Re: [aur-general] pkgbuild with after installation Customizations

2013-10-27 Thread Kyle
Best practice is to write the systemd file without a default. Espeakup
uses the default British English Espeak voice if no voice is specified.
Then if the user wishes to change the voice, he/she can add a voice
option on the ExecStart command line. Hope this helps.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] pkgbuild with after installation Customizations

2013-10-27 Thread Kyle
Responding to a message written by Curtis Shimamoto:
# Did you create the service file for it?  If so, then you could just
make it
# something like espeakup@.service and then just put a "%I" in the ExecStart
# command where the voice/language would typically go.  That way the
user could
# enable something like espeakup@en-sc.service.

Even better. I had seen that done for devices and virtual private
networks, but I had never actually tried it for other command line
options. It occurs to me that since I had a major hand in writing the
espeakup systemd service that is included with the package in the
community repo that I could have added that option, but my goal at the
time was to get it ready for systemd as quickly as possible, and since
no default was specified in the init script, I just used the espeakup
command with no optional arguments. Oh well, I'd say it's probably too
late to send in a patch for that now that everyone using espeakup knows to
systemctl enable espeakup.service
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

[aur-general] RFC: java-atk-wrapper

2013-11-12 Thread Kyle
I have just uploaded java-atk-wrapper to the AUR. This package is
GNOME's replacement for java-access-bridge, which is in Extra, but has
been deprecated for quite some time. Anyone needing screen reader access
to Java Swing applications, and anyone who can make suggestions for
improvements to the PKGBUILD, please comment and/or vote for this
package. Thanks.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] RFC: java-atk-wrapper

2013-11-12 Thread Kyle
Sorry, I should have linked to the AUR package.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

[aur-general] [OT] how to post messages (was Re: espeakup's service file yet again lol)

2013-11-16 Thread Kyle
ue to the discussion than simply saying that I agree
with you. On the other hand, most answers can be given in a clear and
concise way that doesn't have to refer back to the question, and
certainly doesn't have to rewrite the entire conversation that led up to
it. I don't see any problem with a Q&A style post that responds to
multiple points by quoting each Q and following it up with an A, but in
the case of a single question and single answer, or in the case of a
single answer that addresses only one of the original questions, it
looks much better, and saves much time for both the composer of a
message and for readers to have separate messages that look like

Subject: message quoting
Why is excessive quoting a bad idea in an e-mail message? What harm
could it do to bottom post my answers?

Subject: Re: message quoting
excessive quoting in e-mail messages makes them harder to read, because
readers are forced to read the same thing over and over before they can
find the answer to their question.

rather than to have a conversation that looks like

Subject: message quoting
What is the best way to answer a question on an e-mail list?

Subject: Re: message quoting
On Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 23:36, List Poster
> What is the best way to answer a question on an e-mail list?

Bottom post. Put your answer below the original text of the message to
which you are replying.

Subject Re: message quoting
On Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 5:55 PM, First Responder
>> wrote:
> On Saturday, 16 November 2013 at 23:36, List Poster
> > What is the best way to answer a question on an e-mail list?
> Bottom post. Put your answer below the original text of the message
> to which you are replying.


In summary, make your subject line reflect the content of the message.
Usually, replying is enough, but if the message strays too far from the
topic of conversation, make the subject line reflect this. Refer back to
the subject of this message for an example.  Keep quoting to an absolute
minimum, and if quoting, rather than top or bottom posting, answer the
quoted question inline, and only quote the usually very small parts of
the message that are relevant to the answers. However, the best possible
posting style is to write the post in such a way where no quoting is
necessary. Make the answer to the question stand on its own, clearly and
concisely providing an answer that new readers will find useful, either
paraphrasing the question within the answer, or making every effort to
make it possible to very easily deduce the question from the answer. One
more thing: if you find that you must quote, edit that very long
attribution line. When lots of dates and times from different time zones
come together, it only serves to confuse readers. It is probably
sufficient to edit the attribution so that it looks like "Person wrote""
"According to Postman Pete," or similar short, catchy if desired,
attribution line. Hope this helps.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] python packages as depends and easy_install

