  I'm on AIX 5.2 64bit with xerces 2.6.0 and openssl 0.9.7.g using axis-c 1.5
openssl is the same on client and server.  Server is Apache using
openssl via mod_ssl and tomcat using axis java.  This works via http
and ssl works via a web browser -- as in I can see the wsdl.  The cert
negotiation seems to be fine, but afterwards I'm getting this unknown
  I've added a try catch to:  SoapBinInputStream::readBytes and catch
(...) there.
In the calculator client I have added alot of catches and I I'm still
catching (...).  (catches and snippet of trace below.)  Please help.


   catch (HTTPTransportException & e) { printf ("Exception
HTTPTransportException"); }
   catch (XmlPullParserException & e)  { printf ("Exception
XmlPullParserException "); }
   catch (OtherFaultException & e) { printf ("Exception : %s\n", e.what ()); }
   catch (SoapFaultException & e) { printf ("Exception : %s\n", e.what ()); }
   catch (AxisException & e) { printf ("Exception : %s\n", e.what ()); }
  // std Exceptions
   catch (std::exception & e) { printf (e.what()); }
   catch (std::runtime_error err) { printf ("Caught runtime_error"); }
   catch (std::ios_base err) { printf ("Caught ios_base"); }
  // Other types
    catch (int i) { printf ("caught int"); }
    catch (char *c) { printf ("Caught char *"); }
    catch (string str) { printf ("Caught String"); }
    catch (void *str) { printf ("Caught void *"); }
  // XML Exceptions
catch (xercesc::SAXParseException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOMRangeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOMXPathException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOM_RangeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::EndOfEntityException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::XSerializationException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::EmptyStackException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::IOException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::IllegalArgumentException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::InvalidCastException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::NoSuchElementException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::NullPointerException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::NumberFormatException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::OutOfMemoryException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::ParseException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::RuntimeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::SchemaDateTimeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::TranscodingException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::UTFDataFormatException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::UnexpectedEOFException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::UnsupportedEncodingException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::InvalidDatatypeFacetException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::InvalidDatatypeValueException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::XPathException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOM_DOMException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOMException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::SAXException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::XMLException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (...) { printf("caught ...\n");}

