Re: error message cause log4j...

2005-10-22 Thread Ron Reynolds
whenever you see that message, "Please initialize the log4j system 
properly." it's because the PropertyConfigurator didn't find a file in the classpath of the ClassLoader (either thread 
context loader or the loader that loaded the log4j jar - it probably 
checks both) or you didn't call the BasicConfigurator before using the 
log4j system.  you'll need this file on both client and server side, but 
once it's loaded (as long as you don't switch to another branch of the 
ClassLoader tree - i.e., another webapp of the same server) you 
shouldn't have a problem.  is this client or server side?  do you have 
the basic components of a file?  this is the bare-bones file - it dumps everything to console:

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CONSOLE
log4j.appender.CONSOLE  = 

log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern   = %-5p %c %x:%m%n

hope this helps. 
Alberto Filho wrote:

Ok, but now, the error message is another...

java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java http://localhost:8080/axis/Hello.jws?wsdl

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectR
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.



Re: Axis and Tomcat problem - "(401)Unauthorized"

2005-10-22 Thread naveen babu
It's actually *.WSDD file. You can name it anything. Without WSDD file, i don't know how are you deploying your web services, it is the main configuration file for deploying your web services when using Apache Axis. see the link below for the documentation on it
When you download Apache Axis 1.3, see under the  axis-1-3/samples/ folder and look at some of the examples where WSDD file has been used. 
On 10/21/05, Chen, Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I could not find the server-config.wsdd file, I use Axis 1.3.  

From: naveen babu [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: Axis and Tomcat problem - "(401)Unauthorized"

it is authentication problem, if you look at your server-config.wsdd file you should have specified something like i have done, see below from my WSDD file.
             and you specify in web.xml  you specify the role as below      
  /services/*  GET  POST        
  wsrole        and in jrun-users.xml file you specify the userid and password for the rolei got this error too, let me know if i am not clear

On 10/21/05, Chen, Donald <
Yeah, this error happened when I tried to deploy a WS.Any document available online to show a way to solve this problem?  Iassume this is a common problem.
Thanks,Don-Original Message- From: Ebert, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
]Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 4:45 PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: Axis and Tomcat problem - "(401)Unauthorized" 
This is when you deploy, right? Not once it's deployed? If it's thedeploy itself it's a tomcat deploy issue (likely because ofconfiguration). While there might be help here, you'll probably havebetter luck on one of the tomcat lists (or in the Tomcat doc or FAQ.) 
Chris-Original Message-From: Chen, Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 13:31
To: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Axis and Tomcat problem - "(401)Unauthorized"
Hi, there.When I tried to deploy a service, I gotFaultString: (401)UnauthorizedSystem Info: Apache
  Tomcat 5.5.9  Axis: 1.3, Linux OS.Any idea?Thanks,Don

Support for RPC binding in Axis2

2005-10-22 Thread Uday Kamath
Any one can answer this? Please...

Will support for RPC binding based Web Service through API and through
WSDL2JAVA planned in next releases or is it not, we are planning to use
Axis2 as our backbone for Web Services and based on this we need to make
decision on RPC binding whether to use Axis 1.3 for just RPC based
Also Axis 1.3 and Axis 2.0 clients should be able to co-exist as they
have different classes and packages and it shouldn't interfere etc
whether in terms of invocation or in terms of security etc..if anyone
knows of any problems etc please let me know -Uday