2014-06-23 Thread Kyle
https on Github shouldn't require a username and password. I do believe
you'll need something like git+https declared in your git source so that
makepkg will know it's a git package and how to build it.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] AUR4 refuses to accept *any* commit that doesn't have a .SRCINFO

2015-05-25 Thread Kyle
According to Doug Newgard:
# There are no decent bash parsers out there. To get real info, they
would have
# to be sourced/executed, which is a huge security risk.

In that case, why can PKGBUILD, which is already a bash script, not just
source .SRCINFO, which has its fields in roughly the same format? There
just has to be a better method of getting all the right information into
the right places without duplicating all the metadata.
Sent from my golf bag
"Don't judge my disability until you are able to see my ability."
My chunk of the internet:

Re: [aur-general] AUR4 refuses to accept *any* commit that doesn't have a .SRCINFO

2015-05-25 Thread Kyle
I can see that .SRCINFO is completely different from the fields in
PKGBUILD after all. It isn't just the spaces left and right of the =
sign as I first thought. Apparently it doesn't show arrays in the same
way either, instead putting the same key on multiple lines with one
value per key. So this isn't exactly as trivial as I thought, although I
still think there would have to be a way to keep from having to
duplicate metadata, but as long as there is something that can take the
info from the PKGBUILD and generate the file, it isn't really a big problem.
Sent from the horns of a goat
"Don't judge my disability until you are able to see my ability."
My chunk of the internet:

[aur-general] package submission

2011-03-03 Thread Kyle
I have created a new package build for SVox Pico, a small speech 
synthesis engine, and I'm in the process of submitting it to AUR. I must 
choose a category on the submission page. SVox Pico consists of a 
library for producing speech output as well as a utility that converts 
text on the command line to a .wav file. Which category is most 
appropriate for such an application? Would lib be best, or is there 
something else that may fit better?


Re: [aur-general] package submission

2011-03-03 Thread Kyle

I thought of that as well. Thanks, I think multimedia does work better.

Re: [aur-general] Merry Christmas!

2011-12-24 Thread Kyle

According to Axilleas P:

LOL! Thanks for the laugh. Merry Christmas.

Re: [aur-general] TU inactivity

2012-07-30 Thread Kyle
Thanks for all you do to keep Arch talking. See you next week.
Kyle is a droid.
The whole world knows it.
This e-mail shows it.

Re: [aur-general] [arch-dev-public] [REMINDER] systemd conversion

2012-10-05 Thread Kyle

I have a working unit for espeakup, which I saw listed in this thread, 
but I seem to recall Chris mentioning that he already had one. Let me 
know if it's needed, and if so, where I should post it.

Linux killed Kenny, bastard!
--Subject of a real e-mail to the Linux kernel mailing list
12 January, 2009

Re: [aur-general] TU resignation: Chris Brannon

2012-10-07 Thread Kyle
Sorry to see you go. The new job is good though. Good to know you'll 
still be providing the Talking Arch images. Thanks for all your great work.

Linux killed Kenny, bastard!
--Subject of a real e-mail to the Linux kernel mailing list
12 January, 2009

Re: [aur-general] [arch-dev-public] [REMINDER] systemd conversion

2012-10-19 Thread Kyle

According to Tom Gundersen:
# Could you post your service file to the list (maybe inline if the list
# does not accept attachments)? As Chris is no longer active, I'll push
# a new espeakup with the service files. However, I don't use it myself,
# so would be great if I could have something that was already tested

No problem. It's tested here and works without any issues. Cut between 
the lines and edit as needed.

