
I installed axis 1.3 and converted a WSDL file to java (ADB) code.
WSDL2Java command exited without errors, however I cannot build
the result files.

Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The method fromString(XMLStreamReader, String, String) in the type
Lang_type0.Factory is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
RNSClient2/src/org/oasis_open/docs/wsrf/bf_2 Description_type0.java line
468 1192180011932 38527
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The method fromString(XMLStreamReader, String, String) in the type
Lang_type0.Factory is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)
RNSClient2/src/org/oasis_open/docs/wsrf/bf_2 Description_type0.java line
473 1192180011932 38528

The WSDL ( and schema ) file is here:

Is this a bug with wsdl2java or my WSDL file wrong?

I have another question.
The generated code use
org.w3.www._2005._08.addressing.EndpointReferenceType instead of
I could not find how to fix this issue.

-------- code ----------
if (tempAttribLang!=null){
java.lang.String content = tempAttribLang;

if (tempAttribLang.indexOf(":") > 0) {
// this seems to be a Qname so find the namespace and send
prefix = tempAttribLang.substring(0, tempAttribLang.indexOf(":"));
namespaceuri = reader.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
} else {
// this seems to be not a qname send and empty namespace incase of it is
// check is done in fromString method

} else {


Masahiro Nakamura

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