Hi All,
I have an observation in AX 2009 Std. 
1)Log in to AX 2009
2)Go to AP
3)Create a PO Header
4)Create a PO Line (enter Item, Qty, Warehouse (Inventory Dimension))
5)Click PO Line -> Setup (button) -> Alt Address (option)
6)Alt Address form open up
7)Verify the data in Warehouse Tab Grid
My observation is that, this Alt Address form is not showing all Warehouse,
whereas it shows Warehouse in PO Line and all Warehouses created after that..
I need to know, what is the significance of this functionality. 
Such behaviour is not there in AX 40.
Any light to understand this functional requirement of this feature will help 
me lot.
Please accept Thanks in advance for your any replies.
Nitesh Ranjan


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