[17/11/2005 17:22:49:502 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > open @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > OpenChannel @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL > getHostName
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL < getHostName "auisevl50"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL > getPort
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL < getPort 9443
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:506 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < OpenChannel @110014f70,@4 false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:506 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > OpenSSL_Open @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:519 GMT] 1 - > cert_verify_callback 1,
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:519 GMT] 1 - < cert_verify_callback 1
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < OpenSSL_Open @110014f70,false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < open @110014f70,false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < openConnection @110014990,0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 SoapSerializer > markEndOfStream @11003a610
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > flushOutput @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > setTransportProperty
@110014990,"Content-Length", "407"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < setTransportProperty
@110014990,@2 0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > reopenRequired
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < reopenRequired false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > getHTTPHeaders @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > getURLObject @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < getURLObject
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 URL > getPort
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 URL < getPort 9443
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 URL > getResource
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 URL < getResource
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 URL > getHostName
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 URL < getHostName "auisevl50"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < getHTTPHeaders
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I "POST /axis/Calculator.jws HTTP/1.1
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I Host: auisevl50:9443
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I SOAPAction: "Calculator#add"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I Content-Length: 407
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I "
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > operator<<
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I "POST /axis/Calculator.jws HTTP/1.1
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I Host: auisevl50:9443
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 - I SOAPAction: "Calculator#add"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I Content-Length: 407
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I "
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > WriteToSocket
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I "POST /axis/Calculator.jws HTTP/1.1
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I Host: auisevl50:9443
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I SOAPAction: "Calculator#add"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I Content-Length: 407
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I ", 150
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < WriteToSocket @110014f70,150
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < operator<<
@110014f70,[08001000A00D6FC8] <......o.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > operator<<
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I <SOAP-ENV:Body>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I <ns1:add
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I <in0 xsi:type="xsd:int">555</in0>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I <in1 xsi:type="xsd:int">111</in1>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I </ns1:add>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I </SOAP-ENV:Body>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:533 GMT] 1 - I "
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > WriteToSocket
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I <SOAP-ENV:Body>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I <ns1:add
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I <in0 xsi:type="xsd:int">555</in0>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I <in1 xsi:type="xsd:int">111</in1>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I </ns1:add>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I </SOAP-ENV:Body>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 - I ", 407
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < WriteToSocket @110014f70,407
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < operator<<
@110014f70,[08001000A00D6FC8] <......o.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < flushOutput
@110014990,[00000000] <....>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 SoapSerializer < markEndOfStream @11003a610
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 MessageData > setPastPivotState @11003a4d0,true
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 MessageData < setPastPivotState @11003a4d0,0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 SoapDeSerializer > setInputStream
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:534 GMT] 1 XMLParserXerces > setInputStream
@11003d2d0,110014990 [0000000110014990] <......I.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapInputSource > SoapInputSource
@110047558,110014990 [0000000110014990] <......I.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapBinInputStream >
SoapBinInputStream @1100475b8,110014990 [0000000110014990] <......I.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapBinInputStream <
SoapBinInputStream @1100475b8
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapInputSource < SoapInputSource @110047558
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler > reset @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler > freeElement @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler > freeAttributes @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler < freeAttributes @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler < freeElement @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler > freeElement @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler > freeAttributes @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler < freeAttributes @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler < freeElement @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XercesHandler < reset @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XMLParserXerces < setInputStream @11003d2d0,0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapDeSerializer < setInputStream
@11003aa10,@2 0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapDeSerializer > getVersion @11003aa10
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapDeSerializer > getEnvelope @11003aa10
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 XMLParserXerces > next @11003d2d0,false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapInputSource > makeStream @110047558
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapInputSource < makeStream
@110047558,1100475b8 [00000001100475B8] <......u.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 SoapBinInputStream > readBytes
@1100475b8,1100960f4 [00] <.>, 49152
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > getBytes
@110014990,"", fffffffffffd0b0 [0FFFFFFF] <....>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > operator>> @110014f70,""
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:535 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > ReadFromSocket @110014f70,""
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:551 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < ReadFromSocket @110014f70,280
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:551 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < operator>>
@110014f70,[08001000A00D6FC8] <......o.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:551 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport >
processResponseHTTPHeaders @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:551 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport <
processResponseHTTPHeaders @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:551 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > operator>> @110014f70,""
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:551 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > ReadFromSocket @110014f70,""
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:551 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < ReadFromSocket @110014f70,5
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < operator>>
@110014f70,[08001000A00D6FC8] <......o.>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 - > axtoi "1c4"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 - < axtoi 452
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < getBytes @110014990,@2
[00000000] <....>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 SoapBinInputStream < readBytes @1100475b8,49152
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 SoapBinInputStream >
~SoapBinInputStream @1100475b8
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 SoapBinInputStream <
~SoapBinInputStream @1100475b8
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 XercesHandler > freeElement @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 XercesHandler < freeElement @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 XercesHandler > getAnyElement @11003d2f0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 XercesHandler < getAnyElement @11003d2f0,0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:552 GMT] 1 XMLParserXerces X next @11003d2d0,caught "..."
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 Stub > ~Stub @fffffffffffe2e8
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 Call > ~Call @11000d110
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 AxisEngine > unInitialize @11003a450
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 MessageData > ~MessageData @11003a4d0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 MessageData < ~MessageData @11003a4d0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 AxisEngine < unInitialize @11003a450
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 Call > cleanup @11000d110
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ContentIdSet > ~ContentIdSet @1100148b0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ContentIdSet > clearAll @1100148b0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ContentIdSet < clearAll @1100148b0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ContentIdSet < ~ContentIdSet @1100148b0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SOAPTransportFactory >
destroyTransportObject 110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > ~HTTPTransport @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ChannelFactory > ~ChannelFactory @110014d90
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ChannelFactory > UnLoadChannelLibrary
@110014d90,[00000000] <....>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ChannelFactory < UnLoadChannelLibrary
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ChannelFactory > UnLoadChannelLibrary
@110014d90,[00000001] <....>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ChannelFactory < UnLoadChannelLibrary
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ChannelFactory < ~ChannelFactory @110014d90
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < ~HTTPTransport @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SOAPTransport > ~SOAPTransport
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SOAPTransport < ~SOAPTransport
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SOAPTransportFactory < destroyTransportObject
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ClientAxisEngine > ~ClientAxisEngine @11003a450
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 ClientAxisEngine < ~ClientAxisEngine @11003a450
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 AxisEngine > ~AxisEngine @11003a450
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 DeserializerPool > putInstance
@11000fb10,11003aa10 [000000011003AA10] <........>
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SoapDeSerializer > init @11003aa10
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SoapDeSerializer < init @11003aa10,0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SharedObject > lock @11000fb10
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SharedObject < lock @11000fb10,0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SharedObject > unlock @11000fb10
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:553 GMT] 1 SharedObject < unlock @11000fb10,0

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