We have the floowing on line 439 of modules/xml/om/om_element.c:
return axis2_om_element_find_namespace (
(axis2_om_element_t*)AXIS2_OM_NODE_GET_DATA_ELEMENT(node, env),
                   env, parent, uri, prefix);

I think we are doing something wrong here, mixing up the element with the parent node.

Should we not have the following instead?:
return axis2_om_element_find_namespace (
(axis2_om_element_t*)AXIS2_OM_NODE_GET_DATA_ELEMENT(parent, env),
                   env, parent, uri, prefix);

Or have I missed something here?

NOTE: I get a seg fault in axis2_om_element_find_namespace for some of the responses from WCF test endpoints.


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