Re: [aur-general] Deletion Request

2010-05-29 Thread Jeff Horelick
On 29 May 2010 00:52, Isaac Dupree  wrote:

> On 05/28/10 19:24, Jeff Horelick wrote:
>> Also, and this is less of an issue with Arch because things are updated
>> quickly and i was the package maintainer and i'm also an upstream atheme
>> developer, but most IRC stuff is volatile.
> I admit to be confused by this assertion... as far as I know, XChat for
> example is an incredibly stable and rather unchanging piece of software, and
> also I didn't realize there was possibility for there to be much innovation
> on the server side, let alone necessity (suggested by "volatile").  I'm
> curious!

Appears I mis-spoke a bit (as I mentioned, under the weather :P). Its more
that IRC Services (and to a lesser extent, IRCd's) are volatile. Let's say
you choose to run Freenode's IRCd, ircd-seven on your IRC network...Well,
for a bunch of the features to work, you'll need to run Atheme 4.0, if not
5.0. If you choose to run InspIRCd 1.2 (which is currently the recommended
version of inspircd), you'll need Atheme 5.0.

As far as IRCd's, I currently work on another project called ShadowIRCd and
if someone was running 6.0.0 which is only ~3 months old, i'd highly suggest
for them to upgrade to 6.0.1 or the 6.1 series. I know InspIRCd is similar
to this, as soon as they released their 1.2.0 version, the 1.1 series sort
of lost support.

Granted, this is only 2 or 3 cases and you can point at some pretty obvious
alternate cases like for IRCd's, stuff like charybdis and ratbox that only
release once every 6 months (if that) and there's no real need to upgrade
unless you want a specific new feature or something and there's UnrealIRCd
that's pretty much the same way but with an even longer release period.

Re: [aur-general] Deletion Request

2010-05-28 Thread Jeff Horelick
On 27 May 2010 15:57, Stefan Husmann  wrote:

> Am 27.05.2010 01:34, schrieb Evangelos Foutras:
>  [2] :
>> Done. Thanks!
> Hello,
> I think this is a very strange attitude for an open source project.
> I am fine with removing it.
> Regards Stefan

This is entirely my personal opinion, but it makes it a hassle if the
package is the stable version (for example) and users being a bit stupid
with wanting a feature in the testing/hg version, but being super-anal about
using their distro's package.

That's just an annoyance, but...Most distro packages of software put stuff
where you'd expect it according to the FHS, but they all put it in slightly
different places. I forget for this package, but on Arch, the atheme.conf
might be in /etc/ whereas on Debian it might be in /etc/atheme/ and the
atheme.db might be anywhere in /var/.

With not packaging it, the Atheme developers can say: "OK, the DB is at
~/atheme/etc/atheme.db and the .conf is at ~/atheme/etc/atheme.db" and
unless the user changed the prefix (which...Then they probably shouldn't be
asking where the .conf and stuff is) , that'll always be correct.

Also, and this is less of an issue with Arch because things are updated
quickly and i was the package maintainer and i'm also an upstream atheme
developer, but most IRC stuff is volatile. I've got a Debian Stable server
and i'm using the old version of Cherokee and formerly Apache just fine, but
i wouldn't recommend users to use Atheme 3.0.4 (the version currently in
Debian Stable) because of many bugfixes and little support for quite new

Sorry if this came off a bit ranty/incoherent (i'm a bit under the weather),
but that's my stance and the official Atheme stance and i personally agree
with it.

[aur-general] Deletion Request

2010-05-26 Thread Jeff Horelick
Hi, i'd like to request that the atheme-services [1] package (that i
maintain) be deleted from the AUR as atheme-services upstream [2] requests
that distros not package it.


[1] :
[2] :

Re: [aur-general] Package voting alternatives

2009-12-26 Thread Jeff Horelick
My problem with voting is that stuff like...Say i use one of the
firefox-like packages in the AUR (swiftfox, swiftweasel, firefox-beta, what
have you) and I vote for it, but then I switch to Chrome/Chromium. It's
unlikely that i'll ever remember to un-vote when i switch which would skew
the popularity/vote rating for the firefox package. Perhaps the fix for that
is to reset the votes on all packages every 6 months or something?

As far as actual voting though, i think be best option might be a sliding
vote scale, possibly like the vote at the Vim website for Vim scripts. Offer
3 "vote options" like: "Great package." "Meh." "Rubbish." and that'll likely
give the best idea of package usage/quality.

