Re: Segmentation fault when calling webservice

2007-06-07 Thread Samisa Abeysinghe


No pb,

I've already posted an issue for this (perhaps it's a mistake ?)

No it is not a mistake. Raising a Jira is the preferred method.

BTW, it looks like you have not included -g in your CFLAGS, please do so 
that the backtrace would include line numbers.
Having a glance at the backtrace, it looks like there is something wrong 
in the service object creation. Could possibly be something wrong in the 
service implementation, or the configuration.


Here's the backtrace :

#0 0xb7e62b87 in axis2_msg_recv_make_new_svc_obj () from
#1 0xb7e62c98 in axis2_msg_recv_get_impl_obj () from
#2 0xb7e635d4 in axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic_sync
() from
#3 0xb7e63311 in axis2_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic () from
#4 0xb7e63119 in axis2_msg_recv_receive_impl () from
#5 0xb7e6336d in axis2_msg_recv_receive () from
#6 0xb7e58092 in axis2_engine_receive () from
#7 0xb7f0d5de in axis2_http_transport_utils_process_http_post_request ()
#8 0xb7f0bf20 in axis2_http_worker_process_request () from
#9 0xb7e140ca in axis2_svr_thread_worker_func () from
#10 0xb7ebf265 in dummy_worker () from
#11 0xb7cb931b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#12 0xb7c2957e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

Thanks a lot for your help !


Is it possible for you to use gdb and send the back trace at the point
it segfaults please? That would help us to understand where the exact
problem is. It is hard to tell the problem form the log.


Jean-Louis LESIEUR wrote:


I have a problem when I deploy a service. I've build a simple service
based on the "echo" sample, except in the fact that this service call
a function in other custom shared library.

I'm on ubuntu linux 7.04 with axis 1.0.0.

I've tried to compile my service with this command :

gcc -shared -I$AXIS2C_HOME/include/axis2-1.0/
-L$AXIS2C_HOME/lib -laxis2  -L -l -I 

I have no error in compilation.

So I deploy the .so of this service and try to call him with echo
client sample axis_http_server crashes with a segmentation fault ...
Here's the result of execution of axis_http_server :

$ sudo ./axis 2_http_server -l 5 -f /dev/stderr
Started Simple Axis2 HTTP Server ...
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:47 2007] [info]  Starting HTTP server thread
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] http_worker.c(155) Client HTTP
version HTTP/1.1
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_builder.c(748) identified soap
version is soap12
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(103) Checking for
service using target endpoint address :
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(124) Service found
using target endpoint address
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
AddressingInHandler within the phase PreDispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  Starting addressing in handler
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  addr_in_handler.c
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(217) Checking for
operation using SOAP message body's first child's local name :
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(226) Operation
found using SOAP message body's first child's local name
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler

Re: Segmentation fault when calling webservice

2007-06-07 Thread jl . lesieur
No pb,

I've already posted an issue for this (perhaps it's a mistake ?)

Here's the backtrace :

#0 0xb7e62b87 in axis2_msg_recv_make_new_svc_obj () from
#1 0xb7e62c98 in axis2_msg_recv_get_impl_obj () from
#2 0xb7e635d4 in axis2_raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic_sync
() from
#3 0xb7e63311 in axis2_msg_recv_invoke_business_logic () from
#4 0xb7e63119 in axis2_msg_recv_receive_impl () from
#5 0xb7e6336d in axis2_msg_recv_receive () from
#6 0xb7e58092 in axis2_engine_receive () from
#7 0xb7f0d5de in axis2_http_transport_utils_process_http_post_request ()
#8 0xb7f0bf20 in axis2_http_worker_process_request () from
#9 0xb7e140ca in axis2_svr_thread_worker_func () from
#10 0xb7ebf265 in dummy_worker () from
#11 0xb7cb931b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#12 0xb7c2957e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

Thanks a lot for your help !

