Receive SOAPMessage object on the server side with Axis for Java

2006-10-03 Thread Pico Florin
Hi, all!   I want to ask you if it possible to receive the full SOAPMessage object in the server side, meaning something like this:  //on the server side to have something like this   SOAPMessage receive(SOAPMessage msg)I ask you this because I need to parse the header from the receive the  SOAPMessage. I've seen a method where you can put in the SOAPHeader  object the authorization business I would like to do the same thing.Thank you,   Florin   
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Build Secure Web Service With SOAP Headers

2006-09-27 Thread Pico Florin
Hi, all!   I've read this document: with building secure web services with SOAP headers and  extensions in C# and I compared with what wss4j offers in order to  secure the web services.   I've read the example from Apache wss4j Axis Deployment tutorial but I  was dissiponted because I didn't find the source for the example  (something like download the example code). Because I'm newbie in this  subject I found that is pretty difficult to deal with this document and  that is way I would like to know if it is possible with Axis 1.4  (latest version) to pass the client's credentials to the web server  service (in order to authorize the SOAP message) by putting them in the  SOAP header as the above article describe for the C# implementation. Thank you,   Florin 
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Get all ClassRef's using BCEL

2006-03-06 Thread Pico Florin
Hi, all!   I've received responses for my question regarding "how to obtain  the imported class using BCEL" ( thank you guys) and the most suitable  for what I really want is the Nam T. Nguyen's response. In his respose  ( see : l)he said something about iterating throught all ClassRef's. I  don't know what he means sayng this.Do you know what is about?   Thank you,   Florin  
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Where to put AxisClient.dll?

2005-10-27 Thread Pico Florin
 I have a problem with my Axis C++ client. I cannot starting from Visual C++ 6.0 because a message error is shown:
 "This application has failed to satrt because AxisClient.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem".
Thank you,

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Re: Where to put AxisClient.dll?

2005-10-27 Thread Pico Florin
Thank very much guys! I've put the dll files in the directory where the exe file was. Now is working. Irealy apreciate this kindof communication.

FlorinTomaz Rotovnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You can also set Working directory in VS. Open menu Projects-Settings-Debug tab -Working Directory
In that directory than put all dll's needed for the project.

Best regards


- Original Message - 
From: Pico Florin 
To: Apache AXIS C User List 
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: Where to put AxisClient.dll?

 I have a problem with my Axis C++ client. I cannot starting from Visual C++ 6.0 because a message error is shown:
 "This application has failed to satrt because AxisClient.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem".
Thank you,

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Exception occured: Cannot deserialize the requested element

2005-10-17 Thread Pico Florin
I'm receiving this message error while trying to send the string message(via AXIS C++ client):


The problem might occur when it try to deserialize the special char "ñ". 

So, there is a way to avoid this? Theoretical that shouldn't be problem in sending any kind of messages.

Thank you,

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Re: Exception occured: Cannot deserialize the requested element. Solved

2005-10-17 Thread Pico Florin
I know why this is happen: when you send a soap message via AXIS C++rpc you send itcoded via UTF8.The special characters that occur it cannot deserilize. 

Pico Florin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm receiving this message error while trying to send the string message(via AXIS C++ client):


The problem might occur when it try to deserialize the special char "ñ". 

So, there is a way to avoid this? Theoretical that shouldn't be problem in sending any kind of messages.

Thank you,

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Sending UTF8 messages with AXIS C++

2005-10-17 Thread Pico Florin
 I've tested the AXIS C++ client and Java client for SAP BC server.
here is what SAP BC server receive for the input:

ACC)received from AXIS C++ client:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
IDataXMLCoder version="1.0" record javaclass="" value name="fileName"again.txt/value value name="out"España/value value name="xml"España/value /record/IDataXMLCoder

AJC)received from Java client:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
IDataXMLCoder version="1.0" record javaclass="" value name="fileName"utf8.txt/value value name="xml"España/value /record/IDataXMLCoder

If I resend the received message from SAP BC to a JBoss server (via RPC protocol) we will receive:

JBoss recieves from SAP BC(ACC):

JBoss recieves from SAP BC(AJC):

So the message is altered while using the AXIS C++ client.I want that this message to remain the same as I sent it.Any suggestion?
Thank you,

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Error: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.

2005-10-11 Thread Pico Florin
 When I'am running my application(sends soap messages to a sap bc server from time to time) this exception is thrown:

Exception : HTTPTransportException:Unknown Transport Exception Failed to open connection to server: hostname='localhost'port=''Error Message='Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.
'Error Code='10048'.

What is the reason? And how can I avoid this?

Thank you,

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Removing call parameters

2005-10-04 Thread Pico Florin

I have two question:
 1.I've seen that in class Call we didn't have a method called removeAllParametrers() like in the correspondent classin java. In this case how can I release the parameters?

2. Suppose that we have a class WS that echoes a String (using a method echoString(axis__string ) ) and we want to call this method for many times? The snippet code looks like this:
 WS ws;
 char * str = "Hello world!"; while(1){ AxisChar* pachEchoStringResult = ws.echoString(str); printf("Call %d-%s\n",i,pachEchoStringResult);}

How I will implement the WS's method "echoString"in order to the above snippet not "fail"?