2009/12/26 Sebastian Nowicki 

> Hi,
> I believe this was discussed on aur-dev some years ago, but it seems that
> discussion was lost (no longer in archives). I'd like to bring up the
> subject again. What do you think the best way to indicate package popularity
> is? The two main ideas were votes (the current implementation) and a
> download counter. I can't really recall which one was preferred.
> The issue has been raised because we're deciding which to use in "AUR2", as
> a patch has been submitted to implement votes.
> I'd like to know if voting works, how effective it is, and how much
> significance it has on a TU's decision to put a package into community.
> Basically whether it's "broken" and needs to be "fixed" or if it's fine the
> way it is.
> P.S. I didn't send this to aur-dev as it doesn't really concern the
> developers. It's an end-user feature, and mostly a feature for TUs, so I
> posted here.

Re: [aur-general] chromium packages

2009-10-21 Thread Jeff Horelick
Apparently, no you did not. I maintained the chromium-snapshot package and I
haven't got any mail from anyone related to the package in the past 24
hours. I know my email is correct in my AUR account as I recieve out-of-date
notifications and comment notifications just fine.

2009/10/21 Biru Ionut 

> On 10/21/2009 02:23 AM, Panos Filip wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Biru Ionut  wrote:
>>  HI,
>>> i'm opening this subject again. sorry for that.
>>> i want to delete them tonight and i want to ask you guys which is the
>>> best
>>> package to have(and renamed) conform this proposal:
>>> chromium-browser-svn  will not be deleted.
>>> chromium-bin i can't choose one from that list because i don't know which
>>> one is good. just tell me which one and i'll email the maintainer to
>>> upload
>>> with a different name.
>>> --
>>> Ionut
>> I think that the best is:
>> 1) ONE chromium-browser-bin-latest, because -latest- will make clear that
>> it
>> isn't a stabilized or stable release and it will download the ... latest.
>> The one that Stefan Husmann suggests is the best I suppose. And it should
>> be
>> the zip from googlebot. It's the (2) (the svn build) in zip.
>> 2) ONE chromium-browser-svn : it exists. No problem. It can be built
>> succesfully on x86_32 and x86_64.
> i've deleted all packages. Now we have only two packages:
> chromium-browser-bin
> chromium-browser-svn
> Email sent to all maintainers explaining why i did that. Hope that they
> understand and doesn't upload any chromium packages.
> --
> Ionut

Re: [aur-general] Proposition: google-chrome-svn

2009-09-30 Thread Jeff Horelick
I wouldn't. That branch is 6 months and more than 10,000 revisions

2009/10/1 Randy Penguin 

> Now that we're starting to get the chromium proliferation under
> control we can't leave out chrome :p
> How about a package based on something like this:
> but pulled from the Official Chrome Branch at:

Re: [aur-general] Status of the Chromium/Chrome packages on AUR

2009-09-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
I thought i'd throw my hat into the ring here since I maintain a (and
arguably the most popular) Chromium package. I personally think they should
stay how they are. Perhaps clean up some of the packages that are horribly
out-of-date (Perhaps any package not updated in the month of September or
any package still on version 4.0.1xx.x or older).

Linux and ArchLinux is all about choice and i think interfering this much
with the AUR clouds that a bit. As i said previously, my full suggestion is
to leave it how it is (cleanup old packages) and perhaps create a Chromium
or Chrome page on the wiki listing a few of the recommended packages like:

* chromium-snapshot - Recommended build from the Google Chromium buildbot
for 32-bit.
* chromium-snapshot-64 - See above, but for native 64-bit.
* chromium-browser-dev - Building from source. *WARNING* downloads 900MB of
sources and takes a long time to build.
* chromium-continuous - Will always be up-to-date when you manually
reinstall/rebuild/update the package. Also uses the Google Chrome buildbot.
* google-chrome - Official dev channel package of Chrome from Google.
* iron - Package of Chrome from dev channel with all the "data-mining"
features removed.
* chromium-browser - builds built of Chromium SVN by Ubuntu's chromium-daily

Yes, i know "If it requires a wiki article to choose a package, it's
probably too complicated", but...

