Hi again
I'm trying to solve the problem with the memory leak on the client side of axis library.
I've next function which is called in multithreaded way:
setReturnAddPointsParameter* pRAPP = NULL;
MPBLPSoap pBLP_authorize(sMPG.strURL.c_str(), APTHTTP1_1);
pRAPP = pBLP_authorize.AddPoints(1,string_number,double_value);
pRAPP is structure with next parameters:
xsd__string sBlpType;
xsd__double dAmount;
xsd__string lTransactionID;
The problem is how to delete allocated space for these parameters when I don't needed it any more. There is defined delete function
Axis_Delete_setReturnAddPointsParameter which is defined:
void Axis_Delete_setReturnAddPointsParameter(setReturnAddPointsParameter* param, bool bArray = false, int nSize=0)
  if (bArray)
     delete [] param;
     delete param;
So I called this function when I want to delete allocated memory for parameters. This function calls destructor:
which is empty. If I use statements delete or free inside destructor I get the following error "User breakpoint called from code at ***".
So I checked how are basic types defined (xsd_string, xsd_double). They are defined as classes and their destructors are empty. If I put delete statements into these destructors then the result structure pRAPP is empty, because parameters are deleted before they can be used (destructor is called after calling this method: xsd__string
SoapDeSerializer::getElementAsString (const AxisChar * pName, const AxisChar * pNamespace).  
So is it possible to delete allocated memory or is there a problem in design structure of axis library? I mean is it possible to delete allocated memory for basic type classes? Is solution in defining some extra methods which they have access to those classes and they include delete statement?
Best regards

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