RE: Axis-schema.jar in 1.3 axis

2006-06-15 Thread Flores, Raul
Thanks Dave.

Great Job! 

Raul Flores
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Axis-schema.jar in 1.3 axis

It's built by running XmlSchema compiler on some xsd's. check the xml
files in the xmls/ directory for more info. It's under ASL 2.0 just like
other axis artifacts

-- dims

On 6/15/06, Flores, Raul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> axis-schema.jar
> Can anyone tell me where this jar came from? Who owns it / what 
> license it is being distributed under?
> Thanks,
> Raul Flores
> Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

Davanum Srinivas :

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Axis-schema.jar in 1.3 axis

2006-06-15 Thread Flores, Raul
Title: Axis-schema.jar in 1.3 axis


Can anyone tell me where this jar came from? Who owns it / what license it is being distributed under?


Raul Flores

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

RE: org.w3c.Documnet <-> SOAPEnvelope

2006-06-09 Thread Flores, Raul

I encountered this same issue, and used the 
individual elements produced by WSS4J to append into the axis 
Not sure if this is the best approach (i am only 
prototyping), but this is what I did:
   // Get soap 
message and convert to a document
Message message = 
Document messageDoc 
= message.getSOAPEnvelope().getAsDocument();
   // WSS4J - build SAML 
   SAMLIssuer saml = 
SAMLIssuerFactory.getInstance("");   saml.setInstanceDoc(messageDoc);   saml.setUserCrypto(crypto);   saml.setUsername("mykey");   SAMLAssertion 
assertion = saml.newAssertion();
   // WSS4J - build wsse 
security header
   WSSecHeader wsHeader = 
new WSSecHeader();   wsHeader.setMustUnderstand(true);
   // Get the wsse security 
header as an element and append the 
assertion   Element wsHeader = 
shead.insertSecurityHeader(messageDoc);   wsHeader.appendChild(assertion.toDOM(messageDoc));
   // append 
the wsse header and saml token into the soap response 
message   message.getSOAPHeader().appendChild(wsHeader);
Raul Flores 

From: Cristian Opincaru 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 4:14 
wss4j-dev@ws.apache.orgSubject: org.w3c.Documnet <-> 
Hi,I want to use WSS4J to do some encryption / decryption 
with SOAP and for this I have to convert the SOPA message in DOM (the WSS4J API 
does all processing with Document objects). After using the WSS4J routines, I 
must convert the message from Document back to SOAPEnvelope, and this is where 
my problems start. I googled a bit, and ended up with two ways of doing 
this. This one is:public static SOAPMessage toSOAPMessage(Document doc) 
throws Exception {    Canonicalizer 
byte[] canonicalMessage = 
ByteArrayInputStream in = new 
factory = org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.newInstance 
();    return (SOAPMessage) 
factory.createMessage(null, in);    }This is where the 
AXIS classes are used (I guess).The second one is:   
public static SOAPMessage toSOAPMessage(Document doc) throws Exception { 
        MessageFactory factory = 
SOAPMessage m = (SOAPMessage) factory.createMessage();    
DOMSource(doc));        return 
m;            }This is 
where the SUN implementetion is used (aganin, not really sure).Anyway, 
both seem to work in some cases, while in others I get some wierd SAX Exceptions 
(like documents must start and end with the same entity). Since I assume 
this is a pretty standard thingm, can anyone indicate me how's the right way to 
do it? Also I think there might be a problem because of the libraries that I'm 
using (perhaps I'm using the wrong versions / or simply mixing SOAP 
implementations). Can anyone tell me what libraries (and versions) I should use 
in order to avoid problems? Thanks!Cristian-- 
Cristian OPINCARUUniversity of the Federal Armed Forces Munich 

RE: SAML in message response body

2006-06-07 Thread Flores, Raul

Thank you for the reply.
The wss saml token appears to be what I 
Raul Flores Lockheed Martin Aeronautics 

