Re: Simple question....

2005-03-24 Thread Elaine Nance
Here are also simple questions, not particularly aimed at you:
Why would your service be responsible for what the subscriber 
does to handle the responses?  If the interface is fully 
specified by the wsdl then the client will be able to consume it.

What, specifically, are you doing that you need to concern 
yourself with client-side handlers?

I'm not being a smartie here.  I see a lot of posts similar to 
yours and I wonder why:

  1) the provider wants to be responsible for the subscriber - 
frankly I'd love it if our enterprise IT even *thought* about 
providing usable client code.  I will absolutely settle for a 
wsdl which doesn't make me hand-code parsers for every 
string-wrapped xml document.

  2) so many services don't seem to be designed as services - 
it's as if the cart is driving the horse, as in we already have 
the application/interfaces/classes that we'd like to expose as a 
web service . . .

  3) SOAP is decided as the solution when the problem hasn't 
been analyzed

Dan O'Neill wrote:
I'm tired trying to get them to work. Do Client-side service-specific
handlers work? If you put them in client-config.wsdd? I know that if I
change them to global they work?
I've got some working by using setClientHandlers() in the client code
but I don't always have the luxury of changing people's java client?

 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --

Re: [Axis] Questions about linux edition

2005-03-22 Thread Elaine Nance
I'm running Axis 1.1 (stable release) on Mandrake 9.2 with JDK 
1.4.2_06.  Working out of an old Gateway box on a PIII 800 Mhz 
w/only 384 Mb RAM.  Tomcat 5.0.28.

No problems with it as a test machine.
Connected with our Oracle server using the Oracle JDBC thin 
clients and ran some pretty rigorous tests of a remote web service.

(1) separates the test box from my Windows workstation
(2) performance using NetBeans as IDE is only a little slower 
than on Windows with a P4 1.5Ghz
(3) stable, stable, stable.
(4) very easy to work from the command line and see everything 
going on
(5)  If something goes wrong the whole system doesn't have to be 
rebuilt.  My Win2k workstation was recently rebuilt, took our 
network tech several days.  It *still* is apparently no longer 
compatible with the latest Symantec Corp AV client (for some 
unknown reason), and can't use the latest NetWare client (reason 
also unknown).  NEVER have those kind of problems with Mandrake, 
unless using Mandrake Move. ;

Yu Jie wrote:
Hi all,
I'm a beginner of Apache Axis, I want to install
Axis on two linux platform: mandrake and MontaVista.
Is anybody try it? Does Axis can running properly on
these two platform?
Yours Yu Jie
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 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --

Re: Array of objects

2005-03-15 Thread Elaine Nance
Link reports Document has no data
Dino Chiesa wrote: 

-Original Message-
From: bohldan bohldan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:37 AM
Subject: Array of objects

Hi I think ive tried everything and i searched for a while now on how i send an 
array of object. If someone has something that works can that someone be nice 
to give me an example of the client, wsdd file. This is how my code look like..
String endpointURL = 
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
QName qn = new QName( urn:GlazeService, User );
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( new );
call.registerTypeMapping( User.class,
org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory(User.class, qn),
User[] tomte = (User[])call.invoke(new Object [] {});
System.out.println(Size:  + tomte.length);
for(int i = 0; i  tomte.length; i++){

wsdd file
deployment xmlns=;
service name=GlazeService provider=java:RPC
parameter name=className value=GlazeService.Service/
parameter name=allowedMethods value=*/
beanMapping languageSpecificType=java:GlazeService.Service
   qname=ns1:User xmlns:ns1=urn:GlazeService/
typeMapping qname=glaze:ArrayOfUser type=java:GlazeService.User[]
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 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --

Another basic question: faults best practices

2005-03-14 Thread Elaine Nance
TIA for your kind response:
This is related to trying to get an improved wsdl.
The situation is this:
Trying to program to a service with well-formed in messages and 
not so swell out messages.

This question probably implies other questions as well.
Many of the out messages (responses) may contain an errors 
element.  However, since ALL out messages are defined as strings, 
there is no type definition for the errors element which may be 
contained in the xml document stuffed into a string.

Should errors be returned as SOAP faults?  If not, why not?
All input appreciated,
 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --

Re: wsdl/soap question

2005-03-11 Thread Elaine Nance
Thanks again.  I am studying the XML primer now.
My first forays into SOAP-land were using the MS SOAP toolkit 3 
and VB 6.  Some of the stuff works and some not.  MS never 
corrected some of the known bugs between 2 and 3.  Fortunately 
for me I am comfortable with sockets and the Win32 API in VB, so 
. . .

However, we are moving toward a Java environment, so this has 
also been my learning environment for Java.  Steep, steep curves.

BUT, a well-formed wsdl and WSDL2Java are so, so easy.  I was 
testing against a decent external service and studied the code 
and built the tests, logged everything, no problem.

This service which returns a string for EVERYTHING -- PROBLEMS 
everywhere.  Some of the returns are simple strings, some 
delimited strings, but most are XML documents as String.  Horrid, 
horrid.  Especially because the WSDL is subject to change.

Our best hope for positive change is to present the managing 
group with a correct wsdl and say, Please program to this for 
these reasons.

