Hi Sahan,

Thanks for the reply. I've been putting my built dll into a directory called $AXIS2_HOME/services/EchoWebService with the dll name as EchoWebService.dll and the services.xml file containing the following:

<service name="EchoWebService">
    <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="xsd:false">EchoWebService</parameter>
        This is a testing service , to test the system is working or not
    <operation name="echoString">
            <!--messageReceiver class="axis2_receivers" /-->
            <parameter name="wsamapping" > http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/samples/echoString</parameter>

I removed the original echo sample (in case there was some clash happening) and the code itself is exactly the same as the sample, but I'm still getting this error. I attach the full axis2.log trace file.



On 5/22/06, Sahan Gamage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Andrew,

Where did you put the built dll ? The location should be
$AXIS2_HOME/services/echo/  If you haven't put the dll in there try
putting it there. If that doesn't solve the problem let us have the
complete log file so that we might be able to locate what went wrong.
IIRC there are no special options (or compiler flags) other than
standard MSVC stuff when building services.
- Sahan

Andrew Borley wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get going with Axis2C (0.91) and have started by
> attempting to build and run the echo sample in MS Visual C++ .NET
> v7.1. I can build a dll, deploy it into the sample http server, and
> see the service in the list at http://localhost:9090/axis2/services
> but I can't invoke the service. I get an "out of memory" error in the
> axis2.log file, shown below. On other occasions I've received the
> message "dll description has invalid state of not having valid dll
> create function, of valid delete function or valid dll_handler" at the
> same point (which may mean more). I'm guessing there is some issue
> with how I'm building my dll, but I've tried various options and
> haven't yet had any success.
> Can anyone help?
> Many thanks
> Andrew Borley
> [Mon May 22 11:45:37 2006] [info]  Starting HTTP server thread
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\transport\http\http_worker.c(191) Client HTTP
> version HTTP/1.1
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\xml\soap\soap_builder.c(840) identified soap version is
> soap12
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase TransportIn
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase PreDispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> AddressingInHandler within the phase PreDispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [info]  Starting addressing in handler
> .........
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase Dispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(110) Checking for service using
> WSA enpoint address :
> http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/EchoWebService
> < http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/EchoWebService>
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(140) Service found using WSA
> enpoint address
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(182) Checking for operation
> using WSA Action : http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/samples/echoString
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(188) Operation found using WSA
> Action
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase PostDispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase PostDispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> context_handler within the phase PostDispatch
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase PolicyDetermination
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [error]
> ..\..\modules\core\receivers\raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv.c(99) Impl object
> for service not set in message receiver 1 :: Out of memory
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(440) Axis2 engine receive successful
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase
> PolicyDetermination
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase MessageOut
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) Invoking phase MessageOut
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [debug]
> ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) Invoke the handler
> AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
> [Mon May 22 11:45:54 2006] [info]  Request served successfully

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Andrew Borley
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [info]  Starting Axis2 HTTP server....
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [info]  Server port : 9090
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [info]  Repo location : ../
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [info]  Read Timeout : 30000 ms
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(261) 
axis2_handler_t *addressing_based_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(261) 
axis2_handler_t *request_uri_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(261) 
axis2_handler_t *soap_action_based_dispatcher added to the index 2 of the phase 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(261) 
axis2_handler_t *soap_message_body_based_dispatcher added to the index 3 of the 
phase Dispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(261) 
axis2_handler_t *dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator added to the index 0 of the 
phase PostDispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(261) 
axis2_handler_t *context_handler added to the index 1 of the phase PostDispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\conf_builder.c(365) module addressing found in 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\util\class_loader.c(211) 
transport sender loaded successfully
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\util\class_loader.c(194) 
transport receiver loaded successfully
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
axis2_dep_engine_load_module_dll; dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\deployment\svc_builder.c(361) dll path is : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingInHandler to phase PreDispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\phaseresolver\phase_holder.c(215) Add handler 
AddressingOutHandler to phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:43 2006] [info]  Starting HTTP server thread
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] 
..\..\modules\core\transport\http\http_worker.c(191) Client HTTP version 
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\xml\soap\soap_builder.c(840) 
identified soap version is soap12
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase TransportIn
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase PreDispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler AddressingInHandler within the phase PreDispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [info]  Starting addressing in handler .........
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase Dispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler addressing_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(110) 
Checking for service using WSA enpoint address : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(140) 
Service found using WSA enpoint address
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(182) 
Checking for operation using WSA Action : 
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\addr_disp.c(188) 
Operation found using WSA Action
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler request_uri_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler soap_action_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler soap_message_body_based_dispatcher within the phase Dispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase PostDispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator within the phase 
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler context_handler within the phase PostDispatch
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase PolicyDetermination
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [error] 
..\..\modules\core\receivers\raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv.c(99) Impl object for 
service not set in message receiver 1 :: Out of memory
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(440) 
Axis2 engine receive successful
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase PolicyDetermination
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\engine.c(881) 
Invoking phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [debug] ..\..\modules\core\engine\phase.c(338) 
Invoke the handler AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut
[Mon May 22 14:26:52 2006] [warning] 
..\..\modules\core\transport\http\receiver\http_svr_thread.c(336) Error occured 
in processing request 
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