Axis 1.2 problem with generated WSDL using ?WSDL option

2005-09-14 Thread Harrison Tim



I've noticed a small problem with Axis 1.2 when generating
WSDL using the ?WSDL suffix to the URL for a deployed web service.


I have a type defined within a message schema that is
imported into the source WSDL used to generate the java classes, as follows:












After deploying the service, using the ?WSDL option, for
some reason the type of the RepNumber element is shown as "tns3:int"
instead of "xsd:int". The tns3 namespace has the following value xmlns:tns3= in the generated WSDL.


What confuses me is
that all other types of "xsd:int" in this and other message schemas
survive intact; only this element is changed. Could it be something to do with
the fact that this element is optional that causes axis 1.2 to generate and
incorrect type? Something is triggering the use of soap encoding, but I can't
see what...


Any suggestions for
fixes/workarounds gratefully received.







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RE: Axis 1.2 with doc/lit implementation

2005-05-24 Thread Harrison Tim
Title: RE: Axis 1.2 with doc/lit implementation

Hi Henry

I don't think the java2WSDL properly generates document/literal WSDL in  Axis 1.1, but I haven't tried this in 1.2. I have always needed to edit the WSDL output, change the style/encoding and use a single complex type as the request argument to the methods called  - there needs to be a single root element in the SOAP body to adhere to WS-I BP1.0.


-Original Message-
From: Henry Lu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 24 May 2005 14:46
Subject: Re: Axis 1.2 with doc/lit implementation

You are right. But if you look at the wsdl file generated by the
java2wsdl of Axis1.2, it still comes out with multiple parts. If you
look at a wsdl file  generated by .NET from the same interface, it
implements correctly. I'd raised this issue for years and put it in
the request a couple of times and it seems to me it has never been fixed
based upon the W3C standard.


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RE: basic authentication

2005-05-23 Thread Harrison Tim
Title: RE: basic authentication


It's fairly straightforward, here's both the client and server side code to a test web service, including the code for setting the HTTP basic authentication parameters and extracting them at the server side. 

They appear in the request as a http header, with the username and password base64 encoded.

"Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)"

The client looks like this :-

public class ClientCallService
  public MyServiceResponseType callWebService(MyServiceRequestType req)
 throws Exception
    MyServiceLocator os   = new MyServiceLocator();
    MyServiceSoapBindingStub stub = (MyServiceSoapBindingStub)

   // Set basic authorization parameters on the HTTP request 
   // using the account number + "password"

   return (stub.MyFunction(req));

And on the server side, within the class that handles the Axis service being called, to read the HTTP headers, code looks like this :-

String user  = null;
String password  = null;
String returnStr = null;

// Get the current message context
MessageContext msgContext = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();

// Get the authorization string from the HTTP header
String headerAuth = (String)msgContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION);

// Trim the string
if (headerAuth != null)
   headerAuth = headerAuth.trim();
// Break it down into the decoded username and password
if (headerAuth != null && headerAuth.startsWith("Basic "))
  int i;
  headerAuth = new String(Base64.decode(headerAuth.substring(6)));
  log.getLogger().info("Base64 decoded auth string [" + headerAuth + "]");
  i = headerAuth.indexOf( ':' );
  if (i == -1)
    user = headerAuth;
   user = headerAuth.substring(0, i);
  if (i != -1)
    password = headerAuth.substring(i+1);
    if (password != null && password.equals(""))
 password = null;

If you print out the username and password values, it should be what was passed in by the client. You can then choose to authenticate against a database, XML file or whatever.

Remember to use https as Basic Authorization is unsafe without encrypting the whole session.


-Original Message-
From: Plorks mail [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 23 May 2005 09:37
Subject: basic authentication

Dear all,

I'm trying to access an external web service that requires me to pass a 
valid username and password.  I have some documentation but i'm clear how i 
do this

It says "customers will be authenticated through use of HTTP headers.  
Authenticaton is performed using standard HTTP basic authentication.  Every 
message must have the HTTP authentication header correctly set with 
customer's id and password..."

I'm not sure how i do this

if i call an external function e.g. doSomething, how do i pass the 
credentials through?

Any help much appreciated

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