Re: [aur-general] TU application: Daurnimator

2018-12-20 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
On 12/17/18 1:23 AM, Bartłomiej Piotrowski via aur-general wrote:
> And I stand by my opinion. It's ridiculous to think that one person,
> even if member of GitHub organization (which may or may not mean
> anything), can single-handedly affect decision of either project. It's
> difficult even here at Arch, and we are one of smaller teams.

While I agree that this is a completely valid opinion regarding large
packaging jobs like GNOME and so forth, Lua and Lua libs are hardly
that. Not to discount the Lua developers that exist within the Arch
community, but it's unlikely that a decision to change such packages
would impact nearly as many people as some of our other package sets,
nor should it require as large of a consensus among the developers/TUs
to make such changes. Upstream input into the packaging process *is*
useful, provided it doesn't suggest throwing all semblance of
standardization out the window.

What this means for the application, I'm not sure. If this is (as a few
others have mentioned) an attempt to join the team as a means to gain
political sway upstream, then I think we can all agree that the answer
here is pretty straightforward. If we step back and give the applicant
the benefit of the doubt however, then all I see is a well-informed and
well-intentioned Lua user who could do great things for our package
ecosystem—not acting as a lone wolf, but as a member of a greater team.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-28 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
On Feb 28, 2018 08:40, "Eli Schwartz via aur-general" <> wrote:

On 02/21/2018 07:06 AM, Eli Schwartz wrote:
> Anyway, the voting period has now officially begun, so cast your votes
> everyone!

Voting period is over, and the results are in!

Yes No Abstain Total Voted Participation
23  7  8   38Yes   82.61%

Congrats, you are now (once again) a TU! :) Welcome back!

I have upgraded your bugtracker and AUR accounts with the necessary

Take a look at
and take care of any remaining items.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

(Responding on mobile so no signature set up)

Thanks to Eli and the entire TU community! I'm hoping to be doing some good
work around here. :)


Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-12 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
On 02/12/2018 04:15 PM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
> I thought the idea here was to see what you are interested in, not what
> I'm interested in. :p

True, true. The packaging scene right now is both a blessing and a
curse: very few packages exist that don't have a maintainer, but at the
expense of having interesting things to work on from the get-go. Much
different than how I remember it, likely due to how many new faces we
have around here.

There are some python2-* and perl-* libraries that I've used that are
currently orphaned, so that could be another starting point, but for now
the short answer is: we'll see!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-12 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
On 02/12/2018 03:14 PM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
> Not as a general rule, no, but if the forum mods are feeling nice then
> the forum software does allow it. :)
> Likewise, Bluewind can edit the bugtracker database.
> Perks of being friendly with the people in charge. :D

Heh, sounds like I need to be making some calls then. ;)

> Sure thing, and I'm sure it will be awesome to have you back!
> As a matter of curiosity, MATE is already a pretty big and worthwhile
> task to handle, but what other orphans are you thinking of adopting?

Turns out that since my application, Antonio Rojas has stepped up to the
plate and updated MATE to version 1.20.0, so props to him! The whole
group is still orphaned though, so I would plan on pushing out future
updates when they come. There are no glaring holes in [community] right
now, which is fantastic; most of the other orphans are small utilities
and libraries with infrequent/discontinued releases, like cd-discid and
imlib (version 1).

Perhaps there are some packages that are becoming a burden on other TUs,
or AUR packages that deserve a spot in the official repos. Maybe you
have some recommendations?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-12 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
On 02/12/2018 06:52 AM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
> Brad, please create a new AUR account, as you will need one to interact
> with the AUR for various TU duties if you are re-elected. (This is
> independent of whether you maintain *any* packages in the AUR, which I
> hope you will anyway, not that every current TU does).
> Please start signing your emails with a PGP key, it is good practice,
> and we will need your PGP key for the keyring and so forth if you get
> re-elected.
> Following which, I formally announce that on my prerogative as a TU, I
> am sponsoring Brad as a new TU applicant whether he needs it or not.
> The standard discussion period will commence from the time that email is
> sent.

Per Eli's email, I have gone ahead and created a new AUR account under
the alias "cesura" (my standard nick for the past few years). For
clarity's sake, I've also made my bugtracker account under the same
name. Based on the BBS policies, I don't believe a name change is
possible, and plan to keep "itsbrad212" on the forums for the time being
(as embarrassing as it may be).

This will be my standard PGP signature moving forward, and I have my
fingerprint set on the new AUR account. I'll use this email as an
extremely brief "application" of sorts, to potentially give a bit more
background and outline my immediate goals.

As some of you may already know, I was elected as a Trusted User back in
2010, and had a nice run of around 1000 svn commits (maybe exactly?). I
made the decision to step down as I did not feel like I had enough free
time to uphold my responsibilities. As a TU in 2018, there would be a
few projects that I'd like to tackle first, notably the MATE desktop and
a few other orphaned packages that have drifted away from upstream versions.

Lastly, thank you to Eli Schwartz for the sponsorship, and if there are
any outstanding questions for me, don't hesitate to ask.

Brad Fanella

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-12 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general> wrote:

Well, you could at least starting signing your mails with the next
email, even if it is a new GPG key. It's something that we expect from
TU-Applicants.. and I see no reason why you should excluded from this
expectation. That maybe sounds a little bit harsh, but in my opinion you
should re-apply on the normal way. I don't think there is a  contra against
re-applying like all others. I mean you were several years away, so I
don't think that 1-2 weeks on top of it will be bad.

I respect that decision and will proceed with the standard application
process, proper signatures and all. :)

On Feb 12, 2018 4:09 AM, "Balló György via aur-general" <> wrote:

Thanks! :) Then I think the next step is to create a new account on
AUR, add your PGP fingerprint to your aurweb profile, and post a PGP-
signed message to this mailing list.

I appreciate the help, thanks again!

- Brad

Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-12 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
Do you still have access to your bug tracker account? Can you update
your email address here?

Yes I do. I've just gone ahead and updated my bug tracker account to
reflect this, thank you.


[...] is not able to sign his mails and seems to ignore requests of
doing so [...]

Frankly I'm not quite sure what that would prove. If I don't have a known
signature on record, signing these emails doesn't do anything to verify my
identity. To imply that I'm "ignoring requests" is a bit disingenuous when
you consider that a PGP signature would change nothing here.

All the best,

Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-12 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
> It's been around in some incarnation since 2007, and you have a
> filled-in profile at
> So I assumed you must have at one point had access to it, even if
> it's
> been long enough that you have forgotten and/or lost track -- I'm not
> sure offhand what precise role it had at all stages Arch's history.

Thanks for the help/advice Eli. If I remember correctly, my profile was
filled out by sending the various pieces of information to an
administrator for posting on the site. If I do in fact have access to
archweb, it's not something I could easily get into unfortunately.

I can also prove ownership of the email account (bradfanella@archlinux.
us) that I sent my original application from in 2010, if that
corroborates my claim.

Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-11 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
Do you still have access to your archweb account? If so, you could
update that with your GPG key/new email address and post a confirmation
email signed with that key to this thread. :D

I don't believe Archweb was even active when I was a TU, sadly. :(

I suppose the worst-case scenario would involve me reapplying in a more
formal way. Although assuming this was indeed a case of "identity theft,"
I'm not sure that would clear up doubts about malicious intent.


Re: [aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-11 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
> * The originally sent email does not match the email Brad applied
> with
>   in 2010. [1]
> * There is no GPG signature, neither on the current application or
> the
>   2010 application, as to remove doubts.
> * The "itsbrad212" account is no longer present on AUR.
> * The website on the TU Fellow page is no longer
>   functional. [2]
> There has been some recent activity on the "itsbrad212" forum account
> (which was linked from the 2010 application), but I would not say
> this
> is sufficient confirmation.

I understand your cause for concern, so I'd like to know if there is
any reasonable way to confirm my identity?

As mentioned by somebody else in this thread, a lot has changed since
2010, including PGP package signing in pacman. Every TU now has a
fingerprint that can eliminate doubt in situations like these, but I
wasn't quite around long enough for its universal adoption. My AUR
account was seemingly disabled due to inactivity (?), and I'd be hard-
pressed to keep a domain name for 8 years.


[aur-general] TU (re-)Application

2018-02-08 Thread Brad Fanella via aur-general
Hi all,

Perhaps this is a bit unorthodox, but in 2011 I resigned from my post
as a TU for personal and time-related reasons [1]. Coming up on almost
7 years later, I'm still an avid Arch user, and have struck a balance
in my life where I'm much more capable of contributing to open-source
projects than I was back then.

The warm regards and well-wishes from my fellow TUs at the time [2][3]
have left an extremely positive impression on me, and I find myself
once again wanting to pick up some orphaned packages in [community]
(surprisingly, the MATE desktop is homeless). Therefore, I'm writing
this message to see if there's any interest in getting another helping
hand around here.