> Is it possible for you to use gdb and send the back trace at the point
> it segfaults please? That would help us to understand where the exact
> problem is. It is hard to tell the problem form the log.
> Thanks,
> Samisa...
> Jean-Louis LESIEUR wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a problem when I deploy a service. I've build a simple service
>> based on the "echo" sample, except in the fact that this service call
>> a function in other custom shared library.
>> I'm on ubuntu linux 7.04 with axis 1.0.0.
>> I've tried to compile my service with this command :
>> gcc -shared -I$AXIS2C_HOME/include/axis2-1.0/
>> -L$AXIS2C_HOME/lib -laxis2  -L -l> lib> -I 
>> I have no error in compilation.
>> So I deploy the .so of this service and try to call him with echo
>> client sample axis_http_server crashes with a segmentation fault ...
>> Here's the result of execution of axis_http_server :
>> $ sudo ./axis 2_http_server -l 5 -f /dev/stderr
>> Started Simple Axis2 HTTP Server ...
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:47 2007] [info]  Starting HTTP server thread
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] http_worker.c(155) Client HTTP
>> version HTTP/1.1
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_builder.c(748) identified soap
>> version is soap12
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase
>> Transport
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
>> request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(103) Checking for
>> service using target endpoint address :
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(124) Service found
>> using target endpoint address
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase
>> PreDispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
>> AddressingInHandler within the phase PreDispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  Starting addressing in handler
>> .
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  addr_in_handler.c
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase Dispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
>> soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(217) Checking for
>> operation using SOAP message body's first child's local name :
>> echoString
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(226) Operation
>> found using SOAP message body's first child's local name
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
>> addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
>> soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase
>> PostDispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
>> dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch
>> [Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler
>> context_handler within the phase PostDispatch
>> Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)
>> Does anybody have expe

Re: [AXIS2C][WSDL2C] close to despair

2007-06-07 Thread Milinda Pathirage


Sorry about not updating the code generation samples inside
AXIS2C_HOME/samples/codegen/databinding directory. The sample
implementations in this directory are out of date because we remove macros
and do some changes to  naming conventions. I will change those samples
If you want to try WSDL2C with data binding follow the guide lines in
README.txt inside databinding directory.
These samples only provide implementations of business logic. You have to
copy other files which are generated using WSDL2C and compile them.
I'll post a more detail  guideline ASAP.

Thanks ,

On 6/8/07, Dr. Florian Steinborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear group,

I am looking for one complete example of a web service for AXIS2C that was
completely created by one single WSDL file using the generator utilities
from AXIS2-Java. But I cannot find one. Can someone provide me one?

I would like to show you what I did (the webservice is just to return a

I used this interface to generate the wsdl-file I want to use...

public interface Hello {
 public String sayHello();

I compiled it with javac.
The resulting class file should be usable to generate the wsdl.
I used this (no special parameters):

java2wsdl Hello.class

I was lucky to find a "Hello.wsdl" afterwards.

This one I ran against WSDL2C to generate the server stubs.

java -classpath ${WSCP} org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2C -uri Hello.wsdl -ss
-sd -d adb

Everythings works fine until here. I understood I have to implement the
business logic in "axis2_skel_Hello.c".
But looking at

axis2_sayHelloResponse_t* axis2_skel_Hello_sayHello (const axutil_env_t
/* TODO fill this with the necessary business logic */
return NULL;

I find it extremely difficult to compare this generated source with the
hand written sources in the samples directory. I am not sure which
functions I have to call and which not. I probably have to issue a call
to get the chance to send back my string, but once I did that: how do I
copy my string to the return variable? Somewhere I found the use of
but HELL I cannot find the definition of this function (first I thought it
was a macro but I could find a macro defintion either)... Where is this
definition? How can I know that this function is useful to return a string
- how does it look like when I have to return a long?
Once I am sure the service is well defined and running I would like to
create the Java-client stubs from the same "Hello.wsdl" to connect to the
service - but this is another story...

Please don't think I am too impatient - I torture myself since monday.

Thanks a lot for your help,


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WSO2, Inc: "Oxygenating the Web Service Platform"

Re: Segmentation fault when calling webservice

2007-06-07 Thread Samisa Abeysinghe
Is it possible for you to use gdb and send the back trace at the point 
it segfaults please? That would help us to understand where the exact 
problem is. It is hard to tell the problem form the log.


