Re: Problem with circular dependencies

2013-09-16 Thread Miles Bader
Jules Colding  writes:
> Anyways, thanks for the advises. I'll read the paper on evil
> recursiveness and ponder what to do.

"Non-recursive make" is indeed a nice paradigm for various reasons,
but if you've read earlier threads on this list, actually
_implementing_ it is not quite that trivial.

You're essentially using a global namespace for everything, and you've
got to write your makefiles with that in mind, and it can cause some
wrinkles and inconveniences.  There are tradeoffs...


Cannon, n. An instrument employed in the rectification of national boundaries.

Re: Issues with subdir-objects and differing versions of automake

2013-09-07 Thread Miles Bader
So what do you think?  Is my characterization reasonable/unreasonable,
am I missing something, ... or ...?

Any other opinions?


`Suppose Korea goes to the World Cup final against Japan and wins,' Moon said.
`All the past could be forgiven.'   [NYT]

Re: [OMPI devel] GNU Automake 1.14 released

2013-09-03 Thread Miles Bader
"Jeff Squyres (jsquyres)"  writes:
> We've been using sym links in the OMPI project for years in order to
> compile a series of .c files in 2 different ways.  It's portable to
> all the places that we need/want it.

Hmm, how about just "cp" ...? :]


80% of success is just showing up.  --Woody Allen

Re: Issues with subdir-objects and differing versions of automake

2013-09-03 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> It seems to me that the situation there has improved a lot in the
> recent years, to the point that recursive and non-recursive build
> support is almost on-par (and the non-recursive option is the
> recommended one).  Or are you referring to documentation issues rather
> the coding/design ones?

Well I suppose it could entirely be a documentation issue (or an "I'm
just blind/stupid" issue :) ... even the best support in the world
can't help you if you don't know about it ... :]

I have searched a little bit for people's automake-based non-recursive
solutions, and the impression I've gotten is that while it's certainly
doable, it's more fiddly and less straight-forward than the
traditional recursive method.  [I'm also using Debian unstable's
automake (v 1.13.3), so I can't easily use features that are only in
very recent automake versions, e.g. %reldir%.]

In part this is because automake makes recursive makefiles _so_ easy
and clean -- all you have to do is provide SUBDIRS, and then you get a
per-directory local space to play in, and can just write your "locally" without worrying about other directories except
when you want to.

With non-recursive Makefiles, on the other hand, you have a single
global namespace, even if you split the actual rules into included
per-subdirectory fragments.  Like all global namespaces,
this means you need to worry about conflicts and interactions etc, and
need to write everything from a global perspective.

In particular:

1. Even when make-fragments are physically located in subdirectories,
   their rules still need to state everything "globally", e.g., one
   must write "libblargh_a_SOURCES = blargh/file1.c blargh/file1.c..."
   Not a huge deal for very small libraries, but decidedly bloated if
   there are 50 files in a library.  This hold for pretty much every rule...
   [If one has access to newer versions of automake, one can write e.g.
   "%D%/file1.c" instead, but this is still pretty cumbersome and

2. You can't just change AM_CFLAGS to add special changes appropriate
   for a subdirectory, you need to use per-library CFLAGS, which comes
   with its own annoyances.  In particular, it results in ugly
   prefixes being added to the names of .o files even when not
   necessary... my .o file names end up being like 25 characters long
   as a result!

None of this is _fatal_, it's still obviously possible to just bite
the bullet, jump through the hoops, and get a working non-recursive
build -- but neither is it particularly nice...

One of automake's great strengths, traditionally, is the ability it
gives one to write straight-forward and highly readable/maintainable
Makefile.ams, without all the boilerplate and nonsense required for
traditional Makefiles.  However using the non-recursive style with
current automake seems in some ways a step backwards, requiring more
boilerplate and more fiddliness, ceding some of automake's traditional

When I recently completely revamped my project's source tree, I opted
for subdirectories with traditional recursive automake -- it was just
so _easy_, whereas non-recursive automake, well, that seemed to
require thought and care.  I hope I can switch to non-recursive style
in the future when I have some time to play with it, but it seems less
straight-forward and more work.

As for how to _address_ these issues, I dunno, ... ideally, I'd like
to be able to "think locally" when writing a subdirectory,
even if the final build mechanism ends up being a single global
Makefile.  Maybe it's too hard to fully automate that, but still,
better tools for writing fragments would still be useful.
E.g., "automatically add %RELDIR% to all relative filenames in this
[ fragment] file", and maybe cleaning up library-CFLAGS to
get rid of the need for prefixes (If I'm using subdir-objs anyway, why
should I need prefixes?!).


永日の 澄んだ紺から 永遠へ

Re: Issues with subdir-objects and differing versions of automake

2013-08-28 Thread Miles Bader
Diego Elio Pettenò  writes:
> I would also argue for just using non-recursive automake, but it might be
> the least of your problems for now.

"Just" is probably not the right term, as it generally seems to
require more work to make a good non-recursive build setup with
automake, even if it's functionally superior in the long run.

Automake's support for the recursive style is pretty good, whereas
it's support for non-recursive subdirs is at best, kind of sketchy...


Quotation, n. The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. The words
erroneously repeated.

Re: Where Do All These Macros Come From?

2013-05-31 Thread Miles Bader
Paul Smith  writes:
> Other macros might have been created specifically for a given project;
> they will be contained in files in that project directory.  Other
> macros might be defined by other 3rdparty software you are trying to
> work with (texinfo, various libraries, etc.)  Those will be defined by
> those packages.

... a widely-used example of this is the PKG_CHECK_MODULES macro, which
is defined by the pkg-config package.


Scriptures, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from
the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.

Re: Micro releases and testsuite work

2013-05-31 Thread Miles Bader
Peter Rosin  writes:
> noone has bothered to check, a user on that platform is going to be
> less than impressed and would probably not trust the new micro version
> and would thus be inconvenienced indeed.

I think 99.99% of users who download and build packages don't run the
test-suite... :]

["Big" users like distro maintainers probably do, but they also
are more likely to follow up on problems (report the bug, debug it,
etc), and realize that it's just a test-suite issue.]


One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to
do, and always a clever thing to say.  -- Will Durant

Re: What gets distributed in presence of conditional statements?

2013-05-04 Thread Miles Bader
Andrey Borzenkov  writes:
> Alternative is to place EXTRA_DIST outside of conditionals, but this
> is more intrusive probably.

Why do you think it would be "more intrusive"?

The only function of EXTRA_DIST is to specify files that should be put
in the tarball, for files which aren't automatically included...
>From your description, it sounds like you want these files to always
be distributed, so unconditionally adding them to EXTRA_DIST sounds


Neighbor, n. One whom we are commanded to love as ourselves, and who does all
he knows how to make us disobedient.

Re: Creating plain Makefiles with automake

2013-05-03 Thread Miles Bader
Marko Kreen  writes:
>> My experience adding custom make rules to (which AFAICT,
>> mostly just passes them through) is that I typically don't need to use
>> obscure features, mostly it's just bog-standard make rules with some
>> shell-scripting in the build recipe.
> Well, user might want few of following features for own rules:
> - out-of-tree builds
> - cross-compilation
> - nice output
> - automatic deps

In many cases, automake features work fine even for custom rules... :]

E.g., you're free to use $(srcdir), $(AM_V_CC), etc, in  your rules.


values of β will give rise to dom!

Re: Creating plain Makefiles with automake

2013-05-01 Thread Miles Bader
Marko Kreen  writes:
> IMHO, building via "portable makefiles" is bad idea.  For quite simple
> reason - user rules.  Yes, you can create some default targets that are
> generated for user, portably.  But as soon as user needs to write own
> rules or even write logic in makefile, then what?

It depends.  automake passes through user rules, but automake takes
care of 99% of the really hairy stuff which might ordinarily tempt one
to use non-portable constructs.

My experience adding custom make rules to (which AFAICT,
mostly just passes them through) is that I typically don't need to use
obscure features, mostly it's just bog-standard make rules with some
shell-scripting in the build recipe.