Brad Fanella


Re: [aur-general] TU Resignation

2011-10-25 Thread Brad Fanella
Thank you all for your kind/encouraging words :) I guess I should have
mentioned this before: good luck to all of *you*! The job is certainly not
an easy one, and this has made me more appreciative of the work that is done
around here, and the open source community in general.

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Eric Waller wrote:


 You are an amazing young man.  I figured you must be burning your candle at
 both ends and the middle.  Take care of school, slow down and enjoy the
 finer things in life.  You will go far and are always welcome here.

 Eric W

I liked your message in particular, thanks for that. I've definitely been
kept busy lately, so I can only imagine what college will bring me a little
bit down the line.

~ Brad

[aur-general] TU Resignation

2011-10-24 Thread Brad Fanella
*sigh* I dreaded having to write this message. If anyone has noticed, I've
been inactive in the Arch community for at least two or three weeks now, and
my TU duties haven't been fulfilled in at least as long, if not more.

With the start of the academic year, I was hopeful for enough spare time to
continue what I enjoy (TU-ing, hobbies, both computer and non-computer
related) ~ looks like I was sorely mistaken. Operating on the minimum amount
of sleep that a human can survive on is not enjoyable, in case you were

All laziness and time-lacking aside, both of my production machines have
been fried due to power surges (which components, I yet don't know), and are
now reduced to nothing more than fancy metal boxes. This leaves me with an
old Thinkpad, but that's not even running Arch at the moment (/heresy), and
it's a P4, so trying to manage multicore packages from there would be a
no-go. It's just a very frustrating time, and I don't feel that I'm capable
of being an active package maintainer considering the circumstances.
Hopefully I can reapply sometime in the future if things fall back into

My packages are, as far as I know, *mostly* up-to-date, although a month's
absence can create a bit of mayhem. I will try my best to contribute and
close out any open bug reports that I may be assigned to, but I can't make
any definite promises.

It's been a nice run guys, I hope to see you 'round.


p.s. there were some personal issues as well, but I don't really feel the
need to get into those here ~ we can let Xyne speculate with one of his
riveting stories

Re: [aur-general] gwibber duplicates

2011-08-22 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Balló György wrote:


 please delete the following duplicates of gwibber and gwibber-dev:
 gwibber-dev-updated -
 gwibber-light -
 gwibber-new -
 gwibber3 -


Annihilated, thank you!

Re: [aur-general] Removal Requests

2011-08-20 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Luca Bennati wrote:

 kradio4-svn upstream
 switched to git
 kradioripper upstream
 renamed to kstreamripper (already in AUR, maintained by me)
 kradioripper-kde4 same

Done, done, and done. Thanks!

Re: [aur-general] Remove taskwarrior

2011-08-20 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Chris van Dijk wrote:

 Please remove taskwarrior [1], it is a duplicate of the community
 package task [2]. The submitter has disowned it and requested removal in
 the comments (about 6 weeks ago).


Done, thanks!

Re: [aur-general] TU Resignation

2011-03-15 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
 i don't have too much time left for myself and i want to cut down some
 duties in arch.

 See you guys in devland :)

 From all packages that i maintain in community i only want to keep
 virtualbox. All the others are up for adoption.


Thank you for your contributions up to this point! :-D

As for package adoption, I can take shotwell, balsa, and blueman off
your hands if you would like.


Re: [aur-general] TU Application -Thomas Hatch: Voting period

2011-01-20 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
 On 01/11/2011 08:24 PM, Xyne wrote:

 The voting period for Thomas Hatch's application has begun:

 Please make your way to the AUR and vote. :)

 voting period has ended two days ago.

 The results are:

 yes      20
 no        0
 abstain   8

 Congratulation for our new member. Here is the todo list:


Not to sound like a broken record, but congratulations! :-)

Re: [aur-general] Any TU feel like maintaining eric5 in extra/community?

2011-01-20 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 8:27 AM, Thomas S Hatch wrote:
 Personally I am going to agree, I think that this should be in

 If no one else says anything I will look into picking it up.

I'd be happy to take it if you don't mind. :-)


Re: [aur-general] TU Application - Seblu

2011-01-16 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 7:39 PM, Martti Kühne wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 10:44:10PM +0100, Seblu wrote:
 Yes great. I'm not paid by package i maintain.
 Do not misunderstand my intentions, this package is more often used
 without gtk (subjective).
 It's a really useful package for debugging network issues and got it
 in a server is a plus.
 Server = no gtk = no user repository packages. This was my reasoning.

 I find this a really good idea, there is no reason for mtr to require
 X to be running. So I suggest moving mtr-gtk into aur and having a
 sane mtr package using the cli interface (on which ARCH users are so
 keen :-P -- ).


Why do you suggest that? Can't we have mtr (which is the CLI
version) and mtr-gtk in the repos? Just curious.


Re: [aur-general] Renaming package

2011-01-14 Thread Brad Fanella
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 12:57 PM, Sebastien Duthil wrote:

 I'd like to know how to rename an AUR package. In this case, I must rename
 gplanarity to gplanarity-svn.
 Is it possible ? Can I do it or does anyone else have to do it ?
 Or shoud I create a new package ? In this case, should the old one be
 removed ?

 I didn't find anything about that case ...

 Thank you !

 Sebastien Duthil

As of now, you cannot rename packages. If you simply upload a new one,
I can delete the old package for you. :-)


Re: [aur-general] Renaming package

2011-01-14 Thread Brad Fanella
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Sebastien Duthil wrote:
 15/01/2011 02:02, Brad Fanella :

 As of now, you cannot rename packages. If you simply upload a new one,
 I can delete the old package for you.:-)

 I uploaded the new package. If you could remove the gplanarity package, it
 would be great. Thanks !

 By the way, I commented the package to say that it will be removed, is it
 necessary or is a deletion notice sent to the notified users ?

I don't believe that deletion notices are sent. I always like to add a
little comment before I delete my packages.

I deleted gplanarity. Thank you for your AUR contributions. :-)


Re: [aur-general] Wrote Small AUR Helper

2011-01-13 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:57 PM, Nathan Owens wrote:
 I wrote a little AUR helper in C++, though currently it only downloads the
 tarball if the package name is valid. I am new to C++ and wanted to know if
 you thought the code was good. I was thinking about putting it in AUR, but
 figured I would asked for opinion first. Here is the url for the code:

Looks promising. Hopefully the C++ will give the helper a speed boost. :-)

But, err...

Re: [aur-general] Anybody want apvlv?

2011-01-11 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Jakob Gruber wrote:

 Nah, umd in this case is an ebook file format, so you don't need a PSP
 toolchain ;)
 Brad, I think you solved this already?

Yes, I have solved this. I apologize for my ignorance; I was not aware
of the UMD ebook format (for mobile devices IIRC). All of this was
sorted out in the IRC channel. :-)

Although, the reason I wasn't able to build (link, to be more
specific) was the fact that upstream forgot to strip the object files
and binaries from the src/ dir. A make clean in the PKGBUILD fixed


Re: [aur-general] Anybody want apvlv?

2011-01-10 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 12:05 AM, Ray Rashif wrote:
 On 9 January 2011 03:27, Brad Fanella wrote:
 So with the recent release of apvlv 0.1.0, I have decided to drop
 maintaining it.

 I believe it now supports UMD file reading of some sort, and this
 requires the whole the PSP toolchain to be packaged and submitted to
 the repo, which is something I have no interest in doing whatsoever,
 as I haven't even used the software in months.

 What exactly is this PSP toolchain? Are the tools available from AUR?

Think of it as something similar to, say, the AVR toolchain. It is
simply packages that are patched/modified for a certain architecture,
which is the PSP (PlayStation Portable) in this case.

You can check out:

I couldn't find any PSP/UMD-related packages in the official repos, nor the AUR.


Re: [aur-general] delete request

2011-01-10 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Matthias Rascher wrote:
 can somebody delete this packages...

 1) obsolete
 the package name was changed (see package comment by chmurli)

 2) duplicate
 the package is redundant (see package comment by alexwizard)


Done and done. Thank you. :-D


Re: [aur-general] delete request

2011-01-10 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Thomas S Hatch wrote:
 2011/1/10 Cédric Girard

 On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:30 PM, Brad Fanella

  On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Matthias Rascher wrote:
   can somebody delete this packages...
   1) obsolete
   the package name was changed (see package comment by chmurli)
   2) duplicate
   the package is redundant (see package comment by alexwizard)
  Done and done. Thank you. :-D

 What was the name of these packages ?

 Cédric Girard

 Yes, brad just annihilated those packages in mere seconds, what were the

 -Tom Hatch


I don't quite remember to be quite honest. I did verify that they were
obsolete/duplicates, however, so I suppose there's no harm done.

