On 19/07/2016 4:34 PM, opsw...@bigpond.net.au wrote:
what's your phone number. I have a solution for your machining.
I'll send privately.
And thanks everyone - I have about half a dozen options to call on now.
As always, the gliding community is extremely helpful!
Justin Couch http://www.vlc.com.au/
Java 3D Graphics Information http://www.j3d.org/
LinkedIn http://au.linkedin.com/in/justincouch/
G+ WetMorgoth
"Look through the lens, and the light breaks down into many lights.
Turn it or move it, and a new set of arrangements appears... is it
a single light or many lights, lights that one must know how to
distinguish, recognise and appreciate? Is it one light with many
frames or one frame for many lights?" -Subcomandante Marcos
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