We have met the enemy, and he is us.  -- Pogo

Re: Creating plain Makefiles with automake

2013-04-24 Thread Miles Bader
The current _user-interface_ ("./configure ...ARGS...; make") also has
the advantage of making it pretty clear where one specifies
configuration options, and retaining those options during normal

With a "make-only" approach, where do I specify configuration options?
"make OPT1=yes ..."?  If so, do I need to re-specify those arguments
every time I invoke make?  If not (if they're somehow magically
recorded somewhere), do options specified to different make
invocations accumulate?  If so, how do I reset them?  ...etc etc...

The configure/build split actually seems pretty useful...

[Having a way of making a "default" configure happen automatically if
one just does make without configure would be useful, I suppose, but
that probably just needs a trivial little Makefile which get
overwritten by configure.]



Re: bug#13578: [IMPORTANT] Savannah issues

2013-02-28 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> So we should maybe go (after the next major release) with this naming
> scheme for the branches?
>   * maint -> for next micro version
>   * stable -> for next minor version
>   * master -> for next major version

That seems to match common practice, insofar as I understand it...

[Another consideration is whether you have a single named branch for
maintenance (e.g. "maint", and "stable"), or just use version-named
branches (and thus can maintain multiple versions simultaneously).]


Future, n. That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends
are true and our happiness is assured.

Re: bug#13578: [IMPORTANT] Savannah issues

2013-02-26 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> And while you *might* have changed my mind before (because you have
> valid points, and maybe it would have better to err on the side of
> safety), I have now already rewritten maint, so rather than messing
> up by rewriting it again (to its old value, granted, but a rewrite
> nonetheless) and reverting an already made decision (and made after
> considerable discussion and not negligible efforts), I'd rather
> stuck with the current minor "mess".

Rewriting "to the old value" makes a _huge_ difference (at least with
git), because people that haven't done a pull or whatever of the "new
value" will then have no problem at all.

So whether another rename causes more or less pain depends on what
proportion of people that have a pointer to your repository do
frequent updates.  As automake seems to be the sort of project that
has mostly "casual" contributors, I'd wager many people _haven't_
pulled the "changed" version, and so would be _helped_ by a
rename-to-the-old-value (and hurt by not doing so).


Arrest, v. Formally to detain one accused of unusualness.

Re: bug#13578: [IMPORTANT] Savannah issues

2013-02-26 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> You might have good points, and possibly even be completely right...
> But I must ask, why didn't you step up during the lengthy discussion
> about this change, nor objected during the delay (almost a week) that
> was deliberately let pass between the decision and the implementation
> -- precisely to let this kind of late objections to come out?

I just didn't notice the name change... ><


Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

Re: [IMPORTANT] Savannah issues

2013-02-25 Thread Miles Bader
Just that by far the most common branch setup in git repos seems to be
using master as the "dev trunk", with releases, release candidates
(etc) on special branches.  There are often additional feature
branches for even more speculative changes, but master is generally
not really "safe," even if it's not the most dangerous branch.

So master tends to be a sort of "middle" state (between
release/release-candidate branches and speculative feature branches),
stuff that is slated for the next release, and has received review --
but may still have some bugs to be shaken out.  For complicated
long-term changes, people often do development on special feature
branches, but smaller and more straight-forward changes generally get
put into master directly.  Master branches break with some regularity.

If you're familiar with gcc's subversion repo setup, it's pretty
similar to this (with the subversion trunk being "master")

Git's own repo actually does this too.



Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: [IMPORTANT] Savannah issues

2013-02-25 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
* maint -> master
* master -> next
>> Damn, not really.  For some questionable reason, Savannah is rejecting
>> my non-fast-forward push to master even if I specify '--force', and
>> I cannot use the usual trick "delete the remote branch, then push the
>> local one to it" trick that I typically use to work around this
>> problem, since 'master' is the "current branch" of the remote
>> repository, and that cannot be deleted to avoid confusing "git clone".
>> INCONSISTENT STATE* (not broken, mind you, merely inconsistent with
>> our new declared policies), and should not be used until this issue
>> is resolved.
>> I don't have time to look into this presently,
> I had time today, so I submitted a Task in the Savannah interface:

What's the point of this renaming, anyway?

It doesn't seem to make any functional difference what the names of
the branches you use for dev sources and releases are -- and besides
being a practical problem, the scheme you've chosen doesn't follow
common git practice, so will be surprising/confusing to people...


You can hack anything you want, with TECO and DDT.

Re: bug#13578: [IMPORTANT] A new versioning scheme for automake releases, and a new branching scheme for the Git repository

2013-02-12 Thread Miles Bader
Nate Bargmann  writes:
> I was advised by a Debian maintainer to use tilde '~' as the
> separator as any text following it will be considered "older".  For
> example, in our project 'Hamlib-3.0~git' is "older" than
> 'Hamlib-3.0' will be once released.  A hyphen or underscore trips
> this logic up, as I understand it, for both .deb and .rpm formats.

This is a Debian-specific syntax, for use in Debian package version
numbers.  It's a handy way for the Debian maintainer to directly
represent various existing package version naming schemes with only
mechanical changes (typical, replacing a "_" or "-" with "~"), but I
don't think there's any intent that upstreams should adopt this syntax
directly (though I suppose it doesn't particularly hurt if they


Abstainer, n. A weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a
pleasure. A total abstainer is one who abstains from everything but
abstention, and especially from inactivity in the affairs of others.

Re: bug#13578: [IMPORTANT] A new versioning scheme for automake releases, and a new branching scheme for the Git repository

2013-02-12 Thread Miles Bader
2013/2/12 Stefano Lattarini :
> Mostly fair points; but the biggest issue with this proposal (not
> sure why I didn't think of it before, sorry) is that it is not at
> all clear that a version like "" is supposed to be a beta
> release.  People will easily mistake it for a stable release.

How about this:  pick whatever scheme you like for other reasons, and
then add "-beta" to those version numbers.  In other words, a purely
informational suffix, which is not actually necessary for version

(note that the "a", "b", etc, suffixes have the same issue)


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: bug#13578: [IMPORTANT] A new versioning scheme for automake releases, and a new branching scheme for the Git repository

2013-02-12 Thread Miles Bader
2013/2/12 Stefano Lattarini :
>>> But what if we want to have multiple betas for, say, Automake 1.14?  Today,
>>> we can just have 1.13b, 1.13d, 1.13f, ...; how can we do so with the scheme
>>> you are proposing?
>> There's always, ...
> Yuck; the new versioning scheme is done exactly to avoid that kind
> of overly long version numbers

Well, I agree in general that too many components is yucky, but keep
in mind that these _aren't releases_, so assigning them "awkward"
version numbers doesn't really seem all that annoying.  These really
aren't part of the historical record.  The existing naming scheme for
betas does the same thing (uses "weird" version numbers), but is
problematic because it's not mechanically consistent with "ordinary"
version numbers (and so screws up cases such as packaging software).

I do agree that removing the leading "1." might be a good idea if it's
meaningless in practice.  Linux's similar action was good.


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: bug#13578: [IMPORTANT] A new versioning scheme for automake releases, and a new branching scheme for the Git repository

2013-02-11 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> But what if we want to have multiple betas for, say, Automake 1.14?  Today,
> we can just have 1.13b, 1.13d, 1.13f, ...; how can we do so with the scheme
> you are proposing?

There's always, ...

Or the widely used in FOSS 1.13.99...
[sometimes they start at "90", to leave room for updates, but I suppose
you could always just use .99.1, .99.2, ...]


We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
-Oscar Wilde

Re: combined report for make check?

2013-01-21 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> The best solution is on the user-side IMHO: fix the build system to
> use less (ideally none) make recursion.  Both the parallel and serial
> testsuite harness should support that setup OOTB.

It would be nice if automake had some more features for that...

E.g., if I have a directory "foo" that has sources etc, and builds
some specific targets, then I can isolate the automake stuff for foo
by using an include file "foo/" or something, and then
putting an appropriate include in the top-level

But it's a bit annoying, in that AFAICT, all filenames, etc, in foo's
Makefile fragment must explicitly include the directory name.