Re: [aur-general] delete request

2011-01-10 Thread Brad Fanella
2011/1/10 Ng Oon-Ee
 On a related note: don't you guys
 sleep/work/do-something-else-other-than-read-aur-general-mails? =)

Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of?

Re: [aur-general] delete request

2011-01-10 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 9:05 PM, Evangelos Foutras wrote:
 2011/1/11 Cédric Girard
 What was the name of these packages ?

 Using my brand new time machine, I went back in time and noted their
 names; borderless-elementary-gtk-theme and nautilus-elementary-ur

That looks absolutely correct to me; but I'm sure my input doesn't
matter, as I'm no match for your magical time machine.

Re: [aur-general] Does anyone use tdl?

2011-01-08 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Kaiting Chen wrote:
 Just out of curiosity does anyone use tdl? The last release was way back in
 2004. --Kaiting.


 Kiwis and Limes:

I do know people who use tdl (not necessarily Arch users), but I don't
use it myself.

Re: [aur-general] Time to Step Down

2011-01-07 Thread Brad Fanella
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Aaron Bull Schaefer wrote:
 Fellow Trusted Users,

 After almost 4 years of being a TU, I've had less and less time to
 dedicate toward maintaining my packages, and so I think it's finally
 time for me to step down. Arch users definitely deserve a better
 response time than what I've been able to provide lately, and
 unfortunately, my priorities have shifted elsewhere.

 Most of my packages should be pretty straight forward to maintain, but
 feel free to poke me if you have any questions on them. I do have two
 open bugs (one for woof and one for pv) that I've updated with what
 info I know.

 Thanks for everything you've taught me over the's been an
 honor working with you all to maintain this fantastic distro, and rest
 assured that I'll always be involved in the community in one form or
 another. Keep up the great work!

 Aaron ElasticDog Schaefer

I have to admit, when I first saw who this was from in my inbox, I was
under the assumption that Aaron Griffin was resigning. :-P

Anyhow, your contributions have been greatly appreciated, and I wish
you the best of luck with whatever life brings you. :-D


Re: [aur-general] [aur general] Seeking the TU wisdom

2011-01-06 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:00 PM, Thomas S Hatch wrote:

 We have communicated about this package as well, they are a closely related
 pair, if I change the puppet package then it will be broken without also
 changing the facter package

Did this communication take place a good time ago, or more recently?


Re: [aur-general] [aur general] Seeking the TU wisdom

2011-01-06 Thread Brad Fanella

On Jan 6, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Thomas S Hatch wrote:

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Brad Fanella  

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 6:00 PM, Thomas S Hatch  

We have communicated about this package as well, they are a closely

pair, if I change the puppet package then it will be broken  
without also

changing the facter package

Did this communication take place a good time ago, or more recently?


The first communication occurred over 2 months ago, the more recent
communications about pulling in changes to fix the packages occurred  
about 2

weeks ago.

Fixes were communicated over a month ago.


In that case, I have orphaned the facter package as well.

Take care,

Re: [aur-general] cisco-vpnclient - random computer hang

2011-01-04 Thread Brad Fanella

On Jan 4, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Netanel Shine  

it seems like the computer just freeze (hang) on random time when  
using the
vpnclient on newer kernel version (2.6.36) - on the older versions  
it was


more information here -

This is probably better left as a comment on the package's AUR page,  
so the maintainer will be directly notified of this issue. ;-)


Re: [aur-general] Breaking the unspoken rule: AUR helper in [community]

2010-12-29 Thread Brad Fanella

On Dec 30, 2010, at 12:11 AM, Nathan Owens  

On 12/29/2010 08:56 PM, Heiko Baums wrote:

I know I am not a TU, though I figured I would put in my two- 
cents. I agree it may be bad for first time users to have an AUR  
helper if they don't understand there is risks. Though this gave me  
a idea, that may not be liked or approved of, maybe if we split AUR  
into either packages with the most votes or maintainers that are  
concidered trusted or been around a while, from the vice versa. Kind  
of a trusted of the unsupported packages. Going along with the  
assumption that the idea would work and approved of, create a AUR  
helper, that would be in the community repo, that will only pull  
from the trusted AUR.

Wouldn't it be easier just to add more TUs than to attempt what you  
proposed? When would we begin to draw the line between trusted and  
untrusted users?

It's not a bad idea by any means. I'm just questioning the  
practicality of it.


Re: [aur-general] Triplicate packages

2010-12-24 Thread Brad Fanella
On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 11:49 AM, cantabile wrote:
 Le 24/12/2010 19:30, Stefan Husmann a écrit :
 c-lit and clit have completely different

 source-urls. So I guess they do not provide the same program.

 Regards Stefan

 But they do provide the same thing. This is the output of 'diff -r c-lit
 clit' (two temporary dirs, as the tarball and zip archive don't have a
 toplevel dir...):

 c-lit fetches the source from what could be called a mirror, I guess, except
 it repackages the zip into a tarball.


 Jayne is a girl's name. -- River

Deleted c-lit. Thanks. :-D

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2010-12-20 Thread Brad Fanella

On Dec 20, 2010, at 10:31 AM, Ionuț Bîru wrote:

On 12/13/2010 01:29 PM, Stefan Husmann wrote:

Am 13.12.2010 11:03, schrieb Ronald van Haren:
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Kaiting  wrote:
On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Jelle van der  wrote:

I would like apply to become a TU! Daenyth has decided to  
sponsor me for

my TU application

Voting period starts today right? --Kaiting.

Kiwis and Limes:

It has been eight days since he applied, so yes it should start.


proposal activated.

the results are:
yes 22
no 0
abstain 3

Welcome in the team dude. Here is what you have to do:


Congratulations an welcome!


Re: [aur-general] [arch-notifications] Community Sourceballs 16-12-2010

2010-12-16 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Andrea Scarpino wrote:
 On Thursday 16 December 2010 10:51:32 Eric Bélanger wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Andrea Scarpino
  On Thursday 16 December 2010 08:34:19 wrote:
  == Failed to create source packages for [community]...
    - arch-artwork-0.2.1-3.src.tar.gz
    - cherrytree-0.17-1.src.tar.gz
    - driconf-0.9.1-5.src.tar.gz
    - flobopuyo-0.20-5.src.tar.gz
    - gnunet-0.8.1b-1.src.tar.gz
    - gnunet-gtk-0.8.1-1.src.tar.gz
    - java-jdom-1.1.1-1.src.tar.gz
    - madman-0.94beta1.20060611-1.src.tar.gz
    - obextool-0.35-2.src.tar.gz
    - python-geotypes-0.7.0-4.src.tar.gz
    - xcursor-bluecurve-0.1.1-2.src.tar.gz
  Pierre, can we see log? Because these are working for me.

 I posted a bug for the sourceball script on the internal section of
 bug tracker. At least, it affects flobopuyo and madman. The rest of
 them might be affected to.
 Therefore those are affected, because I already checked all them and these are
 working for me. I unflagged those that are not working from the todo list:
 please TUs fix your packages!

 BTW, the source url of scrpac is broken (missing /other/ directory).
 I'll fix it tonoght if it's still broken by then.

 CC'ing aur-general since all these packages are in [community].

 Andrea Scarpino
 Arch Linux Developer

Fixed cherrytree (incorrect md5sum)


Re: [aur-general] [arch-notifications] Community Sourceballs 16-12-2010

2010-12-16 Thread Brad Fanella

On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:45 PM, Pierre Schmitz wrote:

On Thu, 16 Dec 2010 12:54:11 -0600, Brad Fanella wrote:

Fixed cherrytree (incorrect md5sum)


If md5sums of the sources are incorrect something went really wrong.
You need to figure out why and most likely need to rebuild the package
as obviously the package was not built with the pkgbuild that can be
found in ABS.

Pierre Schmitz,

It was a mistake on my part. I had used the md5sum from a partially  
corrupted source file. Strange that the package still built the first  
time around.

And I had already changed the PKGBUILD (svn) and updated the package  
with the correct md5sum.


Re: [aur-general] Delete pamusb package

2010-12-14 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Phillip Smith wrote:
 Can someone please delete the pamusb package. It is a duplicate of

 I obviously didn't see pam_usb before creating pamusb.


Done, thanks.

Re: [aur-general] Arch holiday madness! nominations

2010-12-12 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
    * It’s that time again, to give and receive presents, and to push
 the boundaries of what defines procrastination. That is why some of
 the trusted users (td123  kaitocracy) are willing to listen to the
 community for package nominations to the [community] repo.

Interesting concept!

By some of the trusted users (td123  kaitocracy), are you implying
that this is a project with sole participation from those two? Because
I have been relatively lazy lately, and helping out with packaging
seems fun (in my twisted, geeky, probably borderline-psychopathic
mind). So if you ever need a monkey slave to make you a ham and cheese
sandwich (or build and maintain Christmas packages for that matter), I
think you'll know who to turn to.

