Re: Some questions from an awesome beginner

2013-10-29 Thread Enric Morales
On 29 Oct 2013 12:15, Eugen Dedu wrote:
 Hi everybody,

Hi Eugen,

 I come from gnome fallback and am new to awesome.  I am a bit
 disoriented by the new interface.
 Is there a gnome-ish style ready?  Instead of adding one by one each
 icon and application, is there an gnome-ish style already written?
 For ex. with nm-applet, nautilus started for icons on background,
 screensaver at ctrl-alt-l, showing title bars, automounting, audio
 applet, suspend2ram when closing the lid (see below for others)?

You can continue running all the applets and helpers you want, like
nm-applet, media hotkeys managers, etc.
For automonting, I use devmon, although you can actually run a regular
desktop environment and use awesome on top to actually manage the

 (Some examples at
 did not work with 3.5 version, I update the one with the text (which
 was not easy at first glance).)

 How to enable sloppy focus (or focus follows mouse) for all windows?

Sloppy focus is already included
with the default config, or at least it was some releases ago.

 How to make resize the window by clicking on all the sides of the
 window frame (not only the bottom-right corner)?

As for resizing, you can add hotkeys, or you can also use the ones that
are already asigned to modifying the split share on split tags, such as
modifier + l and modifier + h in the default config.

 How to add the classical minimize, maximize and close to titlebar
 instead of the five

There are keyboard shortcuts for that: modifier + n to minimize, click
the toolbar item to restore, and close with modifier + q or c (i don't
remember which one).

 Whe I press the keys for audio level, gnome poped up a small dialog
 on the screen with volume level, how can this be done with awesome?

Your media player can take care of this, or use a hotkey manager or
write a config snippet for awesome such as:

awful.key({ Shift }, XF86AudioMute, function ()
awful.util.spawn(./scripts/ m) end),

awful.key({ Shift }, XF86AudioPrev, function ()
awful.util.spawn(./scripts/ -r prev) end),

awful.key({ Shift }, XF86AudioNext, function ()
awful.util.spawn(./scripts/ -r next) end),

awful.key({ Shift }, XF86AudioStop, function ()
awful.util.spawn(./scripts/ -r stop) end),

awful.key({ Shift }, XF86AudioPlay, function ()
awful.util.spawn(./scripts/ -r
togglePause) end),

where is a script I have at

 On a terminal for ex., removing at the beginning of a line made an
 error sound.  How to enable error sound with awesome?

I don't use any other emulator besides urxvt, so can't suggest anything
except visual bells.

 How to enlarge the height of the statusbar and the size of the fonts
 used inside?  Currently, on my 1920x1200 154 screen the statusbar
 is too small.  This would also solve the known issue at

Check your theme.lua and modify the font there. For instance, use
theme.font = Ubuntu 10

If you want check out my awesome configurations or the ones in the wiki,
you can probably get some inspiration from there.



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Re: surviving as a windows user

2013-10-29 Thread Enric Morales
On 29 Oct 2013 16:36, Andre Klärner wrote:
 Hi guys,

Hi Andre,

 Has anyone of you to deal with something alike and found a solution, how to
 at least get something awesome-like as a window manager? If there anything
 that can lessen the pain? ;)

You don't state the windows version you are using but, in windows 7,
when you drag and drop windows to the edges of the screen they can split
the space effectively like the tiling feature in awesome, although the
OS won't do it for you, which sucks, but at least you don't have a
floating windows mess.

If you drag the window to the top it maximises, and in the side edges
they take half of the screen.

I am also stuck at windows, but I try to do as much as I can via a tmux
session over SSH, and the rest I have to manage with this
drag-to-the-edges-of-the-screen crap.


Enric Morales

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Re: Prevent /new/ windows from taking focus

2013-06-08 Thread Enric Morales
On 06 Jun 2013 07:35, Hans Georg Schaathun wrote:
 to apply AFAICS.  Does anyone know of any methods which could be used
 to overrule the WM's focus decisions?  And how to block them?

The only thing I can think of is tweaking the signal called
client.connect(), which, among other actions, sets the border type to
the 'focus' border type defined in your theme and other focus-related
actions. I think you could incorporate a test in the text expression in
this function to exclude the matlab windows from the new clients focus

Hope this can help a bit,

Enric Morales

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Re: Prevent /new/ windows from taking focus

2013-06-02 Thread Enric Morales
On 02 Jun 2013 12:50, Hans Georg Schaathun wrote:
 Dear all,

Hey there!

 Basically, I think the only event which should cause a focus change
 is the mouse pointer entering the window.

Then I think you can delete the 

focus = awful.client.focus.filter

from the rules list. That rule adds the new clients to the focus filter,
so this change will achieve your desired effect. For your reference,
that line is almost at the end of the default rc.lua, in the
awful.rules.rules array.

Alternatively, you could try adding a custom rule (via instance match,
for example), to apply only to the clients you want.


Enric Morales

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Re: mail widget for 3.5 (no gmail)

2013-02-18 Thread Enric Morales
Hello everyone! I have this mailbox snippet in my rc.lua:

   -- Variables
   home = os.getenv(HOME)

   -- Mail widget
   vicious_mail = wibox.widget.textbox()
   vicious.register(vicious_mail, vicious.widgets.mdir, function (widget, args)
   if args[1] == 0
   then return string.format(!--) 
   else return string.format('✉ span color=#dc322f' .. 
args[1] .. '/span | ')
   end, 60, { home..'/mail/inbox' })

Maybe you can find it useful. The mail is synchronised with OfflineIMAP. This 
setup works in 3.5 with no problems.


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Re: remmina in awesone - Different behaviour for RDP of Windows XP and Windows 7

2013-02-12 Thread Enric Morales

Hi Dave,
David Sorkovsky escrigué:

Now for the strange/interesting part… I just setup a Windows 7 VM in
Virtualbox but this time, running headless and using remmina to RDP
in, fullscreen mode does NOT cover the entire screen, but leaves the
tray (only uses the viewport?)

You can toggle the fullscreen status with the default keybinding 
Mod4+f. That should do the trick. You could even set up a rule so that 
you don't have to do this manually everytime.


Enric Morales

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