E.g., if it builds a library, "foo/" might look like:

   libfoo_a_SOURCES = foo/oink.c foo/barf.c foo/barf.h ...

For longish directory names, this can really bloat things up...

It would be really cool if there was some way of telling automake
"hey, for every filename mentioned in this file, try to use a prefix
of ..."

I dunno whether that would be associated with the include
directive, with the makefile fragment, or what, but... anyway.

Does automake have some feature like this that I've missed?  Or has
anybody thought about it?



I'd rather be consing.

Re: looking for a good example of non-recursive Make using project

2012-11-22 Thread Miles Bader
NightStrike  writes:
> If you include src/more/ into src/ (a perfectly
> valid thing to do), you will be unpleasantly surprised that
> src/more/ has to actually know where it is in the source
> tree.  It needs lines like this:
> prog_SOURCES += more/file3.c more/file4.c
> and **NOT** this:
> prog_SOURCES += file3.c file4.c
> It's really annoying.  It means that renaming a directory is reaaly hard.

Yeah, it would be nice if automake had some sort of mechanism to allow
more natural names in files included from subdirs...

What that mechanism would be, though, I have no idea.

Typically when I've done this, I've used the variable idea mentioned
by Eric to at least make it less annoying, but it's still ugly and
kind of a pain...

s = my/dir
blah_OINK = ${s}/  ${s}/ ...


Selfish, adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.

Re: naming convention for object files.

2012-10-11 Thread Miles Bader
Nicolas Bock  writes:
> libsomething_la_CPPFLAGS = -I../../
> the naming changed from a.F90 -> libsomething_la-a.lo to a.F90 ->
> a.lo. Very strange.

It's an annoying, but documented, effect of using per-library CFLAGS:
when you do that, automake decides that it must generate unique object
files for that library, and so uses the library name as a prefix for
the object file.  This is presumably because it's _possible_ --
although I think very rare -- to use the same source file in multiple
libraries, and with per-library flags, the resulting object files may
actually differ (whereas without per-library flags, they'd be the

[I wish automake would only use the prefixes in cases where a source
file is _actually_ used in multiple libraries; since I think it almost
never happens that people actually do this, that would mean almost no
object files would use the prefix.  Maybe that's annoying to implement

You _can_ change the name of the prefix used, by setting the
"SHORTNAME" attribute, e.g.

  libbozo_la_SHORTNAME = bozo


Once, adj. Enough.

Re: Dynamic package version numbers with Autoconf and Automake

2012-08-14 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> Actually, it depends.  Where and why do you use such
> dynamically-computed version number in exactly?

That seems the real question.

My own method is to have:

(1) The "primary" version number is based on VCS info (this is
obviously unavailable for source trees not based on a VCS

(2) The "autoconf" version number (in AC_INIT) is used as a
backup/default only when VCS info is unavailable.  This number is
relatively static, and typically only updated after a release.

(3) The final version info is updated (using VCS info and/or autoconf
version info) at make time using a script, and when it changes,
only causes a source file (e.g., version.c) to change.

This means that although some things are rebuilt after a commit
(version.o, and relinking of any binaries that use it), the amount
of rebuilding is relatively minor while still yielding accurate


Non-combatant, n. A dead Quaker.

Re: distinguish automake 1.11 from 1.12+ at autoconf time

2012-08-06 Thread Miles Bader
Ralf Corsepius  writes:
> Pardon, may-be I am missing something, but in my understanding I am
> having the same issue as the OP:

No, you were just looking for an excuse to start ranting...


"Yorton, Wressle, and Gospel Oak, the richness of your heritage is ended.
We shall not stop at you again; for Dr Beeching stops at nothing."

Re: distinguish automake 1.11 from 1.12+ at autoconf time

2012-08-06 Thread Miles Bader
Ralf Corsepius  writes:
> My issue is <...rantrantblatherblather...>

Please start a new thread when your message has bugger all to do with
the previous message.



The car has become... an article of dress without which we feel uncertain,
unclad, and incomplete.  [Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, 1964]

Re: GNU Automake 1.12.1 released

2012-07-05 Thread Miles Bader
Hmm, apologies, ... I followed up the wrong message!


Christian, n. One who follows the teachings of Christ so long as they are not
inconsistent with a life of sin.

Re: GNU Automake 1.12.1 released

2012-07-05 Thread Miles Bader
[following up my previously message]

This is an earlier post I made, which analyzes the Lua string library
w/r/t UTF-8:


Selfish, adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.

Re: compiling different files with different C compilers

2012-06-07 Thread Miles Bader
NightStrike  writes:
>> suppose that my program is composed of 2 files f1.c and f2.c. f1.c is
>> written in C89 and f2.c in C99. I would like that f1.c is compiled
>> with a C89 compiler  and f2.c is compiled with a C99 compiler.
>> How can I achieve that in ?
>> Also, in, which macro should I use ?  AC_PROG_CC ?
>> AC_PROG_CC_C99 ?
> Can you just pass different CFLAGS, -std=c89, -std=c99?

Of course, that sort of just shifts the focus; one still needs to
figure out:

(1) How to ensure the compiler accepts those particular flags; writing
an autoconf macro to test whether the compiler _accepts_ the
options, is easy enough, but what does one do when it doesn't...?
Give up and tell the user to figure it out himself?

(2) How to specify file-specific compiler flags -- something which
automake is not so good at... the easiest way is to put files
needing special treatment in their own library, but of course
that's a bit clumsy (and even then, there are slightly annoying
artifacts, like the "library-" object-file prefix automake adds
when using library-specific flags).


Suburbia: where they tear out the trees and then name streets after them.

Re: generated documentation

2012-05-22 Thread Miles Bader
Werner LEMBERG  writes:
> (1) If the user unpacks the tarball, the rules are not executed.
> (2) If the user does a bootstrap from the repository to do `make
> dist', they are needed.
> (3) If the user changes a doc source file in the tarball and wants to
> regenerate the documentation, the rules are needed too.
> (b) If the tests for pandoc and pdftex fail, disable the build rules
> or provide no-ops.  This is OK for (1) and (3), but not
> satisfactory for (2).

Why is (b) unsatisfactory for (2)?

I'm presuming that when pandoc/pdftex are not found, not only are the
standard makefile rules using them disabled, but alternative rules
enabled which just say something like:

if have_pandoc
  foo.html: foo.tex
$(PANDOC) balah blah blah
  foo.html: foo.tex
echo 1>&2 " OMGOMG can't generate $@"
echo 1>&2 " please install pandoc and reconfigure"


`Suppose Korea goes to the World Cup final against Japan and wins,' Moon said.
`All the past could be forgiven.'   [NYT]

Re: bug#11323: automake-1.11.4 regression

2012-04-24 Thread Miles Bader
Ralf Corsepius  writes:

No need to be obnoxious.

> a) This kind of changes is inappropriate within a release series.
> b) You don't seem to be aware about the harmfulness of this change of yours.
> Please comprend that this change was a mistake and revert it!

I think some actual data might be in order...  _which_ packages break?
In what way?  [I mean: what's the actual effective on the package's use?
In some cases a failure to create an empty directory might be a change
in behavior, but not particularly critical...]



Bore, n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.

Re: automake distcheck question

2012-04-13 Thread Miles Bader
songbird  writes:
>> That "extra stuff" is what will allow your package to work on the
>> machines of your users without requiring them to have all the
>> developer's tools you're using (autoconf, automake, aclocal, bison,
>> flex).
>   ok.  i'm one of those people who hates extra
> files being left behind when they are autogenerated

Hmm, be wary of gnulib then ... it's even _more_ sloppy than the
autotools!  :]


Idiot, n. A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human
affairs has always been dominant and controlling.

Re: bug#11034: Binutils, GDB, GCC and Automake's 'cygnus' option

2012-04-03 Thread Miles Bader
Pedro Alves  writes:
>> OK, you've all made clear you have your sensible reasons to have the '.info'
> ...
>> it available only though the new, undocumented option named (literally)
>> "hack!info-in-builddir".  I hope this is acceptable to you.
> ...
>> *undocumented* option '!hack!info-in-builddir' (whose name should
>> made it clear that it is not meant for public consumption).
> So will this be called a hack forever, or will the naming be revisited
> before a release?  IMO, either the feature is sensible, and there doesn't
> seem to be a good reason other users couldn't also use it, and hence it
> should get a non-hackish name and be documented; or it isn't sensible, and
> then it shouldn't exist.  Why the second-class treatment?

