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2006-04-28 Thread Brosca Diana

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2006-04-27 Thread Brosca Diana


R: Web service with Attachment Problem

2005-12-07 Thread Brosca Diana
Title: R: Web service with Attachment Problem 

Hello Wade
Firstly thanks for your help.
Then, I'm trying to implement a web service with a WSDL as you have indicated.

The type:

    http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://vbl.wservices.nomadic.atosorigin.com/ReceiverFileServiceInput" elementFormDefault="qualified">


become in java:

public class NodeDocument  implements java.io.Serializable {
    private java.lang.String name;
    private java.lang.String type;
    private byte[] content;

    public NodeDocument() {


I haven't a Object type but a byte[] type. Can I use the javax.activation.DataHandler again?

Moreover, how I can read the attachment in the  ReceiverFileBindingImplClass
 that implements the web service?

public class ReceiverFileBindingImpl implements     com.atosorigin.nomadic.wservices.ReceiverFilewebservice.ReceiverFilePortType{

        public java.lang.String         receiverFileOperation(com.atosorigin.nomadic.wservices.vbl.ReceiverFileServiceInput.NodeDocument in) throws java.rmi.RemoteException, com.atosorigin.nomadic.wservices.vbl.FaultMessages.FaultMessage {

        return null;


Have you a example of this?

Thanks for your help


Async web service

2005-12-06 Thread Brosca Diana


I'm implementing a asynchronous web service: in
the wsdl I have only the input. 

Can I use the  JAVA2WSDL tool for generate the class
that implements the service?


Thanks in advance




Web service with Attachment with

2005-12-06 Thread Brosca Diana


I have a question for you.

How I can implement a web service that has a pdf  in

Can I use the WSDL2Java tool for generate the class
that implements the web service?

I'm using Axis 1.2RC

Thanks for your help