Also, the reason i haven't made my chromium-snapshot package use the 64-bit
native builds is because i believe there are and will be times where i want
to update the package and can't because the 32-bit and 64-bit buildbot
builds don't match up (because the i386/i686 builds take a bit
longer/shorter than the 64-bit builds or because there's a FTBFS on 64-bit,
but not on 32-bit and so on).

Re: [aur-general] Adding a .deb packaged application to the AUR

2009-09-18 Thread Jeff Horelick
Well...It's basically all source since the application is written in Python
and not using byte-compiled code...Problem is shough...The developer just
told me it requires a patched libwnck and a patched python-gnome2-desktop to
work and as much as i want to package this...I don't want to go through all
the work of maintaining 2 more patched packages.

Sorry for wasting your time :/

2009/9/18 Smartboy 

> On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Jeff Horelick  wrote:
> > Hello Listmates,
> >
> > I have a package here i'd really like to add to the AUR. The problem is
> > that
> > its packaged in a .deb. How would i go about packaging this for Arch?
> Feel
> > free to just point at: "Look at this other package" or "Read this wiki
> > page".
> >
> > In case some of you guys don't know the formmat that a .deb is in:
> >
> > An ar archive, inside there are 2 tarballs, one called control.tar.gz
> which
> > for our purposes can be mostly ignored and one called data.tar.gz which
> has
> > the actual application files laid out in the directory structure of the
> > system similar to a Arch final binary package. (usr/bin/stuff,
> > usr/share/stuff and so on).
> >
> > Or would it be easier for me to just setup a GitHub or BitBucket account,
> > drop all the source files on there and simply make a hg or git package?
> > (For
> > the record and all, it's not my project, but it is GPLv2 so)
> >
> Use deb2targz to convert it to a binary suitable for integration with a
> pkgbuild. It would be better to just put the source files in GitHub,
> though,
> as using sources is preferred over binaries in Arch.
> If you want an example of a PKGBUILD which converts a binary deb package to
> a tar.gz, see my oz-e17-tools
> package<>
> .
> Smartboy

[aur-general] Adding a .deb packaged application to the AUR

2009-09-18 Thread Jeff Horelick
Hello Listmates,

I have a package here i'd really like to add to the AUR. The problem is that
its packaged in a .deb. How would i go about packaging this for Arch? Feel
free to just point at: "Look at this other package" or "Read this wiki

In case some of you guys don't know the formmat that a .deb is in:

An ar archive, inside there are 2 tarballs, one called control.tar.gz which
for our purposes can be mostly ignored and one called data.tar.gz which has
the actual application files laid out in the directory structure of the
system similar to a Arch final binary package. (usr/bin/stuff,
usr/share/stuff and so on).

Or would it be easier for me to just setup a GitHub or BitBucket account,
drop all the source files on there and simply make a hg or git package? (For
the record and all, it's not my project, but it is GPLv2 so)

Re: [aur-general] Orphaning request

2008-07-30 Thread Jeff Horelick
He is indeed the lead dev of kdemod (at least currently). Afaik, he's
not on holiday, he just made KDEMod 4.1 or moved KDE 4.1 to KDEMod
Stable (if you prefer that version) so he's prolly tired with that cuz
he also had to rebuild every KDEMod3 package. He'll probably fix them
shortly...or something :P

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:00 PM, Alessio Bolognino
> On Thu 2008-07-31 01:49, rabyte wrote:
>> I'd hereby like to request the orphaning of all packages uploaded
>> by funkyou. There's two packages flagged as outdated, He doesn't
>> respond to comments and I tried to contact him via Jabber to no avail.
> Isn't funkyou a dev of kdemod? When did you try to contact him? Maybe
> he's on holiday :)
> --
> Alessio (molok) Bolognino
> Please send personal email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
Can i cancel my application? I realized i have better things to do
with my time than face an inquisition. I'm done with Arch in the way
of caring about being a TU or a full-on developer.

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
I thought i'd mention this because it's still important. I refuse to
provide any proof that i am/was a DD. If you choose not to believe me,
fine, if you choose to believe me, great. I will continue to use Arch
(possibly go over to it on my main system in the near future),
recommend it to friends (i've prolly gotten 10 people hooked on it at
least), maintain my own packages on the AUR, contribute on the wiki
and continue to contribute in the forums.