I suspect there are better, cleaner, ways to accomplish the underlying
goal, but I suppose the gcc maintainers don't want to spend the time
fiddling around with their build infrastructure for such a minor


Alone, adj. In bad company.

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-22 Thread Miles Bader
NightStrike  writes:
>> The shell-scripts in question, however, are source files, and so come
>> directly via whatever mechanism you use to get source files -- tar,
>> cp, random-vcs-xyz,   In many cases such mechanisms can preserve
>> execute bits, but ... it doesn't feel quite right to rely on that
>> always being the case
> You aren't preserving anything in the example in your original post.
> You are explicitly setting the execute bits for the installed script.

Right, that's exactly the point of the example.

> Putting anything in xxx_SCRIPTS does the same thing -- automake will
> ensure that they are set execute with $(INSTALL).

Sure, that works for the final installed scripted, but right now the
discussion was about the in-tree executable script.

> You are now saying that you want the source distribution to contain
> files with execute permissions, but you still haven't explained how
> you were doing that in your original example.

No I'm not.

I'm saying "I want there to be an executable version of the _destination
script_ in my build [often the same as the source] tree, so the
developer can say something like ./myscript in the build tree to test
it."  In other words, I'd like my program to be usable in "uninstalled
mode", kinda like Emacs is.  For normal executables, this is more or
less the default state (if your program handles finding its data files
etc, appropriately), and libtool goes to quite a bit of effort to make
it work for dynamically linked executables; I'd like the same thing for
script files.

My original example gave one way of doing this:  copy some "source file"
to the destination executable script name, and make the latter

Other people have been sort of saying that maybe I should instead just
make the "source file" itself executable, but I'm disagreeing.

> Your original example was copying to myprog and setting the
> execute bits for myprog.  That does nothing to guarantee that
> also has execute bits in your source distribution.

Correct.  That's because my goal is not the latter.


Twice, adv. Once too often.

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-22 Thread Miles Bader
Russ Allbery  writes:
>> [Relying on source-code execute bits always being correctly
>> maintained is one of those things that ... well... doesn't really
>> feel very robust.  I dunno, maybe it's just me...]
> Doesn't every package with a configure script rely on this?  I suppose
> that people could chmod +x the configure script before running it, but
> I've never had to do that.

You can just do "sh configure"... (and I think autoconf/automake are
careful to never rely on the execute bits of helper scripts being

Anyway, it's not really the same issue.  "configure" is either part of
an official distribution tarball (which is a relatively controlled
environment) or explicitly built (where the build process can arrange
for the execute bit to be set if appropriate).

The shell-scripts in question, however, are source files, and so come
directly via whatever mechanism you use to get source files -- tar,
cp, random-vcs-xyz,   In many cases such mechanisms can preserve
execute bits, but ... it doesn't feel quite right to rely on that
always being the case


Barometer, n. An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we
are having.

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-22 Thread Miles Bader
Bob Friesenhahn  writes:
> This is fine and good for scripts which are formally installed, but
> while they (originals) are in the source tree, there are definite
> benefits for scripts to have a useful extension.  This is particularly
> true if people build in the source tree so that scripts and binaries may
> be intermingled.



Yo mama's so fat when she gets on an elevator it HAS to go down.

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-21 Thread Miles Bader
2012年3月21日13:13 NightStrike :
> Here's a better question.  How do you insure that your current file is
> executable?  Do it the same way.

Er  "cp $< $@ && chmod +x $@" ... :]

[Relying on source-code execute bits always being correctly maintained
is one of those things that ... well... doesn't really feel very
robust.  I dunno, maybe it's just me...]


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-20 Thread Miles Bader
2012年3月21日9:32 NightStrike :
>>> dist_bin_SCRIPTS = aaa
>> That's going to distribute "aaa", though, right, not the actual
>> "source" e.g.
> Yes.  There's an earlier email in this thread from somebody
> illustrating that you don't need to morph from source to script if the
> file doesn't actually get changed.

Is there a way to ensure that the raw "aaa" is executable in the
source directory (I'd like everything to be usable whether installed
or not).



Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-20 Thread Miles Bader
2012年3月21日8:33 NightStrike :
>> "bin_SCRIPTS" doesn't actually seem to do much of anything -- you
>> still have to add your own rules to handle all the actual work, need
>> to fiddle with EXTRA_DIST and CLEANFILES, etc.  Indeed, doing what I
> You can avoid hacking EXTRA_DIST if you change your primary from:
> bin_SCRIPTS = aaa
> to:
> dist_bin_SCRIPTS = aaa

That's going to distribute "aaa", though, right, not the actual
"source" e.g.


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-19 Thread Miles Bader
Harlan Stenn  writes:
> There are reasons for using it for scripts instead of using _PROGRAMS.

What are those?


The automobile has not merely taken over the street, it has dissolved the
living tissue of the city.  Its appetite for space is absolutely insatiable;
moving and parked, it devours urban land, leaving the buildings as mere
islands of habitable space in a sea of dangerous and ugly traffic.
[James Marston Fitch, New York Times, 1 May 1960]

Re: dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-19 Thread Miles Bader
Harlan Stenn  writes:
> What's the problem with bin_SCRIPTS?

Hmm, I didn't know about it, but ... reading the documentation,
"bin_SCRIPTS" doesn't actually seem to do much of anything -- you
still have to add your own rules to handle all the actual work, need
to fiddle with EXTRA_DIST and CLEANFILES, etc.  Indeed, doing what I
did (putting the script in bin_PROGRAMS and adding a rule to build it)
actually seems _easier_, as automake will do more automatically, and
there's less to keep track of for the programmer


In New York, most people don't have cars, so if you want to kill a person, you
have to take the subway to their house.  And sometimes on the way, the train
is delayed and you get impatient, so you have to kill someone on the subway.
  [George Carlin]

dealing with executable shell scripts

2012-03-19 Thread Miles Bader
Is there a recommended way for dealing with binaries that are simple
shell scripts in automake?  I currently use something like the

   bin_PROGRAMS = myprog

   myprog_SOURCES =

   $(shbin_verbose)cp $< $@; chmod +x $@

   shbin_verbose = $(shbin_verbose_$(V))
   shbin_verbose_ = $(shbin_verbose_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
   shbin_verbose_0 = @echo "  SHBIN  " $@;

But the fact that I need to explicitly state the "myprog:"
dependency makes it feel a bit hackish, and I'm wondering if there's
some more proper method...



古池や 蛙飛び込む 水の音 [松尾芭蕉]

Re: [rfc] Antimake

2012-03-09 Thread Miles Bader
Any sense on how it compares to quagmire?



Bore, n. A person who talks when you wish him to listen.

Re: pkglibdir, pkgdatadir and program_transform_name

2012-02-27 Thread Miles Bader
Eric Blake  writes:
> I think it's worth pursuing a patch to the GNU Coding Standards that
> allows a standardized configure option that allows one to specify an
> alternate package name, so that things like $(pkglibdir) become
> $(libdir)/$(alternate_package_name)

A standardized option (described by the GNU Coding Standards) would
not be a bad idea, but of course there's no need to wait for that to
add the feature to autoconf... just having it there will help projects
like grub.  :]


We live, as we dream -- alone

Re: pkglibdir, pkgdatadir and program_transform_name

2012-02-27 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> Any transformation of a $(pkg*dir) by $(program_transform_name)
> would be a bug; if you encounter such an issue, I'd be grateful if
> you report it.
> But I'm pretty sure the inconsistency you are seeing here is due to
> another reasons (maybe some or settings
> you're missing?)

When I was googling earlier (due to this same thread on the autoconf
mailing list), I found patches to automake to _implement_ such a
transformation posted to the grub mailing list... so maybe it's a
modified version of automake.