Jean-Louis LESIEUR wrote:


I have a problem when I deploy a service. I've build a simple service 
based on the "echo" sample, except in the fact that this service call 
a function in other custom shared library.

I'm on ubuntu linux 7.04 with axis 1.0.0.

I've tried to compile my service with this command :

gcc -shared -I$AXIS2C_HOME/include/axis2-1.0/ 
-L$AXIS2C_HOME/lib -laxis2  -L -llib> -I 

I have no error in compilation.

So I deploy the .so of this service and try to call him with echo 
client sample axis_http_server crashes with a segmentation fault ... 
Here's the result of execution of axis_http_server :

$ sudo ./axis 2_http_server -l 5 -f /dev/stderr
Started Simple Axis2 HTTP Server ...
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:47 2007] [info]  Starting HTTP server thread
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] http_worker.c(155) Client HTTP 
version HTTP/1.1
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_builder.c(748) identified soap 
version is soap12

[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase Transport
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(103) Checking for 
service using target endpoint address :
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(124) Service found 
using target endpoint address
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase 
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
AddressingInHandler within the phase PreDispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  Starting addressing in handler 

[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  addr_in_handler.c
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(217) Checking for 
operation using SOAP message body's first child's local name : echoString
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(226) Operation 
found using SOAP message body's first child's local name
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase 
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
context_handler within the phase PostDispatch

Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Does anybody have experienced this kind of problem ?

Thanks for your help !

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Samisa Abeysinghe : (WSO2 Oxygen Tank - Web Services 
Developers' Portal)

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[AXIS2C][WSDL2C] close to despair

2007-06-07 Thread Dr. Florian Steinborn

Dear group,

I am looking for one complete example of a web service for AXIS2C that was  
completely created by one single WSDL file using the generator utilities  
from AXIS2-Java. But I cannot find one. Can someone provide me one?

I would like to show you what I did (the webservice is just to return a  

I used this interface to generate the wsdl-file I want to use...

public interface Hello {
public String sayHello();

I compiled it with javac.
The resulting class file should be usable to generate the wsdl.
I used this (no special parameters):

java2wsdl Hello.class

I was lucky to find a "Hello.wsdl" afterwards.

This one I ran against WSDL2C to generate the server stubs.

java -classpath ${WSCP} org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2C -uri Hello.wsdl -ss  
-sd -d adb

Everythings works fine until here. I understood I have to implement the  
business logic in "axis2_skel_Hello.c".

But looking at

axis2_sayHelloResponse_t* axis2_skel_Hello_sayHello (const axutil_env_t
   /* TODO fill this with the necessary business logic */
   return NULL;

I find it extremely difficult to compare this generated source with the  
hand written sources in the samples directory. I am not sure which  
functions I have to call and which not. I probably have to issue a call for

to get the chance to send back my string, but once I did that: how do I  
copy my string to the return variable? Somewhere I found the use of

but HELL I cannot find the definition of this function (first I thought it  
was a macro but I could find a macro defintion either)... Where is this  
definition? How can I know that this function is useful to return a string  
- how does it look like when I have to return a long?
Once I am sure the service is well defined and running I would like to  
create the Java-client stubs from the same "Hello.wsdl" to connect to the  
service - but this is another story...

Please don't think I am too impatient - I torture myself since monday.

Thanks a lot for your help,


To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Segmentation fault when calling webservice

2007-06-07 Thread Jean-Louis LESIEUR


I have a problem when I deploy a service. I've build a simple service 
based on the "echo" sample, except in the fact that this service call a 
function in other custom shared library.

I'm on ubuntu linux 7.04 with axis 1.0.0.

I've tried to compile my service with this command :

gcc -shared -I$AXIS2C_HOME/include/axis2-1.0/ 
-L$AXIS2C_HOME/lib -laxis2  -L -l 

I have no error in compilation.