Just kidding about the mental disorders by the way...


Re: [aur-general] Please delete picard-qt

2010-12-01 Thread Brad Fanella
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 9:32 PM, Kevin Vesga wrote:
 This package is simply an old version of Picard (in community) and is not

 If you think it should not be deleted at least change its name to picard09
 or something. Picard is natively a Qt application so the name picard-qt
 makes no sense.

Done, thank you.

Re: [aur-general] TU Application: Dave Reisner

2010-11-29 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 8:15 PM, Christopher Brannon wrote:
 Dave Reisner writes:

 Please consider this my application to become a Trusted User. My name is
 Dave Reisner, and I'm 27 years old,

 As far as I can tell, you are strongly self-motivated.  I admire that
 quality.  You also have name-recognition in the community.
 You would make an excellent addition to the team.
 Good luck!

 -- Chris

I concur! Having had observed Dave's work in the past, I am definitely
impressed by his strong work ethic. Frankly, I'm surprised you [Dave]
have waited such a long time to apply.

+1 from me.


Re: [aur-general] Deletion request

2010-11-20 Thread Brad Fanella

On Nov 20, 2010, at 11:56 AM, Seblu wrote:

Can you remove rpm4 package, it's orphan, outdated and the package
rpm-org is the same with a maintener.

Sébastien Luttringer

Done, thanks.

Re: [aur-general] deletion request

2010-11-18 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:43 PM, Xavier Corredor Llano wrote:
 hi, please delete this package:

 hdf-eos5 contain it, therefore not necessary


 Xavier Corredor Llano
 Bogotá - Colombia

Done, thanks.

Re: [aur-general] [community] repository cleanup

2010-11-16 Thread Brad Fanella
As already mentioned, many of these packages haven't been updated
upstream in a long time, and I doubt many of them will.

For example:
Name: polymer
Description: QT3 port of Plastik
Last news update: 14.05.2005

Really? 2005 and QT3?

Moral of the story: just adopt them. Chances are you will never have
to do any work with them (excluding the ones that *actually* do get
upstream changes), and it makes the repo look/function in a whole lot
cleaner manner.


Re: [aur-general] [community] repository cleanup

2010-11-16 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 9:04 PM, Kaiting Chen wrote:
 Before anyone gets any more worked up I wanted to point out that there are
 only 27 Trusted Users and 32 Developers. In the official repository there
 are around 4848 packages altogether. That averages out to 82.169 packages
 per person which is kind of ridiculous considering the Developers have to
 develop and the Trusted Users have other responsibilities as well.

 So I think this binary - source phenomenon is just the best that we can do
 given how shorthanded we all are. I think the philosophy is that anyone can
 adopt in [unsupported], and if no Developer or Trusted User will adopt a
 binary package then we should at least give the concerned user a chance to
 adopt it.

 Honestly if it were up to me I would remove half of the packages from the
 official repositories and stick them in the AUR because past 40 your
 packages start to develop major Quantity over Quality issues and I don't
 think that's what we're going for.

 I think this would be a much more constructive conversation if we all
 stopped complaining about the situation and started talking about how to
 improve the AUR. --Kaiting.

 Kiwis and Limes:

That's not a very good argument.

Sergej Pupykin: 1480 packages
Jan de Groot: 1094 packages
Andrea Scarpino: 809 packages

They all do an excellent job with maintaining a massive amount of
packages at one time. Therefore, it obviously can be done without the
quantity over quality issue that you speak of.


Re: [aur-general] Who wants a cloak on IRC?

2010-11-13 Thread Brad Fanella

On Nov 11, 2010, at 3:16 PM, Jan Steffens  

2010/11/11 Ángel Velásquez

+1 cloaks I need one too and some new TUs are needing cloaks too :-)

Okay, I'm making a list for Aaron of TUs or devs who want a cloak. I
need the IRC nicks. Please answer to this mail or Jabber

I would like on as well. Thanks. :-)

IRC nick: itsbrad212

Re: [aur-general] TU Application: Lukas Fleischer

2010-10-10 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 06:36:45AM +0800, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
 On Sun, 2010-10-10 at 21:27 +0200, Lukas Fleischer wrote:
  (I'd also like to see xwax in [community] but sadly, it's not really
  popular), pytyle, optionally surf and tabbed and maybe some of the
  OpenSync stuff (I'm still trying to get it work with calcurse and my
  Symbian phone).
 offtopic Wasn't it the case that in most cases the TUs can bring stuff
 to [community] as they see fit, even if its not got very many votes?
 Obviously for 'normal' packages, not 2 GB ones =)
Only 'popular' packages may enter the repo, as defined by 1% usage from 
pkgstats or 10 votes on the AUR.


I don't think that holds true for dependencies of a package. Don't quote me on 
that though. 

Re: [aur-general] Proposal: Mass AUR Cleanup

2010-10-03 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 07:54:42PM +0200, Jakob Gruber wrote:
  Hi TUs,
 I've just created a new proposal concerning the orphaning of all packages
 marked 'out of date' which have not been updated (or submitted) since before
 January 1st, 2009. For details, see the actual proposal text.
 The voting period ends on October 10th, please cast your votes!

Yeah, as long as they haven't been updated for a while (as you said, January 
1st, 2009), then I'm all for it!


Re: [aur-general] Proposal: Mass AUR Cleanup

2010-10-03 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 10:03:25PM +0300, Konstantinos Karantias wrote:
 I'm not a TU, but I don't agree. Package sources may not be updated by then,
 so the packages doesn't actually need any modifications.
 In my opinion, you should examine every package in detail before deleting
 (In other words, I agree with Xyne :P)
 On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Xyne wrote:
  Brad Fanella wrote:
   On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 07:54:42PM +0200, Jakob Gruber wrote:
 Hi TUs,
I've just created a new proposal concerning the orphaning of all
marked 'out of date' which have not been updated (or submitted) since
January 1st, 2009. For details, see the actual proposal text.
The voting period ends on October 10th, please cast your votes!
   Yeah, as long as they haven't been updated for a while (as you said,
  January 1st, 2009), then I'm all for it!
  I've cast a yes vote. I also move to name this Operation Oliver Twist
  and to
  name the orphaning script twister.
  One problem that might arise though is if a stable package (i.e. one that
  almost never gets updated upstream) has been recently flagged out-of-date
  it might get orphaned (a malicious user who is aware of the impending
  operation might even write a script to flag such packages out-of-date).
  you could cross-reference the last activity of the maintainer when deciding
  whether to delete a package, e.g. last package action = 2009-01-01 and
  maintainer action = -xx-xx.
  That shouldn't add much complexity to the code but it might improve the
  handling of a few fringe cases. I'm really just floating the idea though.

That is a valid point. The real question: Is it worth the risk?

In my opinion, it is.

-- Brad

Re: [aur-general] Proposal: Mass AUR Cleanup

2010-10-03 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 10:03:25PM +0300, Konstantinos Karantias wrote:
 I'm not a TU, but I don't agree. Package sources may not be updated by then,
 so the packages doesn't actually need any modifications.
 In my opinion, you should examine every package in detail before deleting
 (In other words, I agree with Xyne :P)
 On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Xyne wrote:
  Brad Fanella wrote:
   On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 07:54:42PM +0200, Jakob Gruber wrote:
 Hi TUs,
I've just created a new proposal concerning the orphaning of all
marked 'out of date' which have not been updated (or submitted) since
January 1st, 2009. For details, see the actual proposal text.
The voting period ends on October 10th, please cast your votes!
   Yeah, as long as they haven't been updated for a while (as you said,
  January 1st, 2009), then I'm all for it!
  I've cast a yes vote. I also move to name this Operation Oliver Twist
  and to
  name the orphaning script twister.
  One problem that might arise though is if a stable package (i.e. one that
  almost never gets updated upstream) has been recently flagged out-of-date
  it might get orphaned (a malicious user who is aware of the impending
  operation might even write a script to flag such packages out-of-date).
  you could cross-reference the last activity of the maintainer when deciding
  whether to delete a package, e.g. last package action = 2009-01-01 and
  maintainer action = -xx-xx.
  That shouldn't add much complexity to the code but it might improve the
  handling of a few fringe cases. I'm really just floating the idea though.

Also, I know this was only mentioned on the TU voting page, but there are 
currently 525 packages that are out of date that fit into this category.

Checking/orphaning all of them by hand wouldn't be practical.

-- Brad

Re: [aur-general] Proposal: Mass AUR Cleanup

2010-10-03 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 10:11:41PM +0300, Konstantinos Karantias wrote:
 But also, orphaning all the packages that fit into this category is unsure.
 Some people may have orphaned the for fun or something. It has happened to
 me many times.

I assume you mean flagged out-of-date rather than orphaned?

