Re: [Avogadro-Discuss] Problem with libpng

2013-04-01 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> The problem seem to come with libpng...

I wish I knew exactly where this libpng error came from, but it's innocuous.

If you aren't seeing anything, I'd first check your video driver. I'd also go 
under "View -> Debug Information" and see that Avogadro is actually creating / 
moving atoms.

If that's fine, click on the "Display Settings" button and make sure at least 
one display type is picked.

Hope that helps,
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Re: [Avogadro-Discuss] problem with libpng(no atom display)

2013-04-05 Thread Benjamin
Thanks for your answer Geoff,

I don't think it's my video driver because when I install avogadro from 
the repository with apt-get, it works fine (except that avogadro crash 
when I want to save).

You're right, the problem don't come from libpng because I've got the 
same message when I run the fonctionnal avogadro 1.0.3 caught with 
apt-get.(libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with 
zero area)

The atoms are really created but not displayed(seen from the cartesian 

The display is checked.

I've also tried to use the avogadro-squared git but there's a problem 
cloning the openbabel git

Cloning into 'openbabel'...
remote: Counting objects: 39465, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7170/7170), done.
remote: Total 39465 (delta 32101), reused 39412 (delta 32066)
Receiving objects: 100% (39465/39465), 30.23 MiB | 3.43 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (32101/32101), done.
fatal: reference is not a tree: 2d41e95c6c94d8eab39ddc3459f990b47fcf2e51

Remark: you may need to add the "make" line in the wiki page 
for beginners like me!

Thanks for your help.

Benjamin ABEL
Chemistry teacher in Nice(France)

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Avogadro-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Avogadro-Discuss] problem with libpng(no atom display)

2013-04-18 Thread Ganesh, Panchapakesan

I believe I am having the same problem.  While I could get avogadro working 
nicely on my mac, an ubuntu 12.04 installation either from the ubuntu-repo or 
compiling from source-code from (needed for 
installing xtalopt.  I followed the installation directions in and all 
dependencies were installed using 'sudo apt-get') without any errors gives me 
an executable which prints the following lines when run, and doesn't pop-up  a 
GUI window.  I do see a avogadro thumbnail on the launcher in ubuntu, but 
clicking it doesn't produce a GUI window.  The execution hangs in the terminal 
after printing the lines below.  Same happens when run as root except for a few 
less errors printed to terminal.

I have nvidia video card, and I have updated all drivers as well as programs 
installed in the computer using apt-get upgrade.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Also, I see that some folks have 
successfully installed in ubuntu, can they say if they did that in v12.04 and 
if their video card is nvidia?  For Qt I installed version 4 using apt-get 
install qt4* .Is there anyone with a successful recent ubuntu installation 
who can post the installation 'recipe' ? (again, I used the one from here and didn't 
get any errors during compilation/installation.) .

Thank you for your suggestions.

Text printed to terminal before hanging without a GUI window:

"Avogadro version:1.1.0Git:
LibAvogadro version:1.1.0Git:"
Locale:  "en_US"
Libavogadro translations not found.
System has OpenGL support.
About to test OpenGL capabilities.
OpenGL capabilities found:
Double Buffering.
Direct Rendering.
void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action 
"" under id 62
void DBusMenuExporterPrivate::addAction(QAction*, int): Already tracking action 
"" under id 63
Loading plugins: "/home/g5q/bin/../lib/avogadro/1_1"
Searching for plugins in "/home/g5q/lib/avogadro/1_1"
Searching for plugins in "/home/g5q/lib/avogadro/1_1/colors"
Searching for plugins in "/home/g5q/lib/avogadro/1_1/engines"
Searching for plugins in "/home/g5q/lib/avogadro/1_1/extensions"
Searching for plugins in "/home/g5q/lib/avogadro/1_1/tools"
Searching for plugins in "/home/g5q/lib/avogadro/1_1/contrib"
Loading plugins: "/home/g5q/.avogadro/1_1/plugins"
Settings are missing for the next engines: ("Ball and Stick", "Axes", 
"Cartoon", "Dipole", "Force", "Hydrogen Bond", "Label", "Polygon", "QTAIM", 
"Ribbon", "Ring", "Simple Wireframe", "Van der Waals Spheres", "Stick", 
"Surfaces", "Wireframe")
QStackedLayout::setCurrentWidget: Widget 0x292af60 not contained in stack
dev warning: Extension "GAMESS" is using a deprecated DockWidget loading 
method. See Extension::dockWidgets() documentation.
dev warning: Extension "Orbitals" is using a deprecated DockWidget loading 
method. See Extension::dockWidgets() documentation.
dev warning: Extension "Vibration" is using a deprecated DockWidget loading 
method. See Extension::dockWidgets() documentation.
GLWidget initialisation...
GLWidget initialised...
libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area

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Avogadro-Discuss mailing list

Re: [Avogadro-Discuss] problem with libpng(no atom display)

2013-04-22 Thread David Lonie
On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Ganesh, Panchapakesan
> I believe I am having the same problem.  While I could get avogadro working 
> nicely on my mac, an ubuntu 12.04 installation either from the ubuntu-repo or 
> compiling from source-code from

I didn't catch this earlier, but those instructions were a bit out of
date. Can you try installing from
My fork is probably out of date -- I've updated the instructions to
point at cryos's repo.


Precog is a next-generation analytics platform capable of advanced
analytics on semi-structured data. The platform includes APIs for building
apps and a phenomenal toolset for data science. Developers can use
our toolset for easy data analysis & visualization. Get a free account!
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