From: Anne Thomas Manes 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 7:50 
AMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: SAML in message 
response body
Why are you adding a  element to the message? I 
would only expect to see this element when you're using the SAML protocol to 
request a SAML token from a SAML provider, and in that case, I would expect the 
SAML response to be returned in the Body--but you should not return your 
 in the same Body. If your goal is to 
return a SAML authentication assertion with the 
, then you should do so using a WS-Security 
header and a SAML token. (i.e, don't use the SAML protocol). See, 
you could define your  element to contain the 
 (assuming the application wants to manipulate the SAML 
assertion). Anne
On 6/5/06, Flores, 

  I built an axis client/service which adds a 
  SAMLResponse to an outgoing message's soap body (see below).  The wsdl 
  for this service has no reference to the SAML part of the response.  My 
  question is: Can I get the client to ignore the SAML in this response? 
  Currently the client throws exceptions (deserializer trying to parse the 
  SAML). I believe this is due to the namespaces. 
  Is the normal way of dealing with this a handler, 
  and the handler removes the SAML message parts? " xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
you did it this 
   urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:cm:artifact ">  allowed true 
  Raul Flores Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company 

SAML in message response body

2006-06-05 Thread Flores, Raul
Title: SAML in message response body

I built an axis client/service which adds a SAMLResponse to an outgoing message's soap body (see below).  The wsdl for this service has no reference to the SAML part of the response.  My question is: Can I get the client to ignore the SAML in this response? Currently the client throws exceptions (deserializer trying to parse the SAML). I believe this is due to the namespaces.

Is the normal way of dealing with this a handler, and the handler removes the SAML message parts?" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

you did it this time







Raul Flores

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company

RE: [axis2] WSDL2Java.bat warning

2006-05-25 Thread Flores, Raul
Try adding:
log4j.rootCategory=ERROR, CONSOLE

Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Mark Beckwith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:16 AM
Subject: [axis2] WSDL2Java.bat warning

Hi, I'm new to axis2. Many people have reported having this same
problem, but I can't seem to fix it and would like your help.

If I type:

~> WSDL2Java.bat

I get :

Using AXIS2_HOME:   C:/java/axis2
Using JAVA_HOME:C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.5.0_06
Using CLASSPATH:c:\java\lib
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

I can't get rid of the log4j warnings.  (I added "Using CLASSPATH"
line to the bat file myself)

In C:\java\lib I have a file that looks like:

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CONSOLE
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c %x:%m%n

Based on what I've read, this should have fixed the problem.  Also, I'm
using cygwin's rxvt as my console.



Mark Beckwith, Intrig (

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RE: [Axis2] What values are allowed for ?

2006-04-13 Thread Flores, Raul

Even though it may not conform, you still have to deal with it!

Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Ali Sadik Kumlali [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] What values are allowed for ?

I've tested it. Axis2 happily sends and receives MessageID like "abc
123 4as   arw4343 -?;,[EMAIL PROTECTED] $". I was also able to send 1000 
long MessageID without any problem. Does it conform to IRI standard?

Thanks a lot.

