[Aus-soaring] LS landing gear parts

2016-01-22 Thread Andres Miramontes

I am looking for spare parts for an LS1 landing gear.
If anyone has any LS3 or LS1f parts available please do let me know.

Andres Miramontes

amiramon at gmail dot com
Aus-soaring mailing list

Re: [Aus-soaring] Update from Flarm on Unsolicited Email Circulation

2016-03-07 Thread Andres Miramontes
After been reading all the comments on this subject  I am really surprised
to find  we have around so many capable professionals on the topic and I
wonder why nobody has came up yet with a more profitable and affordable
solution to this issue to compite with companies that invest millions of
dollars in research and development ?

May be the problem is no so simple, or the market is not as big, or there
are more challenges that some may perceive.

I completely understand and support that people may have different points
of views and opinions but some of the comments published lately are
offensive and misleading.

If you have a better idea just do it. It is easy to criticise others for
what the have already done or achieved.

My two cents.


On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Mike Borgelt <
mborg...@borgeltinstruments.com> wrote:

> Justin Couch ,
> For most of the standards you talk about there are alternatives. Don't
> like Android? Use Linux or Windows. Some of you examples seem obsolete too.
> Firewire? Haven't seen that in quite a while. As I understand it the wi-fi
> thing is a straight out patent fight. Not so with
> Flarm.
> The Flarm problem is that to be at all useful all such devices must
> conform to the same standard in the rf scheme and the transmission
> protocol.
> This was initially unencrypted and only when a credible competitor
> appeared did Flarm institute the encryption.
> Now consider what would have happened had Flarm announced on first release
> of their system that they intended to enforce an effective monopoly by
> encrypting the transmissions? Or announced that they would do so in future?
> Would the takeup have been as rapid?
> Would a competitor immediately have appeared or announced intention,
> before the installed base of Flarms got large, to offer an unencrypted
> transmission protocol? Maybe several competitors? Would the IGC or a
> National gliding body (maybe a non Swiss one with
> a large number of pilots) have said  - that's a good idea but we're not
> paying those chocolate makers and yodellers a royalty* - here's our open
> standard?
> The IGC publishes a standard for IGC certified Flight Recorders and
> verifies that any manufacturer's product meets it. There were some
> shenanigans with that too, though. As I said, people send me stuff.
> Another gliding comparison would be if one of the major manufacturers had
> developed or now bought the rights to CS22 which gliders must be certified
> to in most countries and had the ability to change it at will and demand a
> licence fee. How many other manufacturer's
> would there be? From reading between the lines one non European
> manufacturer already ran up against Germany Inc. when trying to certify a
> glider.
> I really despise anti competitive behaviour and the people who indulge in
> it. In the Flarm case encryption introduces unnecessary complexity and risk
> to protect a market. The privacy argument is a mere fig leaf for anti
> competitive behaviour. ADSB and mode S have
> unique codes for each aircraft and are easy to eavesdrop. What next,
> flight plans and Sartimes are breaches of privacy? Who was it said around
> 15 years ago: "Privacy, there isn't any. Get used to it."?
> I can't see what Flarm are worried about. If they don't encrypt and have
> licence agreements those contracts still stand until one of the licencees
> develops his own source code, circuit boards and hardware and uses that
> instead of the Flarm equivalents.  Given the market
> penetration of Flarm and the near saturation of the market this may not
> even happen. The licencees didn't get the source code AFAIK anyway just the
> hex.
> For the record I was offered a licence to manufacture Flarm in 2004- 2005.
> I forget which and I'm too lazy to look it up. As it used a very similar
> GPS to that we were designing into the B500 system, my German distributor
> suggested I talk to them about it. I did so and
> they made the offer. I even did the research to find the correct frequency
> to use in Australia.  I wasn't really interested in manufacturing the
> things here, nor selling them as I thought they would be useless unless
> there was near universal adoption, I'm not fond of mandates
> and customer support was likely to be onerous.
> Adrian and I had scoped out the possibilities for a similar system in
> 2000. Transmitting GPS positions  for traffic awareness is an obvious thing
> and not patentable.  We actually decided how many bits in the message
> (funny how we came to the same number as Flarm)
> and how often it needed to transmit. Consulted Adrian's son, Peter, a
> graduate Electronic engineer about the rf side and he suggested we might
> get 5 to 6km range on the 2.4Ghz band. Good enough for a demonstration we
> thought. We had other things to do and getting
> decent range would likely involve the bureaucratic nightmare of getting a
> specific frequency allocated. We were somewhat bemused