[aur-general] PKGBUILD review
Greetings, I've written my first PKGBUILD that I think is acceptable to submit and while I tried to make sure I followed the guidelines, I wanted to submit it for review here. You can view it online at https://github.com/godofgrunts/arch-PKGBUILDs/blob/master/godot-export if it's easier than email. # Maintainer: Ryan Whited @god_of_grunts pkgname=godot-export _rname=godot pkgver=1.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Export templates for the stable release of the Godot engine 1.1" url="http://www.godotengine.org"; license=('MIT') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') makedepends=('scons' 'mingw-w64-binutils' 'mingw-w64-crt' 'mingw-w64-gcc' 'mingw-w64-headers' 'mingw-w64-headers-bootstrap' 'mingw-w64-winpthreads' 'upx') #'emscripten' depends=('glu' 'libxcursor' 'alsa-lib' 'freetype2' 'mesa') optdepends=('godot: Cannot export without it') conflicts=('godot-export-git' 'godot-git') _arch='' if test "$CARCH" == x86_64; then _arch=('64') else _arch=('32') fi tempdir="/home/$USER/.godot/templates/" source=( "https://github.com/godotengine/godot/archive/${pkgver}-stable.tar.gz"; ) md5sums=('87eb2fc3518ce7a27957fada1ba003e9') build() { export MINGW64_PREFIX="x86_64-w64-mingw32-" export MINGW32_PREFIX="i686-w64-mingw32-" cd "${srcdir}"/${_rname}-${pkgver}-stable sed -n '/\/* Copyright/,/IN THE SOFTWARE./p' main/main.cpp | sed 's/\/\*//' | sed 's/\*\///' > LICENSE cores=$(nproc) bindir=("${srcdir}"/${_rname}-${pkgver}-stable/bin) tooldir=("${srcdir}"/${_rname}-${pkgver}-stable/tools) mkdir $tempdir || echo $tempdir does not need to be made #linux if test _arch == '32'; then scons -j $cores platform=x11 tools=no target=release bits=32 #linux_x11_32_release scons -j $cores platform=x11 tools=no target=release_debug bits=32 #linux_x11_32_debug cp $bindir/godot.x11.opt.32 $tempdir/linux_x11_32_release cp $bindir/godot.x11.opt.debug.32 $tempdir/linux_x11_32_debug else scons -j $cores platform=x11 tools=no target=release bits=64 #linux_x11_64_release scons -j $cores platform=x11 tools=no target=release_debug bits=64 #linux_x11_64_debug cp $bindir/godot.x11.opt.64 $tempdir/linux_x11_64_release cp $bindir/godot.x11.opt.debug.64 $tempdir/linux_x11_64_debug fi #linux-server if test _arch == '32'; then scons -j $cores platform=server target=release_debug tools=no bits=32 cp $bindir/godot_server.server.opt.debug.32 $tempdir/linux_server_32 else scons -j $cores platform=server target=release_debug tools=no bits=64 cp $bindir/godot_server.server.opt.debug.64 $tempdir/linux_server_64 fi #Windows export MINGW32_PREFIX="i686-w64-mingw32-" export MINGW64_PREFIX="x86_64-w64-mingw32-" scons -j $cores platform=windows tools=no target=release bits=32 #windows_32_release.exe scons -j $cores platform=windows tools=no target=release_debug bits=32 #windows_32_debug.exe scons -j $cores platform=windows tools=no target=release bits=64 #windows_64_release.exe scons -j $cores platform=windows tools=no target=release_debug bits=64 #windows_64_debug.exe cp $bindir/godot.windows.opt.64.exe $tempdir/windows_64_release.exe cp $bindir/godot.windows.opt.debug.64.exe $tempdir/windows_64_debug.exe cp $bindir/godot.windows.opt.32.exe $tempdir/windows_32_release.exe cp $bindir/godot.windows.opt.debug.32.exe $tempdir/windows_32_debug.exe x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip $tempdir/windows_64_release.exe x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip $tempdir/windows_64_debug.exe upx $tempdir/windows_32_debug.exe upx $tempdir/windows_32_release.exe #OS X #I'll put code here when https://github.com/godotengine/godot/wiki/compiling_osx is updated #Android #Probably should do this yourself, I'm not about to mess with your Android SDK #https://github.com/godotengine/godot/wiki/export_android #WinRT #Can't do this on Linux sorry #Blackberry 10 #Currently disabled by Godot #HTML5 #Currently broken per https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/3510 #export EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT=/usr/lib/emscripten #scons -j $cores platform=javascript tools=no target=release #scons -j $cores platform=javascript tools=no target=release_debug #cp $bindir/godot.javascript.opt.html $bindir/godot.html #cp $bindir/godot.javascript.opt.js $bindir/godot.js #cp $tooldir/html_fs/filesystem.js $bindir/filesystem.js #zip $tempdir/javascript_release.zip $bindir/godot.html $bindir/godot.js $bindir/filesystem.js #cp $bindir/godot.javascript.opt.debug.html $bindir/godot.html #cp $bindir/godot.javascript.opt.debug.js $bindir/godot.js #zip $tempdir/javascript_debug.zip $bindir/godot.html $bindir/godot.js $bindir/filesystem.js } package() { #Linux if test _arch == '32'; then upx $tempdir/linux_x11_32_release upx $tempdir/linux_x11_32_debug else