Ali Sadik Kumlali

--- Ali Sadik Kumlali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thank you very much for the quick answer.
> Please see my inline comments.
> --- David Illsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > > According to
> > > schema, it can be any value.
> > 
> > That's not entirely correct, the definition is broad but there are 
> > some  requirements. The specification text requires [message id] be 
> > a valid absolute IRI while the schema requires an xs:anyURI
> You seem right. But, I was able to put any text in any size into 
> xs:anyURI qualified field. You can test it with the following schema 
> and instance.
> anyURITest.xsd
>   xmlns:xs="";
>   xmlns:wsa=""; 
>   elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
> schemaLocation=""/>
>  type="wsa:AttributedURIType"/>
> Xml instance which is valid against the anyURITest.xsd
>   xmlns:wsa="";
>   xmlns:xsi=""; 
>   xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="anyURITest.xsd">
>   abc 123 4as   arw4343 -?;,[EMAIL PROTECTED] $
>   abc 123 4as   arw4343 -?;,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> $
>   abc 123 4as   arw4343 -?;,[EMAIL PROTECTED] $
> > 
> > > 
> > > 1) I need to write MessageID value to the database and therefore 
> > > need to know exact size and format of it.
> > > Is there a *sender neutral* way of this?
> > 
> > No. All you can know is that a conformant message id is an IRI
> If I'm not missing something, according to the my previous comment, 
> IRI can be *anything*.
> > > 
> > > 2) Although schema does not 
> > > mandate for a special format, does Axis2 expect a special pattern?
> > 
> > The spec requires an IRI so if it did expect something I'd be more 
> > than a little surprised given the interop results.
> Is there any interop test that sets MessageID to the nonconformant IRI

> value? I mean, if someone has sent
> a value like "abc 123 4as   arw4343 -?;,[EMAIL PROTECTED] $" ?
> (I'm going to try it with Axis2 :-)
> > > 3) Must I make sure that I can safely write MessageID without 
> > > contradicting database schema constraints, if it has passed 
> > > through Axis2?
> > 
> > A quick look at the code suggests no :-( I can't see any validation 
> > of the  MessageID e.g. that it is actually a valid URI/IRI
> > 
> > Hope this helps,
> > David
> Thanks again.
> Ali Sadik Kumlali
> __
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RE: Axis and Tapestry (or other)

2006-01-11 Thread Flores, Raul
Just prototype, but have used T4 with Axis 1.2.1 to connect to an axis
webservice (does an authentication).

Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Stijn Christiaens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8:22 AM
Subject: Axis and Tapestry (or other)


does anyone have experience in combining Axis and Tapestry (+Hivemind)?



RE: Axis 1.2 handlers

2005-10-18 Thread Flores, Raul
I found the following in this article:

>From above article:

 To create an Axis client that uses simple sessions, you need to
configure the Axis client-side framework to use the handler. The
procedure is similar to that for the server, but instead of deploying to
the server, the config file is created locally. You do this by running
the org.apache.axis.utils.Admin application. You run the code like this:

org.apache.axis.utils.Admin client deploy.wsdd

Once you have a client-config.wsdd, you can configure the handler
section same as for the server side.


-Original Message-
From: Coyne, Jimmy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:45 AM
To: ''
Subject: Axis 1.2 handlers

Hi all,
Could any body show me some information on how to configure handlers on
the axis client side ?
Did a search on google , but came up with nothing .

RE: overriding autogenerated wsdl

2005-10-14 Thread Flores, Raul
Specifying the wsdl file in the server-config.wsdd is only a way of
providing the wsdl without axis having to regenerate the wsdl every time
it is requested. 

This in not intended to alter the format of the services operations (as
defined by deploy.wsdd). 

Raul Flores

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 11:22 AM
Subject: overriding autogenerated wsdl

I've been trying to override the default wsdl that is produced for my
webService.  I have a wrapped/doc/literal style webservice.  The
contents of the .wsdd follow:";


I've placed the in the ${TOMCAT_HOME}\axis\WEB-INF\classes directory.
I've verified that the server-config.wsdd has been updated properly.

When I access the service wsdl via: 

I see the wsdl correctly.  I then invoke my service and monitor the
traffic using TCPMon.  The SOAP response appears to be formatted in
accordance to the "autogenerated wsdl" rather than the wsdl I've
specified.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



btw: I'm using axis 1.2.1 and tomcat 5.0

RE: Axis 1.2.1 and Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit interoperability

2005-08-19 Thread Flores, Raul

It appears to be an rpc/encoded service, which will not 
play with .net.
Alter the service to a doc/lit 
Raul Flores 

