

New user to axis.  I’ve been unable to find any in depth documentation or discussion of the code generation engine.  I’m digging through the codegen module trying to figure out how to plug into the code generation to add stuff specific to our project.  In this project the WSDL is going to be dynamic for some time.  My current plan is to use a simple name matching pattern that would be easy to dynamically generate code for.  The idea is to create one class per service (Class name = Service name) and one method per action in the service (method name = action name).  In those external classes I would implement the necessary business functionality.  Which, though volatile, we wish to manage it through standard source control mechanisms.


So the ideal body of a generated function would look like this:


public class DocumentServicePortTypeSkeleton {


import mypackage.DocumentService;


public OMElement getDocument () throws Exception {

      return DocumentService.getDocument();





I’ve found the SkeletonTemplate.xsl file.  Obviously I could pull this out and modify it to suit my needs, rejar and run with it.  However, my impression is that you’ve designed to allow me to point the CodeGenerator at other instances of something like SkeletonTemplate.xsl.


Is there a solution of the second type? (write my own .xsl and register it somehow with codegen)  If so, is there any documentation on this method of interaction?  (Mailing list posts, design documents, tutorial)




P.S.  I’m also wanting to do something similar to the build.xml file generated for Ant, to include our class files in the generated aar.  If there is an alternative location within the exploded axis2 webapp for dumping a jar-file for access by a specific aar, that would meet our purposes as well.  But I haven’t done all of the research yet on this issue.




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David S. Boyer

Sr. S/W Developer

Telelogic North America

Business: +1 (703) 944-9289

Mobile: +1 (703) 944-9289



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David Boyer
Sr. Software Developer
Telelogic North America Inc.
11911 Freedom Drive,
Suite 1180
United States

Phone: +1 (703) 944-9289
Mobile phone: +1 (703) 944-9289


 Telelogic - Requirements-Driven Innovation!

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