transporter needs to be turned up max to get a normal
input signal to the X-air and works nicely.

BUT   -   I would like the transporter to replace my Squeezebox touch
and TAG pre amp / dac, so the Transporter will go straight in to my
Adcom power amp (unbalanced).

Even when the TP is not playing and muted I get a loud electrical
buz/hu and have to switch power amp off Fast!   Yeah it seems if
the TP volume is say half way the buzz is deafening!!
Only tried it twice with a re-plug in to the x-air in between...  x-air
/ mackie output musical and fine.
TP straight in to the AdcomNOISE...   ???

I have tried my touch and SB2 straight in to the Adcom and works as it
should, same leads but with the TP in place, bad buzzzhmmm ??

I am confused any thoughts / pointers much appreciated


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter into poweramp?

2006-10-28 Thread Michael16oz

Hi and thanks for any advice offered...

I would like to buy a transporter without preamp and run it straight
into a power amp (or activespeaker) Will this combination be
problematic... is the Transpoter volume  control to be avoided?? What
do people think of flying mole Power amps...

thanks Michael


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