Immortality, n.  A toy which people cry for, And on their knees apply for,
  Dispute, contend and lie for, And if allowed Would be right proud
  Eternally to die for.

Re: Wait, isn't rpath supposed to be set automagically?

2012-02-26 Thread Miles Bader
2012年2月27日16:21 Russ Allbery :
>>> This is a function that libtool normally performs if it is used properly.
>> I did:  sudo make install
> Something needs to run libtool --mode=finish.  I thought Automake normally
> arranged to run that at the end of make install.  Is that not happening
> for some reason?

I don't see anything like that in the generated by
automake (using the example project from my initial message in this

$ grep finish



Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: Wait, isn't rpath supposed to be set automagically?

2012-02-26 Thread Miles Bader
2012年2月27日9:41 Bob Friesenhahn :
>> Just using the command:  sudo ldconfig
>> after installing my package makes everything work!
> This is a function that libtool normally performs if it is used properly.

I did:  sudo make install

Is that not "using it properly"?


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: Wait, isn't rpath supposed to be set automagically?

2012-02-26 Thread Miles Bader
2012年2月27日1:46 Peter Johansson :
>> I think it's desirable that it "just work" wherever it gets installed,
>> and no matter who installs it (e.g. prefix=$HOME should work, and
>> shouldn't require setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH).
> In my case it did work with prefix=$HOME because in that case -rpath was
> set. Have you tried with ./configure --prefix=$HOME?

Hmm, I tried:  configure --prefix=/tmp/oinker

... and it worked then!

So why is /usr/local different?


How odd:

   $ cat /etc/
   include /etc/*.conf

   $ cat /etc/*.conf
   # libc default configuration

So it looks like /usr/local/lib is _supposed_ to be searched.


Ok, the real problem seems to be that the system maintains a static
cache of _library files_ (not directories) for to use, and
simply adding a library doesn't update this cache.

Just using the command:  sudo ldconfig
after installing my package makes everything work!


I'll refrain from commenting on the people who designed this, but
maybe a note in the automake manual saying "on linux systems, you may
have to run the ldconfig program to make the system aware of newly
installed dynamic libraries in system directories." would be a good

Thanks, and sorry for the noise!


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: Wait, isn't rpath supposed to be set automagically?

2012-02-26 Thread Miles Bader
2012年2月27日0:58 Peter Johansson :
> On which system do you experience this? I've seen this problem on
> Fedora and the problem was that the linker search path and the dynamic
> loader search path were different. IIUC libtool sets -rpath if a used library
> is outside linker path.

Debian sid

I'm not sure how libtool determines whether or not the libdir is
"outside" the linker path (as it obviously is, since execution
fails... :).  If it searches /etc/ld.conf, it might get confused
because here it just says "include /etc/ld.conf.d/*.conf" -- but if it
gets confused, I'd think it would default to assuming it was outside
the search path, not to assuming it was in the search path.

Of course it could be some debian patch that is causing the problem,
but it sounds like not.

[I've tried a little to examine libtool to see what it's doing, but
it's ... very ... hard to read.]

> The solution for me was to include '/usr/local/lib' in '/etc/' as
> suggested here

That's not generally a solution though, because it requires modifying /etc.

I think it's desirable that it "just work" wherever it gets installed,
and no matter who installs it (e.g. prefix=$HOME should work, and
shouldn't require setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH).


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Wait, isn't rpath supposed to be set automagically?

2012-02-26 Thread Miles Bader
I thought that as long as one used ".la" libraries, automake+libtool
was supposed to handle all the grotty stuff like rpath automatically,
adding -rpath $(libdir) if you depend on libraries installed to libdir
and libdir isn't on the system library search path.  [Yeah, I also
know some people hate rpath, but ...]

But ... it doesn't seem to.  Is something broken, is there an option I
should set... or?

[I guess I can add "-rpath " somewhere in, but
I don't really want to add system-dependent stuff that libtool's
supposed to be handling; isn't that why libtool exists in the first

automake version 1.11.3, libtool version 2.4.2



AC_INIT([blah], [0.1], [bob])
bin_PROGRAMS = blah
blah_SOURCES = blah.c
blah_LDADD =
liboink_la_SOURCES = oink.c
extern void oink ();
int main () { oink (); }
void oink () { }

$ autoreconf --install
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ /usr/local/bin/blah
/usr/local/bin/blah: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/blah
$ ldd /usr/local/bin/blah =>  (0x7fff247c5000) => not found => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
/lib64/ (0x7f5ceeed1000)
$ readelf -d /usr/local/bin/blah | grep RPATH

Brain, n. An apparatus with which we think we think.

Re: allowing users to add source files without rerunning the autotools?

2012-01-19 Thread Miles Bader
2012/1/20 Bob Friesenhahn :
>> One interesting thing would be to add some simple automake feature to
>> allow specifying this stuff explicitly via some interface
>> (e.g. AM_EXTRA_SOURCE_FILES([blah.c barf.h]) in configure, or something
>> like that).  That might make it possible to really do this stuff
>> correctly without too much work for the developer, by letting him take
>> advantage of some of the lower-level automake machinery.
> This sort of thing is already well supported by Automake via Makefile
> includes.  But it does require that automake be executed again.

Right, my intent is something that _doesn't_ require that, which can
be handled entirely by the configure script.

[That's more or less the whole point of this thread, right?]


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: allowing users to add source files without rerunning the autotools?

2012-01-19 Thread Miles Bader
Nick Bowler  writes:
> Interestingly, if you actually stick a line exactly like the above into
> your, Automake will actually do "The Right Thing™" and
> creates the .Po stub as if you had actually specified the source file
> normally.  Presumably you'd be relying on totally unsupported internal
> behaviour of Automake in this case, though. :)

Heh. :)

Another thing is that if the project is happy with discovering out the
"extra" source files at configure-time (as opposed to make-time like my
example did), things probably become even easier, as the configure file
can do more stuff.

One interesting thing would be to add some simple automake feature to
allow specifying this stuff explicitly via some interface
(e.g. AM_EXTRA_SOURCE_FILES([blah.c barf.h]) in configure, or something
like that).  That might make it possible to really do this stuff
correctly without too much work for the developer, by letting him take
advantage of some of the lower-level automake machinery.



"1971 pickup truck; will trade for guns"

Re: allowing users to add source files without rerunning the autotools?

2012-01-19 Thread Miles Bader
Stefano Lattarini  writes:
> Still, things are not as easy as it would appear from your sample project.
> For example, with this rule:
>   $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DIM_STUUPD=1 $<
> you are losing some important features offered by automake -- most
> notably, the automatic dependency tracking and the configurable verbosity
> specification (silent-rules).  Which might be OK in some circumstances,
> but unacceptable in others.

Actually, although I provided my own compilation rule, the default rule
works too, if the user considers that acceptable (compiler flags the
same etc).  You need at least one "automake-controlled" source-file of
the same type (.c etc) for automake to generate it, but that's probably
a safe bet for most projects. :)

Since the default rule generates the dependency information into
$(DEPDIR)/*.Po as Makefile fragments, one need only figure out some
appropriate way to include fragments into the Makefile for the "extra"
source files.

What automake does for source files it knows about is just "include
$(DEPDIR)/srcfile.Po" (apparently "include" is considered portable
make?).  The include directive apparently understands wildcards, but is
a little tricky to use in the same way, because it fails for
non-existant files (automake arranges to make sure the .Po files always
exist by just sticking in code to explicitly create them all over the
place, which is probably too annoying for this sort of user case).

If GNU-make-specific features are OK, then one could just use
"-include", e.g. in my example "-include $(DEPDIR)/stuupd-*.Po".
Alternatively, a "dummy" .Po file could be created by configure that
matches the above include pattern (and so prevents an error until some
real .Po files exist to match it).



Carefully crafted initial estimates reward you not only with
reduced computational effort, but also with understanding and
increased self-esteem. -- Numerical methods in C,
  Chapter 9. "Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations"

Re: allowing users to add source files without rerunning the autotools?