From: Nicklas Karlsson 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 3:06 
AMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Axis 1.2.1 and 
Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit interoperability
Hello,  I have deployed a proto for a WS in Axis 1.2.1 
that is working just fine with a dummy Axis client but I have some problems 
getting it to work with the O2003 Toolkit. The wizard finds the WS just fine and 
generates the code but when running it an error occurs when initing the 
service:"SoapMapper:The schema definition with a targetnamespace of 
for SoapMapper string could not be found HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified 
error - WSDLOperation:Initialization of a SoapMapper for operation dump 
failed HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified error - WSDLOperation:Initializing of 
the output messaged failed for operation dump HRESULT=0x80004005: Unspecified 
error"I am quite the noob when it comes to XML and WS :-/ Is it 
something with the namespace/soapenc or? It would be nice if I could present an 
Excel view of  the data generated in Axis to our customer. It is supposed 
to return an array of Product objects (containing only a string attribute for 
now).Thankful for any assistance!,  - NikThe wsdl 
generated by Axis is:xmlns:apachesoap="" 
"/>  " 

RE: gaining socket information

2005-07-25 Thread Flores, Raul



(AxisHttpSession) MessageContext.getCurrentContext().getSession();

Raul Flores
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
RAS Web Services
1 Lockheed Martin Blvd. 
MailZone 2357 
Fort Worth TX 76108 

-Original Message-
From: csj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: gaining socket information

If I cant gain direct access to the socket, getting to the
HttpServletRequest would work also..

On Mon, 25 Jul 2005, csj wrote:

> All -
> How can I obtain information about the socket a client is connecting 
> on within Axis.
> For example gaining the clients IP address, port, session, etc...
> Any help would be great!
> Regards

RE: persisting session state between different web services

2005-07-11 Thread Flores, Raul

If you do find a better way of doing this, please update 
me, or post to the user list.
I believe the method you refer to, a cookie container, is 
how .Net works. The same cookie container can be assigned to many different 
Raul Flores 

From: Tim Dionne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 6:18 PMTo: 
axis-user@ws.apache.orgCc: Manny PanisSubject: RE: 
persisting session state between different web services

Yes, they are on the same server.  I actually tried 
this after I posted and it works.  I still think there might 
be a cleaner way of doing this so that I don't have to document this for people 
who intent to use the services.  Maybe a CookieContainer class that 
persists the cookie for the http session and not just the one service 
Thanks for your response!

From: Flores, Raul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 4:11 PMTo: 
axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: RE: persisting session state between 
different web services

Are the services you wish to interface with on the same 
server? If so the try something like this:
(Stub) serviceB)._setProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE,   
( (Stub) serviceA)._getCall().getMessageContext().getProperty("Cookie"));
Raul Flores 

From: Tim Dionne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 2:01 PMTo: 
axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: persisting session state between 
different web services

I have created about 
9 different web services for performing different functions on a main frame 
computer.  The session is long-lived and one login authenticates you for 
more than one request.  The problem I'm having is that I cannot persist the 
session state between the different services.  I have used 
setMaintainState(true) which works for multiple requests in the same service, 
but I cannot figure out how to persist the session between all the 
services.  I would like to be able to to run the ConnectService and then 
access any of the other 8 services without authenticating again.  Can 
anyone tell me if this is even possible?
Tim Dionne
Software Developer
Serena Software, Inc.
(650)522-6554 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: persisting session state between different web services

2005-07-07 Thread Flores, Raul

Are the services you wish to interface with on the same 
server? If so the try something like this:
(Stub) serviceB)._setProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE,   
( (Stub) serviceA)._getCall().getMessageContext().getProperty("Cookie"));
Raul Flores 

From: Tim Dionne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 2:01 PMTo: 
axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: persisting session state between 
different web services

I have created about 
9 different web services for performing different functions on a main frame 
computer.  The session is long-lived and one login authenticates you for 
more than one request.  The problem I'm having is that I cannot persist the 
session state between the different services.  I have used 
setMaintainState(true) which works for multiple requests in the same service, 
but I cannot figure out how to persist the session between all the 
services.  I would like to be able to to run the ConnectService and then 
access any of the other 8 services without authenticating again.  Can 
anyone tell me if this is even possible?
Tim Dionne
Software Developer
Serena Software, Inc.
(650)522-6554 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the 
individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Any unauthorized review, use, 
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RE: Collections classes?