I think it would be easier to screw up and then clean up (i.e. run the script 
despite the risk and then fix any mistakes from there) than to manually check 
*all* of them.

Number of packages wrongfully flagged out of date that require fixing  525

If someone just happens to stumble upon an out-of-date package, all it would 
take is a quick visit to the project page to check the latest version and then 

Well, depending on how you look at it, you would still be checking the same 
amount of packages.

Eh, whatever...

-- Brad

Re: [aur-general] Proposal: Mass AUR Cleanup

2010-10-03 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 03:18:19AM +0800, Ray Rashif wrote:
 On 4 October 2010 03:11, Konstantinos Karantias wrote:
  But also, orphaning all the packages that fit into this category is unsure.
  Some people may have orphaned the for fun or something. It has happened to
  me many times.
 Please post your replies below quotes.
 Anyway, we cannot mass-orphan them without checking. It is simply not
 right, no matter the statistics. For example, cutegod [1] is owned by
 Dragonlord, a TU. He might have his reasons. Like him, many others who
 are not TUs might have their reasons.
 Anyway, I consider this more of a TODO.

Well, in most cases, they are flagged out of date for a good reason.

For example, cutegod no longer has a project page up nor is the actual source 

How 'bout someone writes up something nice such as the Python 2.7/3.1 package 
list on the Dev interface? 

-- Brad

Re: [aur-general] Delete Request

2010-09-27 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 11:37:47PM -0500, Nathan O wrote:
 Can somebody delete ubzl I
 searched for uzbl which didn't show any results and so I uploaded the
 PKGBUILD, then after, I realized that there are packages already named ubzl.

Sure, not a problem :-)


Re: [aur-general] Orphaning request - chromium-beta and clamav-devel

2010-09-23 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Det wrote:

  And bumping the package is the maintainer's job. So if you orphan it
  you tell the people: Please take it if you want. If someone else
  takes it he usually wants to maintain it and does it. And if he doesn't
  update it fast enough in your opinion then you should have kept the
  package and should have maintained it by yourself. That's the point.
 And it's a good point except for the part where this is the first time
 this thing happened. Of course, I'm not going to maintain the package
 as an actual _maintainer_ - so that doesn't really matter.

Please. There is obviously some sort of miscommunication between you two, so
arguing is redundant.

Now, to clarify: Bumping a package everytime there is a version is the
*definition* of maintaining a package. Please choose wisely. While I don't
mind orphaning an out of date package that you would like to maintain, these
constant orphan and deletion requests flooding my inbox are starting to get
on my nerves. To put it simply, please be patient with AUR package
maintainers. If they do not update in a few weeks, there is most likely a
good reason. Contact them, wait a couple more weeks, and if then they still
don't respond, send an email to aur-general. Besides, if you truly needed an
up-to-date package, modifying the PKGBUILD to fit the next release usually
isn't that difficult.

Now, if myself or any other TU is behind on a package, feel free to send
threatening, hate-filled emails to try and motivate us to do our job. :-)


Re: [aur-general] Orphaning request - chromium-beta and clamav-devel

2010-09-23 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Heiko Baums wrote:

  Now, to clarify: Bumping a package everytime there is a version is the
  *definition* of maintaining a package.

 Of course this is the definition of maintaining a package. But this
 doesn't have to be done within 2 or 3 hours after upstream has released
 a new version. And an orphan request shouldn't be sent 2 or 3 hours
 after upstream has released the new version.

That wasn't directed at you. Rather, I meant it for Det, in which I
was trying to tell him that his statements were conradictive. Bumping
a package each release is exactly the same as maintaining a

I realize that you (Det) wanted to maintain the package until someone
came along and took it from you, but there is really no point to that.
If you are going to maintain something, adopt it until someone asks to
take it off of your hands. Do not just adopt something, change the
PKGBUILD each upstream release, and then orphan it right away. It just
makes everything seem messy, and it is really not needed. If you hand
the baton off to a new maintainer and that person seems to neglect it
for a *long* period of time (and you have already contacted them about
it!), only then should you send a message here.

 Btw., it also happens every now and then that it takes some weeks until
 a package in [core] and [extra] is updated even if it's flagged as
 out-of-date. And there's no problem with that.

Sorry, that was my fail attempt at a joke. :-P


Re: [aur-general] Orphaning request - chromium-beta and clamav-devel

2010-09-23 Thread Brad Fanella
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 05:54:51AM +0800, Ray Rashif wrote:
 On 24 September 2010 05:07, Heiko Baums wrote:
  Now, to clarify: Bumping a package everytime there is a version is the
  *definition* of maintaining a package.
  Of course this is the definition of maintaining a package. But this
  doesn't have to be done within 2 or 3 hours after upstream has released
  a new version. And an orphan request shouldn't be sent 2 or 3 hours
  after upstream has released the new version.
 That is _not_ the definition of maintaining a package, it is
 part of the maintenance. Everyone has a life, and everyone has a
 choice. This is the bazaar.
 It is correct that rapid action is applauded, but it is not a
 requirement for ownership of a package. If anyone is unhappy with the
 frequency or time it takes for the owner to update her package(s), the
 concerned can either update the copy of the buildscripts locally and
 inform everyone else how to do it, or, request to orphan the package
 so she can help maintain instead and provide the rapid action which
 was previously lacking. Of course, that does not mean we would gladly
 comply with such a request.

I don't think what I'm saying here is being clearly understood. :-(

Updating a package each time there is a release *is* maintaining the package, 
only without the title of a package maintainer. The point I am trying to 
bring across is that if you are going to be doing everything that a package 
maintainer does, then adopt the package so people can contact you correctly and 

I'm sorry if it is a misunderstanding on my part, but I fail to see really any 
other aspect of being a package maintainer besides maintaining the package! 
(Except maybe the responsibility of maintaining it, but if you plan on updating 
it anyway, like Det wanted to, then that shouldn't matter)

Also, I doubt clicking the Adopt button  would affect your life in any way if 
you are already doing the dirty work of maintaining it!


Re: [aur-general] AUR Package:weidu

2010-09-22 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:46:00AM +0200, Thomas Simon wrote:
 Could you delete my old weidu
 The PKGBUILD doesn't work and it has been replaced by weidu-bin.
 kind regards

Done, thanks! :-)

Re: [aur-general] everyone welcome our newest TU: Peter Lewis!

2010-09-21 Thread Brad Fanella

On Sep 21, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Christopher Brannon wrote:

yes 19
no 1
abstain 1
Quorum was reached, and the application was accepted.

Peter, please read the following document:
It contains a list of tasks which every new TU must complete.
If you have not already done so, familiarize yourself with our bylaws:
Also, I have changed the status of your account on the AUR.

Welcome to the team!

-- Chris

Congratulations and welcome to the team! :-)

Re: [aur-general] [arch-dev-public] The Great Python Rebuild of 2010 begins

2010-09-19 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:48:31AM -0300, Ángel Velásquez wrote:
 2010/9/19 Christopher Brannon
  Allan McRae writes:
   That is great work by the TUs in the past week to do all those
   rebuilds in [community].
  One TU did most of them.  Of the 235 packages in [community-staging],
  195 were rebuilt by Jakob Gruber.
  -- Chris
 Yes I just pm'ed him giving a thankful note.
 Now I am fighting with scipy, any hint is always good :D. Thanks Jakob! we
 owe you n burritos for a month :D
 Angel Velásquez
 angvp @
 Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
 Linux Counter: #359909

Meh, I'll take some on. Besides, I enjoy burritos, so it works out well. :-P

Re: [aur-general] Delete chromium-nogconf

2010-09-18 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 09:27:26AM +0300, Det wrote:
 Please delete chromium-nogconf: - the previous maintainer
 recommends to install no-gconf and chromium from extra instead.

Done, thanks.

Re: [aur-general] Removing cube from community

2010-09-13 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:36:39AM +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
  On 14.09.2010 00:25, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
   On 13.09.2010 23:58, Brad Fanella wrote:
  Is anyone opposed to me moving cube from community to the AUR? The last 
  release was in 2005.
  I would be replacing it with the new, way more up-to-date version named 
  Nay, go right ahead.
 Oh right, Sauerbraten already is in community anyway so you only have to
 remove cube.

Oh, okay. Didn't notice it was already up. :-)

Re: [aur-general] Please delete a lot of packages

2010-09-12 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:05:18AM +0200, Lukáš Jirkovský wrote:
 On 12 September 2010 00:39, Philipp Überbacher wrote:

 It seems you're right. It should be replaced by Nightingale
 (, Songbird's fork.

There was a discussion about this not too long ago. I was planning on packaging 
it as soon as they can get a release out.

