Re: DIME and MTOM with WSE

2006-04-10 Thread Florian Rengers

Thanks Bob,

did you definitive reached the MTOM encoded communication between an 
AXIS2 service and a .NET WSE 3.0 client or do you know someone who did?


DeRemer, Bob schrieb:

From an interop standpoint, you should stick to .NET 2.0 + WSE 3.0 + MTOM on

the .NET side.  DIME is not going to be supported going forward in the MS
land.  The other alternative - from a .NET standpoint would be using WinFX
and the WCF [Windows Communication Framework] aka Indigo.  WCF is
Microsoft's communication unification and has the best WS-* support. 

If your .NET platform requirements can be XP SP2 or later, then I would be
looking at WinFX.


-Original Message-
From: Florian Rengers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 9:06 AM

Subject: DIME and MTOM with WSE

Hi SOAPies,

I wrote a JAX-WS Service and a WSE 3.0 .NET Client.

But there seems to be a compatibility problem exchanging MTOM encoded data.

So I think about using AXIS instead of JAX-WS.

I know that AXIS and .NET are theoretical compatible using DIME or MTOM.
But what about the practice?

So before I port my JAX-WS service to AXIS I have to know if there is 
someone out there who has definitive reached a binary attachment data 
exchange from an AXIS Service to a WSE .NET Client.

Can someone say that?

And when yes, with which technologies
AXIS 1.x, WSE 2.0 and DIME
AXIS 2.x WSE 3.0 and MTOM

Best Regards


DIME and MTOM with WSE

2006-04-10 Thread Florian Rengers

Hi SOAPies,

I wrote a JAX-WS Service and a WSE 3.0 .NET Client.

But there seems to be a compatibility problem exchanging MTOM encoded data.

So I think about using AXIS instead of JAX-WS.

I know that AXIS and .NET are theoretical compatible using DIME or MTOM.
But what about the practice?

So before I port my JAX-WS service to AXIS I have to know if there is 
someone out there who has definitive reached a binary attachment data 
exchange from an AXIS Service to a WSE .NET Client.

Can someone say that?

And when yes, with which technologies
AXIS 1.x, WSE 2.0 and DIME
AXIS 2.x WSE 3.0 and MTOM

Best Regards


Re: WSDL interop question using .NET service and Axis2 0.94 client

2006-03-28 Thread Florian Rengers
Title: WSDL interop question using .NET service and Axis2 0.94 client

Hi Bob,

I have a Interop-problem.

I wrote a Service based on the Java-Technology JAX-WS which provides documents MTOM encoded and I wrote a consumer-client in c#.NET.

On client-side I get an exception during deserialisation the response-message:

Client found response content type of
'Multipart/Related; type=\"application/xop+xml\"; boundary=\"=_Part_0_24598445.1143476873406\"; start-info=\"text/xml\"',
but expected 'text/xml'.

I sniffed the in- and outcomming messages. Here is the JAX-WS response(shorted):

  Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
  Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=6156A549140745D2AD142A1F826387A4; Path=/geoengine
  Content-Type: Multipart/Related; type="application/xop+xml"; boundary="=_Part_2_18504142.1143467055109"; start-info="text/xml"
  Content-Length: 59571
  Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 13:44:15 GMT
  Content-Type: application/xop+xml; type="text/xml"; charset=utf-8
  Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  Content-transfer-encoding: binary

The only significant difference between .NET request and JAX-WS response I found is that the .NET request has an additional property "start" in its content-header which links to the message-part and "charset" is set to "utf-8".

Could this be the reason for the fault?

Best Regards


DeRemer, Bob schrieb:


  I'm a software architect who has been
working with distributed MS technologies since 97.  I have been working
with ASMX 2.0 and WSE3, along with the Indigo beta bits for a while.  I
am now starting to dive deep into both Axis2 and the Sun JWSDP 2
implementations to see where the gaps are and just how well the
frameworks interoperate when using more advanced WS technologies (i.e.
TCP hosting, MTOM, custom transports, etc.).
  As such, I'm focusing on the
contract-first approach - creating my WSDL, then generating my
respective .NET and Java implementations.
  I've come across a couple issues when
running WSDL2Java on doc/literal WSDL - one of which has already been
reported on this list.  The other may be WSDL2Java user error, but I'm
not sure.
  Question #1 [already reported
against 0.94]: 
  WSDL2Java throws an exception when the
the WSDL types section contains more than one restricted enumeration. 
This one has already been reported and apparently used to work in
0.93.  So, hopefully, this will be an easy fix for a 0.94 patch or 0.95.
  Question #2: 
  When I generate client proxy code for a
message with a single  and
document/literal binding and operations (i.e. NO rpc anywhere) I still
end up with ADDBean-derived databound Java wrapper objects.  
  Is there a way to get the client proxy
code to simply have a method with the actual parameters instead of the
single databound wrapper object parameter?  If I generate .NET client
proxies, the code is the CLR types as generated from the XSD to CLR
conversion - without any wrapper parameter object.  Also, if I run the
wscompile tool with the JWSDP 2, it generates the non-wrapped client
proxy similar to .NET.
  Thanks in advance for any help. 
Please let me know if you have any further questions!
  Bob DeRemer
  Sr. Software Architect
  SAP Labs, LLC
  350 Eagleview Blvd
  Exton, PA  19341  USA
  T1  +1.610.903.8000 x 136
  T2  +1.717.505.7923
  M   +1.717.424.9595

SOAP attachments Interoperability

2006-02-28 Thread Florian Rengers

Hi all,

I have to write a SOAP Service with Java that deliver different 
documents like Word, pdf and image files.

As a Service Consumer I have to write a dotNET Client which invoke the 
service with the identifier of the desired document.

I have three main questions:

There are many types of attachment handlings and encodings like MTOM, 

Which of these are really both supported from .NET and from a Java.
A read that I should use mime for an interoperable service, but I also 
read that dotNET does not support MIME encoding.

Which Java Technology should I use for this, Apache Axis or JAX-WS?

Do I have to define the attachment type in the wsdl-file. I saw some 
examples in which that was done.
This is a problem for me because as I described the attachment type will 
differ for each response.

Hope that someone can help me out of my uncertainty.