--- begin espeakup.service ---
Description=Software speech output for Speakup using eSpeak

ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID

--- end espeakup.service ---
Linux killed Kenny, bastard!
--Subject of a real e-mail to the Linux kernel mailing list
12 January, 2009

Re: [aur-general] AUR upgraded to 2.0.0

2012-11-04 Thread Kyle
The new AUR is awesome! Regarding voting, I saw some fixes listed in the 
log, but I think I may have accidentally voted for some packages more 
than once, because the page indicated I hadn't voted, which seems to be 
the bug that was fixed in 2.0.0. One of my packages, qt-at-spi-git, 
which I specifically remember voting for, shows I haven't voted. Could 
someone take a look at my votes and be sure I haven't voted for anything 
more than once, and if possible, fix the packages I have voted for so 
that I don't accidentally vote more than once? Thanks.


Re: [aur-general] AUR upgraded to 2.0.0

2012-11-04 Thread Kyle

According to Dave Reisner:
# CREATE UNIQUE INDEX VoteUsersIDPackageID ON PackageVotes (UsersID,
# PackageID);
# This was the case in 1.9.1 as well. If the AUR says you haven't voted,
# then I'd say it means you haven't voted.

Ah OK. The fix in the log made me just a little nervous. Maybe I didn't 
vote for that package after all, although I thought for sure I did. 
Thanks for the explanation.


Re: [aur-general] AUR upgraded to 2.0.0

2012-11-04 Thread Kyle

According to Kwpolska:
# 2. Cannot unflag a package unless you’re the maintainer — sometimes,
# flags are made errorneously and you need to revert it.

+1 here. It's great that not just anyone can unflag a package, but if I 
inadvertently flag a package, it's better if I can revert the flag 
myself rather than having to add a comment for the maintainer to remove 
the flag or send a message to this list to get a TU to do it.

Linux killed Kenny, bastard!
--Subject of a real e-mail to the Linux kernel mailing list
12 January, 2009

Re: [aur-general] qt4 replaces qt

2013-03-01 Thread Kyle
I am in the process of rebuilding my qt-at-spi-git package now. As it is 
a necessary package for making qt applications accessible to blind and 
visually impaired users, I apologize for the rather late rebuild.

"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

[aur-general] Strange filesystem conflict behavior

2013-03-25 Thread Kyle
Today I upgraded my espeak-test package in AUR from 1.46.53 to the
latest 1.47.03b. However, while testing my PKGBUILD, I received a file
conflict error when attempting to install the binary package using
pacman -U. It seems that /usr/share/espeak-data/voices/en, which is a
directory in previous versions of espeak-test as well as
community/espeak, has become a voice definition file in 1.47.03b.
Apparently, this causes a file conflict error to be raised by pacman
during the installation attempt. For now, I have added a comment to the
AUR page informing anyone using the package that they should remove the
entire /usr/share/espeak-data directory prior to installing the newest
espeak-test, since --force should never be used for this kind of thing,
and this removal is what I needed to do to get the new package
installed. The question is whether or not this was the correct action to
take, or if anyone has suggestions for truly fixing the problem. I am
also wondering at this point if I have found a bug in pacman that would
be causing this conflict error to be raised, in spite of the fact that I
have added the proper conflicts and provides fields hat should have kept
such an error from occurring. Thanks very much for any help.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] Strange filesystem conflict behavior

2013-03-25 Thread Kyle
According to Allen Li:
# Can't you just uninstall the previous version before installing the
# newer version?  No need to manually remove anything.

This would work, except for the fact that espeakup depends on espeak, so
if espeakup is installed, manually removing espeak will automatically
remove espeakup, which would then need to be manually reinstalled.
Simply removing /usr/share/espeak-data avoids this extra complexity. I'm
still confused about why any user intervention would even be necessary
when removing the old version and replacing it with a properly
conflicting/providing version of the same package. Isn't pacman robust
enough to handle changes in the file structure of a conflicting package,
as long as the fields are properly filled in, and the old package is
being automatically removed?
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] Strange filesystem conflict behavior

2013-03-26 Thread Kyle
According to Dave Reisner:
# provides = ('espeak')