[aur-general] Signoff report for [community-testing]
=== Signoff report for [community-testing] === https://www.archlinux.org/packages/signoffs/ There are currently: * 0 new packages in last 24 hours * 0 known bad packages * 0 packages not accepting signoffs * 0 fully signed off packages * 36 packages missing signoffs * 12 packages older than 14 days (Note: the word 'package' as used here refers to packages as grouped by pkgbase, architecture, and repository; e.g., one PKGBUILD produces one package per architecture, even if it is a split package.) == Incomplete signoffs for [community] (36 total) == * sage-notebook- (any) 0/2 signoffs * sagemath-doc-7.0-1 (any) 0/2 signoffs * acpi_call-1.1.0-38 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * arm-none-eabi-binutils-2.26-1 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * avr-binutils-2.26-1 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * bbswitch-0.8-40 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * eclib-20160101-1 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * gdal-2.0.1-7 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * lcalc-1.23-10 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * libfplll-20160107-1 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * pari-sage-2.8.2044.g89b0f1e-1 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * postgis-2.2.1-2 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * pynac-0.6.0-1 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * r8168-8.041.00-3 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * rt3562sta- (i686) 0/1 signoffs * sagemath-7.0-2 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * tp_smapi-0.41-77 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * vhba-module-20140928-21 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * virtualbox-modules-5.0.14-2 (i686) 0/1 signoffs * acpi_call-1.1.0-38 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * arm-none-eabi-binutils-2.26-1 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * avr-binutils-2.26-1 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * bbswitch-0.8-40 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * eclib-20160101-1 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * gdal-2.0.1-7 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * lcalc-1.23-10 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * libfplll-20160107-1 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * pari-sage-2.8.2044.g89b0f1e-1 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * postgis-2.2.1-2 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * pynac-0.6.0-1 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * r8168-8.041.00-3 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * rt3562sta- (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * sagemath-7.0-2 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * tp_smapi-0.41-77 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * vhba-module-20140928-21 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs * virtualbox-modules-5.0.14-2 (x86_64) 0/2 signoffs == All packages in [community-testing] for more than 14 days (12 total) == * acpi_call-1.1.0-38 (i686), since 2016-01-14 * tp_smapi-0.41-77 (i686), since 2016-01-14 * acpi_call-1.1.0-38 (x86_64), since 2016-01-14 * bbswitch-0.8-40 (i686), since 2016-01-14 * tp_smapi-0.41-77 (x86_64), since 2016-01-14 * bbswitch-0.8-40 (x86_64), since 2016-01-14 * vhba-module-20140928-21 (i686), since 2016-01-14 * vhba-module-20140928-21 (x86_64), since 2016-01-14 * rt3562sta- (i686), since 2016-01-14 * rt3562sta- (x86_64), since 2016-01-14 * r8168-8.041.00-3 (i686), since 2016-01-14 * r8168-8.041.00-3 (x86_64), since 2016-01-14 == Top five in signoffs in last 24 hours == 1. bisson - 5 signoffs 2. pierre - 1 signoffs