Re: Unable to find a javac compiler; when opening URL: http://localhost:8080/axis/happyaxis.jsp

2006-04-16 Thread Chris Smith

Alexandr Khlystov wrote:

Unable to find a javac compiler; is not on the classpath.
Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK



Those environment variables are set to those values in what context?  The 
one you use to start Tomcat?  Or just in some command shell somewhere?

(Incidentally, you do not need to put jre/lib/rt.jar in the CLASSPATH.  In 
fact, you probably shouldn't set a CLASSPATH at all.)

The Easiest Way To Train Anyone... Anywhere.

Chris Smith - Lead Software Developer/Technical Trainer
MindIQ Corporation 

Re: Generating Web Service with Axis 1.3

2006-04-05 Thread Chris Smith

Daniel Destro wrote:

Axis code generation process seems to be a little bit cumbersome,
because, first of all, I have to create the WSDL, then the
server-side classes are generated from the WSDL. It would be much
easier if we could do it with only one single step and it could also
use my original business class instead of make me add code to
delegate the calls from the XXXImpl class to the business class.

If you already have both the WSDL and the implementation classes, then you 
don't need to use WSDL2Java at all.  Instead, you would just write a WSDD 
file pointing to your existing WSDL and Java code.  You would need to 
include type mappings in that file, potentially using bean serializers or 
even custom serializers if your data classes are not beans.  This will not 
be a trivial process, since you need to match your existing code to the 
existing WSDL interface, and there may be problems on either side.

WSDL2Java is meant to generate Java code, if it doesn't already exist... for 
example, if you've built the interface specification first as a WSDL file 
and a set of related XSDs, and then you want to build an implementation from 

The Easiest Way To Train Anyone... Anywhere.

Chris Smith - Lead Software Developer/Technical Trainer
MindIQ Corporation 

Re: How to Implement ws starting from wsdl in Axis,

2006-04-03 Thread Chris Smith

Jinyuan Zhou wrote:

I am new to Axis. All the docuemtn/articals I found is about  how to
expose your existing java class method as a web services.  Is there
any quick tutorial about implementing the webservice starting from a
wsdl only and the implmented ws will publish the same wsdl?

Just use the -s option to generate the templates for the server-side 
implementation of the web service.  You will implement a class called 
XXXBindingImpl, for some value of XXX.  The implementation classes then need 
to be placed in a location so that it's accessible to Axis in your web 
container, and you need to deploy it as usual with the generated WSDD file, 
which will be called "deploy.wsdd"

Simple enough?

The Easiest Way To Train Anyone... Anywhere.

Chris Smith - Lead Software Developer/Technical Trainer
MindIQ Corporation