Yes. I have that as well as conflicts=espeak in my PKGBUILD. I still get
the conflict error, which seems it should have been resolved by
including conflicts=espeak and provides=espeak in the PKGBUILD.

pacman -Rdd

Does work, and may be a good solution for now. It is probably better
than removing the espeak-data directory, but it still doesn't solve the
initial problem, which seems to occur only when a directory is replaced
by a file of the same name in an explicitly conflicting package.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] Package removal request

2013-06-04 Thread Kyle
If you are running the gnome-shell version, the notification panel is
now a pop-up panel called "message tray." You can get to it using the
alt-control tab list, but the easiest way to open it is by pressing super-m.

If running sonar-13.04.1 which uses the GNOME classic interface, the
notifications should appear in the top panel. If you are no longer
finding the bottom panel in GNOME classic, which generally includes the
window list and workspace switcher, you may have somehow inadvertently
deleted it, in which case, you may need to add it again, recreating the
layout as close to the original layout as possible. It should also be
possible to remove some GNOME-related directories under ~/.local/share
to restore the default desktop layout, including the bottom panel.
Anything you remove from ~/.local/share will be recreated with default
settings the next time you use the application whose configuration you
removed in this way. Hope this helps.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

Re: [aur-general] Package removal request

2013-06-04 Thread Kyle
Please disregard my previous message. Somehow it got sent to the wrong
list, and was also in response to the wrong message.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

[aur-general] AUR4 refuses to accept *any* commit that doesn't have a .SRCINFO

2015-05-25 Thread Kyle Terrien
I just submitted my first package, so I'm still learning.  However,
because I forgot to include a .SRCINFO file until the last commit (i.e
several commits including the first did not have .SRCINFO), AUR4 refused
to accept anything altogether.

kyle@landru ~/builds/aur4/wmload :( 
$ git push -v origin master
Pushing to ssh+git://
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0
Counting objects: 12, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Writing objects: 100% (12/12), 1.79 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 12 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: error: The following error occurred when parsing commit
remote: error: d495231b82fd541d626b46aafbfba78d5302e53f:
remote: error: missing .SRCINFO
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
To ssh+git://
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 

So, now I apparently have to rewrite git history so that *every* commit
has .SRCINFO.  (Bear in mind I already copied the repo to GitHub, so I
have multiple copies to correct.)  IMHO, there should be a clear warning
on the wiki page about this.

I eventually gave up and re-initted the repos.

This begs some questions:

1.  Is there any way to generate the .SRCINFO file without doing the
tar/untar workaround?

2.  Why is .SRCINFO even needed?  Why can't AUR parse the raw PKGBUILD?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] AUR4 refuses to accept *any* commit that doesn't have a .SRCINFO

2015-05-25 Thread Kyle Terrien
On 05/25/2015 07:15 PM, Doug Newgard wrote:
> On Mon, 25 May 2015 17:19:07 -0700
> Kyle Terrien  wrote:
>> 1.  Is there any way to generate the .SRCINFO file without doing the
>> tar/untar workaround?
> mksrcinfo from pkgbuild-introspection-git. You can easily use it to add it to
> all commmits with git filter-branch --tree-filter

Wow!  I didn't know about mksrcinfo, but I'm definitely using it now.
And according to the manual, that git filter-branch command actually
modifies every commit in the repo.  I had no idea you could do that.
Git never ceases to amaze me.

>> 2.  Why is .SRCINFO even needed?  Why can't AUR parse the raw PKGBUILD?
> There are no decent bash parsers out there. To get real info, they would have
> to be sourced/executed, which is a huge security risk.

I wonder if Perl can parse it.  I'll have to try a couple of experiments

Thank you so much,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Metadata from aur3

2015-11-27 Thread Kyle Terrien
On 11/24/2015 03:21 PM, kaptoxic wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to retrieve package metadata from aur3 (votes and
> comments)  and migrate them to aur4? There was a question about merging
> comments during the aur3-to-aur4 migration period, but I am wondering if
> that is still possible. If data is still around, perhaps a script could
> be written that extracts the appropriate information and adjusts it for
> aur4. (It seems unfortunate that some of the packages that were migrated
> too late lost all of that metadata.)
> Cheers,
> Ivan

As far as I know, all the metadata was deleted.  (I'm not happy about
this either.)