2012-01-14 Thread Miles Bader
Bill Sacks  writes:
> The dependency issue that Jeff raised is not a problem for us, since
> we have a script to determine Fortran 90 dependencies.
> I'm not sure that it will work to have a separate library of the
> user-added code, since we don't know ahead of time what dependencies
> there will be between existing code and the user-added code.
> Your other suggestions are helpful. We'll give this some more thought.

I think the main thing to remember is that most traditional make
facilities are still available, should automake's higher-level
constructs not suffice, and the two can usually co-exist reasonably

So whatever you did before for user-contributed stuff may well work
perfectly fine in (maybe with a few tweaks).


Cabbage, n. A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a
man's head.

Re: allowing users to add source files without rerunning the autotools?

2012-01-13 Thread Miles Bader
"Daily, Jeff A"  writes:
> Yes, all sources must be listed, AFAIK.  You could write your own build
> rules and targets for these files, which would be copied by automake into
> your eventual Makefile, but that somewhat defeats the purpose of using a
> build tool if you're writing many of the rules yourself.

Er, what?  I think automake actually does a pretty good job of making
custom rules painless and useful...

Even if you use some custom rules for a few files in a,
automake can still do about 99% of the heavy-lifting for a project.

Typically my approach is to put all the "funny" stuff in its own
library, and have the "normal" automake targets (99% of them) depend on
that, with a few custom rules to dispatch the building of "libfunny.a"
to its own Makefile or something (which can be generated separately by
configure if necessary).


/\ /\
*This is the cute kitty virus, please copy this into your sig so it can spread.

Re: PCH support

2011-12-25 Thread Miles Bader
2011/12/26 Olaf van der Spek :
> On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Miles Bader  wrote:
>> 2011/12/26 Olaf van der Spek :
>>>> Faster enough to be worth the annoyance for the developer of twisting
>>>> his source code to fit the "pch style" (which seems notably uglier)?
>>> Yes
>>> I'm not sure what twisting you're referring too though.
>> Another comment noted that PCH was often ineffective or even
>> counter-productive unless the bulk of your includes are precisely the
>> same between compilation units, and that in practice systems like VS
>> try to get the user to define a single "include everything" header
>> file (presumably instead of the normal practice of "include the stuff
>> you use").
>> Sounds pretty darn ugly (and I expect makes compile times far worse if
>> you _can't_ use PCH in some case)...
> Is someone forcing you to use PCH? I'm not sure what your point is.

Er, of course not (where on earth did that come from)?

My initial question was essentially "is PCH still a good idea for the
average developer?"

That basically involves examining the details of the tradeoff between
benefits (increased compile speed; how much?) and drawbacks (awkward
constraints on source style / organization; exactly what is needed to
make PCH effective?).

This is relevant to automake because the general utility of
specialized PCH support in automake has to be weighed against the cost
of that support (of course, maybe it's super trivial, I dunno).


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: PCH support

2011-12-25 Thread Miles Bader
2011/12/26 Olaf van der Spek :
>> Faster enough to be worth the annoyance for the developer of twisting
>> his source code to fit the "pch style" (which seems notably uglier)?
> Yes
> I'm not sure what twisting you're referring too though.

Another comment noted that PCH was often ineffective or even
counter-productive unless the bulk of your includes are precisely the
same between compilation units, and that in practice systems like VS
try to get the user to define a single "include everything" header
file (presumably instead of the normal practice of "include the stuff
you use").

Sounds pretty darn ugly (and I expect makes compile times far worse if
you _can't_ use PCH in some case)...


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: PCH support

2011-12-25 Thread Miles Bader
Dave Hart  writes:
> True, but most C/C++ #includes orders of magnitudes more lines than
> they contain themselves, so assuming the source code is rearranged to
> have a "precomp.h" containing the bulk of #includes, the compile will
> be notably faster.

Faster enough to be worth the annoyance for the developer of twisting
his source code to fit the "pch style" (which seems notably uglier)?

Machines are very fast these days, and even using tons of big headers,
C++ parsing doesn't seem such a big deal as it maybe used to.
[AFAICT, slow compilation seems far more often connected with
optimization than parsing.]


Barometer, n. An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we
are having.

Re: Automake 1.11.2 released

2011-12-25 Thread Miles Bader
Antonio Diaz Diaz  writes:
> Three years and three stable releases have passed since a patch (by
> Jan Engelhardt) adding dist-lzip support to Automake was sent to this
> mailing list[1], but Automake 1.11.2 doesn't yet mention lzip
> anywhere. By contrast xz support was added when xz was at an early
> beta stage.

What's the difference between xz and lzip anyway...?

I've never even heard of lzip, but the debian package description makes
it sound very similar to xz...


Americans are broad-minded people.  They'll accept the fact that a person can
be an alcoholic, a dope fiend, a wife beater, and even a newspaperman, but if
a man doesn't drive, there is something wrong with him.  -- Art Buchwald

Re: [gnu-prog-discuss] Could automake-generated Makefiles required GNU make?

2011-12-06 Thread Miles Bader
Dave Hart  writes:
> If anyone knows of examples of
> non-recursive Makefile implementations that manage to preserve the
> recursive make property of being able to make in a subdir to make a
> subset, please share so we can learn from their pioneering.

Could you just put a (probably constant) stub Makefile in each
subdirectory, which simply invokes the top-level Makefile with an
appropriate parameter to indicate which subdirectory it came from...?


Religion, n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature
of the Unknowable.

Re: Manual merges.

2011-10-26 Thread Miles Bader
> On my own "real" projects (the ones with real users), I view the version
> control logs as messages for active developers and ChangeLog as messages
> for users and occasional developers.  So git sees small one-off messages
> on a regular basis, and the ChangeLog is updated when big user-visible
> changes are made.  Then I review the git logs before each release
> candidate and edit the ChangeLog to make sure it has a good summary of all
> user-visible changes.

Note that in the traditional GNU source structure, that role (what
you're using "ChangeLog" for) is played by "NEWS".


*This is the cute bunny virus, please copy this into your sig so it can spread.

Re: GSoC project idea: non-recursive automake project

2011-05-22 Thread Miles Bader
Harlan Stenn  writes:
> Larry McVoy once said something like "In theory, theory and practice are
> the same.  But in practice, they are not."

Maybe he did say that at some point, but it's a hoary old quote
(attributed to Yogi Berra, among others), and certainly didn't originate
with Larry...


Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly it flips over,
pinning you underneath.  At night the ice weasels come.  --Nietzsche

Re: PKG_CHECK_MODULES on system without pkg-config installed?

2011-03-10 Thread Miles Bader
Roger Leigh  writes:
> This is not meant to sound like a troll, but: is anyone really
> *really* using static linking in 2011?

Sure; it's very useful for specialized libraries that won't be widely
used enough to merit the effort to build and install as dynamic
libraries.  Using/creating static libraries is, after all, _very_ simple
(dynamic libraries, well ... not so much).


Quotation, n. The act of repeating erroneously the words of another. The words
erroneously repeated.

Re: PKG_CHECK_MODULES on system without pkg-config installed?

2011-03-10 Thread Miles Bader
Miles Bader  writes:
> I don't even try to fully support systems without pkg-config, I
> basically just want a fallback so I can get some sort of build on them,
> maybe with some features disabled.

I should note that although this is my tactic, it's not actually a very
important point.

For the rest of the reasons mentioned, _even if_ one wants to fully
support systems without pkg-config (so one has to add the manual probing
code), it's still a good idea to just support both methods:  supporting
pkg-config doesn't add much complexity to the file (the
bloat is the manual probing code), and for systems that _can_ benefit
from it, it yields superior results.


Ocean, n. A body of water covering seven-tenths of a world designed for Man -
who has no gills.

Re: PKG_CHECK_MODULES on system without pkg-config installed?

2011-03-10 Thread Miles Bader
Jef Driesen  writes:
> I'm aware of the advantage of using pkg-config. I even supply the *.pc
> files for my own projects. But the point is that if I want to support
> systems that don't have pkg-config installed (like Mac OS X in my
> case), I have to provide a fallback with manual detection anyway. So
> why not skip pkg-config entirely?

