Re: Issue : One way Request only Axis Web service

2009-07-03 Thread Kristof Lange


I think, you should use asynchron handling..
Therefore you have to enable the addressing module of axis2 on client & 
server side.
In your client, you should use 
serviceClient.sendReceiveNonBlocking(payload, callback);

I hope this will help you a bit.
Best regards
TechNewbie wrote:

We are calling a Axis web service . The client code is in Oracle BPEL.. The
web service has been defined to be a request only 1 way service. The axis
service takes around 5-7 minutes to complete the job( data
insertion/updation in DB).. 

It seems like when BPEL invokes the web service; the client thread is
waiting (thread is not released) and the BPEL process does not move forward
until the web service completes the job

How can I ensure that the client thread is released after the web service
receives the request...
Any pointers on how the deal with the issue will be helpful!!


asynchron requests with axis2 1.5

2009-06-25 Thread Kristof Lange

Hi there,
I hope I am right here.
I´ve got a problem with client-server communication. I want to send more 
than one requests to a server (WPS) which should be handled in an 
asynchronized way. With axis2-1.4.1 I was able to send more requests to 
the server, where the requests were handled and then, only the first 
response was sent via callback...
I did not find any mistakes in my code so I thought that there is a bug 
in the axis2-1.4.1 api..

I tried the same with version axis2-1.5 but got other mistakes..
Can you help me by telling me, if that what I want to do is possible?
This are the warnings that were served at the server-side..
1965512 [http-8080-Processor24] WARN 
org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils  - [JAXWS] - unable to load 
1965541 [http-8080-Processor24] WARN 
org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils  - [JAXWS] - unable to load 
1965568 [http-8080-Processor24] WARN 
org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils  - [JAXWS] - unable to load 
1965594 [http-8080-Processor24] WARN 
org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils  - [JAXWS] - unable to load 
1965614 [http-8080-Processor24] WARN 
org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils  - [JAXWS] - unable to load 
1965616 [http-8080-Processor24] INFO 
org.apache.axis2.deployment.ClusterBuilder  - Clustering has been disabled

on client side, I just get an Transport error: 500..

Thanks for your help

Kristof Lange