The PKGBUILDs, however, are archived.  You can fetch a PKGBUILD from
the archive and push it to aur4 if you would like to maintain it.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Updating MATE Packages

2016-06-05 Thread Kyle Terrien via aur-general
Sean Fennell  wrote:
> Hello All,
> A couple weeks ago I found out that Martin was no longer going to be
> able to maintain the MATE desktop packages for Arch Linux [1] [2].  I
> had a chat with Martin on IRC and confirmed that MATE would need a new
> maintainer.  Since then I've been working on updating the relevant MATE
> PKGBUILD's from 1.12 to 1.14.  I've been getting spun up with how Arch
> maintains packages, learning more about the PKGBUILD creation and
> updating processes, and getting set up on the various mailing lists and
> my AUR profile.
> The question comes now how do I get these updated PKGBUILD's to the
> community?  If the packages are bumped down from [Community] to the AUR,
> I would be more than happy to maintain them there.  If/when I earn TU
> status, I would then move them back to the official [Community]
> repository.  The drawback there is a major DE would no longer be in an
> official Arch repository and would require users manually building each
> updated PKGBUILD or to use an AUR helper.  Alternatively, perhaps a
> current TU could use my updated PKGBUILD's to get MATE 1.14 out to the
> community while I work on earning TU status and can then maintain the
> packages directly at a later date.
> To head off any ideas about my motivations here, I am not trying to
> leverage this issue to bypass or fasttrack past any TU requirements.  I
> realize I'm pretty much unknown in the Arch community.  I would like to
> change that with good work.
> To the matter at hand, what is going to be the best way to get the MATE
> packages updated?  What is my next step in that process?  I'm eager to
> get my hands dirty helping out with maintaining MATE (and other packages
> as well).
> Thank you,
> Sean Fennell 
> [1]
> [2]

As a recent convert to MATE (coming from XFCE), I wish you the best of

It looks like Manjaro is maintaining their own MATE packages [0].  I am
not sure if you were aware of this, but if you were not then this should
help tremendously.

I experimented a little and successfully built all the GTK2 (stable)
versions of 1.14 [1].  Most of the effort was building things in the
right order (Take a look at in [1].).  I did not need to
modify any of the PKGBUILDS from Manjaro.  I hope you may find this

MATE is certainly seeing far more active development than XFCE at this
point.  XFCE is unfortunately making the Netscape mistake of focusing on
rewriting all their code so it compiles with GTK3.  (In fact, they have
no new features planned for the next release.)  It will most likely be
years before we see new things and fixes come out of XFCE (and the GTK3
change will likely introduce more regressions).

So, MATE is like a breath of fresh air.  Personally, I would really like
to see MATE stay in community where everyone can easily install it.  The
way I see the problem, all we need to do is build the PKGBUILDS from
Manjaro and have someone from Arch officially vet them.  Will a TU
please help us?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Updating MATE Packages

2016-06-12 Thread Kyle Terrien via aur-general
Sean Fennell  wrote:
> On 06/11/2016 04:55 AM, Antonio Rojas wrote:
> I've uploaded my updated PKGBUILD's to GitHub.  [1]
> I've noticed a few of the packages are split packages for GTK2 and GTK3
> while most of them are seperate packages for GTK2 and GTK3 versions.
> For MATE 1.14, I would like to have both GTK2 and GTK3 versions
> available.  For future stable releases, MATE should be ready for GTK3
> primetime.  The Ubuntu MATE team is working on getting their MATE 1.14
> ready for GTK3 only for their 16.10 release.  The Ubuntu MATE team works
> closely with upstream MATE, so the next stable MATE release should have
> all their patches upstreamed by then and so I'm expecting MATE to have a
> pretty solid GTK3 only release for 1.16.
> I'm still getting up to speed on the development side of Arch.  I've not
> altered the PKGBUILD's in any major ways, outside of bringing them up to
> 1.14.  If there are major changes that need to be made or any tips or
> other helpful and constructive criticism, I welcome the feedback.
> [1]

This may sound like a silly question, but how are you building packages
in bulk?  Are you using a home-brewed script like I did a week ago [0],
or are you building each package by hand?