I don't even try to fully support systems without pkg-config, I
basically just want a fallback so I can get some sort of build on them,
maybe with some features disabled.

So what I do is use PKG_CHECK_MODULES for normally pkg-config'd
packages.  It's very concise and easy to use (one line per library,
normally).  On systems without pkg-config, this will just fail as if the
package wasn't installed at all.

For a few of the most critical libraries, I use both PKG_CHECK_MODULES
(it yields better results when available, is almost trivial, and the
support infrastructure is present for other packages anyway), _and_ more
traditional probing code as a backup (but see below why it's annoying).

> And I could simply replace the pkg-config based check with something like:

Even that -- rather verbose -- code often isn't enough, because install
locations can vary between systems, in a manner that varies from package
to package.  In such cases, you can either require the user to specify
the location with a configure option (and I want to avoid require user
input if at all possible), or you can add a loop to guess various common
configurations (which make the configure code somewhat more complex as
well as being more likely to yield incorrect results).

[Note, all of this results from trying to compile on systems where
something didn't work!]


Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without
knowledge, of things without parallel.

Re: PKG_CHECK_MODULES on system without pkg-config installed?

2011-03-09 Thread Miles Bader
Jef Driesen  writes:
> Isn't it easier to just check for the presence of the header file and/or
> the library file, avoiding pkg-config entirely?

Well, I'd prefer not to guess when possible, and not using pkg-config
for a package that wants you to use it means you end up guessing at the
proper locations/settings.  Maybe this often works, but why risk it when
it's not necessary?


Selfish, adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.

Re: PKG_CHECK_MODULES on system without pkg-config installed?

2011-03-06 Thread Miles Bader
Jef Driesen  writes:
>> is pkg.m4 in /usr/share/aclocal ?
> No. I suppose that file is only present if pkg-config is installed?
> I'm trying to build on Mac OS X in case that would matter.

I use some hacks to make the resulting configure script work even if
autoconf can't find pkg.m4.  Basically I just use "m4_define_default" to
define stub versions of the PKG_... macros:

   # Check for pkg-config program, used for configuring some libraries.


   # If the pkg-config autoconf support isn't installed, define its
   # autoconf macro to disable any packages depending on it.

   ... etc
   PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libpng], [libpng], [have_libpng=yes], [:])
   ... etc


Accordion, n. An instrument in harmony with the sentiments of an assassin.

Re: debbugs, and a FAQ, for Autotools

2011-02-23 Thread Miles Bader
Ralf Hemmecke  writes:
> Is there actually a good reason, why the autotools are distributed as
> separate packages (autoconf, automake, libtool, m4)? (Maybe even
> pkg-config, but I still don't yet know exactly whether it is good for
> me.)

Hmm, why not?  Isn't it good general practice to split up packages where
the coupling is fairly loose?

Many people use autoconf without automake, and the latter has some
significant extra dependencies.  Also, of course, libtool is extremely
optional (and for those that do use it, I imagine it would work well
enough without the rest of the autotools).


Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.

Re: debbugs, and a FAQ, for Autotools

2011-02-22 Thread Miles Bader
Ralf Hemmecke  writes:
> Sure. But it is also relevant if one developer adds a macro which is
> only available in some recent version of automake, say. Another
> developer might not yet have that automake version.

It doesn't really seem any worse than _any_ potential tool
incompatibility problem -- compiler version, library version, etc --

Usually those issues aren't such a huge deal, because most project try
to be relatively portable, and when version dependencies do crop up,
they can be dealt with relatively well using simple checks in the
configure script.

Isn't that what people usually do about autoconf versions too (declare a
minimum version in


Rational, adj. Devoid of all delusions save those of observation, experience
and reflection.

Re: [CRAZY PROPOSAL] Automake should support only GNU make

2011-01-14 Thread Miles Bader
hmm, is the "tupfile" syntax really as horrible as it looks?

[ from the "examples" page:

   : hello.c |> gcc -Wall -c hello.c -o hello.o |> hello.o



Ich bin ein Virus. Mach' mit und kopiere mich in Deine .signature.

Re: High-Precision NFS Timestamps

2011-01-12 Thread Miles Bader
Bob Friesenhahn  writes:
> Usually the solution to this is to install and run ntp (Network Time
> Protocol, as offered by 'xntp') on the machines on your network.

Is that really a solution?  Running ntp makes it a lot more _likely_
that machines will appear to be synchronized to a high degree of
precision, but doesn't seem a guarantee...


Accord, n. Harmony.

Re: [CRAZY PROPOSAL] Automake should support only GNU make

2011-01-12 Thread Miles Bader
Xochitl Lunde  writes:
> I see that I can get the source, but I don't want to have to compile this 
> thing if it's not purely script based.

AFAIK, quagmire requires nothing other than GNU make (that was, I guess,
the point of it)...

> Also when I go to quagmire-discuss, there are a bunch of nasty topics
> that are over 1 month old; nobody's moderating.

It's not in active development, but I think it showed some promise when
it was, and might be a good base or source of ideas for future work if
somebody has the interest.


The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or
fears or wishes rather than with their minds.  -- Will Durant

Re: Any way to get rid of -MP parameter to gcc for dependency creation?

2011-01-06 Thread Miles Bader
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Xan Lopez  wrote:
>> Do they actually do the same thing?
> Yes, we all build WebKit + the some testing tools. The set of files we
> build is not identical, since it changes by port, but the difference
> is negligible since most of the files are platform-independent. Of
> course perhaps we have written our stuff extremely poorly and they
> haven't, but since I have written part of ours I'm not the best person
> to comment on that (from the kind of things we need to do to improve
> it it does not seem to be the case, though).

What I meant was, do they all do the same thing _in detail_ -- for
instance, if one tracks system header dependencies and the other
doesn't, then the latter will most likely be faster, but will have
"reduced functionality."  [Your investigation into the effects of -MP
point out one such "detail" area where build tools may well differ.]
If one tool is faster than another, one should of course weight that
against the differences in functionality.

Ralf mentioned that some of the inefficiency came from build rules
intended to do automatic Makefile regeneration; do the other tools do

Also, some of the inefficiencies in automake-generated Makefiles comes
from the attempt to be very portable, both in the set of tools
required to do a build (only make, sed, sh, etc, vs the requirement
for specific specialized tools to be installed for just building), the
versions of those tools (e.g. any vaguely standard make vs GNU make
only).  If another tool has additional requirements for building, that
also is a factor to be weighed against speed.


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: Any way to get rid of -MP parameter to gcc for dependency creation?

2011-01-06 Thread Miles Bader
On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Xan Lopez  wrote:
> I haven't tested it personally, but I can ask. What I know is that
> Chromium uses gyp, which on Linux generates Makefiles, and they claim
> their null-build time is pretty much zero (not sure on which machine,
> though, so perhaps that's only the case for some huge iron). So it
> would seem that whatever our problems GNU make shouldn't be one of
> them.
> What I can tell you is that our autotools setup is known for being the
> slowest of the lot :/ (vs Xcode, VisualStudio, CMake, Gyp, ...)

Do they actually do the same thing?


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: Any way to get rid of -MP parameter to gcc for dependency creation?

2011-01-03 Thread Miles Bader
On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Xan Lopez  wrote:
>> Do you know _what_ is taking so long?  I mean, disk I/O (stats on a cold
>> disk cache), user CPU time (inefficient algos in make), system CPU time
>> (stats on a warm disk cache)...?
> Are you talking about the time to process those empty rules that are
> gone if you get rid of -MP or of the remaining 20 seconds?

Both, I suppose.  I imagine both have the same inefficiency (just more
in the -MP case)...


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: Any way to get rid of -MP parameter to gcc for dependency creation?

2011-01-03 Thread Miles Bader
Xan Lopez  writes:
> I understand this can cause problems if, say, a file is removed from
> the build tree or so, but it's very different to removing completely
> dependency tracking (which indeed makes the null-build be essentially
> 0s).

Do you know _what_ is taking so long?  I mean, disk I/O (stats on a cold
disk cache), user CPU time (inefficient algos in make), system CPU time
(stats on a warm disk cache)...?


