Problem when invoking a service from a Flex web service client: The reply is not returned to the client

2009-09-28 Thread Abdelkader GOUAICH

Dear all,

I’m using axis2c (1.5) as a web service container for my application.  
When using C clients and stubs automatically generated by wsdl2c  
utility everything is Ok and I can reach, invoke and get results from  
my services.

Now I’am trying to reach my services from another client using Flex. I  
have used the Flex tool to generated action script files from WSDL.  
Everything went OK and I can see that data types are correctly  

However when I invoke the service :

1)   the service is correctly reached and invoked (see logs)

2)   But, the result is not returned to the client and i have a log  

« [Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [info]  Starting addressing out handler

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] addr_out_handler.c(133) No action  
present. Stop processing addressing »

I have checked if SOAP message generated from Flex does contain the  
SOAPAction and the answer is yes. The SOAPAction is correctly set in  
the message.

Could anyone help please ? I cannot understand why the reply is not  
returned to the client.

Kind regards,

Here is the server’s log :

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] http_worker.c(195) Client HTTP  
version HTTP/1.1

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] soap_builder.c(895) Identified soap  
version is soap11

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(100) Checking for  
service using target endpoint address :

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] req_uri_disp.c(121) Service found  
using target endpoint address

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
AddressingInHandler within the phase Transport

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [info]  Starting addressing in handler

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Transport

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
rest_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(231) Checking for  
operation using SOAP messagebody's first child's local name : join

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] soap_body_disp.c(240) Operation  
found using SOAP message body's first child's local name

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
context_handler within the phase PostDispatch

** (process:10055): DEBUG: axis2_skel_mmas_management_service_join  
(this is my service implementation)

** (process:10055): DEBUG:  
sms_sitesmanagementdatamodel_endPointAlreadyExists  (this is my  
service implementation)

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler  
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [info]  Starting addressing out handler

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [debug] addr_out_handler.c(133) No action  
present. Stop processing addressing

[Mon Sep 28 09:53:22 2009] [info]  Request served in 0.007 seconds

Dr. Abdelkader GOUAICH
Associate Professor/Maître de Conférences
Universite Montpellier II

Tel: +33 (0)467418675
Fax: +33 (0)467418585

Message coming back short

2009-09-28 Thread Sam Carleton
Silverlight 2.0 is calling an Axis2/C 1.6 server requesting a method that
takes a string as an in, though it isn't used and returns a complex result.
Here is the most relevant part of the WSDL:

  xsd:element name=getDefaultSettings
xsd:element name=in type=xsd:string/xsd:element

  xsd:element name=getDefaultSettingsResponse
xsd:element name=defaultSettings

  xsd:complexType name=DefaultSettings
  xsd:element name=CompanyName type=xsd:string/xsd:element
  xsd:element name=EnableFavorites
  xsd:element name=EnableSlideShow
  xsd:element name=EventName type=xsd:string
  xsd:element name=PhoneNumberFormat
  xsd:element name=Theme type=xsd:string/xsd:element
  xsd:element name=ThumbnailSize type=xsd:int/xsd:element
  xsd:element name=TimeoutAfter type=xsd:int/xsd:element
  xsd:element name=TimeoutStarts type=xsd:int/xsd:element
  xsd:element name=UserLang type=xsd:string/xsd:element

Thanks to TCPMon, the request Envelope is this:

s:Envelope xmlns:s=;
   s:Body xmlns:xsi=; xmlns:xsd=;
  getDefaultSettings xmlns=urn:mmpp:parataMgr
 in xmlns=not used/in

The response is:

   soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=;
 n:getDefaultSettingsResponse xmlns:n=urn:mmpp:parataMgr
   CompanyNameMiltonstreet Photography/CompanyName

A number of the elements in the defaultSettings are simply missing.  All the
elements where not in order originally, so I sorted the WSDL, regenerated
the source and recompiled and the same elements are always missing.  Any
thoughts on what is going on?


Re: Message coming back short

2009-09-28 Thread Sam Carleton
 I sorted the WSDL, regenerated the source and recompiled and the same elements
 are always missing.

I was mistaken, it is always the last elements that are lost, which
ever elements come last.