In the case of the latter, would you like help automating stuff?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Updating MATE Packages

2016-06-12 Thread Kyle Terrien via aur-general
Sean Fennell  wrote:
> On 06/12/2016 10:51 AM, Kyle Terrien via aur-general wrote:
>> [0]
> I'm using namcap to check my PKGBUILD's as I go along, but I've yet try
> and build them until after I sorted through the hooks and cleaning up of
> split packages.  I tried using extra-{i686,x86_64}-build, but right away
> ran into the whole needing to build them in the correct order issue when
> I tried building atril.  I'm planning on using a clean VM and figuring
> out the correct order and then building and installing them there to
> test and make sure the packages will build.
> In your script, it looks like you build mate-common and
> then work through a list of packages.  Is that list in the correct order
> in which they need to be built?  If so, that'll make it a much easier
> time for me when I go to test building my PKGBUILD's.
> Thank you for sharing that script!

I'm 90% certain that the order is correct.  It's a little hard to know
for sure because MATE 1.12 is still in community.

Almost everything depends on either mate-common or mate-desktop either
directly or indirectly.  That is why they are built first.  After that,
every package from MATE is installed as needed from the temporary repo.

The reason why I setup a temporary repo for the chroot is because many
of the PKGBUILDS are split PKGBUILDS that build conflicting gtk2 and
gtk3 packages, and those cannot be installed in the same chroot.

It took about half an hour for all of GTK2 MATE to build on my
Bloomfield i7 920 system.

(If you do find a discrepancy in the build order, please let me know.
I'm genuinely curious.)

I based the build order on the Install Guidelines [1] as best as I
could.  And the PKGBUILDs are taken directly from Manjaro, where they
have their own guy maintaining MATE packages [2].

I suspect that building all the gtk3 versions just involves modifying my
script to refer to the gtk3 packages.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[aur-general] Package not updating on AUR

2018-01-15 Thread Kyle McNally via aur-general

I recently became the co-maintainer of the plex-sub-zero package [1]. I
pushed to it's repo, but the
version isn't being updated on the AUR. Should the AUR update when I push,
or does the maintainer need to do anything?

If you check out the PKGBUILD, it shows the updated file.


*Kyle* *McNally |* *IT Architect*
2469 Sunset Point Road |  Clearwater, FL 33765 |  Office 727.797.7744
 | 727.509.6283

Re: [aur-general] Package not updating on AUR

2018-01-15 Thread Kyle McNally via aur-general
On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 9:32 AM Bruno Pagani via aur-general <> wrote:

> Le 15/01/2018 à 15:16, Kyle McNally via aur-general a écrit :
> > Hello,
> >
> > I recently became the co-maintainer of the plex-sub-zero package [1]. I
> > pushed to it's repo, but the
> > version isn't being updated on the AUR. Should the AUR update when I
> push,
> > or does the maintainer need to do anything?
> >
> > If you check out the PKGBUILD, it shows the updated file.
> >
> > [1]
> The .SRCINFO looks wrong:
> .
> The old entry is still there, and the new one is likely not parsed or
> ignored. You need to remove the what was in the file before your last
> update.
> Regards,
> Bruno
Ah, Man! Embarrassed that I missed that! Thanks for the help everyone.
Package working as expected now.

*Kyle* *McNally |* *IT Architect*
2469 Sunset Point Road |  Clearwater, FL 33765 |  Office 727.797.7744
 | 727.509.6283