So I deploy the .so of this service and try to call him with echo client 
sample axis_http_server crashes with a segmentation fault ... Here's the 
result of execution of axis_http_server :

$ sudo ./axis 2_http_server -l 5 -f /dev/stderr
Started Simple Axis2 HTTP Server ...
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:47 2007] [info]  Starting HTTP server thread
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] http_worker.c(155) Client HTTP 
version HTTP/1.1
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_builder.c(748) identified soap 
version is soap12

[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase Transport
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(103) Checking for 
service using target endpoint address :
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(124) Service found 
using target endpoint address

[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase PreDispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
AddressingInHandler within the phase PreDispatch

[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  Starting addressing in handler .
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [info]  addr_in_handler.c
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(217) Checking for 
operation using SOAP message body's first child's local name : echoString
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(226) Operation found 
using SOAP message body's first child's local name
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] engine.c(571) Invoking phase PostDispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch
[Thu Jun  7 23:19:51 2007] [debug] phase.c(195) Invoke the handler 
context_handler within the phase PostDispatch

Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Does anybody have experienced this kind of problem ?

Thanks for your help !

fn:Jean-Louis LESIEUR
adr:;;45 rue F. Joliot Curie;Marseille CEDEX 13;;13382;FRANCE
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Regarding running of wsdl2c tool

2007-06-07 Thread Dushshantha Chandradasa

It seems to me that your wsdl is wrong. I cant simply open it even with a
web browser. It is not formatted well.

I can see that the following comment is wrong.

A comment should go like 


On 6/7/07, Sushmita Sahu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am a novice in web services. I am running the wsdl2c tool on a .wsdl
(attached file) to get the client side stubs. I am getting the following
error on running the tool on wsdl:

*C:\axis2c-1\samples\client\getMachines>java -cp

*pache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2C -uri JobManagement.wsdl -d adb -u*

*Exception in thread "main"
org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException: Error pa*

*rsing WSDL*

*at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationEngine


*at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Code.main(*

*at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2C.main(*

*Caused by: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException:
faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Parser SAX Err*

*or: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Fatal Error:

*nes/JobManagement.wsdl Line=3: The content of elements must consist of
well-formed charact*

*er data or markup.*



*at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationEngine


*... 2 more*

*Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Fatal Error:

*etMachines/JobManagement.wsdl Line=3: The content of elements must
consist of well-formed*

*character data or markup.*

*at org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils$ParserErrorHandler.fatalError(*

* *

*at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.fatalError(Unknown

*at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown

*at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown

*at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLScanner.reportFatalError(Unknown


*.dispatch(Unknown Source)*



*at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown

*at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown

*at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)*

*at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)*

*at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown

*at org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils.newDocument(*

*at org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils.newDocument(*

*at org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils.newDocument(*



*... 3 more.*

* *

Can you tell me where exactly the problem is?

Thanks and regards


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Regarding running of wsdl2c tool

2007-06-07 Thread Sushmita Sahu


I am a novice in web services. I am running the wsdl2c tool on a .wsdl
(attached file) to get the client side stubs. I am getting the following
error on running the tool on wsdl:


C:\axis2c-1\samples\client\getMachines>java -cp

pache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2C -uri JobManagement.wsdl -d adb -u

Exception in thread "main"
org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException: Error pa

rsing WSDL



at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Code.main(

at org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2C.main(

Caused by: javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException:
faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Parser SAX Err

or: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Fatal Error:

nes/JobManagement.wsdl Line=3: The content of elements must consist of
well-formed charact

er data or markup.




... 2 more

Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Fatal Error:

etMachines/JobManagement.wsdl Line=3: The content of elements must
consist of well-formed

character data or markup.



at org.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.fatalError(Unknown

at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown

at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(Unknown

at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLScanner.reportFatalError(Unknown


.dispatch(Unknown Source)

wn Sour


at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown

at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown

at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)

at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)

at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown

at org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils.newDocument(

at org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils.newDocument(

at org.apache.axis2.util.XMLUtils.newDocument(


... 3 more.


Can you tell me where exactly the problem is?


Thanks and regards




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