`Cars give people wonderful freedom and increase their opportunities.
 But they also destroy the environment, to an extent so drastic that
 they kill all social life' (from _A Pattern Language_)

Re: reword documentation about symbol stripping

2010-11-21 Thread Miles Bader (Karl Berry) writes:
> I personally would not have written it that way in the first place, but
> given that it is there now, I don't want to simply replace it with bland
> text, or occupy rms's time with it, either.

Yeah, I think there's nothing particularly offensive about that text,
but maybe it could be more explanatory -- it addresses an issue that
some people may not know about, so maybe it would be good to briefly
explain further?


"Suppose He doesn't give a shit?  Suppose there is a God but He
just doesn't give a shit?"  [George Carlin]

Re: reword documentation about symbol stripping

2010-11-21 Thread Miles Bader
John Calcote  writes:
> You need to remember the original target audience of GNU software was
> a group of people that wanted to share free software.  Most of them
> were students or researchers that generally built software distributed
> in source form.
> That being the case, "users" were programmers, and programmers are
> indeed helpless without debug symbols during a crash - that is, unless
> you're one of those rare types that loves to dig into a good assembly
> debug session.

I think the basic goal is still quite valid though -- the point is not
to _require_ that users be programmers, or even to _expect_ them to be,
but to _enable_ them to go as far as they want to go.  So In cases where
some extra power can be granted to the user at little cost, it's good to
do so, even if many users never use that power.

The concept of system utilities/libraries/etc of being "magic you're not
supposed to touch or look at, even if you want to" has been a problem
for decades, though the lines have shifted.


Politeness, n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.

Re: default -g ??!?

2010-11-20 Thread Miles Bader
MK  writes:
> If you say so, then I guess I am imagining things ;)  I have never
> given the issue much thought until now, I suppose I need to do a bit
> more research on the issue.

Indeed, it's often a good idea to do the research _before_ posting
flames and rants...


((lambda (x) (list x x)) (lambda (x) (list x x)))

Re: default -g ??!?

2010-11-20 Thread Miles Bader
MK  writes:
> Ah, it's because of GNU make:

No it's not.

> "By default, the Make rules should compile and link with -g, so that
> executable programs have debugging symbols. Users who don't mind being
> helpless can strip the executables later if they wish." 
> Nice, flexible software it ain't.  

That isn't anything GNU make does, it's a _recommendation_ for Makefile

Automake, accordingly follows that recommendation, since it's a
higher-level too than make, and tries to provide sensible defaults
(whereas GNU make has no default compiler options).


Christian, n. One who follows the teachings of Christ so long as they are not
inconsistent with a life of sin.

Re: Augment instead of replace maude_DEPENDENCIES

2010-11-18 Thread Miles Bader
Eric Blake  writes:
>   - For programs and libraries, automake now detects
> adds them to the normal list of dependencies, but without
> overwriting the
> foo_DEPENDENCIES variable, which is normally computed by automake.

Hmm, is there a convention about whether to use names like

I would have guessed the latter, as it seems more consistent (and a bit


Consult, v.i. To seek another's disapproval of a course already decided on.

Re: AM_V_GEN - better docs

2010-11-12 Thread Miles Bader
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 5:19 AM, Stefano Lattarini
>> It might be time to reconsider this decision.
> If we document it, we should at least advise against it IMHO.

... or just give the pros and cons.  That seems likely to be more
convincing and less annoying...


Cat is power.  Cat is peace.

Re: AM_V_GEN - better docs

2010-11-12 Thread Miles Bader
Patrick Rutkowski  writes:
> I don't get from that page how to apply to all my $(CC) build
> commands, and I really want to quiet down this very messy "make"
> output I now have.

When silent-rules is enabled, you don't need to do anything special in for "normal" commands (those commands which get invoked
via standard make rules), only those commands you invoke explicitly.

For commands which you invoke explicitly, you can just add $(AM_V_GEN)
before the command name, e.g., change:

   foo.barf: foo.blarghhh
   barfify -o $@ $<


   foo.barf: foo.blarghhh
   $(AM_V_GEN)barfify -o $@ $<

That just prints "GEN foo.barf" when building foo.barf; to print
something more target specific, you can follow the "pkg_..." example
in the doc, e.g.:

   barf_verbose = $(barf_verbose_$(V))
   barf_verbose_ = $(barf_verbose_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
   barf_verbose_0 = @echo "  BARF  " $@;

   foo.barf: foo.blarghhh
   $(barf_verbose)barfify -o $@ $<

> The doc page there doesn't even suggest where to look to learn how
> to apply it to your build.

It does, kinda, but maybe it doesn't go far enough; right now it says:

  "To enable less verbose build rules, both the developer and the user
   of the package have to take a number of steps. The developer needs to
   do either of the following:

   + Add the silent-rules option as argument to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.

   + Call the AM_SILENT_RULES macro from within the file."

.. but even after you do that, silent-rules mode defaults to "off";
the user may then turn it on by using the --enable-silent-rules option
to configure.

Maybe it would be good to specify what the should be done to make it
default to _on_, e.g.:

  "+ To enable silent-rules by default, specify an argument of "yes"
 to AM_SILENT_RULES, i.e., add "AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])" to the file"

[I know that because somebody else posted it on this list recently :]


"1971 pickup truck; will trade for guns"

Re: AM_V_GEN - better docs

2010-11-12 Thread Miles Bader
Patrick Rutkowski  writes:
> I don't get from that page how to apply to all my $(CC) build
> commands, and I really want to quiet down this very messy "make"
> output I now have.

When silent-rules is enabled, you don't need to do anything special in for "normal" commands (those commands which get invoked
via standard make rules), only those commands you invoke explicitly.

For commands which you invoke explicitly, you can just add $(AM_V_GEN)
before the command name, e.g., change:

   foo.barf: foo.blarghhh
   barfify -o $@ $<


   foo.barf: foo.blarghhh
   $(AM_V_GEN)barfify -o $@ $<

That just prints "GEN foo.barf" when building foo.barf; to print
something more target specific, you can follow the "pkg_..." example
in the doc, e.g.:

   barf_verbose = $(barf_verbose_$(V))
   barf_verbose_ = $(barf_verbose_$(AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY))
   barf_verbose_0 = @echo "  BARF  " $@;

   foo.barf: foo.blarghhh
   $(barf_verbose)barfify -o $@ $<

> The doc page there doesn't even suggest where to look to learn how
> to apply it to your build.

It does, kinda, but maybe it doesn't go far enough; right now it says:

  "To enable less verbose build rules, both the developer and the user
   of the package have to take a number of steps. The developer needs to
   do either of the following:

   + Add the silent-rules option as argument to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.

   + Call the AM_SILENT_RULES macro from within the file."

.. but even after you do that, silent-rules mode defaults to "off";
the user may then turn it on by using the --enable-silent-rules option
to configure.

Maybe it would be good to specify what the should be done to make it
default to _on_, e.g.:

  "+ To enable silent-rules by default, specify an argument of "yes"
 to AM_SILENT_RULES, i.e., add "AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])" to the file"

[I know that because somebody else posted it on this list recently :]


"1971 pickup truck; will trade for guns"

Re: Using -MMD instead of -MD for depndency generation

2010-10-31 Thread Miles Bader
Paul Smith  writes:
> As for why 3.82 is slower, unfortunately I'm having problems figuring it
> out.  I compiled with gprof but the cumulative profiled code in GNU make
> only took 6 seconds or so, so I suppose the other 24 seconds must be in
> libc or someplace... but trying to install a profile-enabled version of
> libc on my system did not succeed (or rather the package install worked
> but linking with the profiled libc did not work).

The "prof" program distributed with recent linux kernels is extremely
useful too -- it's much easier and less intrusive to use than gprof in
many cases.

[The annoyance is that it's still not packaged in debian for whatever
reason... you can fetch the linux sources and just build in the "prof"
directory, but you need to make sure the source versions match the your
kernel you're using, since the kernel interfaces have changed around at
various points.]


"Suppose He doesn't give a shit?  Suppose there is a God but He
just doesn't give a shit?"  [George Carlin]