*GFA Awards and Trophies*

As GFA Awards officer I would like to remind you that nominations for the GFA Awards and trophies are open and will close at the end of July. The Trophies are:

*Martin Warner Trophy* (best gain of height in the season)
*Wally Woods Trophy* (longest X/C flight of the season)
*Bob Irvine Trophy* (longest X/C flight on handicap in the season).

These trophies are awarded on application and require a valid IGC file as evidence. The season is defined as 1st May 2013 to 30th April 2014.

In addition there are a number of GFA Awards that are available to be made. These are based on citations which can be made by any member. The available awards are:

*W R Iggulden Award*, for services to gliding administration
*J R Muller Award*, for services to the promotion of gliding
*Harry Ryan award* for services to Airworthiness
*Fred Hoinville Award*, for services to gliding generally
*Wally Wallington Award*, for services to the Sport of Gliding

These awards are not competitive, however they are in general awarded for services to the GFA or to gliding in a broad sense, rather than for services to an individual club. There can be more than one recipient in a year, or none if no suitable nominations are received.

To nominate someone for these awards please send a nomination (with an accompanying citation) to Tim Shirley at it_ad...@glidingaustralia.org <mailto:e...@glidingaustralia.org>, or tshir...@internode.on.net <mailto:tshir...@internode.on.net> no later than 31st July 2014.

*RANGA Scholarship*

I would also like to bring to your attention the availability of the RANGA (Royal Australian Navy Gliding Association) Scholarship for 2014-2015. This is a single scholarship worth $1500 and is given to an applicant who has not previously gone solo in any form of aviation. The money is paid for flying training in gliders. Details of the scholarship can be found at this link <https://drive.google.com/a/glidingaustralia.org/folderview?id=0B7SBxWtueKacbUxhQUM1MktFaXc&usp=sharing> on the GFA website.


/Tim Shirley/

/tra dire é fare c' é mezzo il mare/

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