
2006-01-27 Thread Stettler, Robert

Using Axis 1.5 and while testing using tcpmon against an IIS
.NET server I get an 200 error host invalid. 

The first request is successful but the second one
fails. When I looked at the tcpmon input for the two requests I noticed
that the Host: element in the http headers for the two requests
were not the same. 

The first request had the Target Host that I
entered in tcpmon. The second had the hostname where tcpmon was running.
Essentially the host from the URL used to establish the client connection.

Is there a ways to control the Host:
element? I looks like the server is looking at that field for either
routing or security or something?

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RE: deserialization ??

2006-01-26 Thread Stettler, Robert
Not having followed all of the chain... so may not be related.  But I had 
issues where objects were returning NULL even though I could see them in the 
response via tcpmon.

In my case the server side wsdl changed and added fields.  The client side did 
not get regenerated.  So everything after the newly added field was returned as 
NULL.  I obtained a new wsdl from the server and regened the client and 
problems were resolved.

-Original Message-
From: Primož Führer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:38 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: deserialization ??

... found out any about deserializating complex object...? :-)

- Original Message - 
From: Adrian Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: deserialization ??


 As has been suggested, it sounds like the deserializer has returned NULL,
 for a value (based on the code) which cannot be NULL.
 I can see from your SOAP message that a value is present, so something
 have happened in the deserializer.

 Can you provide the WSDL and SOAP request/responses messages to allow us
 further diagnose the cause?

 Adrian Dick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 Tomaž Rotovnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 24/01/2006 13:39:42:

  Then just first test if p_idInstalacije is NULL (I did so).
  I beleive that idInstalacije should not be null, because you send
  some value. I think I also have some problems with correct order of
  sending parameters. In your case you need to have the next order of
  sending parameters:
  If you have that order than the problem could be in xsd__int
  variable. You should check max and min value that can be asigned (I
  have problems with that also)
  - Original Message -
  From: Primož Führer
  To: Apache AXIS C User List
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:48 AM
  Subject: Re: deserialization ??
  The problem occurs just before delete variable, when it tries to set
  param-idInstalacije = *p_idInstalacije, because p_idInstalacije has
  value null because of the line :
  xsd__int* p_idInstalacije = (pIWSDZ-getElementAsInt
  whole method:
  int Axis_DeSerialize_UserPrijava(UserPrijava* param,
  IWrapperSoapDeSerializer* pIWSDZ)
xsd__int* p_idInstalacije =
param-idInstalacije = *p_idInstalacije; //Error occurs here
  delete p_idInstalacije;
xsd__int* p_idUsr = (pIWSDZ-getElementAsInt(idUsr,0));
param-idUsr = *p_idUsr;
delete p_idUsr;
xsd__int* p_jezik = (pIWSDZ-getElementAsInt(jezik,0));
param-jezik = *p_jezik;
delete p_jezik;
param-shema = pIWSDZ-getElementAsString(shema,0);
  - Original Message -
  From: Tomaž Rotovnik
  To: Apache AXIS C User List
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:39 AM
  Subject: Re: deserialization ??
  The problem is in deleting allocated variables (calling delete or free)
  The code should also be compiled as Multithreaded or Singlethreaded
  DLL (run time library options).
  - Original Message -
  From: Primož Führer
  To: Apache AXIS C User List
  Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:30 AM
  Subject: deserialization ??
  i'm using web service for login, when i invoke it it creates next
  request and get response:(As response must return id_usr = 30 ,
  id_instalacije = 0,jezik = 1)
  problem is in deserialization(i think) where gives exception...
  acces violation at 0x05. as it seems the client don't get back
  values... What could be wrong:
  POST /idoc/services/Prijava HTTP/1.1
  Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
  Content-Length: 462
  ?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?
   xmlns:xsd=; xmlns:xsi=http:
  username xsi:type=xsd:stringprimozf/username
  pswd xsi:type=xsd:stringprimozf/pswd
  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
  Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 09:22:14 GMT
  Server: Apache Coyote/1.0
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=; xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.
  org/2001/XMLSchema xmlns:xsi=
  soapenv:Bodyns1:checkLoginResponse soapenv:encodingStyle=http:
  // xmlns:ns1=http://192.168.0.
  210:8080/idoc/services/PrijavacheckLoginReturn xsi:type=ns2:

RE: Memory leaks

2005-12-22 Thread Stettler, Robert

When you say parser layer, do you mean the
way Axis uses the parser is causing leaks, or the parser itself it
leaking? I am using Xerces parser myself in my code and if it is leaking
it is very slow. I ran a loop for 5 minute or so and no leak showed up.

When I run the axis sample in a loop the
leak is constant and shows up quickly and does not level off. It leaks
more the larger the response document is which makes sense if guess if it is in
the parser layer.

-Original Message-
From: John Hawkins
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005
4:49 AM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: Memory leaks

We are aware that we have some memory leaks in xerces
parser layer. Please also be aware that the memory model has changed
substantially in 1.6 and that this release should have far fewer leaks.

  Stettler, Robert
  21/12/2005 02:24 

respond to
Apache AXIS C User List



Apache AXIS C User List 





Memory leaks



I am using 1.5 final. It seems to be leaking. I am deleting
objects returned by generated stubs and I delete the Soap object when I am done
with it. Is there any other clean up that is required? 

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Memory leaks

2005-12-20 Thread Stettler, Robert

I am using 1.5 final. It seems to be leaking. I am
deleting objects returned by generated stubs and I delete the Soap object when I
am done with it. Is there any other clean up that is required?

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stub transport

2005-12-14 Thread Stettler, Robert

Is there any sort of stub http transport? Maybe something
file driven? I would like to use something like that for unit testing?

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RE: Axis C++1.5 - behavior question

2005-12-08 Thread Stettler, Robert

We had a situation where a field was
added to the WS interface but the client was using the previous version of the
WSDL. The C++ stub marshaled all of the data upto the unexpected
field. All fields following are null but no exception was
generated. Other than the null fields there was not indication of a

I had someone using the java version
of Axis. In the Java version an exception is generated. 

What is the expected behavior?

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RE: Axis C++ suggestion

2005-12-08 Thread Stettler, Robert

Are there any plans to add
namespaces to the generated C++ classes? We are having problems that the
services are using the same structure and we are running into name collisions.

Our solution is to hand code
namespaces into the generated classes. 

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Memory management

2005-12-08 Thread Stettler, Robert

Does the client need to delete the memory associated with
the return objects returned by the generated webservice methods? Or is the
memory managed by the axis?

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