2005-07-05 Thread Flores, Raul

Save this thread. Someday you might need a good laugh, and when you do,
read it again (if you can handle laughing at yourself).

Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Scott Lamb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Collections classes?

On 4 Jul 2005, at 08:38, Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
> Actually, a list is a specialization of an array, not the other way 
> around. As James says, a list requires more information than an XSD 
> type array. An XSD type array has no sense of order or index. It is 
> simply a repeating element. There's no metadata included in each of 
> the repeating element to indicate indexing or ordering.

Okay, first of all, when I've been describing arrays, I'm talking about
arrays on the Java side. I've been treating the SOAP side as a black
box. I know that Axis is capable of producing a Java array, which has
the same requirements as a Java List. Thus, I don't need to know
_anything_ about SOAP or XSD to know that you are wrong. The ordering
information is there. To give a concrete example, when I do a google
search with their published WSDL, I get my results in order.  
I simply want that to be a with a List rather than a

Secondly, of course the XSD does not describe ordering. It doesn't need
to. When you serialize something as a stream of bytes, you're always
putting them in order. It's called serialization for a reason.  
The order of the array/list/whatever is the order that the objects are
written in.

> SOAPpy can easily maps things around because Python is a loosely typed

> language. Java is strongly typed and therefore much more strict about 
> mapping types.

If it can map it to a Java ResultElement[] in advance, why can't it map
it to a Java List in advance? Strong typing is not the

> In any case, if you want to map the returned array to a Java 
> collection class, then you must write a custom deserializer that does 
> so. You also must define a client config file that tells Axis to use 
> your custom deserializer.

How would I write this custom deserializer? All the information I've
seen on the website - and the articles James Black linked to - seem to
be talking about registering new types: i.e., a " <->
Blah". I want to change how XSD x[] to map to Java List rather than
Java x[], for all x.

Once I do that, I'll look into more sophisticated collections: Maps,
Sets. I don't know if that's possible, but I'd like to try.


Scott Lamb 

WSDL and multiple port types

2005-06-21 Thread Flores, Raul
Title: WSDL and multiple port types


I have defined two Ports in my WSDL file (doc/lit) and thus two addresses: localhost/dataService (dWS)  and localhost/adminService (aWS)

The set of operations for dWS includes a login operation. Under Tomcat, I can login to dWS and use the returned JSESSIONID cookie in the aWS stubs to perform any of the admin operations.

On WebSphere, this does not work. Is this possible? Does any one know of a way to make this happen?

Quite possibly this is just a bad idea (sharing the login / two port in the wsdl)?


Raul Flores

RE: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)

2005-06-10 Thread Flores, Raul
Sorry for the repost, but getting a lot of bounce mail today ...

The patch posted by Dave Tompkins and applied to axis 1.2 final works
for me on both WebShere 5.1.1 and Tomcat 5.0.28 (not that there was ever
a problem with tomcat).


Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)


does the fix work for you too?

-- dims

On 6/10/05, Flores, Raul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would also like to see 1903 get fixed.
> Raul Flores
> -Original Message-
> From: Vy Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)
> Is there any chance that this issue:
> get fixed?  It seems to have problem with many platforms.
> Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> >Folks,
> >
> >I see 5 blockers...Does anyone else have others that needs fixed
> >I may or may not downgrade some of these depending on various factors

> >(which i will of course add to the comments).
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >thanks,
> >dims
> >
> >On 6/1/05, Dan Armbrust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>If my opinion counts... this one is a critical blocker...
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Dan
> >>
> >>Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>

Davanum Srinivas -

RE: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)

2005-06-10 Thread Flores, Raul
The patch posted by Dave Tompkins and applied to axis 1.2 final works
for me on both WebShere 5.1.1 and Tomcat 5.0.28 (not that there was ever
a problem with tomcat).


Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)


does the fix work for you too?

-- dims

On 6/10/05, Flores, Raul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would also like to see 1903 get fixed.
> Raul Flores
> -Original Message-
> From: Vy Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)
> Is there any chance that this issue:
> get fixed?  It seems to have problem with many platforms.
> Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> >Folks,
> >
> >I see 5 blockers...Does anyone else have others that needs fixed
> >I may or may not downgrade some of these depending on various factors

> >(which i will of course add to the comments).
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >thanks,
> >dims
> >
> >On 6/1/05, Dan Armbrust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>If my opinion counts... this one is a critical blocker...
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Dan
> >>
> >>Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>

Davanum Srinivas -

RE: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)

2005-06-10 Thread Flores, Raul
I would also like to see 1903 get fixed.

Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Vy Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: Blockers for Axis 1.2.1 Release(?)

Is there any chance that this issue:

get fixed?  It seems to have problem with many platforms.

Davanum Srinivas wrote:

>I see 5 blockers...Does anyone else have others that needs fixed ASAP?
>I may or may not downgrade some of these depending on various factors 
>(which i will of course add to the comments).
>On 6/1/05, Dan Armbrust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>If my opinion counts... this one is a critical blocker...
>>Davanum Srinivas wrote:

RE: Session not set in generated code

2005-05-17 Thread Flores, Raul
The deployscope attribute listed in your build.xml file is used for the
server side build. It causes the scope attribute to be generated in the
deploy.xml file as defined (application, session, request).

Once the client stubs have been generated, code the client as previously
  KodoLocator locator = new KodoLocator();
  KodoServicePortType kodoDs = locator.getKodoServicePort(url);
  ( (Stub) kodoDs).setMaintainSession(true);

Raul Flores

-Original Message-
From: Peter Bosmans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: Session not set in generated code


Thanks for the reply.
If tested your suggestion, but i get a null pointer exception in
someStub._getCall().setMaintainSession(true); // enable sessions

At that point the _call variable is not instantiated, this variable will
be instantiated when i call one of my service method's. (so, that to

But when i look into the generated code 'SomeSoapBindingStub', i found
in the method 'createCall()' the next entry :
 if (super.maintainSessionSet) {
Is there a way to set the maintainSessionSet in the super method (maybe
via a config-file or an other way)

Kind regards,

Tom Ziemer schreef:
> Hi Peter,
> you could try the following in your client:
> SomeServiceLocator someLocator = new SomeServiceLocator(); // ant 
> generated SomeSoapBindingStub someStub = null; // ant generated try {
>   someStub = SomeSoapBindingStub someLocator.getSomeService(); // 
> get the service
>   someStub._getCall().setMaintainSession(true); // enable sessions
>   someStub.someMethod(); // call one of your service's methods ...
> }
> ...
> Hope this helps,
> Regards,
> Tom
> Peter Bosmans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In my build.xml file, to generate client-side java code, i specify 
>> that the client must work in a session scope.
>> > output="${project.home.client}/src"
>> deployscope="session"
>> serverSide="no"
>> skeletonDeploy="no"
>> noimports="no"
>> verbose="no"
>> testcase="no">
>> When i run the client, it will not work in session scope.
>> Therefore i must add the following line in the generated Service
>> _call.setMaintainSession(true);
>> But i don't want to add or change stuff in generated code.
>> Is there an other way to set the maintainsession ?
>> Peter

RE: A solution to deploy Axis 1.2 on WebSphere 5.1 with PARENT_FIRST classloading...

2005-03-30 Thread Flores, Raul
> This issue can be resolved with PARENT_LAST classloading and a 
> manifest which specifies the classpath...but for those of use who 
> can't use PARENT_LAST classloading, there is another option.