Re: [aur-general] packages deletion request

2010-09-12 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:05:35AM -0600, jwbirdsong wrote:
 On 09/12/2010 07:17 AM, Xavier D. wrote:
 1st-ly I'd like to apologize to the OP, the following comments are NOT
 directed just at you but more as an open mail to community.
 There seems to be a recent trend to request deletion of (to use OP
 phrasing) orphans, out-of-date and not updated for over a year.
 It seems this makes them PERFECT candidates for adoption and/or
 abandonment-adoption as opposed to deletion.  The few I viewed in the
 list all seemed to have source available.
 Deletion criteria include (but not limited to) no sources and duplicates
 of AUR/community or other repo packages.
 Just my bitchin' to put in my 2 cents

Agreed. I also feel this way towards [community]. If a project has been ended 
and the source is still available, then I see no reason to remove it from 

It's just one of those things that I never understood.

[aur-general] SVN help

2010-09-12 Thread Brad Fanella
Grr...svn makes me mad.

svn-packages/. % svn commit
brad at Xenon on svn svn-packages:26045
Log message unchanged or not specified
(a)bort, (c)ontinue, (e)dit:
Adding binutils-avr
Adding binutils-avr/trunk
Adding binutils-avr/trunk/PKGBUILD
Adding binutils-avr/trunk/avr-size.patch
Transmitting file data ..svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: File already exists: filesystem '/srv/svn-packages/db', transaction 
'26045-kb8', path '/binutils-avr'

Does anyone have any idea how to solve something like this. I've been searching 
around for a while and I hope I didn't screw something up on the server! This 
has never happened with any other package.


Re: [aur-general] SVN help

2010-09-12 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:20:17PM +0300, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
 On 09/12/2010 09:58 PM, Brad Fanella wrote:
 Grr...svn makes me mad.
 svn-packages/. % svn commit  
   brad at Xenon on svn svn-packages:26045
 Log message unchanged or not specified
 (a)bort, (c)ontinue, (e)dit:
 Adding binutils-avr
 Adding binutils-avr/trunk
 Adding binutils-avr/trunk/PKGBUILD
 Adding binutils-avr/trunk/avr-size.patch
 Transmitting file data ..svn: Commit failed (details follow):
 svn: File already exists: filesystem '/srv/svn-packages/db', transaction 
 '26045-kb8', path '/binutils-avr'
 Does anyone have any idea how to solve something like this. I've been 
 searching around for a while and I hope I didn't screw something up on the 
 server! This has never happened with any other package.
 i don't understand why you had to add the whole package structure.
 binutils-avr was in community already.
 here is what you have to do.
 cd /some/dir
 communityco binutils-avr
 cd binutils-avr/trunk
 do your things, compile the packages
 svn add avr-size.patch
 communitypkg fixing somethings
 that's all

That seemed to work! :-)

I just must have developed a bad habit of doing that for some reason. In any 
case, I now know the correct was to *update* a package in the future.


Re: [aur-general] mupdf and apvlv

2010-09-12 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 11:26:35PM +0200, Stefan Husmann wrote:
 Am 08.09.2010 22:30, schrieb Brad Fanella:
  On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 10:12:48PM +0200, Stefan Husmann wrote:
  I would like to move mupdf to [community] and drop maintenance of apvlv 
  instead. Are there objections against the first issue, and does 
  somebody want to take apvlv?
  Regards Stefan
  I would be happy to take apvlv. I just need to wait for a response from 
  Aaron to be able to adopt it. :-)
 Thank you, just adopt it when you are ready to do so.
 Regard Stefan

No problem. :-) Adopted.

Re: [aur-general] mupdf and apvlv

2010-09-09 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 10:12:48PM +0200, Stefan Husmann wrote:
 I would like to move mupdf to [community] and drop maintenance of apvlv 
 instead. Are there objections against the first issue, and does 
 somebody want to take apvlv?
 Regards Stefan

I would be happy to take apvlv. I just need to wait for a response from Aaron 
to be able to adopt it. :-)


[aur-general] ruby-gtk2 and friends

2010-09-09 Thread Brad Fanella
I adopted ruby-gtk2, ruby-atk, ruby-gdkpixbuf2, ruby-glib2, and ruby-pango in 
the AUR recently to update the package and fix some issues with it. If I 
remember correctly, these packages used to be in community and were recently 
removed. Was there a good reason for this, or was it just a matter of not 
caring to maintain it anymore?

As these are very popular packages, I would like to move them to community (if 
nobody objects of course).


Re: [aur-general] Why is so slow? :(

2010-09-09 Thread Brad Fanella
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 01:27:39AM +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
  Whenever I try uploading a reasonably large package to, my average speed is around 500KB/s. This appears to
 be an artificial limitation since a server would have at least
 10/10MBits uplink. I therefore request the speed limit to be disabled in
 order to be able to upload large packages with all available bandwidth
 to increase productivity.
 Or is there a reason for the limit?
 -- Sven-Hendrik

I assume it is to lower the load the server has. If you have 10 people 
uploading a package at one time, it is going to put a harder load on the server 
if you give them the freedom to upload at any speed they choose.

Of course, I don't know how much of load the AUR servers carry, so maybe it was 
put in place just for security measures, in case somebody tries to spam the 
server with huge files or something similar.

-- Brad 

Re: [aur-general] Arch64

2010-09-07 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 05:55:42PM -0500, Nathan O wrote:
 What would the best way to compile i686 packages on a 64bit system to test
 the i686 version?
 With also maybe a possible few 32-bit only software that I might have to

Simple. Use a 32-bit chroot.

Or send it to me to test. ;-)

Re: [aur-general] Question about patches in [community]

2010-09-06 Thread Brad Fanella
2010/9/6 Sven-Hendrik Haase

  On 06.09.2010 08:42, Ng Oon-Ee wrote:
  On Sun, 2010-09-05 at 21:03 -0400, Loui Chang wrote:
  On Sun 05 Sep 2010 22:49 +0200, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
  Arch TUs are generally considered to be the ultimate nightmare of any
  upstream maintainer. We come in the night, nagging with patches until
  all known upstream problems are fixed.
  Do not stop trying to get your patches into upstream.
  Hell yeah!
  Sven-Hendrik's post should be plastered on the wall of every TU (and
  Arch user, actually) =)
  Any objections to putting the quote in its entirety on the wiki for TUs?
 None at all. :)

I was actually planning on making that my forum signature! :-P However, that
is crucial information and needs to be included in the wiki.

[aur-general] Question about patches in [community]

2010-09-05 Thread Brad Fanella
Hi everyone,

I have a few popular packages I would be interested in moving to and 
maintaining in [community]. However, I recall reading somewhere that AUR 
software that includes a patch is typically not accepted in community until the 
upstream developers fix/merge the patches into the software and release it. Is 
this correct, or am I being misled?


Re: [aur-general] Question about patches in [community]

2010-09-05 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Sep 05, 2010 at 09:56:29PM +0300, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
 On 09/05/2010 04:54 PM, Brad Fanella wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I have a few popular packages I would be interested in moving to and 
 maintaining in [community]. However, I recall reading somewhere that AUR 
 software that includes a patch is typically not accepted in community until 
 the upstream developers fix/merge the patches into the software and release 
 it. Is this correct, or am I being misled?
 usually we accept patches that fixes compilation issues or
 functionally if the patches are accepted upstream.
 we don't accept patches that extends the applications and haven't
 been accepted upstream

I see. So as long as a patch isn't adding new features that haven't been built 
in the package upstream (or something similar), then it is perfectly fine to 
include it? Thanks for clearing things up.

Re: [aur-general] Package deletion request (was: PKGBUILD/AUR help)

2010-09-04 Thread Brad Fanella

On Sep 4, 2010, at 5:47 PM, Christos Nouskas wrote:

Loui Chang wrote:

On Thu 02 Sep 2010 12:02 +0300, Christos Nouskas wrote:

I'm trying to enhance the PKGBUILD of kernel26-pf to detect the
cpu-specific .config option and automatically add it to the  

package and its description, by tweaking the $PKGEXT and $pkgdesc
variables. Example: an amd64-k8 optimized kernel would be packaged  

I think you should probably put that info in the $pkgname rather than
$PKGEXT. I don't think that should have any effect on the AUR  

Last I checked it will try to deal with any .tar.gz.

That's what I ended up with. It took me a while to realize that the  
parser doesn't always like variable changes midway through the  

so I additionally request some TU to delete my failed



Re: [aur-general] Candidate for removal: haskell-derive

2010-09-03 Thread Brad Fanella
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:13:46PM +0100, Magnus Therning wrote:
 The AUR package 'haskell-derive' is *very* out-of-date and seems to have
 been replaced by 'derive'.
 Please consider removing 'haskell-derive' from AUR.
 Magnus Therning(OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)   Jabber:|twitter: magthe

Wow! That's a *really* old one! :O

Re: [aur-general] voting period: Brad Fanella

2010-09-02 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Christopher Brannon

 Christopher Brannon writes:

  This message marks the beginning of the voting period for Brad Fanella's
  application to become a trusted user.

 yes = 14,
 no = 2,
 abstain = 5.
 Quorum was reached, and the application was accepted.  Please welcome
 Brad Fanella, our newest Trusted User.