Anne Thomas Manes wrote:

No need to apologize. XML Schema is a very complex subject, and lots
of people get confused. In fact, someone sent me a note off list
thanking me for answering your questions.
When learning schema, I suggest you start with the Primer:
Also, XML Schema has been updated since the document you referenced.
The two current specifications are at and
I also suggest reading Namespaces in XML: 

I also recommend reading some of the various vendor documentation. I
particularly like Systinet's documentation. They have a really nice
web services primer:
Plus there are tons of articles available at IBM's developerWorks and
various web services community pages that can help you learn your way
And, as far as your secnd question goes, putting extraneous namespace
declarations in a document isn't a bad thing, except that it makes the
document just that much bigger. Most SOAP toolkits automatically stuff
every WSDL document with a bunch of standard namespace declarations,
even if they aren't used.
[snipped previous posts]
 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --

wsdl/soap question

2005-03-09 Thread Elaine Nance
TIA for considering these questions.
I am working through the note at 
!--, but mapping 
it to my understanding of what I'm seeing gives rise to questions 
(and frustrations).

 1) How does a wsdl indicate that headers are required?
 2) Fragment of existing wsdl which appears to be incorrect:
s:element name=AdminAuthHeader type=s0:AdminAuthHeader/
   s:complexType name=AdminAuthHeader
s:element maxOccurs=1 minOccurs=0 
name=sAdminLogin type=s:string/
s:element maxOccurs=1 minOccurs=0 
name=sPassword type=s:string/
s:element maxOccurs=1 minOccurs=1 
name=nExSysID type=s:int/
s:element maxOccurs=1 minOccurs=1 
name=nMajorVersion type=s:int/
 s:element maxOccurs=1 minOccurs=1 
name=nMinorVersion type=s:int/

  a)  Shouldn't this have an end /s:element tag and not have 
the / in the leading element tag before the s:complexType tag?
  b)  Shouldn't minOccurs=1 indicate a required parameter?

 3) Fragment of existing wsdl:
   a) Wouldn't it be better to import the additional namespaces 
using the import tag?
   b) Shouldn't the s namespace designated above be xsd and 
point to;?
   c) Shouldn't the soapenc namespace be SOAP-ENC?

I've been told that wsdl is generated automatically, but if it is 
the tool seems inadequte. (NOT Axis!)

Final question for this:
 4) Am I on the right track with the wsdl?
 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --

Re: Handmade WSDL?

2005-03-01 Thread Elaine Nance
Thank you so very much.
I suspected something like this, especially after investigating a 
well-formed SOAP service (from Melissa Data) and working through 
the client code generated by WSDL2Java for it.

I'm pretty new to all of this so I have to keep looking up 
everything.  And it seems that everything I'm learning involves 
twelve other things to learn as well. ;)

Gotta love it . . .
Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
Ah -- I see. This DataSet is coming from a .NET service (probably
generated by ADO.NET), and then stuffed into the SOAP message as a
string. Unfortunately, because the string starts with the ?xml
declaration, you won't be able to get Axis to process it for you. You
are going to have to extract the string and then process it using SAX
or DOM.
You need to go abuse the card processing folks. This is what's known
as a worst practice.
 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --

Re: Handmade WSDL?

2005-02-28 Thread Elaine Nance
Well, I can contact the project manager and ask, but that would 
be effective only if I rewrite the WSDL first and include 
samples.  The project manager is not a programmer.

ITMT, which form of the changed WSDL below will be best?  The 
responses which return xml documents (as strings) all seem to use 
the root element of NewDataSet /, which I think violates the 
WSDL specification for uniqueness. [?]

I am currently reading the WSDL 1.1 W3C Note dated 15 March 2001, 
but the published wsdl doesn't seem to quite match with that, and 
this doc is definitely *not* WSDL 2.0 compliant.

Really appreciate the input. :)  I want to do this as well as 

Thanks again,
Dino Chiesa wrote:
Not stupid...
Your approach is reasonable, but... Can you not contact the card
processing service people and ask them to resolve the  difference
between the doc and the WSDL ?
-Original Message-
From: Elaine Nance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 3:45 PM
Subject: Handmade WSDL?

Hope this is not stupid, but
Problem:  the wsdl for our (supposedly) enterprise credit card
processing service shows well defined request parameters, but the
  SOAP responses are all designated as string, as shown below.
I am thinking that the best way to generate the client stubs I need in
Java is to create a wsdl with better response typing and generate the
stubs using WSDL2Java and then test.
Does it make sense to proceed like the above? or should I just build
parsers using SAX or DOM or whatever?
Thank you,
  - example request
s:element name=GetAVSResponseCodeValue
   s:element minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1 name=sCode 
type=s:string /

  - example response as given
s:element name=GetAVSResponseCodeValueResponse
   s:element minOccurs=0 maxOccurs=1 
name=GetAVSResponseCodeValueResult type=s:string /

   s:complexType type=s:AVSRespCode
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=AVSCode 
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=AVSMessage 
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=ID 
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=Status 

s:element name=GetAVSResponseCodeValueResponse
   s:complexType type=s:NewDataSet
 s:sequence type=s:AVSRespCode
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=AVSCode 
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=AVSMessage 
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=ID 
   s:element minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=1 name=Status 

  - the web service docs indicate that the xml returned (minus SOAP
envelope) will look like the following:
 AVSMessageNo Address Supplied/AVSMessage

 |  Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
 | --  Pablo Picasso  --