Sorry if this was In a previous message, but could you describe/refer me
to the manifest change you mentioned.



-Original Message-
From: Davanum Srinivas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: A solution to deploy Axis 1.2 on WebSphere 5.1 with
PARENT_FIRST classloading...

Can you please log a bug report?


On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:17:32 -0800, David Tompkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Greetings,
> I know that deploying Axis 1.2 on WebSphere 5.1 has been a frequent 
> topic on this list, so I thought I would add my findings to the noise.
> I am deploying Axis 1.2RC3 in a war that resides within an ear. The 
> axis jars are in the war/WEB-INF/lib dir. For various reasons related 
> to the other contents of my ear, I must use PARENT_FIRST classloading.

> As many have reported, if you have PARENT_FIRST classloading on 
> WebSphere 5.1 with Axis 1.2RC3, then there is a conflict between the 
> version of saaj (1.1) that ships with WebSphere, and the version of 
> saaj (1.2) that Axis 1.2RC3 expects, and you get the following
> java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class org.apache.axis.SOAPPart

> does not implement interface org.w3c.dom.Document
> This issue can be resolved with PARENT_LAST classloading and a 
> manifest which specifies the classpath...but for those of use who 
> can't use PARENT_LAST classloading, there is another option.
> After some digging in the Axis code, it appears that a single source 
> code change to Axis will eliminate the issue altogether. The offending

> code is in org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement.addTextNode(), and 
> can be patched as
> follows: 
> public SOAPElement addTextNode(String s) throws SOAPException { 
> try {
> Text text = getOwnerDocument().createTextNode(s);
> return this;
> } catch (ClassCastException e) {
> throw new SOAPException(e);
> }
> }
> public SOAPElement addTextNode(String s) throws SOAPException { 
> try {
> Text text = new org.apache.axis.message.Text(s);
> appendChild(text);
> return this;
> } catch (ClassCastException e) {
> throw new SOAPException(e); 
> }
> }
> After making this change, Axis 1.2RC3 will run on WebSphere 5.1 with 
> PARENT_FIRST classloading, and no exceptions will be thrown.
> -DT
> -
> David Tompkins
> Sr. Computer Scientist
> Adobe Systems, Inc. 
> tompkins _AT_ adobe _DOT_ com

Davanum Srinivas -

RE: Dime Attachments

2005-03-01 Thread Flores, Raul
Here is the wsdl and the client code.

Although I have named this swa... this is not really an SwA
If I recall, I was trying to implement SwA(bp1) with Axis and doc/lit.


-Original Message-
From: Jim Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: Dime Attachments

Hi Raul,

Could you please post the client code as well.


- Original Message -
From: "Flores, Raul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: Dime Attachments