 Brad, please read the following document:
 It contains a list of tasks which every new TU must complete.
 If you have not already done so, familiarize yourself with our bylaws:

 Welcome to the team!

 -- Chris

Thank you. I'm glad to have the chance to help out!


Re: [aur-general] Concerning all my questions

2010-09-02 Thread Brad Fanella
On Thu, Sep 02, 2010 at 11:58:56PM -0500, Nathan O wrote:
 I just wanted to write and say I hope I am not annoying anybody with my
 questions. I am trying to help AUR(even though at times I ask for something
 to be deleted, thinking that it's a duplicate). On my other questions, I am
 trying to make sure my packages conform to the standards as much as I
 possibly can and try to get them to work.
 Thanks for the understanding.

Definitely not. The questions you ask not only improve your work, but help 
others out if they come across a similar issue/question.

Re: [aur-general] makechrootpkg

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 2:23 AM, Ike Devolder ike.devol...@gmail.comwrote:

 but maybe you could try to add

 alias pacman='clyde'

 to your /etc/profile, or maybe in the .bashrc of your user

I assume that makechrootpkg uses the full pacman path (/usr/bin/pacman), so
setting an alias would not help in this case.


Re: [aur-general] A slew of deprecated packages (none of which are mine)

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Fanella

On Aug 24, 2010, at 8:15 PM, Nathan O wrote:
If I remember correctly, Songbird is not going to release anymore  

for the Linux version. That is if they don't change their minds.

From what I have read in their FAQs and other discussions, they don't  
plan on ever supporting Linux again. 

Re: [aur-general] A slew of deprecated packages (none of which are mine)

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Fanella

On Aug 24, 2010, at 8:24 PM, Nathan O wrote:

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Brad Fanella 

On Aug 24, 2010, at 8:15 PM, Nathan O wrote:

If I remember correctly, Songbird is not going to release anymore  

for the Linux version. That is if they don't change their minds.

From what I have read in their FAQs and other discussions, they  
don't plan

on ever supporting Linux again.

They are, in my opinion, going to lose some user base

Not a very large one though. I think with the small market share Linux  
has, it's more trouble than it's worth for them.

Re: [aur-general] A slew of deprecated packages (none of which are mine)

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Nathan O wrote:

 Oh yeah I forgot about that project.

I'll make a PKGBUILD (as it doesn't seem to be in the AUR yet) as soon as
their site ( stops spitting out drupal errors.

Re: [aur-general] Please delete masterm package

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Nathan O wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:30 PM, Marq Schneider

  Apparently masterm fell off the face of the Earth - sourceforge page
  no longer exists and Google searches produce nothing.  Would someone
  be so kind as to remove masterm [0] for me?

 I agree, I used Google and couldn't find masterm either.

+1 from me as well. The only thing I could find is the announcement thread:

Of course, it links to an unresistant sourceforge project, so I'm going to
assume the entire project is dead.

Re: [aur-general] Please delete masterm package

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:51 PM, Nathan O wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Brad Fanella

  On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Nathan O
   On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:30 PM, Marq Schneider
Apparently masterm fell off the face of the Earth - sourceforge page
no longer exists and Google searches produce nothing.  Would someone
be so kind as to remove masterm [0] for me?
   I agree, I used Google and couldn't find masterm either.
  +1 from me as well. The only thing I could find is the announcement
  Of course, it links to an unresistant sourceforge project, so I'm going
  assume the entire project is dead.
 I found the mailing list as well and no update on a new URL if it moved.

Ah, I too saw that. I didn't see any farewell messages, so unless anyone
can show me otherwise, I'd say it's as dead as a doornail.
P.S. That was supposed to say nonexistent, not unresistant. Seems
chromium auto-fixed that one. :-)

Re: [aur-general] TU process

2010-08-23 Thread Brad Fanella
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Nathan O wrote:

 Just wondering what steps do I need to take to apply for TU?

Hi Nathan,
I just recently asked the same questions. You need to send an application to
this mailing list explaining your skills, why you would be beneficial to the
team, etc. If you don't have one already, you will need to find a sponsor
(one of the current trusted users that chooses to sponsor you). The current
team will then vote on your application and then you will eventually get
your response. :-)


Re: [aur-general] TU process

2010-08-23 Thread Brad Fanella
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:01 AM, Nathan O wrote:

 I am not good at resume' like stuff LOL. I mean I don't know programming
 which would probably be kind of looked down on. Though on the upside I am
 online every night :)

It's fine, as long as you are familiar with things such as shell scripting,
patch, sed, and building packages from source.

Oh, and please don't top-post. I had to find out the hard way. :-)

Re: [aur-general] TU process

2010-08-23 Thread Brad Fanella
Hi Nathan,
I took a look at your packages, and they look really nice. Try to avoid
using || return 1 though. Other than that, I wish you luck, and if I was a
trusted user (must wait for voting period), then I would strongly consider
sponsoring you, given you could prove you are able to use basic utilities
such as patch.


Re: [aur-general] Trusted User Application

2010-08-22 Thread Brad Fanella
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Jaroslav Lichtblau t...@dragonlord.czwrote:

 On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 05:47:42PM +, Brad Fanella wrote:
  Hello everybody,


  Chris Brannon has been kind enough to sponsor me, on behalf of Allan,
  through this process. I know I said it before, but I'll say it again. My
  goals are not to maintain 100,000 packages or something silly like that,
  to improve other packages, submit clean and working packages myself, and
  help others on the AUR to improve their packages.
  Kind regards,

 Hi Brad,
 that is a long and detailed application you wrote here, nice! Running
 on your current AUR packages gives this:

 PKGBUILD (festival-hts-voices) E: Use $pkgdir instead of $startdir/pkg
 PKGBUILD (plasma-stock-quote) E: Use $srcdir instead of $startdir/src

 Otherwise no other questions from my side.

 Good luck!

Hi Jaroslav,
I actually just yesterday adopted festival-hts-voices at request from
another user and haven't actually changes the PKGBUILD yet.
As for plasma-stock-quote, I'll change that right now.

Thanks :)

Re: [aur-general] TU request?

2010-08-21 Thread Brad Fanella
Thank you both for that information. I should be posting an application with
a lot more (useful) information about my goals and such. And I had to figure
out about the presence of sarcasm in the Arch community the hard way -
around 1000 posts ago.


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Sven-Hendrik Haase s...@lutzhaase.comwrote:

  On 21.08.2010 09:10, Brad Fanella wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  Terribly sorry if this is misplaced. Do I have to send a request to
  in order to apply to become a trusted user?
  Anyway, I was recently reading a thread created on the forums that was
  basically talking about a need for new trusted users from within the
  Most of the discussion is on page two and beyond. We were talking about
  having a larger amount of TU's and having them each maintain a smaller
  number of packages, typically ones that they use themselves, would seem
  logical, or at least get packages synced quicker with upstream. After a
  nudge from Allan, I finally decided to apply.
  Again, sorry if this is in the wrong location. Could someone point me in
  right direction if it isn't? (I checked the TODO section under the
  User Guidelines page on the wiki, but I assume that is for after you
  been approved?)
  Don't hesitate to ask for more information. :-)

 Hi Brad,

 I'm sorry to inform you that this was indeed the completely wrong place
 to post - and you even did so in a totally inappropriate fashion that
 utterly insulted us all. You therefore redeemed your only life time
 chance to become a TU for Arch Linux. Better luck next time.

 However, this time - and only this time - am I willing to forego such a
 blatant and glaring disruption of harmony on this peaceful and orderly
 mailing list.

 If you want to become TU and make up for all the damage you have caused,
 you need to find a sponsor (any TU with a unix beard is qualified for
 that) first. In order to find a sponsor, you need to provide info on
 what you currently maintain in AUR, if you have an overall goal/target
 group like usability, core development, games (yay) that you want to
 focus on and some general info about yourself, including age, location,
 experience with Arch and possibly other distros as well possible coding
 skills. Optional info: eye color, shoe size, favorite color, pets, names
 of people you regularly have contact with, credit card numbers and bank
 account details.

 A TU wanting to sponsor you will reply to this thread and will start the
 discussion period after which a voting period will follow. If the voting
 quorum is met, happy birthday, you are in. If not, an Arch Linux TU
 application expert will be dispatched to your location and will take
 care of you.

 Good luck.

 Survival advice 01: Do never attempt to start a thread about the
 inclusion of cdrtools or big packages.
 Survival advice 02: Some people on Arch Linux overuse sarcasm at an
 attempt at being funny. Don't fall prey to their silliness.
 Survival advice 03: Do not neglect the update of an outdated package.
 People become *very* angry when an upstream update doesn't hit Arch
 Linux repositories within one hour of release. Don't make this error.
 Lives depend on this.

