In the USA you only do a biennial in a glider OR a powered airplane.
From: Mark Newton <>
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Sent: Monday, 1 April 2013 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Spam:*******, Re: Glider Pilots License
On 31/03/2013, at 10:08 PM, Ron Sanders <> wrote:
> Guys, well I have read the proposed part 61 and I now understand why I did
> engineering at uni instead of law! I wish I had also read the index as the
> gliding stuff is at the very back. Well, it still does not tell me how to get
> a Glider pilots licence,
It's a flight crew license like any other. Fill in a form, demonstrate
compliance with the
requirements, and get happy.
At the CASA seminar last week at Gawler it was suggested that providing a copy
your GPC will be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the requirements.
> it seems that I can not get an "Glider" or "Self Launching Sailplane"
> endorsement on my ATPL or PPL for that matter.
Yeah you can. They aren't going to issue you with two ICAO licenses. If you
have a PPL then you'll get a glider class endorsement on it.
> I still have to have a annual flight check from a Gliding Instructor and also
> it seems that my six monthly checks in the 737 or A380 for that matter do not
> count for anything other than for that "class" of aircraft and I still have
> to have a bi annual flight check if I wish to fly aeroplanes of another class.
Yes. Just like the way that you'll need to have a biannual check in balloons
if you want
to fly them under your balloon PPL, or in rotorcraft if you want to fly them
under your
helicopter PPL. Surely that isn't controversial?
> May be in the eventual implementation of this new reg things might get
> clearer but I hold no hope for being able to operate my self launch two
> seater the way I would like to and the way it was designed to be operated,
> Ie if I was towing the thing back to WA and wanted to stick it together at
> Caiguna and launch and soar the Australian bight cliffs with my wife or
> whever I can not.
Your CASA-issued glider license will be utterly useless in Australia.
It'll entitle you to ferry your self-launch two seater in stages from Germany
to PNG, but as
soon as you cross into Australian airspace it'll count for nothing, and you'll
need to be
a GFA member flying under the GFA system.
> Fortunately my glider is not insured and when I no longer need a professional
> licence I wont care what is written down anywhere.
None of this has much to do with insurance.
- mark
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