Re: [AusNOG] Assistance and Access Bill moves to PJCIS

2018-11-26 Thread Serge Malev


report could hypothetically support conferring the powers outlined in the bill 
on agencies conducting counter-terrorism operations, such as ASIO, while other 
agencies, such as a number of anti-corruption bodies, would not receive new 

Dreyfus raised as an option “interim processing of part of the bill in order 
that the government’s stated purpose of urgency can be served while the 
committee continues to consider the remainder of the bill and tries to deal 
with the multitude of concerns that have been expressed”.


Compromise could see quick passage for parts of encryption bill - 
The government has continued to increase pressure on the Parliamentary Joint 
Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) to hand down a quick verdict on 
the bill, which is intended to undermine the use of encryption by criminal 

From: AusNOG  on behalf of Paul Wilkins 

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [AusNOG] Assistance and Access Bill moves to PJCIS

As they say, a week is a long time in politics.

PJCIS is holding a Top Secret briefing with ASIO as to whether they need to 
expedite the Bill, but in context, it's not like rising use of encryption is 
news to anyone. The sudden urgency to pass the Bill at this late stage has 
every appearance of interference with PJCIS doing its job.

With Julia Banks' announcement she will move to the crossbenches, I will take 
plenty of 6 to 4 against Dutton (MP?) getting his way and passing the 
Assistance and Access Bill before Christmas.

Kind regards

Paul Wilkins

On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 09:52, Michelle Sullivan>> wrote:
Paul Wilkins wrote:
> If Dutton is in fact ineligible to sit, then so too is his motion to
> introduce the Bill to Parliament. Or such is the stuff of dreams?

You are correct, if he is ineligible .. and *if he was at the time of
the introduction* then it should be challenged as not validly
introduced.. this will not be automatic though.

> Kind regards
> Paul Wilkins
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 09:39, Paul Wilkins 
> >> wrote:
> Seems Dutton is about to get a lesson in constitutional law:
> S44 (iv)  holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any
> pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the
> revenues of the Commonwealth; or
> shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a
> member of the House of Representatives.
> Kind regards
> Paul Wilkins
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2018 at 10:34, Paul Wilkins
> >> wrote:
> After the Department Home Affairs sitting on this Bill for
> over a year and conducting industry consultation they claim is
> confidential (ie: they have no one who'll go on record
> supporting the Bill) suddenly it's a priority, and the
> Minister for Home Affairs writes a wheedling letter to PJCIS
> to pass the Bill before Christmas.
> The lack of public and industry consultation, the vague and
> poor drafting, and then a sudden push to pass the Bill in a
> couple of weeks, rather suggest a deliberate strategy to pass
> a Bill that's out of all proportion to the need to combat
> terrorism and serious crime in the context of rising use of
> encryption.
> Rising use of encryption is hardly news to anyone. After all,
> a rising tide lifts all boats.
> Kind regards
> Paul Wilkins
> On Sun, 25 Nov 2018 at 13:56, Paul Wilkins
> >>
> wrote:
> /"In practice, if they balls-up the change request given
> to the device manufacturer o

[AusNOG] Our new Cyber Overlord

2018-08-27 Thread Serge Malev

"Peter Dutton has confirmed that he will be responsible for cybersecurity as 
part of the new Department of Home Affairs (DHA) portfolio following last 
week's leadership spill in the Australian government...

...On Sunday, new Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced his 
 with Dutton retaining the DHA portfolio while Former Minister for Law 
Enforcement and Cyber Security Angus Taylor was moved to Energy."
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[AusNOG] Feel free to help

2018-07-31 Thread Serge Malev
If you have a spare couple of square meters siting idle behind your racks, 
perhaps it can be put to good use?


Oz retro computer collection in dire straits, bulldozers on 
Volunteers need help: car boots and spare space to save history going back to 
the 1950s!topic/archives-and-records-australia/65uMigAQqq4

Australian Computer Museum 
Posted 7/29/18 6:27 PM

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