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Re: Axis C++ client for SAPBC

2005-10-03 Thread Pico Florin

I've tried to execute my client AXIS C++for SAP BC from VC6.0 and I've received the same execption: Exception : DLOPEN FAILED in loading parser library even I've set up the AXISCPP_HOME enviroment variable to the path ofaxiscpp.conf. Can somebody help me to pass this error?
Thank you!
 FlorinSamisa Abeysinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

axiscpp.conf file is required by the client to locate the transport and parser.It should be located in AXISCPP_HOME (this envioronment variable must be set by you)Samisa...Pico Florin wrote: Hi! I've tried to create a client that sends SOAP messages to SAPBC  using AXIS C++. Running my code I've received this error: "Exception : DLOPEN FAILED in loading parser library"   I've understood that this problem could appear when the axiscpp.conf  is not well configured. Firstly, in my case where this file should be located? Because in your  examples you have some specifications just for Apache servers. Is this  file needed for all the clients that we want to implement? Secondly, I will show you how I've tried to connect to SAP BC in  order to see if the buss
  ines is
 OK:   InteropTestPortType::InteropTestPortType() :Stub(" ", APTHTTP1_1) { m_pCall-setEndpointURI("http://localhost:/soap"); } InteropTestPortType::~InteropTestPortType() { } /*Methods corresponding to the web service methods*/ /* * This method wrap the service method echoString */ xsd__string InteropTestPortType::echoString(xsd__string Value0) { xsd__string Ret = NULL; const char* pcCmplxFaultName; try { if (AXIS_SUCCESS != m_pCall-initialize(CPP_RPC_PROVIDER)) return Ret; m_pCall-setTransportProperty(SOAPACTION_HEADER , "base#echoString"); m_pCall-setSOAPVersion(SOAP_VER_1_1); m_pCall-setOperation("SOAPRPCTESTCLIENT", "SCANDLOG"); applyUserPreferences(); m_pCall-addParameter((void*)Value0, "xml", XSD_STRING); if
 (AXIS_SUCCESS == m_pCall-invoke()) { if(AXIS_SUCCESS == m_pCall-checkMessage("hello", "SCANDLOG")) { Ret = m_pCall-getElementAsString("_return", 0); } }  m_pCall-unInitialize(); return Ret; } catch(AxisException e) { int iExceptionCode = e.getExceptionCode(); if(AXISC_NODE_VALUE_MISMATCH_EXCEPTION != iExceptionCode) {  m_pCall-unInitialize(); throw base_AxisClientException(e.what()); } ISoapFault* pSoapFault = (ISoapFault*)  m_pCall-checkFault("Fault","http://localhost/axis/base" ); if(pSoapFault) {  m_pCall-unInitialize(); throw base_AxisClientException(pSoapFault); } else throw; } }  //base  int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  try { &
 BR InteropTestPortType ws;  printf("invoking echoString...\n"); //testing echoString AxisChar* pachEchoStringResult = ws.echoString("hello world"); printf("pachEchoStringResult\n");  } catch(AxisException e) { printf("Exception : %s\n", e.what()); } catch(exception e) { printf("Unknown exception has occured\n"); } catch(...) { printf("Unknown exception has occured\n"); } return 0; } Thank you, F.  Yahoo! Messenger   NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail  

Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail 
		Yahoo! Messenger 
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Re: Axis C++ client for SAPBC

2005-10-03 Thread Pico Florin
Regarding the tpcmon: 
 I have the SAP BC serveron port . If I want to listen this port on tpcmon I receive this message: Address already in use JVM_Bind. So, what port should I listen inorder to see the request message?
 Thank you,

		Yahoo! Messenger 
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RE: [Axis2] Axis C++ client for SAPBC

2005-09-28 Thread Pico Florin
 I've tried to create a client that sends SOAP messages to SAPBC using AXIS C++. Running my code I've received this error:
"Exception : DLOPEN FAILED in loading parser library"

I've understood that this problem could appear when the axiscpp.conf is not well configured.
Firstly, in my case where this file should be located? Because in your examples you have some specifications just for Apache servers. Is this file needed for all the clients that we want to implement? 
 Secondly, I will show you how I've tried to connect to SAP BC in order to see if the bussines is OK:

InteropTestPortType::InteropTestPortType():Stub(" ", APTHTTP1_1){m_pCall-setEndpointURI("http://localhost:/soap");}
/*Methods corresponding to the web service methods*/
/** This method wrap the service method echoString*/xsd__string InteropTestPortType::echoString(xsd__string Value0){xsd__string Ret = NULL;const char* pcCmplxFaultName;try{if (AXIS_SUCCESS != m_pCall-initialize(CPP_RPC_PROVIDER)) return Ret;m_pCall-setTransportProperty(SOAPACTION_HEADER , "base#echoString");m_pCall-setSOAPVersion(SOAP_VER_1_1);m_pCall-setOperation("SOAPRPCTESTCLIENT", "SCANDLOG");applyUserPreferences();m_pCall-addParameter((void*)Value0, "xml", XSD_STRING);if (AXIS_SUCCESS == m_pCall-invoke()){if(AXIS_SUCCESS == m_pCall-checkMessage("hello", "SCANDLOG")){Ret = m_pCall-getElementAsString("_return",
 0);}}m_pCall-unInitialize();return Ret;}catch(AxisException e){int iExceptionCode = e.getExceptionCode();if(AXISC_NODE_VALUE_MISMATCH_EXCEPTION != iExceptionCode){m_pCall-unInitialize();throw base_AxisClientException(e.what());}ISoapFault* pSoapFault = (ISoapFault*) m_pCall-checkFault("Fault","http://localhost/axis/base" );if(pSoapFault){m_pCall-unInitialize();throw base_AxisClientException(pSoapFault);}else throw;}}


int main(int argc, char* argv[]){  try{InteropTestPortType ws;printf("invoking echoString...\n");//testing echoString AxisChar* pachEchoStringResult = ws.echoString("hello world");printf("pachEchoStringResult\n");}catch(AxisException e){printf("Exception : %s\n", e.what());}catch(exception e){printf("Unknown exception has occured\n");}catch(...){printf("Unknown exception has occured\n");}return 0;}
Thank you,
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