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
I'm sorry, but i'm not going to do that. It was drama, it was a few
years ago when i was younger and stupider. It's no longer an issue
between myself and the parties involved so as i mentioned, i'm not
going to bring it up and i very much hope this will be the last of the
issue of if i was a Debian Developer or not. Let's just say i didn't
want my name affiliated with Debian anymore when i left and leave it
at that.

Here's my honest, no BS opinion: There are currently only 27 TU's and
36 developers in this project. I have the skills to be a very capable
TU. I more or less don't care if you vote for me to be a TU to be
perfectly honest. It's not going to plague me in the morning that i
didn't get enough votes. I only feel that i'd bring something useful
to a community with currently a lot of ground to cover (~9600 packages
in the AUR) and from what i can see, not enough people to cover it.

I hope you all do the right thing FOR THE COMMUNITY.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 10:58 PM, Allan McRae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeff Horelick wrote:
>> That would be a long story involving some "secretive" Debian Drama
>> (between me and 2/3 other people via email/IM) that i'd really rather
>> not pull into the mix.
> But I'm afraid you are going to have to be a bit more specific about you
> being an ex Debian developer if you want anyone to vote for you.  There is
> also no mention of you in the changelogs of gftp and conky.  This experience
> was a primary factor in my choosing to sponsor you despite having few
> packages in the AUR.  With that being questioned, your whole application is
> on very, very shaky ground, which is more than a bit embarrassing for me as
> your sponsor.
> Allan

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
That would be a long story involving some "secretive" Debian Drama
(between me and 2/3 other people via email/IM) that i'd really rather
not pull into the mix.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Mateusz Herych <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/7/27 Jeff Horelick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> As far as what i've maintained when i was a Debian developer: I've
>> maintained msttcorefonts, early versions of conky, gftp and a few
>> other things i don't remember (It was 4 years ago).
> Hi.
> Here are changelogs of msttcorefonts:
> ... conky:
> .. and gftp:
> I don't see your name in these changelogs. Can you explain this?
> Regards,
> Mateusz.

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
Actually, i don't use it on my desktop, but when my laptop is on (work
and i keep it permanently on on my desk at home), i'm on Arch :)

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Loui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 02:22:53PM -0400, Jeff Horelick wrote:
>> Also, i did mention in my original post that i'd try to be in
>> #archlinux more. I'm currently doing stuff around the house this early
>> afternoon, but i will be on #archlinux shortly.
> I feel a little dumber whenever I hang out in #archlinux for some
> reason. HA HA. At least you can hang out in some of the other channels
> like #archlinux-aur or #archlinux-tu when you become a TU. IRC is
> usually a huge time sucker though, so I wouldn't worry about it.
> I guess the fact that you don't use Arch that much compared to other
> distros is a bit of a concern. If you become a TU then we'll have a
> better reason to start the brainwashing and make you into a total
> Arch fiend.
> Hooray!

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
I am working on said distro, but i mostly do maintaining packages and
so far this week (not counting the amount of time my machine was
building since it's just going without my intervention) i've literally
spend less than 3 hours working on my distro. I can almost guarantee
i've spent that much time working on Arch between just yesterday and

I did indeed say i had 3 x86_64 boxes and i have (this morning)
verified that my packages build on them, i just have to upload updated
pkgbuilds and...I don't know...I feel like i should wait till i have
to make another change instead of just reuploading with only the
x86_64 addition.

As far as what i've maintained when i was a Debian developer: I've
maintained msttcorefonts, early versions of conky, gftp and a few
other things i don't remember (It was 4 years ago).

Also, i did mention in my original post that i'd try to be in
#archlinux more. I'm currently doing stuff around the house this early
afternoon, but i will be on #archlinux shortly.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 2:08 PM, Angel Velásquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, you are working in a distro called "DebianX" based of course on
> Debian (and if it's a personal project you will need time to maintain
> packages, do documentation etc, get enthusiastic people isn't as fast,
> then i wonder if you will have time for be a TU on Arch Linux). Also
> you said that you have 3 (three) x86_64 machines but none (zero) of
> your packages are tested on x86_64 (i don't know if all of them build
> but...). Plus don't have any credential that probe that you was a
> Debian Developer (and you didn't what packages you maintained at
> least), and you aren't on Archlinux irc channels but:
> * [jdhore] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]/jdhoreotg): JD
> * [jdhore] #freshubuntu #deluge #lilug #defusion #progbox
> * [jdhore] :
> * [jdhore] is identified to services
> * [jdhore] is signed on as account jdhoreotg
> -NickServ- Information on jdhore (account jdhoreotg):
> -NickServ- Registered : Jun 09 03:32:55 2006 (2 years, 7 weeks, 0
> days, 14:32:58 ago)
> -NickServ- Last addr  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]/jdhoreotg
> -NickServ- Last seen  : now
> -NickServ- Email  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -NickServ- *** End of Info ***
> Good luck anyway, i don't know anything more to say, just good luck.
> --
> Angel Velásquez
> angvp @
> Linux Counter: #359909
> Arch Linux Trusted User

