I have one question...
1) I have created one Java class with say 2 methods A() and B().
2) Then I executed Java2WSDL to generate the wsdl file.
3) and then I executed wsdl to java to get all set of java files like
*Service.java;*SoapBindingImpl.java etc.
4) In the SoapBindingImpl.java I made changes related to the
implementation things required in methods A() and B();
5) If I want to add another method C() to my exiting java class and If I
execute the steps from 1-3
    then either 
            a) all my existed implemetation got vanished for moethods
A() and B() 
            b) my *SoapBindingImpl.java does not contain the added
method C() skeleton into this classs.
How can I solve this problem...I want if I make any change in my started
java class only the changed methods got afffected and the newly 
added methods got also added without affecting my existed

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