> I used the following test code to return various size files formated
> DIME from a server, and it worked (lookes like what you have). If I
> remember correctly, looking at messages via TCPMonitor, the message
> DIME looks bizarro (as compared to MIME). So if you are saying that
> things do not work because of the message format (as listed below);
> possibly things are working?
> Raul
>  public
> getDime( parameters) throws
> java.rmi.RemoteException {
> DimResData drd = new DimResData("Your file is attached DIME
> MessageContext msgContext =
> Message msg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
> msg.getAttachmentsImpl().setSendType(Attachments.SEND_TYPE_DIME);
> AttachmentPart part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
> FileDataSource("c:/java/testFile.txt")));
> part.setContentId("testFile.txt");
> msg.addAttachmentPart(part);
> // 2.5M
> part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
> FileDataSource("C:/Documents and Settings/My
> Documents/Understanding_Web_Services_Security.pdf")));
> part.setContentId("Understanding_Web_Services_Security.pdf");
> msg.addAttachmentPart(part);
> // 15M
> // part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
> FileDataSource("C:/Documents and Settings/My Documents/My
> Downloads/")));
> // 410M
> // part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
> FileDataSource("C:/Documents and Settings/My
> Documents/en_office_2003_pro.iso")));
> return drd;
> }
> -Original Message-
> From: Shawn Konopinsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 3:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Dime Attachments
> I have what seems to be a problem with send DIME attachments in SOAP.
> Mime works just fine for me when I use the following to set the send
> type:
> reply.getAttachmentsImpl().setSendType(Attachments.SEND_TYPE_MIME).
> However, when I make the simple modification to the line above to use
> DIME as the send type (replace Attachments.SEND_TYPE_MIME with
> Attachments.SEND_TYPE_DIME), it doesn't work.
> Is there anything additional that I have to do aside from setting the
> attachment type to DIME to switch between a MIME and DIME attachment
> type?
> I am viewing the request/response through Axis' TCP Tunnel viewer.
> I run through a request with DIME, the response from the server looks
> like
> this:
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=754354ADC18D3D950CEACF80F0191805; Path=/bind
> Content-Type: application/dime;charset=utf-8
> Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 20:50:51 GMT
> Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
> Connection: close
> "xsd:int">1
>see attachment
>(+(+RecordType:(interaction complex
> pathway ) +(gi:(4757840  -((+BINDInteraction.a.type:"not
> specified" +BINDInteraction.a.shortlabel:"Unknown")
> (+BINDInteraction.b.type:"not specified"
> +BINDInteraction.b.shortlabel:"Unknown"))
> As you can see it seems as if the response is malformed. Not sure if
> this is a result of the problem, or something wrong with the proxy
> I am using to view the response. It is stumping me because MIME works
> fine, and DIME give me the weird result above. No exceptions seem to
> thrown from the SOAP server.
> Has anyone else had a problem like this or know how I might
> it?

Description: swa_1.wsdl

RE: Dime Attachments

2005-02-28 Thread Flores, Raul

I used the following test code to return various size files formated
DIME from a server, and it worked (lookes like what you have). If I
remember correctly, looking at messages via TCPMonitor, the message with
DIME looks bizarro (as compared to MIME). So if you are saying that
things do not work because of the message format (as listed below);
possibly things are working?


getDime( parameters) throws
java.rmi.RemoteException {

DimResData drd = new DimResData("Your file is attached DIME ");
MessageContext msgContext = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
Message msg = msgContext.getResponseMessage();
AttachmentPart part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
// 2.5M
part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
FileDataSource("C:/Documents and Settings/My
// 15M
// part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
FileDataSource("C:/Documents and Settings/My Documents/My
// 410M
// part = new AttachmentPart(new DataHandler(new
FileDataSource("C:/Documents and Settings/My

return drd;

-Original Message-
From: Shawn Konopinsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 3:26 PM
Subject: Dime Attachments

I have what seems to be a problem with send DIME attachments in SOAP.

Mime works just fine for me when I use the following to set the send

However, when I make the simple modification to the line above to use
DIME as the send type (replace Attachments.SEND_TYPE_MIME with
Attachments.SEND_TYPE_DIME), it doesn't work.

Is there anything additional that I have to do aside from setting the
attachment type to DIME to switch between a MIME and DIME attachment

I am viewing the request/response through Axis' TCP Tunnel viewer. When
I run through a request with DIME, the response from the server looks

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=754354ADC18D3D950CEACF80F0191805; Path=/bind
Content-Type: application/dime;charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 20:50:51 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Connection: close

   see attachment
   (+(+RecordType:(interaction complex
pathway ) +(gi:(4757840  -((+BINDInteraction.a.type:"not
specified" +BINDInteraction.a.shortlabel:"Unknown")
(+BINDInteraction.b.type:"not specified"

As you can see it seems as if the response is malformed. Not sure if
this is a result of the problem, or something wrong with the proxy that
I am using to view the response. It is stumping me because MIME works
fine, and DIME give me the weird result above. No exceptions seem to be
thrown from the SOAP server.

Has anyone else had a problem like this or know how I might troubleshoot