Re: automake 1.11.3 check-TESTS and command line length

2012-03-31 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Bob Friesenhahn  wrote:

>> Are you referring to the GraphicsMagick testsuite?  If yes, it seems to me
>> that it could benefit greatly from the use of TAP once automake 1.12 is out;
>> for example, all the 314 'tests/rwfile*.sh' tests could be rewritten as one
>> single TAP test (and similarly for many other auto-generated tests), thus
>> removing the need for a huge number of files without reducing granularity
>> of the results.

> I took a look at what "TAP" is and see that I have already
> been using it already (not knowing what it was called) for
> Perl-related tests. The fundamental problem with TAP is that
> documented implementations
> (
> require additional packages on the system such as Perl,
> Ruby, Javascript, Java, etc.  I can not expect users who
> want to verify their build with 'make check' to install an
> additional language interpreter.

> It seems that (while I was sleeping) Automake 1.12 will be
> providing support for TAP tests
> ( Such
> support will not be worthwhile if it depends on Perl or some
> other interpreter since this might not be installed on the
> end-user's machine.  If it is based on portable C
> (e.g.
> or portable shell script then it will be sufficiently
> usable.

> So what is the story about TAP in Automake 1.12?  Is it time
> to describe the new feature to us mere mortals (i.e. people
> on rather than Automake developers?

Development automake comes with consumers in awk and Perl.
I have recently used the former (*1) with automake 1.11.1.
It involved copying lib/ from a development
version to my project.  tests/ then just read:

| TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = PERL5LIB=$(top_srcdir)/lib; export PERL5LIB;
| TESTS = a.test b.test c.test

I believe later automake versions prefer
AM_TESTS_ENVIRONMENT for the first line, but updating would
have been a major headache.

  Note though that IIRC if you were to combine (all) tests
in one test, you'd lose the ability to run them in parallel
(or you would have to implement that yourself).


(*1)   In a project that uses Perl, using awk isn't very ra-
   tional, but I wanted to try it out.

Re: Equivalent to pkglispdir?

2010-06-06 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Ralf Wildenhues  wrote:

>>   Along the lines of pkg..., it would be really nice if this
>> could be achieved by using "pkglisp_LISP" instead of
>> "lisp_LISP", but automake complains about "pkglispdir" being
>> not defined (and indeed the manual doesn't say otherwise).

> Just put
>   pkglispdir = $(lispdir)/$(PACKAGE)

> in your, or

>   AC_SUBST([pkglispdir], ['$(lispdir)/$(PACKAGE)'])

> in your

Thanks, works like a charm.


Equivalent to pkglispdir?

2010-06-06 Thread Tim Landscheidt

I'm trying to convert the build system for the Emacs Multi-
media System (EMMS) to autoconf/automake. It installs
40+ files beneath /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp, and so the
existing Makefiles put them in a subdirectory called "emms".

  Along the lines of pkg..., it would be really nice if this
could be achieved by using "pkglisp_LISP" instead of
"lisp_LISP", but automake complains about "pkglispdir" being
not defined (and indeed the manual doesn't say otherwise).

  What is the proper way to solve this? Any pointers to ex-
isting Emacs add-ons using automake would also be greatly
appreciated :-).


Re: Using automake for websites?

2010-03-19 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Bob Friesenhahn  wrote:

>>  I want to tidy up the whole thing eventually and aside
>> from dozens of web publishing frameworks, "pure" automake
>> came to mind. Has anyone ever tried to do something similar
>> or can point to examples on the web?

> Here is a web site which is largely built by Automake:


> I don't claim that it is anything exciting.

Well, it was very informative :-). In the end, though, I
opted for pure Perl. It was so much cleaner e. g. to build a
list of thumbnails to generate and their dimensions while
processing the pages, than to do the same with (auto)make.


Using automake for websites?

2010-02-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt

I have a small website that currently gets "made" by a bunch
of shell scripts and a small Makefile that transform XML
sources with XSLT to HTML, build thumbnails for images, up-
date RSS feeds for foreign content and push git repositories
that are published verbatim read-only.

  I want to tidy up the whole thing eventually and aside
from dozens of web publishing frameworks, "pure" automake
came to mind. Has anyone ever tried to do something similar
or can point to examples on the web?
