RE: SSL in the future

2005-12-08 Thread Jason Musgrave
   Can we add the ability to set the directory containing authorized
CA certificates.  Preferably with the config file, but however.  Axis
does not use this functionality in Openssl and this causes openssl to
default to whatever was specified at compile time...  Which is not
necessarily where the product was installed or where a client user
would have access.


Re: building apache axis c on aix 5.2 with the ant build fails

2005-11-29 Thread Jason Musgrave
   It seems that AIX 5.2 has some header problems.  What seems to be
happening is there is an inconsistency in the way the constant
defining bitorder is being treated in the headerfiles in AIX 5.2
(Causing the AXIS build to fail.)  I turned it over to our admins when
I got that far, I believe they grabbed the header file from 5.1 (which
hopefully you have the rights to do.)  FYI there seems to be a problem
with the way this rev handles openssl sockets.

Good luck,

On 11/29/05, Dino LaChiusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently got this error, did you ever resolve it??
> thanks,
> Dino
> Building Apache Axis C on AIX 5.2 with the ANT build fails giving:
>[cc] /usr/vacpp/exe/xlCentry -D_AIX -D_AIX32 -D_AIX41 -D_AIX43
> -I/home/jmusgrav/axis/axis-c-1.5.0-linux-src/include -q64 -qlargetype
> -qansialias -qstaticinline -oAxis2Transport.o
> /home/jmusgrav/axis/axis-c-1.5.0-linux-src/src/transport/axis2/Axis2Transpo­rt.cpp
> /tmp/xlcW0J-MiMa /tmp/xlcW1J-MiMb /dev/null Axis2Transport.lst
> /dev/null /tmp/xlcW2J-MiMc
>[cc] "/usr/include/netinet/ip.h", line 119.25: 1540-0057 (S) The
> declaration specifier is missing.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> thanks,
> Jason

Trace of failure... SSL AIX-64 HTTPS... catch unknown exception in calculator...

2005-11-17 Thread Jason Musgrave
  I'm on AIX 5.2 64bit with xerces 2.6.0 and openssl 0.9.7.g using axis-c 1.5
openssl is the same on client and server.  Server is Apache using
openssl via mod_ssl and tomcat using axis java.  This works via http
and ssl works via a web browser -- as in I can see the wsdl.  The cert
negotiation seems to be fine, but afterwards I'm getting this unknown
  I've added a try catch to:  SoapBinInputStream::readBytes and catch
(...) there.
In the calculator client I have added alot of catches and I I'm still
catching (...).  (catches and snippet of trace below.)  Please help.


   catch (HTTPTransportException & e) { printf ("Exception
HTTPTransportException"); }
   catch (XmlPullParserException & e)  { printf ("Exception
XmlPullParserException "); }
   catch (OtherFaultException & e) { printf ("Exception : %s\n", e.what ()); }
   catch (SoapFaultException & e) { printf ("Exception : %s\n", e.what ()); }
   catch (AxisException & e) { printf ("Exception : %s\n", e.what ()); }
  // std Exceptions
   catch (std::exception & e) { printf (e.what()); }
   catch (std::runtime_error err) { printf ("Caught runtime_error"); }
   catch (std::ios_base err) { printf ("Caught ios_base"); }
  // Other types
catch (int i) { printf ("caught int"); }
catch (char *c) { printf ("Caught char *"); }
catch (string str) { printf ("Caught String"); }
catch (void *str) { printf ("Caught void *"); }
  // XML Exceptions
catch (xercesc::SAXParseException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOMRangeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOMXPathException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOM_RangeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::EndOfEntityException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::XSerializationException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::EmptyStackException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::IOException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::IllegalArgumentException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::InvalidCastException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::NoSuchElementException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::NullPointerException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::NumberFormatException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::OutOfMemoryException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::ParseException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::RuntimeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::SchemaDateTimeException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::TranscodingException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::UTFDataFormatException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::UnexpectedEOFException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::UnsupportedEncodingException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::InvalidDatatypeFacetException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::InvalidDatatypeValueException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::XPathException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOM_DOMException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::DOMException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::SAXException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (xercesc::XMLException &e) { printf("CAUGHT!\n");}
catch (...) { printf("caught ...\n");}

[17/11/2005 17:22:49:502 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > open @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > OpenChannel @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL > getHostName
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL < getHostName "auisevl50"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL > getPort
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:503 GMT] 1 URL < getPort 9443
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:506 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < OpenChannel @110014f70,@4 false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:506 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > OpenSSL_Open @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:519 GMT] 1 - > cert_verify_callback 1,
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:519 GMT] 1 - < cert_verify_callback 1
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < OpenSSL_Open @110014f70,false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < open @110014f70,false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < openConnection @110014990,0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 SoapSerializer > markEndOfStream @11003a610
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > flushOutput @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > setTransportProperty
@110014990,"Content-Length", "407"
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport < setTransportProperty
@110014990,@2 0
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > reopenRequired
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel < reopenRequired false
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPTransport > getHTTPHeaders @110014990
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChannel > getURLObject @110014f70
[17/11/2005 17:22:49:532 GMT] 1 HTTPSSLChann

