Title: Message
I have only recently started programming in Axapta and had a lot of problems starting reports. My advice would be,
Always create a project to contain you reports, tables etc. This makes it easy to export and import the xpo. For compile just open the project and click the compile icon, but it should compile when you import the xpo.
To create a report, right click in the project, create new report. Then expand and right click on design and create new design. Then right click on design and generate design. Then right click on the generated design to add report sections, header, body footer etc. Add a data source to make fields available in the report.
Just create a report to try things out and after a while you will get the hang of it. See the developer documentaion for more info.
I would try to avoid using the graphical report designer to add and move fields and it does not always work - and never press delete key in here as it can delete a whole section. This has happened to me.
Another word of advice, save you project regularly and export the xpo aswell for extra backup.
-----Original Message-----
From: ottawa_m2003 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 August 2004 20:18
Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Hi, Reporting


My company wants me to do reporting stuff.
I want to know the basics of reporting

1. How to create a report?
2. where to put the code?. I know X++.
3. Any cubes related work do i need to do?.
4. How to compile the code in report?.

Your help will help a lot to me.

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