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
I also forgot to mention this (writing long emails is hard :P ); I'm
currently working on a disto called DebianX (Debian as the base and
the name was suggested by my co-developers, not myself) and in said
distro where we currently only have 20 users (we haven't gotten even
an official release out yet or our website up), i am the maintainer of
all of GNOME, Firefox/XULRunner, and whatever else i want to maintain.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Jeff Horelick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's see how i can do this:
> @everyone: I was a bit harsh on my original "taking over packages"
> message and i agree that my original "message" would be the wrong
> approach. If i did send out a message like this...Well...I'd first
> refine my "template", but i'd also give probably a 1 month time period
> for a response. Here's my revised takeover message (for now):
> "Hello $uploader-name, i noticed that $package that you maintain in
> the AUR is out-of-date and doesn't work because of $error. Please fix
> your package or let me know that you're not going to at all so it can
> be taken over."
> I didn't mean to sound overly confrontational. :(
> @Allan - The package that failed on me was debootstrap so you're off
> the hook. :P
> @Angel (part1): Sorry, i don't have any documentation that qualifies
> me as a Debian Developer. I've been inactive for ~3-4 years now and
> every package i maintained has been taken over.
> @Angel (Part 2): I prefer i686, but i do have 3 x86_64 boxes that i
> can use to build packages if needed (Just have to install Arch on
> them).
> @DaNiMo & @Angel - I'll be honest, Arch just has that feeling that i
> can't use it as a primary desktop distro and i don't know why, but i'm
> trying to figure it out (and fix either me or the problem i have with
> Arch). Until that time though, i do run Arch on almost every box in my
> house besides my main desktop, my MythTV box and my server.
> @DaNiMo - hehe...I completely remember licensing issues and i was
> actually on the fence about uploading Charybdis because it uses
> OpenSSL (going to gnutls in their new release) and i remember all the
> OpenSSL licensing issues from my time with Debian.
> @DaNiMo/All - As i mentioned, my goal is 1 package a day. I can't
> guarantee that i will do 1 a day, every day, but i will try. As for
> being a TU...The biggest thing is to move packages that i find
> interesting/useful to community, be able to assist other AUR/Arch
> users better and be able to maintain packages that are unmaintained,
> but not orphaned.
> I hope this answers all of your questions/comments and i'll be around
> for a while to answer even more :)
> Thanks
> JD

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
Let's see how i can do this:

@everyone: I was a bit harsh on my original "taking over packages"
message and i agree that my original "message" would be the wrong
approach. If i did send out a message like this...Well...I'd first
refine my "template", but i'd also give probably a 1 month time period
for a response. Here's my revised takeover message (for now):
"Hello $uploader-name, i noticed that $package that you maintain in
the AUR is out-of-date and doesn't work because of $error. Please fix
your package or let me know that you're not going to at all so it can
be taken over."

I didn't mean to sound overly confrontational. :(

@Allan - The package that failed on me was debootstrap so you're off
the hook. :P

@Angel (part1): Sorry, i don't have any documentation that qualifies
me as a Debian Developer. I've been inactive for ~3-4 years now and
every package i maintained has been taken over.

@Angel (Part 2): I prefer i686, but i do have 3 x86_64 boxes that i
can use to build packages if needed (Just have to install Arch on

@DaNiMo & @Angel - I'll be honest, Arch just has that feeling that i
can't use it as a primary desktop distro and i don't know why, but i'm
trying to figure it out (and fix either me or the problem i have with
Arch). Until that time though, i do run Arch on almost every box in my
house besides my main desktop, my MythTV box and my server.

@DaNiMo - hehe...I completely remember licensing issues and i was
actually on the fence about uploading Charybdis because it uses
OpenSSL (going to gnutls in their new release) and i remember all the
OpenSSL licensing issues from my time with Debian.

