Hi ...
Im new in web services, im installing axis2c v0.96 in apache2 v2.2.0 and suse 
v10.1; compilling the distribution source and have a error :

apache/2.2.0 (linux/suse) configured -- resuming normal operation
child 5894 returned a fatal error ... apache is exiting
starting log with log level 4
internal error: [axis2 ] error creating mod_axis2 apache2 worker

you have any idea this error ???

Javier A. Casasola Sánchez

"El estudio es el camino del triunfo"

On Mie Ene 17 17:34 , Nicholas Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

>I'm building a C client using axis2's wsdl2java and have some questions
>about the code it generates (the flags I'm using are: "-l c -a -u -d adb
>-uri myfile.wsdl").
>first, it looks like there are no classes generated for the return
>objects.  is that expected?  it appears to create a class for a request
>and a response.  although the response class has a get_FooReturn()
>function, it looks like it merely returns an axiom_node_t*, not an
>object with various getters/setters for the return value's data members.
>  So it looks like I need to write a bunch of code to parse the
>return--and I had hoped axis2 would handle that.
>second, I get a ton of warnings like this:
>Jan 16, 2007 11:46:27 AM org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler
>WARNING: Type {http://my.namespace.com}ArrayOf_xsd_string missing!
>Jan 16, 2007 11:19:20 AM org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompiler
>WARNING: Type {urn:mynamespace}MyFooBarList missing!
>So I'm wondering if there's a problem with the WSDL that is preventing
>the code generator from creating the return objects (eg: maybe it skips
>generating any objects that contain types that aren't properly definied?).
>Anyhow, I'd really appreciate some feedback on this.
>(PS: I would love to attach the WSDL, but unfortunately it contains info
>I can't release to the public.  I'm trying to create a trivial example
>WSDL that exhibits these problems and will post it if I'm successful).
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