It seems to me that your wsdl is wrong.

Please note that you have set inpun and output messages as strRequest and

<wsdl:portType name="hello">
   <wsdl:operation name="concat" parameterOrder="str0 str1">
     <wsdl:input message="intf:strRequest" name="strRequest"/>
     <wsdl:output message="intf:strResponse" name="strResponse"/>

But you have defined the messages as helloRequest and helloResponse. And
also, please note that you have referred  as str1 and str2 but defined as
str0 and str1.

Try fixing those errors with your wsdl and regenerating the code.


On 5/15/07, Yogender Singh01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Hi All,
I have written this sample wsdl file to perform the function to accept 2
strings and concatenate as output.
But when I am generating server side files. I am not getting getter and
setter methods in axis2_concat.c and axis2_concatResponse.c files
And in serialize and deserialize methods very less code in gettign

I am attaching my sample wsdl.

Is it correct?
For this Do we have to add anything in wsdl files??


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