 -- Sven-Hendrik

[aur-general] Trusted User Application

2010-08-21 Thread Brad Fanella
Hello everybody,
In response to this (
thread, I (and a few others) have decided that it would be a good idea to
have a stream of new TUs to maintain packages that they actually use
themselves, which in theory would lessen the gap between upstream and
package releases.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself and what I do/have done. My
name is Brad Fanella and I am from Chicago, Illinois within the United
States of America. I am a software developer, web designer, and
[no]monkey[/no]. My forum username is itsbrad212 (I doubt anyone cares) and
I have a little over 1,200 posts currently. I have been an Arch user since
around December 2009 and a Linux user since late 2008. Before I had found
Arch, distro hopping was a normal happening and I tended to do a lot of it.
From Ubuntu to Slackware to Debian to Gentoo, none of them every pleased
me...until I found Arch. The combination of a simplistic, fast,
rolling-release distribution with a great community and team of developers
is what keeps me here, and I will definitely be staying for many years to
come (if I ever leave at all).

My talents? Well, when I first discovered that computers were for more than
what happens when you click the Internet icon, the first thing that peaked
my interest was web design, so I learned HTML, CSS, and (shortly later) PHP.
A couple of months after that, I found another programmer and together we
created a content management system (Surf-CMS) that we are currently
managing to this day.

Of course, how could you be called an advanced Linux user without knowing
C and shell scripting? Well, I first learned about shell scripting when
there were some tasks I needed to be done and I wanted to automate that
process. C, on the other hand, was learned for two (maybe three) reasons:
1) Linux and C go together
2) I like speed
3) I wanted to be 1337

Kdding about the last one. Anyway, within the past few weeks, I have been
developing a AUR+Pacman (and maybe ABS in the future?) wrapper in C. I
thought C would be a good candidate because it's *fast*, and even with more
than 500 lines of code, it still fetches, untars, and resolves dependencies
in a split second. It is currently incomplete, but I plan to release it
under the Community Contributions section in the near future.

I also know Python and Assembly, but nobody really cares about Assembly
anymore, so it's not really worth mentioning. I learned it because I have
beens steadily developing a bootloader and kernel in pure 32-bit assembly
(along with a few other developers) called LitaOS. Unfortunately, I don't
work on it that often (maybe a couple hours a week, if that).

What can I bring to the table? Well, as I said before, I use C for pretty
much everything, so I do use a good amount of C libraries, so I guess you
could say that. I also compile a couple of Python modules here and there.
The main reason I wanted to become a TU is because I wanted to help improve
the quality of both packages that I use personally and packages that others
ask for, as well as help users on the AUR to bring their PKGBUILDs to a near
perfected state. Arch deserves to be the very best, and I want to help get
it there.

Now, about my AUR package count. Allan even said it himself, and I quote:
@itsbrad212:  You only have a few packages in the AUR but they look good.
 I'd say apply if you want...

I was actually a little hesitant about applying to become a trusted user,
only because my AUR package count was so low. That being said, I actually
have a fairly proficient knowledge of writing PKGBUILDs, building packages,
using namcap, etc. For a short time, I was actually hosting a small
repository of compiled packages from the AUR (that were either common or I
used them myself) for a little linux discussion group on an IRC chat room.
I actually am not still hosting those packages or maintaining them anymore
as I wasn't getting enough of a response to make it worthwhile. I just
recently got a list from a forum user of suggest packages that I should
adopt in the AUR and keep up-to-date, so I plan on doing that.

Chris Brannon has been kind enough to sponsor me, on behalf of Allan,
through this process. I know I said it before, but I'll say it again. My
goals are not to maintain 100,000 packages or something silly like that, but
to improve other packages, submit clean and working packages myself, and
help others on the AUR to improve their packages.

Kind regards,

Re: [aur-general] Trusted User Application

2010-08-21 Thread Brad Fanella
Sorry, I forgot to mention I have a x86 laptop and x86_64 desktop both
running Arch, giving me the opportunity to test packages on
both architectures.


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Brad Fanella bradfane...@archlinux.uswrote:

 Hello everybody,
 In response to this (
 thread, I (and a few others) have decided that it would be a good idea to
 have a stream of new TUs to maintain packages that they actually use
 themselves, which in theory would lessen the gap between upstream and
 package releases.

 I guess I should tell you a little about myself and what I do/have done. My
 name is Brad Fanella and I am from Chicago, Illinois within the United
 States of America. I am a software developer, web designer, and
 [no]monkey[/no]. My forum username is itsbrad212 (I doubt anyone cares) and
 I have a little over 1,200 posts currently. I have been an Arch user since
 around December 2009 and a Linux user since late 2008. Before I had found
 Arch, distro hopping was a normal happening and I tended to do a lot of it.
 From Ubuntu to Slackware to Debian to Gentoo, none of them every pleased
 me...until I found Arch. The combination of a simplistic, fast,
 rolling-release distribution with a great community and team of developers
 is what keeps me here, and I will definitely be staying for many years to
 come (if I ever leave at all).

 My talents? Well, when I first discovered that computers were for more than
 what happens when you click the Internet icon, the first thing that peaked
 my interest was web design, so I learned HTML, CSS, and (shortly later) PHP.
 A couple of months after that, I found another programmer and together we
 created a content management system (Surf-CMS) that we are currently
 managing to this day.

 Of course, how could you be called an advanced Linux user without knowing
 C and shell scripting? Well, I first learned about shell scripting when
 there were some tasks I needed to be done and I wanted to automate that
 process. C, on the other hand, was learned for two (maybe three) reasons:
 1) Linux and C go together
 2) I like speed
 3) I wanted to be 1337

 Kdding about the last one. Anyway, within the past few weeks, I have been
 developing a AUR+Pacman (and maybe ABS in the future?) wrapper in C. I
 thought C would be a good candidate because it's *fast*, and even with more
 than 500 lines of code, it still fetches, untars, and resolves dependencies
 in a split second. It is currently incomplete, but I plan to release it
 under the Community Contributions section in the near future.

 I also know Python and Assembly, but nobody really cares about Assembly
 anymore, so it's not really worth mentioning. I learned it because I have
 beens steadily developing a bootloader and kernel in pure 32-bit assembly
 (along with a few other developers) called LitaOS. Unfortunately, I don't
 work on it that often (maybe a couple hours a week, if that).

 What can I bring to the table? Well, as I said before, I use C for pretty
 much everything, so I do use a good amount of C libraries, so I guess you
 could say that. I also compile a couple of Python modules here and there.
 The main reason I wanted to become a TU is because I wanted to help improve
 the quality of both packages that I use personally and packages that others
 ask for, as well as help users on the AUR to bring their PKGBUILDs to a near
 perfected state. Arch deserves to be the very best, and I want to help get
 it there.

 Now, about my AUR package count. Allan even said it himself, and I quote:
 @itsbrad212:  You only have a few packages in the AUR but they look good.
  I'd say apply if you want...

 I was actually a little hesitant about applying to become a trusted user,
 only because my AUR package count was so low. That being said, I actually
 have a fairly proficient knowledge of writing PKGBUILDs, building packages,
 using namcap, etc. For a short time, I was actually hosting a small
 repository of compiled packages from the AUR (that were either common or I
 used them myself) for a little linux discussion group on an IRC chat room.
 I actually am not still hosting those packages or maintaining them anymore
 as I wasn't getting enough of a response to make it worthwhile. I just
 recently got a list from a forum user of suggest packages that I should
 adopt in the AUR and keep up-to-date, so I plan on doing that.

 Chris Brannon has been kind enough to sponsor me, on behalf of Allan,
 through this process. I know I said it before, but I'll say it again. My
 goals are not to maintain 100,000 packages or something silly like that, but
 to improve other packages, submit clean and working packages myself, and
 help others on the AUR to improve their packages.

 Kind regards,

Re: [aur-general] Trusted User Application

2010-08-21 Thread Brad Fanella
Sure, no problem:
The AUR wrapper currently doesn't have a project page.

I accept all criticism (I actually encourage it), so thank you. I'll take
those things into account.


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Chris Brannon
  Brad Fanella writes:
  Chris Brannon has been kind enough to sponsor me
  Yes, I think you'll make a great addition to the team.
  Let the discussion period begin.
  -- Chris

 Nice to meet you brad :)

 I took a look at your aur packages and they look good.
 This is just being picky, but you should start using package() and
 also get rid of the || return 1s.
 Also, please include --optimize=1 into python installs.

 Could you provide links to the projects you mentioned for reference?


 P.S. Don't top post.

Re: [aur-general] Trusted User Application

2010-08-21 Thread Brad Fanella
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your support. Sorry about top-posting. Won't happen again ;)