Assistance running examples with ssl

2005-10-31 Thread Jason Musgrave
 Thanks.  I'm confident in the URLs --> the http version works
fine: so the machine is OK.  And I can browse the server on the 8443
port (including the java AXIS wsdl.  Plus it works )  I just wanted
some confidence that this cert whackiness is really what was going
on...  I'll now send out the openssl stuff.  I know this isn't an
openssl group, but you have to do something like this to use SSL with
AXIS-C, so if anyone can share what they're doing or critique what I'm

(The following is based upon the process described at:


rm -rf mkcerts
#set path = ( /usr/local/ssl/bin $path )
#set path = /usr/local/ssl/bin:$path

#setenv PATH = /usr/local/ssl/bin:$PATH
set path = ( /usr/local/ssl/bin $path )
#set path = /usr/local/ssl/bin:$path

echo $PATH

mkdir mkcerts
cd mkcerts
mkdir demoCA
cd demoCA
mkdir certs
mkdir crl
mkdir newcerts
mkdir private
touch index.txt
echo "01" > serial
cd ..

#generate the Certificate Authorities Key
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 1024
#generate create certificate with Key
openssl req -new -x509 -key ca.key -out demoCA/cacert.pem<

Now I have a keystore with client/server certs in it.  Then I copy the
newcerts keystore to the tomcat install (which hosts JAVA AXIS) and
use remove keytool to remove client cert from it.

Then I go back and copy cacert into the certs directory and hash it. 
Since, I think this is how to make it a trusted cert.

cp cacert.pem certs
cd certs
ln -s cacert.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in cacert.pem`.0

Any help would be appreciated,

Assistance running examples with ssl

2005-10-27 Thread Jason Musgrave
   I now have the AXIS-C calculator example client talking to a
java server instance.  The clients are on windows & AIX 5.2 and both
are working fine with http.
However when I submit over https I get an error on both platforms:
  "Exception :  HTTPTransportException:Input streaming error while
getting data Timed out waiting for HTTP header message (1)." (It's
shouldn't be a time out, it comes back instantly)
   My question is: what has anyone done to get the examples to
work with SSL.  I've been assuming the error message I keep getting is
because the client openssl  configuration doesn't like the server
cert... (which is self signed).  So I've been trying to get that
openssl on the client to recognize the signing cert as trusted.
  I haven't found anyone else online with a similar problem, so...
what did you do?  Was it this complicated?
Jason Musgrave

Re: Exception recieved from with AXIS-C & SSL

2005-10-13 Thread Jason Musgrave

I have run the C++ client against the java service successfully with a
url of: http://aixmachine:8080/axis/Calculator.jws
I have run the Java client against the java service successfully with
urls of: http://aixmachine:8080/axis/Calculator.jws &&
But I experience the unknown exception when I try the C++ client:
against the secure URL https://aixmachine:8443/axis/Calculator.jws
and if I change the config file to use the debug transport dll
(HTTPTransport_D.dll) I recieve the message about the

Should I understand from your email that I should be using a different
Transport  dll when using the SSL service?
I thought I only need to specify -->
Channel_HTTP_SSL:HTTPSSLChannel_D.dll when using ssl.


Exception recieved from with AXIS-C & SS

2005-10-13 Thread Jason Musgrave
 I am running Axis-C 1.5 using Openssl 0.9.8... (All on windows 2k
Terminal server).  The calculator example.
 I'm trying run against an 1.2.1 java axis instance running in
apache tomcat on AIX.  (a tweaked calculator example.)  It works fine
on HTTP... it adds 10 & 5 and gets 15.  (It also works fine with a
java axis client on both http & https.)  It fails with AXIS-C with the
following message

Exception : HTTPTransportException:Input streaming error while getting data Time
d out waiting for HTTP header message (1).

### A Snippet of my axis conf file.

using --> Transport_http:HTTPTransport.dll I only see:
Unknown exception has occured

So, my question is: where am I screwing up?  Is my OPENSSL setup
wrong, or have I built / configed the ssl channel stuff wrong?  Please
let me know if there is any more Information I can provide.


2005-09-21 Thread Jason Musgrave
We're using the ANT build.  We're you successful with
that or the linux build with the linux pack installed on AIX?

We use Visual Age 6.0.
We use AIX 5.2  
and  > oslevel -r
gives   5200-04

Jason Musgrave

Building Apache Axis C on AIX 5.2 with the ANT build fails

2005-09-21 Thread Jason Musgrave
Building Apache Axis C on AIX 5.2 with the ANT build fails giving:

   [cc] /usr/vacpp/exe/xlCentry -D_AIX -D_AIX32 -D_AIX41 -D_AIX43
-I/home/jmusgrav/axis/axis-c-1.5.0-linux-src/include -q64 -qlargetype
-qansialias -qstaticinline -oAxis2Transport.o
/tmp/xlcW0J-MiMa /tmp/xlcW1J-MiMb /dev/null Axis2Transport.lst
/dev/null /tmp/xlcW2J-MiMc
   [cc] "/usr/include/netinet/ip.h", line 119.25: 1540-0057 (S) The
declaration specifier is missing.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