@DaNiMo/All - As i mentioned, my goal is 1 package a day. I can't
guarantee that i will do 1 a day, every day, but i will try. As for
being a TU...The biggest thing is to move packages that i find
interesting/useful to community, be able to assist other AUR/Arch
users better and be able to maintain packages that are unmaintained,
but not orphaned.

I hope this answers all of your questions/comments and i'll be around
for a while to answer even more :)

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
Replying to myself is weird :) ... I forgot to mention (as you can
see, past my bedtime :P). I'm jdhore on the forums too and i spider
them quite regularly, but i will try to help out more. Also, i'm going
to try to be in the IRC more too.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Jeff Horelick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> My name is JD Horelick and i'd like to become a TU. I'm 23 and working
> as a sysadmin for a decent-sized company (linux and windows stuff).
> I first started with ArchLinux in early 2007 (if i had to guess) and
> ever since then, i've loved it. I think pacman is quite possibly the
> greatest package manager i've used and i think the PKGBUILD package
> format is quite nice. I haven't done a crazy amount of development on
> Arch, but i've been using linux since 1999 and i was a Debian
> Developer for ~3 years (where i maintained 10-15 packages).
> As a TU I will offer my knowledge, skills and time to improve my
> favourite distribution and it's packages.
> Some of my specific goals as a TU are:
>  * Work on expanding the community repo (for example, clutter is in
> community, but clutter-gtk, clutter-cairo and clutter-gtk are still in
> AUR :(  ).
>  * Make sure packages in AUR/community are working. For example, i
> tried to build dpkg (i think...It's late) from aur a bit ago and the
> URL changed, if i was a TU (and i will probably do this tomorrow
> anyway), i would email the guy and say like: "Hey, please fix the 404
> on your package or i'm going to take it over".
>  * My goal is to upload, fix or update a minimum of 1 package a day.
> In my free time I like...wait...I have free time? ahh...but seriously,
> in my free time...Well...I'm a atypical computer geek...I like
> watching me some movies/TV, playing video games...goin out and doing
> some parkour...having fun. Oh, and tacos...Tacos FTW!
> The final thing, Allan was so kind as to sponsor my application and
> here is the list of packages i have uploaded to the AUR:
> Let's start up the inquisition :P Any questions and suggestions will
> be answered as quickly as possible (I'm usually around from 1PM EST to
> 5AM EST daily).
> Thank you all very much. I very much hope to become part of the Arch team.
> Sincerely,
> JD
> In case my AUR link gets buried/is hard to see:

[aur-general] TU Application

2008-07-27 Thread Jeff Horelick
My name is JD Horelick and i'd like to become a TU. I'm 23 and working
as a sysadmin for a decent-sized company (linux and windows stuff).

I first started with ArchLinux in early 2007 (if i had to guess) and
ever since then, i've loved it. I think pacman is quite possibly the
greatest package manager i've used and i think the PKGBUILD package
format is quite nice. I haven't done a crazy amount of development on
Arch, but i've been using linux since 1999 and i was a Debian
Developer for ~3 years (where i maintained 10-15 packages).

As a TU I will offer my knowledge, skills and time to improve my
favourite distribution and it's packages.
Some of my specific goals as a TU are:

 * Work on expanding the community repo (for example, clutter is in
community, but clutter-gtk, clutter-cairo and clutter-gtk are still in
AUR :(  ).
 * Make sure packages in AUR/community are working. For example, i
tried to build dpkg (i think...It's late) from aur a bit ago and the
URL changed, if i was a TU (and i will probably do this tomorrow
anyway), i would email the guy and say like: "Hey, please fix the 404
on your package or i'm going to take it over".
 * My goal is to upload, fix or update a minimum of 1 package a day.

In my free time I like...wait...I have free time? ahh...but seriously,
in my free time...Well...I'm a atypical computer geek...I like
watching me some movies/TV, playing video games...goin out and doing
some parkour...having fun. Oh, and tacos...Tacos FTW!

The final thing, Allan was so kind as to sponsor my application and
here is the list of packages i have uploaded to the AUR:
Let's start up the inquisition :P Any questions and suggestions will
be answered as quickly as possible (I'm usually around from 1PM EST to
5AM EST daily).

Thank you all very much. I very much hope to become part of the Arch team.

In case my AUR link gets buried/is hard to see: